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Episod 654 My #QuranTime 2.0 Jumaat 27 September 2024 Surah Al-Taubah (9: 12-13) Halaman 188

Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-Taubah ayat 12-13 halaman 188 ini adalah:
* Perintah memerangi pemimpin yang melanggar perjanjian dan mencerca agama (12)
* Seruan untuk berani berperang dan tidak takut selain Allah (13)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 12-13 halaman 188:
* Hindari golongan yang suka melanggar perjanjian (12)
* Jangan jadikan orang yang mencerca agama sebagai ikutan (12)
* Terus yakin dan berani melaksanakan perintah Allah SWT (13)

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World #QuranHour


00:00Sadara dalam Al-Quran, Allah Azza wa Jal berfirman وَنُنَزِّلُ مِنَ الْقُرْآنِ مَا هُوَ شِفَاءٌ وَرَحْمَةٌ لِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ
00:25Al-Quran diturunkan secara beransur-ansur sebagai shifa'
00:31Dan Al-Quran juga selain menjadi ubat, Al-Quran juga membawa rahmat
00:36Bagi sekalian orang yang beriman kepada Allah SWT
00:40Saudara, kita berada pada zon surah Al-Tawbah
00:44Sekarang kali ini, kita akan sama-sama mentadabur
00:48Khususnya ayat no.12 dan ayat no.13 surah Al-Tawbah
00:53وَجَعَلْهُ لَنَا هُجَّتَيْنَ
01:00يَا رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ
01:13أَلَا تُقَاتِلُونَ فَأَمَنَّكَسُوا أَيْمَانَهُمْ
01:29وَهَمُوا مِنْ إِخْرَاجِ الرَّسُولِ وَهُمْ بَذَأُوكُمْ أَنْوَارًا
01:53السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
01:56الحمد لله رب العالمين
01:58والصلاة والسلام على سيد المرسلين
02:00سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
02:04Apa khabar Malaysia? Apa khabar sahabat-sahabat
02:06Para penonton yang dirahmati Allah SWT
02:09Sekarang tentunya bersama dengan kami
02:11My Quran Time
02:13Quran Salat Infaq
02:15Kita berdo'a kepada Allah
02:17Semoga pertemuan kita ini
02:19Durasinya 60 minit
02:21Semuanya dipermudahkan oleh Allah
02:23Semua mendapat rahmat
02:25Di bawah lembayung rahmat Al-Quranul Karim
02:27Baik saudara sekejap tadi
02:29Kita telah pun dimukadimahkan
02:31Dengan bacaan
02:33Ayat nombor 12
02:35Di dalam
02:37Surah Al-Tawbah
02:39Yang telah pun diperdengarkan oleh
02:41Tuan Guru kita
02:43Sahib Al-Fatihah Ustaz Termizi Haji Ali
02:45Assalamualaikum Ustaz Termizi
02:49Baik Alhamdulillah
02:51Wajah Ustaz memantulkan ketenangan
02:53Kepada kami Ustaz
02:57Ustaz kita ingin meraihkan juga
02:59Juru Bahasa Isyarat kita
03:01Puan Azlina Muhammad Isa
03:03Bersama rakan-rakan beliau
03:05Sentiasa menjadi pemudah cara
03:07Untuk membantu dan membimbing
03:09Sahabat-sahabat kurang upaya
03:11Okey yuk sahabat-sahabat kita ini
03:13Untuk memahami Al-Quranul Karim
03:15Baik Ustaz mungkin kita ingin meraihkan
03:17Penonton kita di studio
03:19Baik Ustaz Muhammad Zarifi
03:21Kita ingin aluh-aluhkan
03:23Kehadiran penonton kita
03:25Di studio
03:27InsyaAllah dapat kita bertemu
03:29Sekali lagi semalam
03:31Bersama dengan Pesatuan Pesara Pegawai
03:33Ini pun sekali lagi
03:35Pesatuan Pesara Pegawai
03:37Dua hari berturut-turut lah
03:39Walaupun baru sekejap tadi rasanya kan
03:41Pesatuan Pesara Pegawai Perkhidmatan
03:43Pendidikan Malaysia
03:47Bekas guru lah ya
03:49Cawangan adalah Keluang
03:51Bukan Kuang ya
03:55Dan JPKK
03:57Keluang Johor
03:59JDT lah
04:03Dan tentunya sahabat-sahabat istiqamah kita
04:05Yang turut bersama-sama dengan kita
04:07Tentunya kita mengaimarahkan
04:09Ilmu Al-Quranul Karim insyaAllah
04:11Baik sahibul fadilah
04:13Ustaz Ahmad Termizi
04:21Ada perkara yang kita
04:23Mahu sampaikan
04:25Ataupun sasaran kita
04:27Ada dua sinopsis
04:29Yang mahu kita cermati
04:31Yang kita habam dalam sesi kali ini
04:33Sinopsis kita yang pertama
04:35Tentunya surah At-Tawbah
04:37Ayat no.12
04:39Kita akan memerhatikan perkara penting
04:41Yaitulah perintah memerangi
