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Episod 642 My #QuranTime 2.0 Ahad 15 September 2024 Surah Al-Anfal (8: 62-64) Halaman 185

Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-Anfal ayat 62-64 halaman 185 ini adalah:
* Perlindungan dan pertolongan Allah daripada tipu daya musuh (62)
* Penyatuan hati-hati orang Mukmin kerana Islam (63)
* Khabar gembira buat Nabi SAW hanya Allah SWT yang mencukupkan (64)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 62-64 halaman 185:
* Sentiasa memohon perlindungan-Nya daripada kejahatan dan kemudaratan (62)
* Menyatukan umat Islam dengan kefahaman agama yang benar (63)
* Yakini hanya Allah yang mampu mencukupkan segalanya (64)

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour


00:00The power of the Muslims is not only based on the number of soldiers and their war equipment.
00:22But the real power of the Muslims is based on the faith and patience that is embedded in their souls.
00:29I will discuss this in today's episode of My Quran Time, Quran Salat and Infaq.
01:00O Prophet! Allah is sufficient for you and those who follow you among the believers.
01:22Allah Almighty has spoken the truth!
01:52May Allah Almighty grant us success and guidance and grant us peace in seeking knowledge and patience.
02:01If we do not have patience, it is impossible for us to attain the great things that Allah Almighty has placed in His glorious Kalam.
02:11Ladies and gentlemen, we need to express our gratitude to Allah Almighty
02:15because we are still given the opportunity to attend today's lecture in My Quran Time, Quran Salat and Infaq.
02:25Alhamdulillah, today I am accompanied by my companion, Al-Fadhil, Ustaz Tarmizi.
02:31Peace be upon you, Ustaz.
02:33Peace be upon you, too.
02:35I was waiting for you. I knew you were coming.
02:39How are you, Ustaz?
02:41Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah. I saw Dato' Arif wearing a red shirt. May Allah have mercy on him.
02:57Alhamdulillah, Ustaz. How are we today? We are wearing a red shirt.
02:59MashaAllah, if we look at our audience, many of them are wearing red shirts today.
03:03MashaAllah, MashaAllah.
03:05Is it related to Manchester United?
03:07I hope not.
03:09I hope not, Ustaz.
03:11Yes, so we would like to introduce our guests who have come to the recording studio today.
03:19We would like to welcome the Muslimat Masjid Nurul Huda, Kampung Parit Mahang, Jeram, Selangor, Darul Ihsan.
03:29How are you all?
03:31Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah.
03:33MashaAllah, it seems like you are fasting.
03:35How are you all?
03:37Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, MashaAllah.
03:39Let us not forget the group from Madrasa Al Ikhwan Taman Desa Baqtis Layang.
03:45Assalamualaikum to both of you.
03:49MashaAllah, Alhamdulillah.
03:51Let us not forget, Ustaz Arif.
03:55The group from Istiqomah that I have accompanied.
03:57In the studio, on the television, at home.
03:59Those who are loyal to the Quran.
04:03Alright, today we are Al-Fadl Doctor.
04:05Is it only surah and ayah?
04:07Insyallah, our ayah for today, you can prepare it from the beginning.
04:11The page number 185, means the new version of surah.
04:18From ayah number 62 to ayah number 64, insyallah we will try to interpret it together.
04:26Tuan-Tan, may Allah's mercy be upon you.
04:27We will start our session with a short prayer.
04:30There is no knowledge for us except what You have taught us. Indeed, You are the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.
04:35Our Lord, increase us in knowledge and grant us understanding.
04:38O Allah, we ask You for knowledge and benefit, and benefit us with what You have taught us.
04:42And increase us in knowledge.
04:44Our synopsis for today, for the three ayahs that we will discuss shortly.
04:48The first is the protection and help of Allah SWT from the deception of the enemy.
04:55And the second, in ayah number 63, is the unity of the hearts of the believers because of Islam.
05:01And the third, in ayah number 64, is good news for the Prophet SAW.
05:08Only Allah SWT is sufficient.
05:13What does it mean?
05:15Insyaallah, we will explain it shortly.
05:18Before we go further, I would like to ask Al-Fadl to read from ayah number 62 to ayah number 63.
05:29If the shirt is red, which song is suitable?
05:31Oh, insyaallah.
05:32So, follow the shirt.
