REPLAY: French President Macron gives press conference as EU summit ends

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00:00 to Brussels where French President Emmanuel Macron is making some comments.
00:03 Let's listen in.
00:04 The Versailles agenda and our response to the American activities on the economic front,
00:16 and we haven't got much change to report about because we were taken up by the much more
00:23 important topics such as the electricity reform, and that's as regards the rules of economy
00:39 and finance.
00:40 We were also preparing a COP28 yesterday night.
00:45 We mentioned the multi-annual financial plan so that after a few years the Commission can
00:52 get back to us with new proposals corresponding to a more realism in the national priorities
01:01 for financing.
01:03 All this having been discussed, I can answer any questions afterwards.
01:09 Of course, this Council was much more about major crises, and today we have several and
01:20 are in a serious context.
01:25 In Ukraine, we reaffirmed our support for the independence of Ukraine and its territorial
01:36 sovereignty, and the strategic context is still the same.
01:42 President Zelensky spoke yesterday, and you heard him.
01:45 We also want to continue to provide our military support in the long term or medium and long
01:51 term, which has its budget consequences, and this we'll get back to at the meeting of December.
01:58 We want to reinforce our military industry in Europe.
02:05 We want to do this to be able to offer better support to Ukraine, and it makes sense in
02:13 the long run.
02:14 There were also various points that you might question me about, other topics, but this
02:22 was the heart of the message.
02:25 We are still committed to supporting Ukraine.
02:30 We have the will to bring credible support to Ukraine.
02:36 We also came back to various points in the region, in particular the Western Balkans.
02:45 We have the problem of Serbia and Kosovo, and you heard the Prime Minister yesterday
02:51 and President Vucic, and they had a discussion with Meloni and Michel and myself.
03:02 And on this topic, we have clear lines.
03:07 We want to implement the Brussels Agreement, and we want to see the setting up of a multistate
03:19 situation in the region in the years to come.
03:23 It has to become a reality.
03:24 And after repeating that we condemn the attacks of the 24th of September, we have asked for
03:33 clear action from President Vucic.
03:37 I've also had a talk about Armenia and Azerbaijan.
03:45 We need to watch this very carefully, and we are continuing with our mediation work
03:53 between both governments, but our message has to be quite clear that we are supporting
03:57 Armenia particularly because its territorial integrity was touched upon, and it means we
04:10 want to ask Azerbaijan not to impinge on this territorial integrity and to stick to the
04:21 borders of '91 that were set down in the Prague Agreements.
04:27 So this has to be watched carefully.
04:30 Then we also mentioned the situation in the Middle East, and we had a long, useful debate
04:40 where we expressed that we had solidarity with Israel and that we condemned the terrorist
04:45 attack of Hamas, and we are determined to act for just peace in the Middle East.
04:54 Of course, in the first instance, we condemned a terrorist act such as Hamas's actions, and
05:02 we all agreed that Israel has a right to defend itself, but within the limits of international
05:08 and humanitarian law.
05:12 We are very committed to see our hostages freed.
05:18 Myself, I talked to Prime Minister Netanyahu and to the army of Qatar several times about
05:25 this question of the hostages, and we have constant contact with the various negotiation
05:33 teams to this aim.
05:36 We are all coordinating so that citizens and entitled citizens can leave the Gaza Strip
05:48 as soon as possible.
05:52 We want these people to be evacuated, and we are trying to organize their extraction.
05:58 I am in touch with Israel, with Egypt, doing it in consultation with other European countries,
06:07 and these are the most striking features of the meeting.
06:13 I reported about my visit, and I laid down the first steps for renewal of the peace negotiations
06:25 and three pillars around which the European countries would like to move ahead.
06:32 First pillar, anti-terrorism.
06:36 You can't be within international law and be terrorist, and the terrorist movements
06:43 of the region are a threat for there, but also for us.
06:54 We have to be clear about terrorism, including vis-à-vis Iraq and Jordan.
07:00 The region and our international partners are walking the same line together.
07:09 We've lost around 30 French citizens in the terrorist attack.
07:14 The will that we are expressing with this initiative is to show that you're not alone
07:23 against terrorism.
07:24 The answer to terrorism is not a massive action which endangers civilians.
07:34 It's a targeted retaliation, and it's something operational between armies.
