Episod 491 My #QuranTime Jumaat 24 Disember 2021 Surah Al-Naml (27:45-55) Halaman 381

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Episod 491 My #QuranTime Jumaat 24 Disember 2021 Surah Al-Naml (27:45-55) Halaman 381
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01:53 and also the whole world with the guidance and help from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
01:57 We ask Allah to continue helping us.
02:00 With this test, we are facing it with faith.
02:03 And more and more people are bowing down,
02:06 prostrating to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
02:08 Today, we will continue from page 381,
02:11 Surah An-Namlu.
02:12 Surah As-Semud.
02:13 Where we learn that management is very important
02:17 in managing a country.
02:19 More than that,
02:21 the key to management is to bring everyone
02:24 to know and get closer to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
02:28 That is what was shown by Prophet Sulaiman.
02:30 And today, we are with Al-Fadl Ustaz Tirmizi Ali.
02:33 How are you, Ustaz?
02:34 Wa'alaikumussalam.
02:36 Peace be upon you.
02:38 Peace be upon you too.
02:40 How are you, Ustaz?
02:41 I'm fine.
02:42 Alhamdulillah.
02:43 We are still in a situation in Malaysia
02:45 that is not stable, Ustaz.
02:47 In terms of challenges that are coming.
02:50 And we pray for our friends in Pahang,
02:53 in Johor, in the East Coast,
02:56 in Selangor, and it is said in the North too, Ustaz.
03:00 The rain is getting heavier for some places.
03:04 Some are starting to flood.
03:06 May Allah help us.
03:08 Challenges are challenges, but faith, Ustaz.
03:11 We hope with this great faith,
03:15 we will continue to strive and continue to
03:17 be positive in what is happening.
03:20 And insyaAllah, there is something better
03:23 that may Allah replace it for everyone.
03:26 We will be in this page 381 today.
03:29 We start with our short prayer.
03:30 Subhanakallah.
03:31 Ilmalana illa ma'allamtana innaka'an tal'alimul hakim rabbi zidni ilma.
03:38 We will see what is the synopsis of page 381.
03:43 In verses 45 to 53, we will continue with a new story,
03:47 the story of Prophet Sualeh and his people.
03:50 And then in verses 54 to 55,
03:53 we will continue with the story of Prophet Lut and his people.
03:57 There are two stories in this page.
03:59 It is a new story, but it has the same theme,
04:04 related to remembrance and also good news
04:07 to those who are affected.
04:10 Let's read verses 45 to 50 together,
04:13 led by Al-Fadhil Ustaz Tirmizi Ali.
04:16 Alhamdulillah. Thank you Al-Fadhil.
04:18 Dear viewers and friends of Al-Quran,
04:20 Alhamdulillah, we are together in My Quran Time.
04:23 We read and understand the deeds.
04:24 Alhamdulillah, please spread the message,
04:26 press the share button below.
04:27 Viewers on Facebook, at home,
04:30 you can share it in the WhatsApp groups.
04:34 Hopefully, we can spread the Quran
04:37 to the whole world.
04:40 Hopefully, we can enjoy reading Al-Quran
04:42 and we want to study and learn the Tadabur of Al-Quran.
04:46 In this atmosphere,
04:47 we pray once again,
04:49 after we are shocked by the pandemic,
04:52 we pray once again to be reminded
04:55 so that we are not lazy and not lazy.
04:58 We are tested once again.
05:00 Hopefully, Allah SWT blesses and blesses our lives.
05:04 Let's start together.
05:06 Surah An-Namlu today.
05:08 Surah page 381 from verse 45 to verse 50.
05:15 With Maqam Sikah, insyaAllah.
05:19 Audhu Billahi minashaytanir rajim.
05:22 (Recitation from Holy Quran)
05:25 (Recitation from Holy Quran)
05:28 (Recitation from Holy Quran)
05:32 (Recitation from Holy Quran)
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05:57 (Recitation from Holy Quran)
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08:02 (Recitation from Holy Quran)
08:04 (Recitation from Holy Quran)
08:05 That was the recitation from verses 45 to 50
08:07 with Nafsuddin Ustaz Trimizi just now
08:10 to see what is contained in these verses.
08:15 We will see
08:16 (Recitation from Holy Quran)
08:18 After we sent to the Thamud people
08:22 (Recitation from Holy Quran)
08:23 i.e. their Prophet or their brothers among them
08:27 i.e. Saleh
08:28 not others but among their own people
08:31 (Recitation from Holy Quran)
08:32 and what is the call of this Prophet Saleh
08:35 is to worship Allah SWT
08:38 (Recitation from Holy Quran)
08:39 (Recitation from Holy Quran)
08:49 If we see in the previous Surah Ash-Shu'ara
08:52 it is related to them having a great Tamadun.