05:34Insyaallah, we can try with Taranum Jarkah.
05:37Oh, I like it.
05:38Red shirt, Jarkah.
05:39Yes, we can.
05:42Favourite, Subhanallah.
05:44In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
05:45May peace be upon you.
05:46And peace be upon you.
05:47All praise is due to Allah.
05:48All praise is due to Allah.
05:49And peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.
05:50And upon his family and companions.
05:52We are Ayhanul Al-Bonda, viewers.
05:55Thank you to Allah SWT.
05:57Hopefully, you are healthy and happy with the people of the Qur'an.
06:00For those who are not healthy, hopefully Allah SWT will grant you the best recovery.
06:06O' Lord of the worlds!
06:07We want to read this beginning, ayah number 62, 63.
06:12Ayah 62 and 63.
06:14Insyaallah, we will try this beginning with Taranum Jarkah.
06:18Let's try.
06:19What is Taranum?
06:20Say it together.
06:22One more time.
06:24Not Jarkah.
06:31And if they intend to deceive you, then Allah is sufficient for you.
06:48Allah is sufficient for you.
07:18Allah is sufficient for you.
07:48And if they intend to deceive you, then Allah is sufficient for you.
08:13And if they intend to deceive you, then Allah is sufficient for you.
08:37And if they intend to deceive you, then Allah is sufficient for you.
09:03And if they intend to deceive you, then Allah is sufficient for you.
09:33And if they intend to deceive you, then Allah is sufficient for you.
10:01And if they intend to deceive you, then Allah is sufficient for you.
10:17And if they intend to deceive you, then Allah is sufficient for you.
10:43And if they intend to deceive you, then Allah is sufficient for you.
11:03And if they intend to deceive you, then Allah is sufficient for you.
11:31And if they intend to deceive you, then Allah is sufficient for you.
12:01And if they intend to deceive you, then Allah is sufficient for you.
12:31To be continued...
13:01To be continued...
13:31To be continued...
13:34To be continued...
13:37To be continued...
13:40To be continued...
13:43To be continued...
13:46To be continued...
13:49To be continued...
13:52To be continued...
13:55To be continued...
13:58To be continued...
14:01To be continued...
14:04To be continued...
14:07To be continued...
14:10To be continued...
14:13To be continued...
14:16To be continued...
14:19To be continued...
14:22To be continued...
14:25To be continued...
14:28To be continued...
14:31To be continued...
14:34To be continued...
14:37To be continued...
14:40To be continued...
14:43To be continued...
15:13To be continued...
15:43To be continued...
15:46To be continued...
15:49To be continued...
15:52To be continued...
15:55To be continued...
15:58To be continued...
16:01To be continued...
16:04To be continued...
16:07To be continued...
16:10To be continued...
16:13In the same time, we have to be careful and put our trust in Allah SWT
16:18Don't ever let the war be influenced by our egoism because we are so angry
16:22We see that they want to lose, they want to offer peace
16:25We don't want peace, we destroy them as well
16:27No, it's not like that ladies and gentlemen
16:29Even Allah SWT commands that if there is peace, then we accept peace
16:33If there is deception
16:35If actually it is only one strategy of the opponent
16:38وَإِيَّخْ دَعُوكَ فَإِنَّ حَسْبَكَ اللَّهِ
16:44So if they want to deceive you in the strategy of peace
16:50Then Allah SWT is enough for you
16:52This is actually ladies and gentlemen
16:54One, we say, very high trust
16:59I mean ladies and gentlemen
17:00In a war, it is very important for us to have trust in Allah SWT
17:06Even though maybe we don't agree
17:09If they want to make peace, we say no, no, no, we can't
17:12This is the commandment of Allah SWT
17:14Allah says, don't worry, accept first
17:17Insyallah, Allah will make peace
17:19What does it mean Allah SWT?