04:43Pemimpin yang melanggar
04:47Dan juga mereka yang
04:49Mencerca agama
04:51Ini perkara no.1
04:53Kemudian perkara yang kedua dalam surah At-Tawbah
04:55Ayat no.13
04:57Yaitulah seruan untuk berani
04:59Berperang dan tidak takut
05:01Selain Allah SWT
05:03Baik sadara yang dimuliakan
05:05Surah At-Tawbah
05:07Merupakan surah madaniyah
05:09Diturunkan kepada
05:11Baginda SAW
05:13Ketika mana Baginda
05:15Berada di Madinah Al-Munawwarah
05:17Bahkan ada juga beberapa pendapat
05:25Al-Bara' bin Azib
05:29Telah menyatakan
05:31Daripada riwayat Al-Bukhari
05:33Al-Bara' bin Azib menyatakan
05:37Antara surah yang terakhir
05:39Baginda SAW
05:41Yaitulah surah At-Tawbah
05:43Surah At-Tawbah
05:45Bermaksud pengampunan
05:47Perkataan At-Tawbah itu
05:49Bermaksud pengampunan
05:51Yang mana terkandung didalamnya
05:53Keseluruhan ayat berjumlah
05:55129 ayat
05:57Kemudian dipecah kecilkan lagi
05:59Ada 2479 kalimah
06:05Ulama Al-Quran mereka pecah kecilkan lagi
06:07Jumlah huruf yang terkandung
06:09Dalam surah At-Tawbah ini
06:17Ini satu gambaran
06:19Bahwasanya betapa cintanya
06:21Para ulama Al-Quran
06:23Sehingga jumlah hurufnya pun dihitung
06:25Jumlah kalimahnya pun dihitung
06:27Kan tuan-tuan, kita ini
06:29Maksud saya
06:31Setakat 129 ayat itu
06:33Yang kita tengok kan
06:35Jumlah huruf beberapa kalimah
06:37Tapi tengok betapa cintanya
06:39Para ulama Al-Quran
06:41Mereka menghitung keseluruhannya
06:43Dan surah At-Tawbah
06:45Nama ataupun judul
06:47Surah At-Tawbah itu
06:49Dirakamkan oleh Allah SWT
06:51Pada dua tempat
06:53Yaitulah pada ayat 102
06:55Ayat bernombor 102
06:57Dan satu lagi ayat
06:59Pada ayat 118
07:01Yang membawa maksud
07:03Perintah supaya bertawbad
07:05Kepada Allah SWT
07:07Dan surah At-Tawbah juga
07:09Tuan-tuan sekalian
07:11Membawa nama lain
07:13Bagi surah At-Tawbah
07:15Yaitulah surah Al-Bara'ah
07:17Surah Al-Bara'ah
07:19Dan surah ini, kalau kita perasan
07:21Memang apabila nak memulakan
07:23Bacaan surah At-Tawbah ini
07:25Bermula ayat nombor 1 itu
07:27Kita tidak membaca
07:31Yang dilakukan oleh baginda Rasulullah
07:35Satu-satunya surah
07:37Yang tidak dibacakan
07:41Yaitulah pada surah
07:43Al-Bara'ah ataupun surah
07:47Baik, saudara yang dirahmati Allah SWT
07:51Ayat nombor 1
07:53Sehingga ayat nombor 37
07:59Yang mana Allah SWT
08:01Turunkan ayat-ayat tersebut
08:03Sebelum berlakunya
08:05Peperangan tabuk
08:07Ayat nombor 1
08:09Surah At-Tawbah
08:11Sehingga ayat nombor 37
08:13Sekarang ini kita baru nak masuk ayat nombor 12
08:15Maknanya, ayat ini berada
08:17Pada zon yang diturunkan
08:19Oleh Allah SWT
08:21Sebelum berlakunya
08:23Peperangan tabuk
08:25Dan dalam riwayat menyatakan
08:27Ayat-ayat ini
08:29Ayat nombor 1 sehingga ayat nombor 37
08:31Surah At-Tawbah turun pada bulan Zul Qaedah
08:33Tahun ke-9 Hijrah
08:35Berkaitan peraturan baru
08:37Yang ditentukan oleh
08:39Rasulullah SAW
08:41Kepada para musyrikin
08:43Luar Madinah yang hadir ke Masjidil Haram
08:45Termasuk Yahudi dan Nasrani
08:47Pada musim haji
08:49Bahkan surah At-Tawbah ini juga
08:51Akan membawa cerita-cerita
08:53Bagaimana konspirasi
08:55Yang diatur oleh
08:57Musyrikin Mekah
08:59Kemudian orang-orang Yahudi
09:01Kemudian orang Nasrani
09:03Sepanjang 9 tahun
09:05Baginda Rasulullah SAW berada di Madinah
09:07Mereka tak pernah berhenti
09:09Daripada merancang
09:11Buat komplot
09:13Buat pakatan
09:15Untuk menjatuhkan Rasulullah SAW
09:17Dan umat Islam
09:19Pada ketika itu
09:21Baik, hadirin dan terahmati Allah SWT sekalian
09:25Kita masuk kepada ayat no.12
09:27Terlebih dahulu untuk kita kupas
09:29Sebelum saya kupas, saya
09:31Nak mohon sekali lagi lah Al-Fadhil
09:33Ustaz Tirmizi kita untuk membaca tentunya
09:35Bacaan Ustaz memang masuk ke dalam hati kami Ustaz
09:39InsyaAllah kita fokus pada
09:41Ayat no.12 terlebih dahulu