08:57 Alright, so in this verse 45
09:00 (Recitation from Holy Quran)
09:02 i.e. they suddenly become two opposing groups.
09:07 This is the same as what happened to Quraysh at that time.
09:10 Every time the events that are mentioned
09:12 the story of Prophet Saleh, the story of Prophet Hud
09:16 are repeated many times.
09:17 There is Surah Ash-Shu'ara, Surah An-Namlu
09:19 are in the previous Surahs.
09:21 But the important point is
09:23 when we see this story
09:25 we have to relate it to the story of Quraysh
09:27 and also our story.
09:28 Meaning there are three levels.
09:30 We will see that it is not just a repetition
09:33 but it is a reminder to us
09:35 that actually in the time of Prophet Saleh
09:38 they were asked to humble themselves
09:40 they fought.
09:42 They did not, the term is "Yaktasimun"
09:45 they were enemies with Prophet Saleh
09:47 because "do not disturb us".
09:49 "Do not disturb us, we have our own style,
09:51 our own way of life.
09:53 We want to worship Allah,
09:54 follow the rules of Allah.
09:55 We are rich, we already have our own way of life".
09:58 This happened in the time of Quraysh
10:00 and it is also happening in this time.
10:02 "Do not disturb us, we have our own way of life".
10:07 And when it is claimed,
10:09 what was done by Prophet Saleh
10:10 or in this time by preachers,
10:13 people who teach to the right path,
10:15 they do not agree.
10:17 Prophet Saleh said in the 46th verse,
10:21 "O my people,
10:23 why do you hope to speed up the punishment?
10:31 Where is the punishment from Allah?
10:33 You say you are right,
10:34 where is the punishment?
10:35 Why do you ask for that?
10:37 Whereas you should ask for "Qabla al-Hasanah"
10:40 which is to ask for forgiveness.
10:42 As in the 46th verse,
10:44 "If you do not ask for forgiveness from Allah,
10:49 you will not be blessed".
10:53 Actually, you will be blessed.
10:56 If you ask for forgiveness,
10:58 for the good of what is there,
11:00 it is okay if you say that
11:01 there were mistakes before this.
11:03 But, ask for forgiveness quickly.
11:05 Compared to, "Is it true?
11:07 Is it true that Allah will punish?
11:09 Is there a punishment?"
11:11 That thing is called
11:13 "Tasta'jilu nabis sayyi'ah".
11:15 Because when you try or ask
11:18 for forgiveness quickly,
11:20 it indicates that you are arrogant
11:22 when you make mistakes.
11:24 This is what we learn from the 46th verse.
11:27 This is our learning in this era, Ustaz.
11:30 When we talk about mistakes,
11:32 if we make a mistake in managing a country,
11:35 for example,
11:36 if we say we made a mistake as a family,
11:38 compared to challenging your husband,
11:40 your husband challenges his wife,
11:42 your wife challenges her husband,
11:44 and posts it on Facebook, etc.
11:46 Actually, that is "Tasta'jilu nabis sayyi'ah".
11:50 Actually, to speed up the badness,
11:53 the wife wants the badness for her husband,
11:55 the husband wants the badness for his wife,
11:58 they challenge each other,
11:59 the netizens support each other,
12:01 and burn it again,
12:02 and it's over.
12:03 This badness will spread.
12:05 This badness will spread
12:07 in a society.
12:09 But, what do we need to do?
12:11 Both sides,
12:12 whichever side is "Yakhtasimun",
12:14 which is not satisfied,
12:15 make Isti'afar,
12:16 and then improve it.
12:18 Improve it,
12:19 follow the right channel.
12:20 If there is an issue
12:22 related to the court,
12:24 follow the court channel,
12:25 refer to the leadership.
12:27 Not by spreading the matter further.
12:33 With Isti'afar,
12:34 what is the effect, gentlemen?
12:35 It causes us to get love from Allah SWT.
12:39 That is the principle of how we face challenges, Ustaz.
12:42 We face flood challenges now.
12:45 While we volunteer,
12:47 we have to do Isti'afar a lot, Ustaz.
12:49 Not voluntarily,
12:51 there is one side,
12:52 they say,
12:53 "We have collected 300,000."
12:56 They say it with a bit of arrogance.
13:01 Actually, we help by doing Isti'afar,
13:04 we are also helped by doing Isti'afar,
13:06 if we stay in places to keep the prayer.