17:21Allah is enough for you
17:22It means that all the plans of the disbelievers are actually under the control of Allah SWT
17:30Allah can destroy their plans
17:33And also fail all the plans of the enemy
17:37فَإِنَّ حَسْبَكَ اللَّهِ
17:39So when we make peace, we put our full trust in Allah SWT
17:44هُوَ الَّذِي أَيَّا دَكَ بِنَصْرِحِ
17:49Allah will strengthen you
17:51Allah actually strengthens you with His help
17:54Not only because of the number of your army
17:57Not only because you are good at fighting
18:00No, not only that
18:01The real strength is when Allah SWT strengthens you with His help
18:07And also with the support of the believers
18:11Ladies and gentlemen, let's pay attention to this verse
18:14Where we can see the co-existence of Allah with the believers
18:22The co-existence of Allah with the Prophet SAW and the army of Badr at that time
18:28Because when Allah said
18:30هُوَ الَّذِي أَيَّا دَكَ
18:32Allah will strengthen you
18:34It is very clear when it comes to the battle of Badr
18:36Because if we follow the pattern of the battle, we are far behind
18:40But when the co-existence of Allah with the army of Iman
18:44Then the army of Iman achieved a great success
18:48Allah said, Allah strengthened the Prophet SAW
18:52And also the believers
18:55To strengthen and support the Prophet SAW
18:58If we look at this verse, we can understand the function of the believers
19:05What is the function of the believers?
19:07One of the biggest function of the believers is to support the Prophet SAW
19:14To fight the Prophet SAW
19:17It means that we can't, we have no sensitivity
19:21When the character of the Prophet SAW was attacked
19:25When the people criticized the Prophet SAW
19:27We can't feel anything
19:29If we feel like that, it means that we are not included in
19:34We are not included among the believers
19:37The believers, if people say anything about the Prophet SAW, they will get angry
19:41If they say bad words, I mean
19:44They will get angry
19:45Because they feel that they need to defend the Prophet SAW
19:48Because the Prophet SAW's love for the Prophet SAW has settled in his heart
19:53He is willing to sacrifice himself
19:56In order to fight the Prophet SAW
20:00So we say here that
20:02Our function is to show support
20:06How do we show support?
20:08Other than defending the name of the Prophet SAW
20:11We follow the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW
20:14We fight the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW
20:18Because when the people are close to the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW
20:21Insyallah, they will be far from the misguided teachings
20:25The misguided teachings, ladies and gentlemen
20:28Is because they don't live the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW
20:33When they leave the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW
20:35They will be closer to the misguidance
20:38So for us, if we want to feel ourselves
20:41Among the believers
20:43We need to do the Ayat
20:45We need to show
20:46We need to fight the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW
20:48We don't need to
20:49Sometimes, Ustaz, I don't understand
20:51I don't even know how to read the hadith
20:52No, I mean we need to live the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW
20:55In our family
20:56We deliver the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW
20:59We deliver it among ourselves
21:01To remind
21:02So there is the soul of the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW
21:06So we say here that
21:08If we are truly from among the believers
21:12Then this is an honour
21:13It is an honour
21:14When Allah says that we can also help the Prophet SAW
21:20Then Allah SWT says in the 63rd Ayat
21:25Here Allah SWT wants to bring to us
21:27To remind the Muslims
21:29How is Ta'aluf
21:31How is the union
21:35The brotherhood
21:36Between the Muslims
21:40And He is Allah who unites
21:43Between their hearts
21:44That is the believers
21:46Then Allah SWT says
21:51If you spend all that is on earth
21:53All of it
21:55All of it
21:59Then you will never be able to unite their hearts
22:06But actually
22:07It is Allah who has united their hearts
22:10This Ayat is said
22:11What does it refer to?
22:13It refers to the Muslims
22:15When they were in Madinah
22:17If we look at the history of the Prophet SAW
22:20We know
22:21Aus and Khazraj
22:24They were two tribes
22:26Or two tribes that fought with each other
22:29For almost 40 years
22:32So if there is a small dispute
22:34For example
22:35If someone says something
22:36Then there will be a war
22:37Someone will die
22:39If someone steals someone's property
22:42Or maybe in this day and age
22:43If someone hits their car
22:44If someone steals
22:45If someone steals
22:46If someone steals
22:47If someone steals their car
22:48If someone steals their car
22:49There will be a war
22:50So if there is a small dispute
22:53There will be a big war
22:55Between them
22:56To raise their weapons
22:57If we look at this
22:58For almost 40 years
23:01According to logic
23:03No one can unite these two tribes
23:07Until we say
23:09Allah has united them
23:10No one can stop it
23:15Allah has united their hearts
23:17How did Allah unite their hearts?