09:43A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
09:45وَإِنَّ كَسُوا أَيْمَانَهُمْ مِنْ بَعْدِ عَهْدِهِمْ وَطَعَلُوا فِي دِينِكُمْ فَقَاتِلُوا
10:14فَقَاتِلُوا أَئِمَةَ الْكُفْرِ إِنَّهُمْ لَا أَيْمَانَ لَهُمْ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَنْتَهُوا
10:44صلى الله عليه وسلم
11:35Belajari dan dalami kesempurnaan bacaan mengikut hukumnya
11:40Fahmi dan hayati maksudnya
11:42Amalkan dan jadikannya sebagai panduan kehidupan
11:46Bukan hanya kita belajar kata buruq
11:48Bahkan kita akan belajar tajweed secara mendalam
11:51Dan ada segmen hafazan
11:53Saksikan episod baharu My Qur'an Time 2.0
11:57Setiap hari 12.30 hari
11:59Di TV 9
12:01Juga di saluran SRO 149
14:44Surah Al-Tawbah
14:46Itu merupakan ayat nomor dua belas
14:48dalam Surah Al-Tawbah yang membawa maksud
14:51Dan jika mereka melanggar sumpah
14:55setelah ada perjanjian
14:58Dan mereka mencercah agamamu
15:01Maka perangi lah pemimpin-pemimpin kafir itu
15:04they are people who can't be held to their promises
15:11hopefully they will stop
15:13ok, the awareness of Allah's mercy
15:15if verse number 11
15:18Allah SWT has given a good news
15:23or a second chance
15:25to people who don't believe in Allah
15:28if they repent of their excesses
15:32after they repent
15:37they establish prayer
15:42and after that they perform zakat
15:44they are your brothers and sisters
15:48as Allah said
15:49your brothers and sisters as religion
15:50we explain those verses to people who know
15:53that is verse number 11
15:54then the continuation of that verse
15:57verse number 12
15:58Allah gives a confirmation
16:00and if they break their promise
16:06they break the promise
16:09that has been made with you
16:11then after they break the promise
16:14secondly, they discuss your religion
16:17they discuss Allah's religion
16:19Allah's guidance to all of us
16:21that is, you fight those non-believers leaders
16:25so this verse gives us an understanding
16:28so that we are careful
16:31especially in the context of this verse
16:33that is, how Prophet Muhammad PBUH
16:36faced not only those who don't believe in Allah
16:41but Prophet Muhammad PBUH
16:43also faced the enemies in the midst
16:46the hypocrites
16:47the scissors in this fold
16:49ok, the awareness of Allah's mercy
16:51there is a history that happened to Muslims
16:56especially in the time of Prophet Muhammad PBUH
16:59in the 5th year of emigration
17:02in the month of Shawwal
17:04in the month of Shawwal
17:07in the 5th year of emigration
17:09there was a war
17:11called Al-Ahzab war
17:14it is Al-Ahzab war
17:15if we say Takbir at the end of the day
17:18we will remember
17:19Al-Ahzab war happened
17:21this Al-Ahzab war
17:23it is also known as Khandak war
17:26when we say Khandak war
17:29we will remember
17:30it will always cross our mind
17:33a companion named Salman Al-Farisi
17:37Salman Al-Farisi
17:39who suggested to Prophet Muhammad PBUH
17:43to dig a big hole
17:46that is the Al-Ahzab war
17:48or Khandak war
17:49that happened in the 5th year of emigration
17:52in the month of Shawwal
17:53ok, dear viewers
17:55what is the reason for the Khandak war
18:00or Al-Ahzab war
18:03the war happened because
18:06the Jews of Khaybar
18:09together with the leader of Ghazan
18:12Mushrikin Quraysh
18:14they made an alliance
18:19to fight against Prophet Muhammad PBUH
18:22and they planned to destroy
18:25the Islamic State of Medina
18:27which was led by Prophet Muhammad PBUH
18:30that is what is called
18:31Al-Ahzab alliance
18:34Al-Ahzab conspiracy
18:36where the Jews
18:39including Mushrikin Quraysh
18:41who came from Makkah
18:42they made a conspiracy together
18:44to destroy the Islamic State of Medina
18:48of Prophet Muhammad PBUH
18:50at the same time
18:52the story of the people
18:55who broke the alliance