13:09 Because there are also people who take help
13:12 but do not pray in the morning.
13:14 We have to improve that too.
13:16 Why?
13:17 We want the mercy from Allah
13:19 in the verse 46,
13:21 with Isti'afar,
13:22 we admit,
13:23 we make mistakes.
13:24 This is what happened to Prophet Adam too.
13:27 "Rabbana wa lamna anfusana wa ilam tawfiruna tarhamna lada kunan naminul khasirin."
13:33 Mercy from Allah, Ustaz.
13:34 Mercy from Allah is what we need now.
13:36 Whenever the water can rise,
13:38 whenever Allah can bring it down,
13:40 at any time.
13:42 In the verse 47,
13:44 we will see how the people responded to Prophet Sualih.
13:51 When they were given advice by Prophet Sualih,
13:54 "Do not ask for a quick repentance,
13:56 but Isti'afar,
13:58 it will be returned."
13:59 What is the return?
14:00 We will read the verse 47 again
14:02 and we hope it will also be a guide for us.
14:06 We will read the verse 47.
14:08 Hopefully, we will not be the people who do not feel anything with this trial.
14:13 Like Isti'afar said,
14:14 "Take help, but do not come in the morning."
14:17 "Prayer does not come, but take help."
14:19 It means that we are just being blown by the wind,
14:22 but there is no effect in our hearts
14:27 to be patient when this trial occurs,
14:29 so that we can take the teaching.
14:31 If not, we are still ashamed of the trial.
14:35 Some people increase their faith,
14:37 some people even go further.
14:40 Hopefully, we will take the teaching.
14:42 Verse 47, let's see the response of the next verse.
14:46 I will be a little bit shorter.
14:49 (Reciting)
14:51 (Reciting)
14:53 (Reciting)
14:55 (Reciting)
14:57 (Reciting)
14:59 (Reciting)
15:02 (Reciting)
15:04 (Reciting)
15:06 (Reciting)
15:08 (Reciting)
15:10 (Reciting)
15:38 (Reciting)
15:40 They replied, "We have an unfortunate fate
15:42 because of you and your companions."
15:44 The Prophet said, "Your fate is with Allah.
15:47 It is not us who is the reason,
15:48 but you are the people who are being tested."
15:51 This is the response from the righteous people.
15:55 They blamed the Prophet.
15:57 They said, "Our unfortunate fate is because of you."
16:03 But actually, the unfortunate fate comes from Allah.
16:10 But this is actually a test for them.
16:14 A test for them to pass in life.
16:17 In this verse,
16:19 the words of the Prophet tell us
16:21 how they are when they are not satisfied with the Prophet.
16:24 Not only they are not satisfied,
16:26 they have "Tis'atu Rahtin"
16:28 which means, there are nine groups or gangs
16:33 who do harm on earth
16:36 and do not do good.
16:39 These are the people of the Prophet,
16:41 the Prophet S.A.W.
16:43 So, why are there nine groups?
16:45 This is a sign that actually,
16:48 when they attack the Prophet S.A.W.,
16:51 they are enemies to each other
16:55 and do harm.
16:57 And what do they do?
17:00 They work together.
17:01 In verse 49,
17:02 "Ka'lu taqawthamu billah"
17:05 They swear to each other
17:08 to attack the Prophet S.A.W.
17:12 and his family members.
17:16 And then, what do they say?
17:19 "Lanaku lanaliwalihi mashahidina mahlika ahlihi wa inna la sadehun"
17:24 Their plot is actually,
17:26 they work together to make sure
17:29 that they work together.
17:32 They work together,
17:34 the nine groups kill the Prophet S.A.W.
17:36 and it is not possible to guess
17:39 who is the killer of the Prophet S.A.W.
17:42 This is a clue to the Prophet S.A.W.
17:45 in Mecca actually.
17:47 That is, they will make a plot in Mecca
17:52 and in the end,
17:54 it is a problem,
17:56 who will kill,
17:58 who will be brought back
18:04 in Mecca.
18:06 And this is what happened in the Hijrah.
18:08 They both attacked the Prophet S.A.W.
18:11 but the Prophet S.A.W. was saved by Allah SWT
18:14 because he is the protector
18:17 of the Prophet S.A.W.
18:20 And this verse 49 is the clue,
18:22 the revelation that came down.
18:24 And in verse 50, Allah said,
18:26 "Wa makaru makran wa makarna makran"
18:30 That is, they made a plan,
18:32 but Allah also made a plan.