23:30Allah SWT
23:31Put faith in their hearts
23:34Put love for their faith
23:36In their hearts
23:41Allah decorated their hearts
23:43At first they liked faith
23:45Then Allah decorated
23:47Their faith in their hearts
23:49Their hearts were filled with faith
23:51And Allah made them hate
23:55And evil
23:57When the heart
24:00When we look at this verse
24:02The heart is where the union happens
24:05When the heart is united
24:10Other things
24:11Or other actions
24:12Will follow
24:14If the heart is not united
24:16Even if we live in the same office
24:18Our cubicles are next to each other
24:20The tables are next to each other
24:22If the heart is not united
24:24There will be a dispute
24:26He slaps me
24:27I slap him
24:29But if the heart is united
24:31Even if we live far away
24:33The people of Palestine
24:35That we don't even know
24:37I don't even know who died
24:39Among the Muslims in Palestine
24:41But our hearts feel very sad
24:43Until we cry
24:45When we see the pictures of our brothers and sisters there
24:47What ties us to them?
24:49The nation is so far away
24:51The language
24:52I speak Arabic, Alhamdulillah
24:53But many of you don't even speak Arabic
24:56But what ties our hearts?
24:59That's what we say
25:01When there is faith
25:02Our hearts are connected with the Muslims
25:04Even though we are different
25:05Nations, places, locations
25:07And so on
25:10If the heart is united
25:14Other actions will follow
25:17We see first
25:19The word
25:20The word of our choice today
25:22Which is the word
25:25It is mentioned five times in the Quran
25:28And the Surah that contains this word
25:30Surah Al-Baqarah
25:31Surah An-Nisa
25:32And also
25:33Surah Al-Anfal
25:34It is mentioned in the verse
25:42Deceiving here
25:43More to the actions of the Kafirs
25:44We, the Muslims
25:45We don't deceive
25:46We are far away
25:48That is not the attribute
25:49The attribute of the Muslims
25:50Ladies and gentlemen
25:51Let's take a break
25:52This is My Quran Time
25:53Quran Salat and Infah
26:22Quran Salat and Infah
26:52Quran Salat and Infah
27:22Quran Salat and Infah
27:25Quran Salat and Infah
27:27The most
27:28There is
27:29The most in the hadith
27:30Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
27:32Only one
27:33That is
27:35We just know
27:36Not tonight
27:37So we can't know that night
27:39If we use
27:40The verse of the Quran
27:42What does salam mean?
27:44Or peace
27:45But the problem is
27:46Peace is different
27:47According to people
27:48Some people
27:49Not peaceful
27:51Some people
27:53If the sign
27:54From the verse of the Quran
27:56That's all
27:57But in the hadith
27:58The only hadith
27:59That tells about the sign
28:01The next morning
28:02The sun
28:03Is not too bright
28:05The atmosphere
28:06In the next morning
28:07When the sun is bright
28:08Not too
28:09Not too hot
28:10And not too cold
28:11It is moderate
28:12And comfortable
28:13That's all
28:14In the hadith
28:15That's all
28:16The sign
28:17That we can know
28:18What does it mean?
