Top 20 Worst Girlfriends in TV

  • last year
It's not me, it's you! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the TV characters who make terrible girlfriends. Beware of show spoilers ahead.


00:00 I got you these.
00:03 Bullwinkle socks.
00:06 Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the TV characters who make
00:11 terrible girlfriends.
00:13 What the hell is this?
00:16 Beware of show spoilers ahead.
00:18 Number 20.
00:21 Marnie Marie Michaels - Girls
00:23 Marnie's relationships tended to be disasters,
00:27 and more often than not, she was largely to blame.
00:30 When she was with Charlie, she spent most of her time talking about him behind his back.
00:40 And since they were always on again off again, she put Charlie through the ringer constantly,
00:44 and wasn't truly content to let him move on.
00:47 Then there was Ray.
00:49 He was her best friend's ex, and she hooked up with him for no good reason.
00:56 Let's also not forget that when Ray lost a good friend,
00:59 Marnie was pretty apathetic, and couldn't really be bothered to be there for him.
01:04 Though we thought she might have had it figured out with Desi, that relationship ended in divorce.
01:09 Number 19.
01:15 Angela Moss - Mr. Robot
01:17 Here's a kind of hero turned villain story.
01:21 Angela and main character Elliot were supposed to be best friends,
01:24 yet ultimately, she stepped on him to gain power.
01:27 Even before they had a semi-romantic thing, there was a lot of bad behavior on her part.
01:37 She turned against him, working for the very company they both once fought against.
01:41 We also couldn't forget about that time Elliot went missing.
01:51 She didn't even bother to look for him with Darlene at first.
01:54 Sure, she changed course later, but still.
01:57 We could go on and on, yet the gist is she wasn't the best partner.
02:01 Worst of all, she rarely took accountability for her actions.
02:05 Number 18.
02:09 Marina Crane - Bridgerton
02:10 Even many of the most devoted, hardcore fans of the show had a hard time dealing with Marina.
02:15 Almost everything she did was self-serving.
02:23 And she just loved to play the victim.
02:26 For instance, she chose Colin as the suitor to gain status, at least in part.
02:30 She had planned to convince him her baby was his.
02:33 Yeah, she had a hard life, so we can't blame her entirely.
02:37 She was a young, unmarried pregnant woman in a time when that kind of thing was practically
02:42 unforgivable.
02:42 But that doesn't excuse treating people, especially Colin,
02:51 like they were only there to serve her every whim.
02:54 She was almost a literal evil twin.
03:06 Catherine was the vampiric ancestor and doppelganger of the main character Elena,
03:11 meaning she looked just like her.
03:13 She was also the original woman to come between the show's central brothers,
03:17 Damon and Stefan, with whom Elena had something of a love triangle too.
03:22 The thing is, Catherine constantly manipulated both guys,
03:27 not to mention pretty much everyone else.
03:29 Indeed, she was terrible on at least one occasion to every person that crossed her path,
03:36 lying and scheming for personal gain.
03:38 She treated Trevor like nothing more than a tool, and didn't even care when Mason died.
03:47 The list goes on.
03:48 Countless men tripped over themselves for her, and she was only looking out for herself.
03:53 Entangled in a drug cartel, Alex asks her girlfriend Piper Chapman to help smuggle some
04:11 drug money.
04:12 Years after the couple has broken up, Alex throws her ex under the bus,
04:16 which lands Piper in Litchfield Penitentiary.
04:18 To make matters worse, Piper and Alex just so happen to be serving time at the same prison.
04:23 While there, the two begin to rekindle their romance as they remember the good times.
04:27 Even then, however, Alex continues to screw her lover over,
04:35 most notably convincing Piper to lie on the stand about meeting a drug boss.
04:47 In spite of Alex's selfishness and deception, we will give her this,
04:51 at least she's better than Larry.
04:53 Marissa was just so dripped in drama, and her on-again, off-again relationship with Ryan
05:03 was always a disaster.
05:05 When they were together the first time, she ruined it by befriending Oliver.
05:09 And then she acted all surprised when he, who was not well, fell in love with her.
05:16 She was like the female version of the nice guy trope.
05:20 She contributed to the trouble with Ryan's family, and often made his life harder in general.
05:24 The thing is, she was a troubled teen girl who never got the help she needed,
05:33 and ended up dying before she could grow and heal.
05:36 But ultimately, she caused more problems in her romantic relationships than she fixed.
05:41 She was a literal stalker, need we say more?
05:44 She started out as just another one of Charlie's one-night stands.
05:47 But then, she became way too infatuated with him.
05:51 She would break into his house on a regular basis.
05:56 She would disguise herself to follow him around.
05:59 She even went so far as to drug him in order to get close to him.
06:03 And it was all played for laughs.
06:06 After years of this behavior, she and Charlie do eventually get together and even get married.
06:12 But, well, she didn't let that stop her from mistreating him and keeping him captive.
06:16 The only saving grace here is that Charlie was a pretty awful person too.
06:21 So they were kind of meant for each other.
06:23 Charlie was a very nice guy, and he was a very nice guy.
06:29 But he was also a very nice guy.
06:31 He was a very nice guy, and he was a very nice guy.
06:33 So they were kind of meant for each other.
06:34 Number 13.
06:41 Jules Chambers, One Tree Hill.
06:43 Or should we call her Emily?
06:46 Jules seemed absolutely perfect for Keith.
06:49 So much so that he wanted to marry her.
06:51 But that was just because his little brother Dan taught her exactly how to woo him.
06:55 How sick is that?
07:03 We get that Jules was down on her luck and needed some quick cash.
07:06 We also believe she had a change of heart and ultimately grew fond of Keith.
07:11 But what kind of person goes to such lengths to help a stranger get revenge in the first place?