18:34 "Wa humla yash'urun" but they did not notice.
18:36 They did not know that Allah is actually
18:38 the most powerful in this matter
18:42 because this story was given to the Prophet S.A.W.
18:44 as a clue.
18:46 And in this time,
18:48 Allah made a plan.
18:50 Actually, no matter what we plan,
18:52 some people plan to give help
18:54 because they want to get a name.
18:56 But actually, Allah made a plan.
18:58 There are people who are sincere,
19:00 help, even if they do not need a name,
19:02 help. And this is a sign.
19:04 Do not play with God,
19:06 but we must be serious.
19:08 Do something, lead with responsibility,
19:10 not just a name.
19:12 And for those who are helped,
19:14 we must continue to be close to Allah
19:16 so that Allah will continue to protect
19:18 and save us,
19:20 our country, inshaAllah.
19:22 This leads to our choice today.
19:24 We will see.
19:26 "Khosama" which means
19:28 "to be hostile or to be rebellious".
19:30 It is mentioned 18 times in the Quran.
19:32 This is what happened to the people of Prophet S.A.W.
19:34 They did not agree with Prophet S.A.W.
19:36 for the sake of truth,
19:38 but in the end, they were also destroyed
19:40 by Allah S.W.T.
19:42 So, we will take a short break.
19:44 We will be back after this
19:46 to continue
19:48 what happened to the people of Prophet S.A.W.
19:50 The term "Damarunahum"
19:52 is the term we will see
19:54 after the break.
19:56 By Quran Time,
19:58 read Faham Aman, inshaAllah.
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21:24 the people." And this was the story of Prophet Lut AS when he said to his people, "Why did you do this
21:33 immoral and despicable thing, when you realize how despicable is the deed of the mother of the Prophet?"
21:40 Again, we see the story of Prophet Lut AS, the people of Lut, which inshallah, although the verse is repeated,
21:49 there is a slight difference in the verse that we will learn, what is the message with Musa'afas later on.
21:56 Alright, thanks to all the audience, friends, stay tuned to My Quran Time, read Faham Amal.
22:03 Hopefully, we will not become like the people of Prophet Lut AS, until Allah SWT gives a very painful punishment
22:11 that we are unable to do, even though we say that we are the people of Muhammad AS,
22:16 we are not going to be punished, but we are afraid of the past events, we take lessons,
22:23 like what happened to us today.
22:26 Let's take a look at today's topic, friends,
22:29 the word "Raw" is read as "Nipis" (thin)
22:31 We have learned the example of "Raw" is read as "Tebal" (thick)
22:35 Today, we will study the word "Raw" that is read as "Tarqik" (thin)
22:40 For example, in Surah 6, page 381, in verse 45
22:46 "Fa-idha-hum fa-riqa-ni-yakh-talsimun"
22:50 "Fa-ri" "Fa-ri"
22:51 "Raw" when it is in the lower line, don't think it is long, it should be read as "Tebal"
22:56 "Ri" "Fa-idha-hum fa-riqa-ni-yakh-talsimun"
23:02 The second one is verse 51
23:04 "Aqibatu makrihim"
23:07 "Makrihim"
23:08 The third one is the word "Sabdu"
23:11 Let's see
23:12 "Innakum latak tu narija la syahuwa"
23:17 "Latak tu nari"
23:19 "Nun"
23:21 "Nun" meets "Raw"
23:22 "Nun" meets "Raw" which is the word "Sabdu"
23:24 "Raw" is "Sabdu"
23:26 So, it is not only "Raw" in the lower line,
23:29 "Ri" is already confirmed as "Nipis"
23:31 When "Sabdu" is dead,
23:32 "Nar" is already in the "Nipis" state
23:36 We do not say "Nar"
23:38 "Nar" is "Tebal" and "Ri" is "Nipis"
23:40 No
23:41 "Nari"
23:42 "Nari"
23:47 Many people read "Narija" as "Tebal"
23:50 When "Raw" is mentioned in the lower line,
23:53 there is no need to look at the previous or the last line
23:56 to confirm that "Raw" is "Nipis"
23:57 If there is "Sabdu",
23:58 it means that it must be read as "Nipis" too
24:00 Start from "Nari"
24:02 That is "Nipis"
24:04 "Nari"
24:09 "Fariqa"
24:10 "Fariqa"
24:11 Not "Farriqa"
24:13 "Fari"
24:14 We read "Al-Fatiha" as "Ghairi"
24:17 There is "Raw" in the lower line
24:19 "Ghairil-Maghdubi"
24:22 "Ghairi"
24:23 "Ri" is "Nipis"
24:24 Not "Ghairil"
24:26 "Ghairil"
24:27 That is "Tebal"
24:28 But, do not say "Nipis"
24:30 Because, "Nipis" is "Nipis"
24:33 "Ghairi"
24:34 Oh my God!
