Blake Murray describes his battles with addiction

  • last year
Blake Murray from Deal describes his battles with his mental health and drug addiction and why he is setting up a support group to help others
00:00 I struggled with mental health and drug addiction for 8 years and more.
00:05 I used drugs to escape from my feelings and emotions and how I was feeling.
00:10 It changed the way I felt and in fact it made me feel worse.
00:15 I ended up going through many psychiatric wards, pushing family and friends away, not being a father to my son.
00:26 For me I decided to change. I went to rehab, I got clean, learned a lot about myself and how to live a better life.
00:39 It's a men's mental health group, just for men, to help them live a better life and get to know different people that are in the same position as them.
00:52 So they don't feel alone and to meet new friends really. It's going to be called Be Courageous.