18:57that is the Jews of Bani Nadir
18:59the Jews of Bani Nadir
19:01they invaded the Medina
19:05they broke the alliance
19:08of the Medina
19:10they were driven out of the Medina
19:14so what happened
19:15Bani Nadir was the one
19:17who planned the conspiracy
19:20to launch a war
19:23against Prophet Muhammad PBUH
19:25and in the history notes
19:27the group of Al-Ahzab
19:30or Al-Ahzab conspiracy
19:32the Jews of Khaybar
19:34Bani Nadir
19:35Bani Quraysh
19:37what happened
19:38they gathered
19:40a group of 10,000 soldiers
19:4310,000 soldiers
19:45who wanted to fight
19:47against Prophet Muhammad PBUH
19:49in the battle of Al-Ahzab
19:51what happened
19:52the Muslims
19:54faced 5 pressures
19:57they faced the Al-Ahzab army
19:59a group of 10,000 soldiers
20:01more or less
20:03Prophet Muhammad PBUH and the Muslims
20:05were surrounded by Bani Quraysh
20:09Medina was in a cold season
20:13Muslims were in a hunger situation
20:19they were in a fear situation
20:22because at that time
20:23the enemies used
20:26all the military power
20:28that they had
20:30dear viewers
20:33in the history notes
20:34in the history notes
20:36what happened in the battle of Al-Ahzab
20:38for 20 days
20:40for 20 days
20:42Muslims gathered in Medina
20:45and at that time
20:47Muslims were surrounded
20:49by the Al-Ahzab army
20:54dear viewers
20:58in the history notes
21:00the leader of the Muhajirin
21:02Zaid bin Harithah
21:04in the battle of Al-Ahzab
21:06the leader of the Panji
21:08among the Ansar
21:09their leader
21:10Sa'ad bin Ubadah
21:12at that time
21:13the Muslim army
21:14only had
21:163,000 soldiers
21:18to face
21:20the enemy army
21:21that had
21:22more than
21:2310,000 soldiers
21:24there is a link
21:25with the verse
21:26that we read earlier
21:27the verse number 12
21:29the people who
21:30have broken the agreement
21:33or the people who
21:34have broken the agreement
21:36or their oath
21:38these people
21:39Allah Azzawajal
21:40asked us to take action
21:42that is
21:43we should be careful
21:44and take action
21:45for the attitude
21:46that they had
21:47even though Allah
21:48has given them
21:49a chance
21:50if they repent
21:51they repent
21:52they perform the prayer
21:53they pay the zakat
21:55but if they
21:56don't choose that way
21:57choose the way
21:58if they don't
21:59fight the Muslims
22:00then there should be
22:01an action that
22:02should be taken
22:03ok brothers
22:04the word or the word
22:05of our choice
22:06in this broadcast
22:08in the word
22:09wa ta'anu fidinikum
22:10the word
22:12the origin
22:13or the word
22:14the root word
22:17which means
22:18to discuss
22:19or to discuss
22:21it is mentioned
22:22in the Al-Quran
22:23among its surah
22:24which is
22:25Surah An-Nisa
22:26verse number 46
22:27and Surah Taubah
22:28in verse
22:29number 12
22:31the word
22:33which means
22:34to discuss
22:35there are also
22:38who have translated
22:39in this verse
22:40wa ta'anu fidinikum
22:43people who
22:44have slandered
22:46from behind
22:49people who
22:50slandered us
22:51from behind
22:52people who
22:53lied to us
22:54that is also
22:55in the word
22:56wa ta'anu
22:58in verse
22:59number 12
23:00which we have
23:01just read
23:02just now
23:03and of course
23:04this is among
23:05the summary
23:06of verse
23:07number 12
23:08in Surah Taubah
23:09which we have
23:10just read
23:12Ustaz Ahmad Termizi
23:13maybe Ustaz
23:14before we
23:15go to
23:16verse number
23:18maybe Ustaz
23:19give us
23:20a teaser
23:23verse number
23:26Ustaz Ahmad Termizi
23:27maybe Ustaz
23:28give us
23:29a teaser
23:31verse number
23:34Ustaz Ahmad Termizi
23:35maybe Ustaz
23:36give us
23:37a teaser
23:39verse number
23:42Ustaz Ahmad Termizi
23:43maybe Ustaz
23:44give us
23:45a teaser
23:47verse number
23:50Ustaz Ahmad Termizi
23:51maybe Ustaz
23:52give us