24:36 I have to read the Quran
24:38 I have to read the Quran
24:40 I have to read the Quran
24:42 It is like the water of the river
24:45 Yes
24:46 It is normal
24:47 "Ri"
24:49 There is no need to say "Ri"
24:52 It is a bit scary
24:53 "Ghairi"
24:55 That is all
24:56 Oh my God!
24:58 Thank you Ustaz Tirmizi
25:00 Today, it is a brief to learn how to say the letter "Raw"
25:05 With calmness
25:07 Yes, calmness
25:08 Calmness is with knowledge
25:09 Not calmness with following our mood
25:13 Praise be to Allah
25:14 Alhamdulillah
25:15 Today, we have seen the story of Prophet Sualih
25:21 A while ago
25:22 And if we notice
25:24 Actually, in Surah Ash-Shu'ara
25:25 We have seen the story of Prophet Sualih
25:27 Then, followed by Prophet Lut
25:29 I have noticed that
25:31 Why it is like repeating
25:32 These two Surahs
25:34 The 26th and 27th
25:36 But, it is a reminder
25:39 Let us not forget the important lesson
25:41 Let us continue
25:43 Because here, we want to make sure that
25:48 Understanding this story
25:49 Is related to the biography of Prophet Sualih
25:52 Because the Prophet received this revelation
25:54 As a source of his struggle
25:56 And it is related to us
25:58 Who also need to struggle
26:00 On the basis of truth
26:02 Let us see what happened to the people of Prophet Sualih
26:08 When they did not agree
26:12 To fight with Prophet Sualih
26:14 In fact, they planned a plot
26:17 To destroy Prophet Sualih
26:19 With nine rohtin
26:21 Nine gangs or groups at that time
26:25 We read verses 51 to 55
26:27 To see the effect
26:29 And the lesson for us
26:31 At that time
26:33 InshaAllah, we continue the story of Prophet Sualih
26:35 Then, we will continue with Prophet Lut
26:37 Let us read the verses 51 to 55
26:40 And the audience
26:41 Not only my audience
26:43 I want to ask Ustaz Fazrul
26:45 Because he is studying these Surahs
26:47 We hear Ustaz Fazrul studying
26:49 And conveying
26:50 There must be some important things
26:53 For us not to miss
26:55 Verses 51 to 55
26:57 Let us read together
26:59 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
27:03 [Arabic]
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27:41 [Arabic]
28:01 [Arabic]
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28:35 [Arabic]
29:03 [Arabic]
29:05 [Arabic]
29:06 Let us read from verses 51 to 55
29:08 We see in the story of Prophet Sualih
29:10 Still the story of Prophet Sualih
29:11 In Surah Ash-Shu'ara
29:12 There is a story about the camel
29:14 Camel
29:15 But the story of Prophet Sualih in Surah An-Namlu
29:17 There is no camel, Ustaz
29:18 There is no camel in this story
29:20 But it is explained
29:21 Apparently
29:22 If in Surah Ash-Shu'ara
29:23 About the miracle of Prophet Sualih
29:25 They are not satisfied
29:27 They want to complain
29:28 But apparently
29:29 The effect of not believing in the miracle
29:32 They have
29:34 Resentment towards
29:36 The command of Allah SWT
29:38 That is the point
29:39 If they do not like
29:40 Do not believe in the miracle
29:42 Do not take benefit from the miracle
29:44 And even oppose the miracle
29:46 Someone will be the one who opposes
29:48 To goodness and truth
29:50 This is what we observe
29:52 In verse 51
29:54 What is happening?
