• 2 years ago
(Adnkronos) - “Le stime del centro D.i.Re, che dicono che 4 su 10 subiscono violenza economica. Culturalmente alcuni comportamenti di controllo sono difficilissimi da identificare per le donne singole, in quanto insiti in alcuni modelli precostituiti dal passato”. Così Azzurra Rinaldi, economista intervenuta sul palco della Sala delle Colonne nella Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, all’interno di “Insieme per le donne”, rassegna di partenza della raccolta fondi targata BPER Banca in favore di D.i.Re.

Il salasso sociale è evidente in quanto l’argomento della violenza economica “è un problema di redistribuzione di chi possa produrre ricchezza. Questo focus è legato alla distribuzione del carico di cura. I Paesi della fascia mediterranea, accomunati dal modello di welfare che poggia sulla cura femminile dei fragili e dei figli, hanno in comune anche un tasso più alto di violenza sulle donne, unitamente a quella economica. In Paesi come Italia, Grecia e Portogallo le donne non lavorano e sono subalterne, non compartecipando spesso alla produzione di ricchezza”, ha aggiunto Rinaldi.


00:00 What are the consequences of the violence?
00:04 There are estimates from the Centre for the Prevention of Violence,
00:07 which tell us that out of the women who access the violence centres,
00:11 4 out of 10 suffer from economic violence.
00:15 The problem is at the base,
00:17 and the problem is that since culturally some of the control behaviours are considered normal,
00:22 for women in many cases, even for abused women,
00:25 it is very difficult to identify these behaviours
00:28 and therefore to identify as victims of economic violence.
00:31 It is a problem of redistribution of those who can produce wealth,
00:35 which is linked to the distribution of the care load.
00:38 In the sense that it is not a coincidence that the countries of the Mediterranean Belt,
00:42 which are joined by the model of Mediterranean welfare,
00:45 in which the women of the family take care of all the care activities not paid,
00:49 but also the countries where there is more violence against women, more economic violence,
00:54 consequently, since women are held in a subordinate position and do not work,
00:59 there is also a lower production of wealth.
01:02 We have the estimates of Banca d'Italia,
01:04 which tell us that for our country it would be sufficient to have a 60% of female employment
01:10 to have a 7% of domestic product.
01:13 At the same time, recently PricewaterhouseandCooper identified as a single growth factor
01:20 the most important one, namely the female human capital.
01:24 It is not a coincidence that even the latest researches of Alma Laurea tell us
01:28 that Italian women graduate earlier, with higher grades.
01:31 The system invests in their training and then does not allow them to work
01:36 and with their income and with the taxes they pay, redistribute to the community.