23:53a teaser
23:55verse number
23:58Ustaz Ahmad Termizi
23:59maybe Ustaz
24:00give us
24:01a teaser
24:03verse number
24:06Ustaz Ahmad Termizi
24:07maybe Ustaz
24:08give us
24:09a teaser
24:11verse number
24:13And make it for us two evidences, O Lord of the worlds.
24:43O Lord of the worlds, O Lord of the worlds, O Lord of the worlds, O Lord of the worlds.
25:13In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
25:26By Him we have attained
25:31And by Him we have obtained His recitation
25:37This hadith is categorized as a false hadith
25:41Because it has the characteristics of a false hadith
25:44Which is a brief practice
25:46Which means one practice
25:47But its meaning is like the meaning of Prophet Ibrahim
25:50Mashallah, that's how it is
25:52So, after all these efforts, on the 8th night of Tarawih prayer
25:55You have attained the rewards of Prophet Ibrahim
25:57What's interesting is that I have this book
26:00Yes, I have this book
26:01It's called Malam Pertama Pahlunizmi
26:04But we didn't learn much about it
26:07So, we know about the hadith which is viral but not authentic
26:11So, we take it as an example
26:13That's right
26:14This is very important
26:15We learn about the study of hadith
26:17Previously, there were many hadiths that we are used to hearing in the society
26:22But we are worried that these hadiths are not authentic
26:26And one of the characteristics of a false hadith
26:30As mentioned in the previous slide
26:33Is that it is a very serious violation of a practice
26:47In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate
27:17Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad
27:29Wa ala alihi Sayyidina Muhammad
27:31Alhamdulillah, we are back
27:33My Quran Time
27:34Quran, Salat and Infaq
27:36Alhamdulillah, we are listening to Kupasan Tadabur from Ustaz Zarifi
27:41From the 12th verse
27:43MashaAllah, Astagfirullah
27:45For us to take the teachings and intipati that has been conveyed
27:49The enlightenment
27:50For us to guide in our lives
27:53There are boundaries, there are shariah
27:55There are things, there are customs that we need to take care of
27:58Dear friends or viewers
28:01As long as I am present in the studio
28:04I am delighted again with the Association of Employees of the Ministry of Education of Malaysia
28:09A branch of Keluang area, from JDT, Johor, Dalu Ta'zim
28:14That is far away
28:17Come here
28:18Hopefully, the matter will be facilitated
28:20The Hajat and Dua will be accepted
28:22And the Mustajab Dua, InsyaAllah
28:24And do not forget us
28:25Yes, Amin
28:27For Surah At-Tawbah, as we all know
28:31We have 114 surahs
28:35Each surah is started with Basmalah
28:40Basmalah is a term for the breath
28:46If we say A'udhu Billah, Isti'azah
28:48Or Ta'udh
28:50So, when we say Isti'azah, A'udhu Billah
28:54It is anjur
28:55When we want to start reading Al-Quran
28:59At the beginning, we say A'udhu Billah first
29:02We ask Allah for protection from Satan
29:06At the beginning
29:08And at the middle, we do not say A'udhu Billah
29:11Sometimes, when we enter a new surah
29:13We say A'udhu Billah again
29:15It is not anjur
29:16It is not a Shari'ah
29:20It is not like that
29:22We read it once
29:23Sometimes, when we read Salat
29:28We say A'udhu Billah again
29:29We do not need to say A'udhu Billah
29:31Just once
29:33Unless we are in a conversation
29:37That has nothing to do with the Qur'an
29:41People come home and answer the phone
29:43We say A'udhu Billah again
29:46Then, Basmalah
29:48We read it at the beginning of each surah
29:52We read it with Basmalah
29:54Unless it is Surah At-Tawbah
29:57Or Surah Bara'ah
29:58That we are talking about
30:01So, do not read Bismillah
30:03If it is in the middle
30:05Like now, we are starting with the 12th verse
30:07Can we not read Basmalah?