29:55 [Arabic]
29:59 Pay attention to the effect of their deceit
30:02 [Arabic]
30:05 We destroy them
30:07 [Arabic]
30:09 In their own way
30:11 What is left are some of their buildings
30:14 If the Meccans want to go to Sham
30:19 They will go through Madain Salih
30:21 They will see these buildings
30:23 And then
30:24 [Arabic]
30:26 It is destroyed
30:27 There are the remaining buildings
30:28 But what I want to say is
30:30 One of the highlights in Surah Al-Namlu
30:32 Is the story of the nine groups
30:34 They work together
30:36 To destroy the struggle
30:38 For the truth of Prophet Muhammad
30:40 Nowadays, there are people who are plotting
30:42 Sometimes there is a place
30:44 Maybe lower
30:45 Maybe a water reservoir
30:46 But they plot
30:48 And they sell
30:50 That thing
30:51 And finally the area is built
30:53 Houses
30:54 And finally if there is flood
30:55 That is the easiest place
30:57 The condition is
30:58 If you want to build a place like that
31:00 Maybe you have to build it
31:02 Maybe two meters more
31:03 But because there is a issue of corruption
31:06 Because they want to be rich fast
31:08 So they can plot
31:10 To not care
31:11 To take care of the safety
31:12 The important thing is
31:13 We get our share
31:14 If that is done
31:16 So that is what happened
31:18 In the time of Prophet Muhammad
31:20 These nine groups
31:21 Plan together
31:23 To ensure the truth
31:25 That was brought by Prophet Muhammad
31:27 Will be destroyed
31:29 In this time
31:31 What is the truth?
31:32 To fight
31:33 To fight for the rights of humans
31:35 Justice
31:36 That is the important message
31:38 Throughout
31:39 Throughout the history of humans
31:41 Allah asked us to pay attention
31:43 The effect
31:44 "Fatil kabuyu tuhum"
31:46 In their houses
31:48 That was destroyed
31:49 "Hawiyah bima zalamu"
31:52 What is the reason?
31:53 Because of the oppression that happened
31:54 "Innafidha liqala'a yatan liqawmi ya'lamun"
31:58 And this is the truth
32:00 Signs to people who want to know
32:03 So just the place in the text
32:04 If there is no knowledge about this
32:06 We feel like it is a normal building
32:08 But if we study it properly
32:10 Why were they destroyed?
32:11 Because of oppression
32:13 A country
32:14 A country
32:15 The longer it is destroyed
32:17 Who destroyed it?
32:19 Because of oppression
32:20 Corruption
32:21 Corruption
32:22 Abuse of power
32:24 And we need to rebuke this
32:26 We need to rebuke
32:27 If not, what happened to the country
32:29 The longer it is destroyed
32:31 The longer it is destroyed
32:32 The richer people
32:33 The richer people
32:34 The poorer people
32:35 The poorer people
32:36 The economy is destroyed
32:37 The politics is destroyed
32:38 The social is destroyed
32:39 Because of what?
32:40 Because of oppression
32:42 That needs to be rebuked
32:44 And if we rebuke
32:46 What is Allah's promise in verse 53?
32:48 "Wa anjainalladhi na'amanu"
32:51 We will save the believers
32:53 "Wa kanu yatakun"
32:55 And they always want to protect themselves
32:58 From the problems of politics, economy, social and life
33:01 What is this called?
33:03 Taqwa
33:04 Taqwa is not just we worship
33:06 Then we pay
33:08 We donate
33:09 Then we don't care
33:11 Corruption or abuse of power
33:15 That is not just the name of Taqwa
33:17 The effect of that prayer
33:18 We know that
33:19 I really do it for Allah
33:21 When I leave the prayer
33:23 I have to help people
33:27 I don't want this situation
33:28 We take time to go to Umrah
33:30 Until two or three weeks
33:32 People near Selangor
33:35 Near any country
33:36 Still need help
33:39 But where is the leader needed?
33:42 He is not even present
33:44 Together to see this
33:47 This is a responsibility of Amanah
33:48 And we need to pay attention
33:51 And this is the lesson from the story of the Prophet
33:54 We read in verse 54
33:56 One more
33:58 Other than the issue
34:00 The issue of stability and economy
34:02 At the time of the Prophet
34:04 The social issue
34:06 Which is about the culture
34:08 Among the people of the Prophet
34:10 Which we want to read again
34:11 Verse 54
34:13 We want to enter the next story
34:15 The story of the Prophet
34:17 Who challenged his preaching
34:19 In front of the people
34:21 Who are against the fitrah
34:24 Looking for a man
34:26 Leaving the women
34:28 And since then
34:29 The women are still silent
34:31 And they try together
34:34 To become more LGBT
34:37 And more and more
34:38 Today we see
34:40 Because of the effects of the terrible poverty
34:43 Until it never happened in the nature
34:46 The first people did it
34:48 And until now
34:50 We want to ask how Ustaz Fazrul
34:52 Our friends
34:54 Maybe there are some of us who are trapped with this
34:56 I went to the prison of the Buluh River
34:58 There is a program
35:00 With the leader there
35:02 And there are some
35:04 Among those involved with LGBT
35:07 It is difficult for us to return
35:10 But that is not the reason
35:12 Al-Quran
35:13 Hopefully can heal them
35:15 InshaAllah
35:16 We will continue in the next surah
35:18 Verse 54
35:20 Subhanallah
35:23 And Lot
35:26 When he said to his people
35:35 Why do you commit a sin
35:59 And you realize the sin
36:02 This is a reminder from
36:04 Prophet Lot to his people
36:07 Allah told us to remember this event
36:11 Why?