28:19It means
28:20That night
28:21Is the night of Al-Qadar
28:22After it passed
28:24As it passed
28:27Let's say
28:28What's up
28:30And make it
28:31For us
28:32Two evidences
28:35Of the worlds
28:51All this time
28:54I've been looking
28:57For a true friend
29:01To accompany
29:05The holy struggle
29:09I am grateful
29:12To You, my God
29:16The friend I've been looking for
29:19All this time
29:23I've been looking
29:27For a true friend
29:30To accompany
29:34The holy struggle
29:38I am grateful
29:41To You, my God
29:45To You, my God
29:49I extend my prayer
29:53So that you can hear
29:56The rest of the scripture
30:00To You, my God
30:04I am grateful
30:07To You, my God
30:11To You, my God
30:15I extend my prayer
30:19So that you can hear
30:23The rest of the scripture
30:27Allah SWT
30:28Will present
30:29Or grant to us
30:31The companions
30:32Of our struggle
30:33Who are always happy
30:35There are in our times
30:36Happy and difficult
30:38In our times
30:43Hoping for
30:45The mercy of Allah SWT
30:47Our companions
30:48Our companions
30:49Our companions of our struggle
30:50Who gave us the words of spirit
30:52Gave us the verses of Allah
30:54To revive
30:56The spirit of sacrifice
30:58Or our struggle
30:59On the path of Allah SWT
31:03Ladies and gentlemen
31:05Ladies and gentlemen
31:06Who are present
31:07Even though far away
31:08Even though close
31:09Sometimes we don't want to go
31:11But the companions
31:12Who came
31:13Gave us the spirit
31:14Gave us the strength
31:16To be present
31:17In the gathering of knowledge
31:19If Allah wills
31:20And me
31:21Like me and
31:22Al-Fatihah Ustaz Dr. Muhammad Arif
31:23We are the same
31:25Only the clothes are different
31:27The fabric is also different
31:29But the color is the same
31:31If Allah wills
31:33So please allow me
31:34Al-Fatihah Ustaz Dr. Muhammad Arif
31:35To share a little
31:36With the companions
31:37Our guests
31:38I want to hear their voices
31:40I can't wait to see
31:44If you want to hear their voices
31:45Give a mic
31:46That's good
31:47I agree
31:48Give it to each one
31:49If Allah wills
31:50So if Allah wills
31:51Let's take a moment to see
31:53The words of choice
31:56The focus of our verse this time
31:57In the 64th verse
31:59We want to see this one verse
32:01If Allah wills
32:02So pay attention
32:04Every word we read
32:07By Allah SWT
32:33Take a breath
32:34One, two
32:36O Prophet!
32:43Allah is sufficient for you
32:46And those who follow you
32:49Are among the believers
32:57It's not midday yet
32:58Off time
33:00It's okay
33:01Let's try to repeat a little more
33:02This one
33:03We move a little higher
33:04We don't want it to be too loud
33:06Do you know what it is?
33:08Oh, you know
33:09Let's try to do it
33:10I want to say MashaAllah
33:12O Prophet!
33:19Allah is sufficient for you
33:22And those who follow you
33:25Are among the believers
33:33One, two
33:35O Prophet!
33:42Allah is sufficient for you
33:45And those who follow you
33:48Are among the believers
33:55He said
33:56I saw Ustaz just now
33:57It was like he was shaking his head
33:58I read it
33:59He said
34:00It's okay
34:01It's okay
34:02That was a little practice
34:04By using Taranum Jiharkah
34:06Or Jiharkah
34:07By Mujawad
34:09Like Musabakah
34:13Let's see one by one
34:14A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
34:15O Prophet!
34:21Let's try
34:22O Prophet!
34:29Be careful
34:30Don't don't
34:31Don't try to change it
34:35Think about it
34:48After that
34:49Allah is sufficient for you
34:54Hasbuka Allah
35:00Be careful with Hasbuka
35:02Then we find from Kaf to Allah
35:04So don't we
35:06Read Kaf
35:08Hasbuka Allah
35:18Hasbuka Allah
35:20Hasbuka Allah
35:22Hasbuka Allah
35:24So there is a Ha
35:28One more time
35:30O Prophet
35:32Hasbuka Allah
35:34Hasbuka Allah
35:36Hasbuka Allah
35:40O Prophet
35:42Hasbuka Allah
35:44Hasbuka Allah
35:46Hasbuka Allah
35:48Hasbuka Allah