30:11In general
30:12Basmalah is in the middle of the surah
30:15It is not Shari'ah to read Basmalah
30:18We say
30:19A'udhu Billah minash shaitanir rajim
30:23wadribalahum masalan ashabal quriyatid ja'ahil mursalut
30:28Read it in the middle of Surah Yaseen
30:30Just say A'udhu Billah
30:32We cannot say why he does not read Bismillah
30:35It is not polite
30:36That is the rule of reading the Qur'an
30:39So, Basmalah in the middle of the surah
30:42Is the choice of the reader
30:45It is our choice
30:46We can read it
30:47We can leave it
30:50If we read it
30:51We do not say it is wrong
30:52Even if we do not read it
30:53We cannot say it is wrong
30:54It is even correct
30:55If we do not read it
30:57It means
30:58There is no Shari'ah to read Basmalah in the middle of the surah
31:02Even if there is
31:03It is still Sunnah to read Basmalah
31:05Because it is a general rule
31:07Everything that is not started with Basmalah
31:10It is broken
31:12That is why it is a general rule
31:13It is not just reading the Qur'an
31:15If you want to go out, you say Bismillah
31:17That is why it is good to read Basmalah in the middle of the surah
31:22You can read it
31:24Except in the surah At-Tawbah
31:26At-Tawbah is what the scholars say
31:28Some say you can read it
31:30If it is in the middle of the surah
31:31In the beginning, do not read it
31:35If it is in the middle of the surah
31:37For At-Tawbah
31:39You can read it
31:40And you can not read it
31:41Some scholars say you can read it
31:42Some say you cannot read it
31:43Surah At-Tawbah
31:44It is not forbidden
31:46Is that clear?
31:48I would like to stand up
31:50For us to learn a bit of Tajweed
31:53And also our memorization
32:13Let us enjoy our studio and the audience at home
32:16One, two, start
32:20One more time
32:29One more time
32:30One, two, start
32:43The last one
32:44The word
32:49There are many among our readers
32:51Who read with Qawman
32:53The word Qaw
32:55After the word Fuwamati
32:57It is easy for us to read Qaw
32:59When we reduce the word Qaw to Qaf
33:02There were two people
33:04But I cannot show you
33:06I am sorry
33:07I do not know who
33:08Only one person
33:09I am sorry
33:11Try to say
33:18With Qaw
33:20It sounds different
33:45The second sentence
34:04In this sentence
34:08Yesterday or two days ago
34:09We mentioned
34:10The word Qawmati
34:11Before that
34:12It is below
34:13The word Qaw
34:14We know
34:15In terms of letters
34:16It is a thick letter
34:17It is the same
34:18In terms of nouns
34:19There are seven letters
34:29And Qaf
34:30Say it
34:31With a high voice
34:32To the sky
34:38That is the upper line
34:39When it dies
34:40Before the lower line
34:41Like this example
34:43Wa hammu bi ikhrajir rasul
34:49One, two, start
34:50Wa hammu bi ikhrajir rasul
34:59We cannot
35:00Make it too thick
35:02It should be less thick
35:04Thick but less
35:06If it is different
35:07We say the letter
35:08For example
35:09The letter Sa
35:10Try to say
35:33Just like that
35:34The differences
35:37And also
35:39The middle
35:40Not too thick
35:41So, don't do it like this.