36:12 Because this is a crime in the society
36:16 Crime between men and women
36:20 And finally resulted
36:22 Women against women
36:24 And I saw on the internet
36:26 Now
36:27 Usually people say there are men and women
36:29 If only on Facebook
36:31 There are 58 types of women
36:33 Types of women
36:35 Yes
36:36 Meaning he told
36:37 He is a man or a woman
36:38 There are more types
36:40 There is the most recent one
36:42 Has reached 72
36:44 There are androgen, bigender, cisgender, gender fluid
36:48 All kinds of types of women
36:50 How it turns out
36:52 From one sin
36:54 They started this
36:56 They know this is a crime
36:58 You know this is a crime
37:02 But he showed
37:04 Not only he is not ashamed
37:05 But he declared
37:07 This is what happened
37:08 Until now there are 58
37:10 If you check on Facebook
37:12 If you want to check on Jantina
37:13 Not male, female
37:15 No, there are 58
37:17 58
37:18 So what is the story?
37:19 The effect when
37:21 You see this is a sin
37:23 But he showed
37:25 To other people
37:26 Like the case that happened
37:28 When something shameful happened
37:30 He spread it on social media
37:32 Not according to
37:34 To the channel that should be
37:36 The effect is people who don't know become known
37:38 And finally it spread
37:40 And become a disease
37:42 That people discuss
37:44 Things that
37:46 That need to be stopped
37:48 [Al-Quran Al-Baqarah]
37:50 "Do you come to a man with lust?"
37:53 [Al-Quran Al-Baqarah]
37:55 "Not to a woman"
37:57 [Al-Quran Al-Baqarah]
37:59 "Indeed you are a people who follow negative feelings"
38:04 Negative
38:05 We have discussed this in Surah Al-Baqarah
38:08 Prophet Musa prayed not to follow feelings
38:11 People who are involved with homosexual
38:13 LGBT
38:14 They just follow feelings
38:16 If they try to write a gender
38:18 To say this is because of genetics
38:20 Because of what
38:21 All of that is not based on knowledge
38:24 But their skill is
38:26 They will try to plot
38:28 To make sure
38:30 That they are justified by knowledge
38:34 They say genetics
38:36 Because they were born in a condition
38:38 Not enough hormones
38:40 This and that
38:42 But it was stated by Prophet Lot
38:44 [Al-Quran Al-Baqarah]
38:46 "You follow negative feelings only"
38:48 Feelings are okay
38:49 But negative feelings
38:51 Are not based on
38:53 Knowledge from Allah SWT
38:55 So this
38:56 We need to control
38:58 One of the ways to control this
39:00 Is to control emotions
39:02 Relationship between men and women
39:04 Then prayer discipline
39:06 Prayer for men and women are different
39:09 Men are recommended in the mosque
39:11 It requires the man's self-esteem
39:14 Sometimes we have to
39:15 If we are close to each other
39:16 We are jealous
39:18 We have a bad smell
39:20 We are still
39:21 Motivated for men
39:22 Different from women
39:24 But if he says
39:25 It's uncomfortable to go to the mosque
39:27 Even though he is already weak
39:29 This is the birth of weakness
39:31 To men
39:32 Finally
39:33 He became like that
39:34 I once made a program
39:36 With a group
39:37 A little soft
39:39 He is actually one of
39:41 From the question I asked
39:42 Do you always go to Friday prayer?
39:43 He said he was not comfortable
39:44 Going to Friday prayer
39:45 Because sometimes close
39:47 He doesn't like
39:49 And one more
39:50 He likes to wear perfume
39:51 So he doesn't like
39:52 If there is a little smell
39:54 He feels uncomfortable
39:55 Better to pray alone
39:56 He said it was more humiliating
39:58 So these are things
39:59 That parents need to teach
40:02 We pray together
40:03 Our children are taught
40:04 With masculinity
40:06 How?
40:07 For men
40:08 Build his rizal
40:10 By going to the mosque
40:11 What else is the mosque open right now?