07:46 In our past efforts against terrorism, we've learned some lessons, and I would like us
07:52 to have an initiative where we all combine our information.
07:57 We fought against Daesh.
08:00 We could use our experience to combat terrorism in the Middle East.
08:06 Second aspect, second pillar, the humanitarian aid.
08:14 Of course, Israel wants to combat terrorism and should fight in a targeted way so as to
08:20 avoid unnecessary shedding of civilian victims.
08:28 And that's what we talked about with Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Herzog and
08:34 the other senior people I met in the region.
08:38 And France decided together with Jordan and Egypt to send out some extra means, Tenerife,
08:51 and the French militaries are getting ready to adapt to the conditions of the crisis.
08:57 But we are sending equipment and humanitarian supplies which have already arrived in Egypt.
09:04 And we also sent the military ship that will be getting there on the coast of Gaza to bring
09:14 support.
09:15 We are building a humanitarian coalition with other European countries, particularly Cyprus,
09:22 which is the backstop for the aid.
09:30 And we're also working in close links with Greece.
09:37 And all European partners who want to join in this concrete response, so humanitarian
09:46 aid, which we think is essential to protect the most fragile populations as well as to
09:55 try and bring our hostages home.
09:59 And this has to be coordinated concerning the people of Gaza, but also concerning West
10:08 Bank populations.
10:10 We want to bring some support to them too because of the blockade under which they are
10:18 suffering.
10:19 And we'd like to ask the Israeli to stop the violence against those civilian populations.
10:27 Third pillar, the political perspective.
10:33 We need to relaunch talks to find a solution with two states to satisfy both sides.
10:45 And this would include the Americans, our partners in that region.
10:50 And all European partners share these priorities.
10:54 Of course, there are different perceptions, but we've managed to converge on a joint statement
11:00 and answer some of the concrete questions that these ideas beg.
11:07 And we want fighting against terrorism and humanitarian support and finding a political
11:19 solution to be a global answer to the problems in order to try and avoid escalation.
11:27 I think we're doing our duty in this.
11:31 This is it.
11:32 If you have any questions.
11:34 Mr. President, France Press Agency, you said since the beginning and you repeated that
11:42 Israel was allowed to defend themselves in the respect of international law.
11:47 Do you think that what they are doing now, the strikes and the first ground incursions
11:56 correspond to those criteria of the humanitarian and international law?
12:03 As we said, we recognize their right to fight against terrorism.
12:11 But we also consider that the complete blockade and the indiscriminate bombing and the massive
12:21 ground actions are not at all appropriate for protecting civilian populations.
12:28 This is why we would like the initiative to be well prepared so that it's targeted against
12:34 terrorists and we could even cooperate.
12:37 It's not just words.
12:42 We think just now a humanitarian ceasefire is what we need for all those civilian populations
12:54 who have been hit to get relief and for the agencies of the United Nations who have lost
13:02 dozens of their staff.
13:04 Who are doctors, teachers, people who were there to support the populations and they
13:10 are dying under the bombs.
13:12 And we can't pretend this isn't existing.
13:15 And that is nothing to do with anti-terrorism.
13:20 So some concerted humanitarian action and targeted action would be much better.
13:28 And I think it's consistent with what we've been saying since the beginning.
13:32 Florent Tardif of CNewsnet Plus.
13:36 In the press release of last night, the European Union asked for pauses so that the humanitarian
13:47 aid, as you said, against what Israel is doing, which is purely military.
13:53 So these breaks, these pauses would allow to bring in relief.
14:01 A humanitarian corridor would be set up.
14:04 How can it be done?
14:06 First, I think we have to be lucid.
14:08 We're in a situation which is a war.
14:12 And that war is going to last because fighting Hamas cannot be done overnight.
14:18 And tensions are growing on both sides.
14:23 Then if we're fighting terrorist groups and fighting a war against them, right from the
14:29 beginning, it has to be separated from civilian populations.
14:34 Otherwise, everything's going to flare up.
14:36 And there is confusion in the minds.
14:39 And that is against Israel's security.
14:42 If millions of people in the region consider that their brothers and sisters are killed
14:49 because of Hamas, they're going to join the cause.
14:53 And we really must do what we can against this.