35:43Don't do it like this.
35:45Don't do it like this.
35:47Just like that.
36:04Let's read it from the beginning.
36:11They broke their oaths.
36:17Do you not see, O Jonah, how they broke their oaths?
36:28And they were anxious to bring forth the Messenger, and they began you the first time.
36:55Do you fear them?
37:07We use the letter Hamzah to emphasize the intonation of our voice.
37:14Do you fear them?
37:19Allah is more worthy of fear than you, if you are believers.
37:45Do you fear them?
37:48We will continue in the next segment.
37:52We will take a short break.
37:54We will be back after this.
37:56My Quran Time.
38:15In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
38:45In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
39:15In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
39:46We will understand from that hadith.
39:48But our scholars say, what needs to be emphasized from that statement...
39:53...is that we're not alone in doing good.
39:57We must remember that we have a family...
40:00...that we want to encourage, to move them to do worship with us.
40:04We don't want to go to heaven alone.
40:07That's the easiest way.
40:08If we don't have a family, maybe we're studying.
40:13We have friends who sleep, we wake them up.
40:16Maybe they have a programme this morning.
40:21They're tired.
40:22They go to sleep.
40:24We try to move them.
40:26At least they wake up and read some zikr.
40:29Zikr that is easy to read.
40:42To be continued...
41:13...so that we can read Al-Quran more correctly.
41:21We're at the last block.
41:24Verse 13.
41:27It means, why don't you fight those who break their promises...
41:34...and plan to drive out Rasulullah...
41:39...and it's their first time to fight you?
41:44Are you afraid of them?
41:46Whereas Allah has more right for you to be afraid...
41:50...if you're a believer.
41:53Beloved brothers and sisters.
41:55This verse is a premise for us...
42:00...when we face, or when Muslims face...
42:05...those who don't believe, or those who fight us first.
42:11We must be clear about that.
42:13It means, the enemy fights us first.
42:17Or they drive us out of our own village.
42:23It means, the enemy starts the fight first.
42:28Only then can we take action.
42:32Dear viewers, I'd like to draw your attention...
42:37...to verse 13.
42:39If we want to relate it to what happened in the fifth year of emigration...
42:43...which is the story of the battle of Khandaq or Ahzab.
42:48At that time, Rasulullah faced a critical time.
42:57Rasulullah faced the betrayal of the hypocrites.
43:04Secondly, Rasulullah faced the betrayal of the Jews of Bani Quraizah.
43:10The Jews of Bani Nadir also broke into Madinah.
43:17They were driven out of Madinah at that time.
43:21They colluded with the polytheists of Mecca.
43:26All of this formed a plot to destroy Rasulullah's army.
43:34What's interesting is, when Rasulullah's army was besieged...
43:40...Rasulullah didn't leave his Muslim companions alone.
43:47Rasulullah stayed with his Muslim companions to fight...
43:53...against the group that he called Al-Ahzab.
44:01The proof is, there is a narration that states...
44:06...when Rasulullah wanted to dig his own grave...
44:12...Rasulullah dug his own grave.
44:17Rasulullah did the same with his other companions.
44:20When there was a big stone that couldn't be broken...
44:25...the companions complained to Rasulullah that they couldn't break it.
44:30Rasulullah himself came to break the big stone.
44:37Rasulullah himself did such things.
44:42How deep was the stone?
44:49In a note, Asyan Khiti said, the depth of the stone was 9.1 metres.
45:019 metres deep.
45:04How long was the stone?
45:06Approximately 2.7 kilometres.
45:112.7 kilometres long.
45:16How wide was the stone?
45:1818.3 metres.
45:21Can you imagine how difficult, how terrible...
45:28...was the sacrifice of Rasulullah...
45:32...with his companions at that time?
45:35For what?
45:37To defend Islam.
45:40To defend Allah's religion.
45:43When Rasulullah defended Allah's religion, Alhamdulillah...
45:47...Islam reached us.
45:49All of us can say the shahadah.
45:51La ilaha illallah Muhammad Rasulullah.
45:54In the narration that states...
45:56...the process of digging the grave...
45:59...the first narration says, 6 days.
46:026 days of digging the grave.
46:05The second narration says, up to 2 weeks.
46:0815 days of digging the grave.