40:13 If we don't take advantage
40:14 Mosque institutions
40:15 Actually we train
40:17 Our male children
40:18 To be
40:20 Muzakar
40:22 Not rizal
40:24 There is a difference
40:25 Muzakar is
40:26 If we say
40:27 Cat
40:28 Cat is a male
40:30 But if we talk about
40:31 Rizal
40:32 Is one
40:34 Individual
40:35 Who can stand on two
40:36 Legs
40:37 On his own feet
40:38 That trains them to
40:40 Be a man
40:42 Actually in verse 55
40:44 It's not the man
40:45 Who comes to the man
40:47 Bringing to our resolution
40:48 Today
40:49 We both witness
40:50 The first
40:51 We encourage people
40:52 To ask for forgiveness
40:53 And not to challenge
40:54 Or question
40:56 Allah SWT
40:57 Especially
40:58 When we
40:59 Facing trials in life
41:01 This is important
41:02 We learn from verse 46
41:04 When Prophet Suleh
41:05 Reminds his people
41:07 Ask for forgiveness
41:08 So that Allah
41:09 Loves
41:10 Give mercy
41:11 And help
41:12 All the trials
41:13 We face
41:14 The first
41:15 The second
41:16 We are responsible
41:17 And don't blame others
41:18 For the shortcomings
41:19 For the challenges
41:20 The trials
41:21 We are responsible
41:22 If we need to
41:23 We will
41:24 But we
41:25 We do it together
41:26 That's what we learn
41:27 From verse 47
41:28 Because
41:29 The people of Prophet Suleh
41:30 They blame Prophet Suleh
41:32 As a source
41:33 Of their bad luck
41:35 The third
41:36 If we become an influencer
41:38 Make sure
41:39 We give
41:40 Good influence
41:41 And not
41:42 To bad influence
41:43 Like
41:44 Verse 48
41:45 Where there are
41:46 Nine groups
41:47 Tis'atu rohtin
41:49 But they
41:50 Invite
41:51 Swear
41:52 Together
41:53 How
41:54 To destroy
41:55 Prophet
41:56 Prophet Suleh
41:57 Don't be like that
41:58 But we continue
41:59 To be
42:00 People who have
42:01 Many followers
42:02 On Facebook
42:03 On YouTube and so on
42:04 Use it to invite
42:05 Many people
42:06 To Allah SWT
42:08 Let's pray together
42:10 In the name of Allah
42:11 The most merciful
42:12 Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds
42:13 Peace and blessings be upon
42:14 The most honored of the prophets
42:15 And the messengers
42:16 And the family and companions
42:17 O Allah, O Allah
42:18 Grant us
42:19 Strength
42:20 O Allah
42:21 To do
42:22 Goodness
42:23 O Allah
42:24 Grant us
42:25 Strength
42:26 O Allah
42:27 To keep us away
42:28 From evil
42:29 From bad
42:30 From bad
42:31 O Allah
42:32 Give guidance
42:33 To our friends
42:34 Who are responsible
42:35 For these bad things
42:36 O Allah
42:37 O Allah, save
42:38 Us from
42:39 The calamities
42:40 O Allah
42:41 Give us
42:42 The test
42:43 That we are unable to pass
42:44 O Allah
42:45 O Allah, fix
42:46 Our affairs
42:47 O Allah
42:48 Our scholars
42:49 Our leaders
42:50 Our men
42:51 Our women
42:52 O Allah
42:53 Fix
42:54 Our affairs
42:55 O Allah
42:56 Ameen
42:57 O Lord of the worlds
42:58 Praise be to Allah
42:59 Ameen, O Lord of the worlds
43:00 May Allah accept
43:01 Our prayers
43:02 On this Friday
43:03 Full of blessings
43:04 And we continue
43:05 To say salawat
43:06 To the Prophet
43:07 And we continue
43:08 To make a lot of
43:09 Infah on this Friday
43:10 In Tabung Gerakan Al-Quran
43:11 An opportunity
43:12 For us to
43:13 To follow
43:14 The Prophet's struggle
43:15 So that this Quran
43:16 Is raised
43:17 Is placed
43:18 In the highest place
43:19 Not only
43:20 Is it safe
43:21 In the flood
43:22 But it is safe
43:23 In our hearts
43:24 To meet Allah
43:25 Subhanahu wa ta'ala
43:26 We meet again
43:27 In My Quran Time
43:28 Recite Faham A'man
43:29 Inshallah
43:30 Peace be upon you
43:31 Peace be upon you too.
43:38 Peace be upon you too.
43:46 Peace be upon you too.
43:51 Peace be upon you too.
43:59 Peace be upon you too.
44:05 Peace be upon you too.