35:50Masha Allah
35:52Tabarak Allah
35:54Waman ittaba'aka
35:56Waman ittaba'aka
35:58Waman ittaba'aka
36:00Waman ittaba'aka
36:02Waman ittaba'aka
36:04Waman ittaba'aka
36:06Waman ittaba'aka
36:08Waman ittaba'aka
36:10Minal mu'mineen
36:12Minal mu'mineen
36:14Waman ittaba'aka
36:16Waman ittaba'aka
36:18Minal mu'mineen
36:20Minal mu'mineen
36:22Masha Allah
36:24Tabarak Allah
36:28Hati hati pada minal mu' Hamza
36:30Minal mu'
36:32Minal mu'
36:34Jangan tertolak pergi
36:38Minal mu'mineen
36:40Minal mu'
36:42Minal mu'
36:44Minal mu'
36:46Waman ittaba'aka
36:48Waman ittaba'aka
36:50Minal mu'mineen
36:52Minal mu'
36:54Minal mu'
36:56Minal mu'
36:58Minal mu'
37:00Minal mu'
37:02Minal mu'
37:04Masha Allah
37:06Tabarak Allah
37:08Ayat 64
37:10Ayat 64
37:12Ayat 64
37:14Ya ayyuhan nabiyyu hasbuka Allah
37:26Ya ayyuhan nabiyyu hasbuka Allah
37:36Ya ayyuhan nabiyyu hasbuka Allah
37:46Ya ayyuhan nabiyyu hasbuka Allah
37:56Coba semua sekali tanpa lihat ayat
38:02Ya ayyuhan nabiyyu hasbuka Allah
38:10Masha Allah
38:12Tabarak Allah
38:14Kita tu belakang ustaz
38:16Takpe,banyakkan ulangan takpe
38:20Waman ittaba'aka minal mu'mineen
38:28Waman ittaba'aka minal mu'mineen
38:36Waman ittaba'aka minal mu'mineen
38:44Waman ittaba'aka minal mu'mineen
38:52Ya ayyuhan nabiyyu hasbuka Allah
39:02Ya ayyuhan nabiyyu hasbuka Allah
39:12Waman ittaba'aka minal mu'mineen
39:20Waman ittaba'aka minal mu'mineen
39:28Masha Allah
39:30Tabarak Allah
39:34Dapat kita hafal ayat 64 ini
39:36Insya Allah ta'ala
39:38Sambil nanti balikkan
39:40Ke tempat rumah kita tu
39:42Sempat ingat insya Allah
39:44Gilir-gilir dengan kawan kita
39:46Mula-mula kawan kita baca
39:48Lepas tu kawan kita baca lagi
39:50Lepas tu barulah kawan kita
39:52Jadi jangan kemana-mana
39:54Teruskan pengulangan
39:56Insya Allah kita nak belajar lagi
39:58Ayat ini kita belajar lagi
40:00Insya Allah selepas ini bersama dengan Alfredoctor
40:02Tentunya dalam My Quran Time
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47:10Bahkan, bila mana golongan muhajirin datang kepada ke bumi Madinah, bila mana mereka disambut dengan penduduk ansar yang selama ini tidak mengenali mereka pun, tidak mengenali.
47:24Tetapi lihatlah bagaimana golongan ansar menerima kedatangan golongan muhajirin sehinggakan mereka sanggup memberikan harta mereka kepada golongan muhajirin.
47:35Jadi persatuan hati ini, sebahagian ulamak menyebut bahwa ia merujuk kepada Aus dan Khazraj.
47:40Sebahagian ulamak menyebut bagaimana disatukan hati ansar ini bersama dengan hati golongan muhajirin yang selama ini sebenarnya mereka tidaklah mengenali semua.
47:50Mungkin ada yang mereka kenal, tetapi ramai yang sebenarnya mereka tidak kenal.
47:53Tetapi bila mana sampainya golongan muhajirin ke bumi Madinah, mereka telah disambut dengan penuh kemuliaan, dengan penuh kasih sayang daripada penduduk ansar.
48:03Inilah hasilnya, bila mana tarbiah keimanan telah masuk di dalam jiwa.
48:07Kesatuan yang dilihat itu adalah sesuatu yang kita tidak boleh nak sangka.
48:17kalaulah kamu membelanjakan semua harta di atas bumi ini,
48:21secara kamu tidak akan dapat menyatuhatikan hati mereka.
48:25Kalau kita faham daripada ayat ini bahawa,
48:28wang ringgit harta dunia ini kadang-kadang boleh dipakai.
48:31Sebenarnya kita nak kumpulkan orang setempat, katakanlah siapa datang dalam majlis ilmu,
48:37ataupun bukanlah, majlis ilmu tak sedap pula nak pakai kan.
48:39Contoh, siapa datang ke satu tempat akan diberi RM50.
48:42Berobol-obol orang semua datang RM50.
48:45Tetapi itu kita hanya mengumpulkan fizikal mereka.
48:49Kita hanya mengumpulkan fizikal mereka.
48:51Hati mereka tidak bersama dengan kita.
48:54Kita belanja duit.
48:55Tiap-tiap kali dia datang RM50, kita belanja, kita belanja, kita belanja duit.
48:58Mereka dikumpulkan atas fizikal.
49:00Antara mereka akan bergaduh.
49:03Tambahan pula kalau tiba-tiba hari ini kita bagi, esok kita bagi, loser kita tak bagi.