14:57 And I don't know about the debate whether we need a pause or some pauses.
15:05 It's a useless debate.
15:06 I think the main thing is that we need to solve the basic problems, such as the problem
15:11 of hospitals.
15:13 It's a very complex matter.
15:15 Quite clearly, the thing is that Hamas is a terrorist organization, and they did something
15:23 very barbaric.
15:25 But within Gaza, they're very well organized.
15:27 They are sophisticated.
15:29 They have tunnels and a system of interdependence of their resources and the civilian population.
15:36 So when you talk to the Israelis and you say, why don't you switch on the electricity?
15:41 Of course, it gives it to them, too.
15:45 It's very difficult for the Israeli authorities to carry out this fight to eradicate Hamas.
15:54 But it needs time.
15:56 The right conditions have to be made, such as hospitals being plugged onto a different
16:03 electrical line, and other countries getting involved.
16:11 So we need this break in the ceasefire so that the whole civilian population doesn't
16:18 become victim of the anti-terrorist action.
16:22 We also need the humanitarian corridors to be opened.
16:27 We really need those breaks.
16:32 One or two more questions.
16:39 From Artie, as regards Ukraine and Viktor Orban, who came yesterday to Brussels to say
16:49 that he was a European plus, but he shook hands with Putin last week and held a speech
16:55 on Monday where he compared Brussels to the Moscow of the Soviet Union.
17:06 What can you do against Orban?
17:09 Can you tell him to stop?
17:13 Have you sent out any warnings to his colleague in Slovenia?
17:21 Well, I think the European spirit...
17:25 Just a minute.
17:27 I'll come back to your question.
17:28 Very often in Viktor Orban's speeches, he compares Brussels and Moscow.
17:33 And I've said before quite solemnly, there's a basic difference.
17:39 Brussels never invaded another country, didn't invade Hungary.
17:45 They decided to join Europe.
17:47 They got a lot of advantage from it, since it's been member.
17:51 And the Hungarians live better since they've been in Europe.
17:54 And this is their sovereign choice.
17:56 So let's not confuse a sovereign choice.
18:01 We have all decided to join Europe and therefore delegating some of our sovereignty to Europe.
18:07 So you cannot mix up military domination and a sovereign choice.
18:13 That's very serious to maintain that confusion.
18:18 What I said to Viktor Orban, I said it officially, I can tell you.
18:23 First, heads of state or of government have a sovereign position.
18:29 You cannot forbid one of them to see somebody else, to meet another of our leaders.
18:36 However, I think there should be an upstream and downstream coordination.
18:41 And in the situation in which we are vis-à-vis Russia, you can't use your bilateral contacts
18:48 to weaken Europe's position and just promote your own.
18:55 I cannot give any prime minister, including Orban, lessons about what he needs to do.
19:01 I suppose it's useful at some point for him.
19:05 And I think since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, we were united, rapid, and stuck
19:13 to our line.
19:15 And the prime minister of Hungary and of Slovakia didn't ask for any change of the European
19:22 text, although they feel differently.
19:27 But they don't throw spokes into the continuity of our action.
19:34 So let's listen to the arguments of other people.
19:37 All arguments can be mentioned, but we need to stick to what we're committed to.
19:45 TF1-LCI, the question of the Middle East, the prefect of Paris said that the pro-Palestinian
20:02 demo would be forbidden tomorrow, but it isn't the same in other European capitals.
20:07 So are we blowing onto the fire here in France compared to other countries?
20:17 I trust the competent prefect to make the right decision.
20:21 Let me say that several of the demonstrations were authorized because it was Palestinian
20:27 cause for peace.
20:28 Others were forbidden when it was ambiguous, when the intention was more rather to support
20:35 Hamas.
20:36 The decisions are taken case by case, and in each case, a judge is asked to decide.
20:46 And the decision of the prefect was certainly done taking into account what he needs to
20:52 know.
20:53 And there was another demo for peace in Palestine that was held a few days ago.
21:01 Every time, the judge has to decide whether the case is a good one or what he decides.
21:09 So quite solemnly, I would like to say, we are the country of Europe that has the biggest
21:15 Jewish community.
21:17 We are the country of Europe that has the biggest Arab Muslim population too.