46:11This is a historical record that we need to learn.
46:16At that time, there were approximately 3,000 Muslims...
46:20...facing the Muslim army of Mecca.
46:25At that time, there were 10,000 Muslim army of Mecca.
46:30An enemy army that was equipped with 1,500 camels...
46:34...and 300 horses.
46:36At that time, the Muslim army...
46:38...in the battle of Khandaq and Ahzab...
46:40...was led by Abu Sufyan.
46:43At that time, Abu Sufyan was not yet a Muslim.
46:46May Allah have mercy on you.
46:49These are a few things that we can learn.
46:52Of course, when we read the verses...
46:55...as we read in the 13th verse...
46:58...it is the same.
47:00The narration states, in the 13th verse...
47:04...what happened was...
47:07...the polytheists in Mecca...
47:11...they formed an alliance...
47:14...to expel Rasulullah SAW...
47:18...from the city of Mecca...
47:20...by holding a meeting in Darun Naduah...
47:24...in order to expel Rasulullah.
47:27Finally, they wanted to kill Rasulullah SAW...
47:31...and they broke the agreement...
47:33...when they attacked the tribe of Bani Khuza'ah...
47:37...who became an ally for the Muslims.
47:39These are some of the stories...
47:42...about what happened to Rasulullah SAW.
47:46When we read the verses in the Quran...
47:49...that tell the story of war...
47:51...we are learning...
47:53...how Rasulullah SAW and his companions...
47:56...managed their hard times...
48:00...their difficult times...
48:03...in order to defend and fight...
48:06...to elevate the words of Allah SWT.
48:09There are three resolutions...
48:11...that we can take together...
48:14...in this broadcast.
48:16First, avoid those...
48:19...who break the agreement.
48:22They are dishonest.
48:24They are treacherous.
48:26Second, don't make people...
48:29...who discuss religion...
48:31...as your ally.
48:33Third, always be confident...
48:36...and brave...
48:38...to carry out Allah SWT's orders.
48:42That is the summary...
48:44...of the 12th and 13th verses...
48:47...of Surah Al-Tawbah...
48:49...that we will discuss in this broadcast.
48:51Al-Fadhil, Ustaz Tirmizi.
49:14Praise be to Allah.
49:40That is the summary...
49:42...of the 12th and 13th verses...
49:45...of Surah Al-Tawbah...
49:47...that we will discuss in this broadcast.
49:49Hopefully, what Ustaz Zarifi has said...
49:51...can be applied in our lives.
49:53We may think that...
49:55...this is far from us...
49:57...regarding leadership...
49:59...regarding statehood...
50:01...regarding jihad and so on.
50:03But that is the importance...
50:05...of knowledge.
50:07Knowledge will lead us...
50:09...to the right path.
50:11We are not only...
50:15...but also...
50:17...based on the knowledge...
50:19...of Al-Quran and Al-Sunnah...
50:21...and the teachings...
50:23...of our scholars.
50:25Praise be to Allah.
50:27Thank you for your attention.
50:29We would like to invite all of you...
50:31...to join us...
50:33...in the movement of Al-Quran...
50:36...that we have been doing for a long time...
50:38...the programs that emphasize...
50:40...Al-Quran and Al-Sunnah.
50:42Hopefully, our community...
50:44...will be able to read Al-Quran.
50:46You can scan the QR code...
50:48...to make it easier for us.
50:50Hopefully, we will be part of the people...
50:52...who inherit Al-Quran...
50:54...who strive to spread Al-Quran.
50:56Hopefully, Allah gives us...
50:58...the goodness in this world...
51:00...and in the hereafter.
51:04May Allah bless you.
51:06My Quran Time.
51:08Quran, Salat, Imfaat.
51:10Peace be upon you.
51:34Quran, Salat, Imfaat.
51:36Peace be upon you.
51:38Quran, Salat, Imfaat.
51:40Peace be upon you.
51:42Quran, Salat, Imfaat.
51:44Peace be upon you.
51:46Quran, Salat, Imfaat.
51:48Peace be upon you.
51:50Quran, Salat, Imfaat.
51:52Peace be upon you.
51:54Quran, Salat, Imfaat.
51:56Peace be upon you.
51:58Quran, Salat, Imfaat.
52:00Peace be upon you.
52:02Quran, Salat, Imfaat.
52:04Peace be upon you.
52:32Quran, Salat, Imfaat.
52:34Peace be upon you.