49:08Lari habis semua orang.
49:10Tetapi kalau kita lihat, bila mana Nabi SAW,
49:13bila mana Allah menyatuhati, menyatuhkan hati umat-umat Islam,
49:16mereka berkumpul bukan atas sebab dunia,
49:18bukan sebab atas kekayaan.
49:20Sebab itu mereka sanggup berkorban jiwa dan harta mereka demi Islam.
49:24Bila mana kesatuan itu.
49:26Dan kita lihat kesatuan ini, bila mana datangnya isu Falestin.
49:29Kita tidak mengenali orang Falestin,
49:31tetapi harta yang kita korbankan untuk pejuangan umat Islam di Falestin.
49:36وَلَكِنَّ اللَّهَ أَلَّفَ بَيْنَهُمْ
49:39Ini satu uhuwah yang Allah telah masukkan dalam hati mereka,
49:42dalam hati kita semua sebagai umat Islam.
49:45Uhuwah yang kita ada ini adalah uhuwah yang kita harapkan,
49:48yang dapat kita bawa sampai ke syurga bersama-sama.
49:51إِنَّهُ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيمٌ
49:53Sesungguhnya Allah itu maha perkasa, lagi maha bijaksana.
49:57Jadi tuan-tuan, kalau kita nak menyatuhkan,
49:59contoh ahli pekerja keluarga kita ke,
50:01kita nak menyatuhkan orang-orang dalam ofis kita ke,
50:04pertama sekali ia mesti bermula daripada dalam.
50:07Maksudnya kita kena mengubah persepsi mereka,
50:10kita kena mengubah hati mereka.
50:12Bukan dengan wang ringgit dahulu.
50:14Tidak, wang ringgit kalau nak kemudian-kemudian boleh lah.
50:17Tapi apa saja perubahan kena bermula daripada dalam,
50:20kita kena seolah-olahnya kena sebut,
50:22ini company kita bersama.
50:24Contoh lah kan.
50:25Bukan company aku seorang,
50:26walaupun sebenarnya memang company dia pun.
50:28Tapi ini company kita bersama.
50:30Kita masukkan dalam hati mereka itu,
50:32perjuangan kita dan sebagainya.
50:33Bila mana hati ini telah bersatu,
50:35insyaAllah hasil daripada kejayaan itu,
50:38hasil daripada kesatuan itu,
50:39akan kita lihat positif.
50:41InsyaAllah ta'ala.
50:42Sama juga dalam ahli keluarga kita.
50:44Kita kena menyatuhkan hati mereka dahulu.
50:46Menyatuhkan hati mereka,
50:47insyaAllah kesatuan itu akan kita nampak.
50:51Kemudian Allah SWT menyebut,
50:53يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ حَسْبُكَ اللَّهُ وَمَنِتَ بَعَكَ مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ
50:58Wahai Nabi SAW.
51:01Wahai Nabi.
51:02Cukuplah Allah sebagai pelindung bagimu
51:04dan bagi orang-orang mu'min yang mengikutimu.
51:07Jadi di sini Allah memberikan satu ketenangan
51:09kepada Nabi SAW bahawa
51:11Allah sebenarnya cukup bagimu.
51:13Kamu sebenarnya tidak memulukan kepada yang lain.
51:16Allah cukup bagimu
51:18dan Allah cukup bagi orang-orang yang beriman juga.
51:20Kelengkapan perang,
51:22semua benda bilangan tentera,
51:23itu semua asbab.
51:26Tetapi sebenarnya kalau ikutkan pada hakikatnya,
51:28Allah sebenarnya cukup bagimu.
51:30Katakanlah kalau Allah menghantar sahaja angin
51:32untuk menghancurkan tentera musyrikin,
51:34ia boleh berlaku dengan sekelip mata.
51:36Cukuplah Allah bagimu dan cukuplah Allah
51:39bagi orang-orang yang beriman.
51:40Dan kata-kata ini kita selalu lihat
51:42pada orang-orang Falestin.
51:43Bila mana mereka menyebut,
51:44حَسْبُنَ اللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِلِ
51:47Allah cukuplah bagi kami dan dialah sebaik-baik pelindung.
51:51Dan orang yang beriman,
51:52حَسْبُكَ اللَّهُ ini kita sentiasa sebut
51:54lebih-lebih lagi di saat waktu sukar.