21:26 It's very difficult to leave the voices of the two extremes be on the forefront of our
21:33 public life because it leads to division.
21:36 I am for talks and discussion and for both sides to express themselves in order to build
21:48 something and we need to maintain our unity.
21:54 Next question.
21:56 Somebody from opinion.
21:58 The priori annual financial plan, what do you think about the proposals of the Commission?
22:04 Are they going to benefit the European fonctionnaires or are they going to help the people?
22:17 I think the priorities defined by the European Commission and the presidents are the right
22:22 ones and we're including more support to Ukraine and the amounts suggested seem to us very
22:32 high and we asked for a slightly lower figure because there are priorities and we don't
22:40 want other priorities to be sacrificed.
22:42 I don't want to get into the details of our debate but clearly in various countries, we
22:49 are going through hard times and trying to overcome our economic difficulties but I don't
22:58 think this small increase is going to make a big difference.
23:03 Just one more person.
23:05 Yes.
23:06 Swissblic, on your maritime humanitarian corridor, what would the form be?
23:21 Would it be a floating bridge?
23:22 What would it be?
23:27 Can you give us more details?
23:31 There was a proposal by Spain.
23:34 A second question, France Vision Brussels.
23:40 You said that the conflict would last.
23:44 You're afraid that there might be a migratory crisis as a result, such as in 2015 and the
23:54 president of the parliament said so and the connections between the immigrants and terrorism
24:04 might be a cause of concern.
24:07 On the first question, the maritime corridors, the idea was to send by sea and air medical
24:16 supplies and relief supplies and afterwards, we're going to organize with the agreement
24:23 of the Israeli authorities, the United Nations and Egypt a way to provide a humanitarian
24:32 relief on the ground, possibly along the coast and Cyprus being the closest, we could use
24:44 them as a bridgehead and send in a faster way the needed supplies.
24:54 And this is going to be defined as we go along, as we work on it.
24:59 We have contacts with the Israeli authorities so as to work out where the transit points
25:05 could be and using navy if need be in order to be more efficient.
25:12 Thank you to the president of Cyprus for his commitment to this.
25:18 As regards the peace conference, yes, we must try and relaunch it now.
25:26 It's very difficult, of course, to be doing this while you have an ongoing fight against
25:32 Hamas, but it's still necessary and fighting Hamas is not against the Palestinian authorities,
25:40 of course.
25:41 We have a triptych which we defined since the beginning.
25:47 We want to fight the terrorist groups.
25:49 We want to also provide a political answer and you can't do one without the other.
25:57 Otherwise, people resent it and as they've been saying for a long time in Palestine,
26:03 you're not giving us any proper answers and it leads to the most violent reactions.
26:11 So the relaunching of the peace talks would be good for both sides.
26:16 We need to convince our Israeli partners that this would be the best for them too.
26:23 We are working very hard at this.
26:26 As regards your other questions, I do think that the conflict is probably going to last,
26:35 I don't know in what form, and expand on scenarios, but it could have migratory consequences.
26:45 But it's rather early to say so.
26:47 It depends how it spreads and on our humanitarian action.
26:56 It would have very grave consequences if it went that way.
27:02 It's something we have to prepare and anticipate collectively.
27:07 As regards immigration and terrorism, I'm not sure there's a link.
27:14 You can't shorten it to that.
27:17 We are cooperating within Schengen to combat terrorism.
27:21 There's no direct existential link, but there are people with terrorist projects who come
27:29 in as immigrants.
27:32 So you must keep a balance and not be generalizing nor denying that it exists.
27:41 You remember the Nice attempt.
27:44 It was a Tunisian who came through Italy and came into France and then committed his attack.
27:51 So we want to improve our cooperation at the borders, and it's part of the system that
28:05 we're working upon and that we very recently talked about finalizing.
28:10 You heard about all the technicalities of it recently.
28:14 When people arrive on our territory, we try and be as professional as possible and have
28:22 a way of detecting the more dangerous individuals.
28:25 And we've got a good internal cooperation between countries to dismantle the networks.
28:30 So this is what I can say to that.
28:32 And we are very vigilant.
28:34 From my part, I would like my Minister of the Interior to coordinate with all his colleagues
28:43 so that we continue to cooperate at European level.
28:48 Thank you.
28:49 I need to go back to Paris.