51:57Ingatlah bahwa Allah sudah mencukupi bagi kita sebenarnya.
52:01Kalaulah sahaja kita benar-benar beriman kepadanya.
52:05Contohnya perempuan,
52:06kalau kita lihat ayat ini,
52:07saya suka perkataan وَمَنِتَ بَعَكَةُ
52:09وَمَنِتَ بَعَكَةُ
52:10Ini menunjukkan cukuplah Allah sebagai pelindung bagimu
52:15dan orang-orang mu'min yang mengikutimu.
52:19Apa yang kita faham?
52:22Kita boleh sebutkan bahawa
52:24bila mana kita beriman kepada Allah
52:26dan kita mengikuti
52:28وَمَنِتَ بَعَكَةُ
52:30dan kita mengikuti bagi Nabi SAW,
52:33maka di situ Allah adalah cukup bagi kita.
52:37Tetapi kalau kita beriman kepada Allah,
52:39kita meninggalkan sunnah Nabi SAW,
52:40maka Allah tidak akan membantu kita.
52:42Maksudnya kita kena beriman kepada Allah
52:44dan juga mengikuti Nabi SAW.
52:47Barulah datang
52:48يَكْفِيكَ اللَّهُمَ أَهَمَّكُ
52:50Barulah Allah akan mencukupkan bagimu
52:51segala apa masalah yang kamu ada.
52:53Baik benda berkaitan dengan dunia kamu,
52:56baik benda yang berkaitan dengan akhirat kamu.
52:58Dan sejauh mana,
53:00sebesar mana kamu mengikuti Nabi SAW,
53:03sebesar itu juga pertolongan Allah yang akan turun bagimu.
53:06Itu yang kita faham
53:07daripada perkataan
53:08وَمَنِتَ بَعَكَةً
53:10Kan? Yang mengikutimu.
53:11Lagi banyak kita ikut Nabi SAW,
53:13insyaAllah lagi besar pertolongan Allah yang akan
53:15sampai kepada kita.
53:16Alhamdulillah, tuan-tuan.
53:17Selesai tadabur kita pada hari ini.
53:19Kita lihat resolusi kita
53:20untuk sesi pada hari ini.
53:22Yang pertama, sentiasa memohon
53:24perlindungan Allah daripada kejahatan dan kemudaratan.
53:27Yang kedua,
53:28menyatukan umat Islam dengan kefahaman agama yang benar.
53:31Dan yang ketiga,
53:32yakini hanya Allah yang mampu mencukupkan segala-galanya.
53:36Kini saya nak sarahkan pada Al-Fatihah Al-Ustaz
53:38untuk membacakan doa.
54:06Surah Al-Fatihah.
54:36Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin.
54:39Taqabbal Allahuminkum,
54:40minna minkum taqabbalil karim.
54:42Moga-moga Allah SWT memperkenan doa kita.
54:45Kita panjatkan.
54:46Dan moga-moga Allah SWT
54:48sentiasa mengurunyakan kita
54:50kemudahan untuk kita bergerak,
54:52bergabung bersama dalam tabung gerakan Al-Quran
54:55untuk kita menghidupkan kelas-kelas Al-Quran,
54:58pengajian-pengajian Al-Quran,
55:00program-program Al-Quran,
55:02penyabat luaskan Al-Quran.
55:04Moga-moga lahir generasi Al-Quran
55:06jemput rahmat ke sayang Allah SWT.
55:09Wa ta'ala amin Ya Rabbal,
55:11Ya Rabbal Alamin.
55:12Jazakumullah khairul jazak.
55:13Terima kasih banyak kepada Al-Fatihah
55:15Doktor Muhammad Arif
55:17di atas kupasan,
55:19tafsir pada episode kali ini.
55:21Dan insyaAllah kita akan belajar selanjutnya,
55:23episode berikutnya,
55:25di bahagian yang kedua,
55:27Surah Al-Anfal,
55:28halaman 185
55:30di episode yang akan datang.
55:32Sekadar itu dulu untuk kali ini.
55:34May Quran time, Quran Salat, infaq.
55:36Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
55:38Jumpa lagi.
56:02Allahumma dhakirna minhuma nasina
56:09wa'allina wa'allina minhuma jaina