07:15 Jules injected herself into Keith's life to win him over before stomping on his heart.
07:25 The ruse lasted all the way until their wedding day.
07:29 Needless to say, we would have a hard time trusting her.
07:33 I'm sorry.
07:33 She left.
07:35 Number 12.
07:40 Georgina Sparks, Gossip Girl.
07:42 The moment I met you, I've been falling for you.
07:45 Georgina is one of the most manipulative individuals to ever grace Manhattan's Upper East Side.
07:51 She not only sets out to destroy multiple happy relationships throughout the show's course,
07:55 but she also leaves most of her own love interests with broken hearts.
07:59 This is especially apparent when it comes to her obsession with Dan,
08:02 who she initially seduces to get back at Serena.
08:06 Georgina later tries to destroy one of Dan's other relationships
08:09 and even lies to him about being pregnant with his baby.
08:12 You gave me this.
08:13 What?
08:15 Congratulations, Daddy.
08:17 Meanwhile, her marriage to Philip was solely based on looks and money.
08:21 Although Georgina does show her softer side over time,
08:24 we still wouldn't want to be in Jack's shoes.
08:27 Let's see if the woman lives up to the name.
08:29 Number 11.
08:31 Jackie Burkhart, That '70s Show.
08:33 Michael, don't tell Al we're part of a conversation so the people might go.
08:37 We have to go and have a conversation.
08:39 Almost 10 years after That '70s Show wrapped up,
08:43 co-stars Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher got hitched in real life.
08:47 Interestingly enough, Kunis' Jackie and Kutcher's Kelso
08:49 were actually dating at the beginning of the series.
08:52 Given Jackie's conceited, bossy nature, Kelso often says that he's gonna dump her.
08:56 Their toxic romance endures multiple breakups and reconciliations,
09:00 but matters get especially complicated when Jackie starts dating Hyde.
09:04 Why is Hyde kissing Jackie?
09:07 In addition to those two, Jackie ultimately falls for Fez.
09:10 Upon being rejected, she exacts revenge on Fez, who fires back with harsh words.
09:16 I'm glad I turned you down because you're a mean, bitter girl.
09:19 And now you're ugly on the outside like you are ugly in the inside.
09:22 And in That '90s Show, we learn she rekindled things
09:26 and even had a kid with Kelso.
09:27 All that would be fine if it weren't for Jackie's
09:30 often selfish and self-centered behavior.
09:33 So, when do we get to second base?
09:35 Where do you even begin with this one?
09:46 Rebecca moves across the country just to be closer to a guy
09:49 she briefly dated as a kid at summer camp.
09:52 Although the oblivious Josh is already in a long-term relationship,
09:56 Rebecca makes a habit out of spying on him
09:58 and coming up with new ways to infiltrate his life.
10:01 When Rebecca finally wins Josh over,
10:03 it's less like the ending of a romantic comedy
10:06 and more like the beginning of fatal attraction.
10:08 Josh is only the tip of the iceberg,
10:11 as Rebecca has several other dysfunctional relationships
10:14 that end in heartbreak, fires, and more.
10:17 Her mental health journey is an important one,
10:19 but we can't say she's the best significant other for much of the show.
10:23 Although Rory wasn't always a perfect girlfriend throughout 'Gilmore Girls,'
10:47 she still usually came off as identifiable.
10:49 With the Netflix revival, however,
10:51 a lot of fans had a hard time excusing some of Rory's actions,
10:54 particularly when it came to her love life.
10:57 She has a casual affair with Logan,
10:59 despite the fact that they're both involved with other people.
11:01 Whereas Logan is engaged,
11:03 Rory's boyfriend is of so little consequence
11:05 that she repeatedly forgets to break up with him.
11:08 Considering that Rory's previous affair with Dean resulted in a broken marriage,
11:15 this only further called her morality into question.
11:18 While not the best girlfriend,
11:20 it would be interesting to see how Rory tackles motherhood.
11:23 The title might suggest otherwise,
11:38 but love won't exactly leave you feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.
11:42 That's largely due to its protagonists.
11:44 Just as Gus is far from the world's greatest boyfriend,
11:47 Mickey isn't what we'd call "girlfriend material".
11:50 She lies, cheats, fears commitment, sends mixed signals,
11:54 dodges difficult conversations,
11:56 rarely accepts responsibility,
11:58 and can never make up her mind.
12:00 Her substance abuse also regularly gets in the way of having meaningful relationships.
12:05 In season two, Mickey does make an effort to get her act together
12:08 and maintain a healthy relationship.
12:10 Since this show is about the dark side of love though,
12:13 it doesn't shy away from the fact that old habits die hard.
12:16 "Okay, let's... let's be a couple."
12:19 Okay, we will be the first to admit that things were really hard for Lila.
12:28 When Jason Street got injured,
12:30 the entire future she thought was laid out before her came crashing down just like Street's did.
12:35 But still, she cheated on the guy with his best friend Tim Riggins
12:42 when she should have been supporting him.
12:44 And that's seriously not cool.
12:46 "I'll be there at night, while we're here, oh."
12:52 She was the center of one of the biggest love triangles in teen drama history,
12:56 and her dynamic with Tim wasn't exactly healthy either.
13:00 We also have to shout out Julie Taylor,
13:02 another questionable Friday Night Lights girlfriend.
13:05 After all, she put Matt Saracen,
13:07 aka one of the sweetest guys in the world,
13:10 through hell before they ended up together.
13:12 "I just really need some space."
13:14 Number 6. Paige McCullers - Pretty Little Liars
13:18 Um, she could have drowned Emily.
13:21 How do you go on to fall in love with someone who would endanger your life to scare you,
13:26 all because she wanted to assert her dominance on the swim team?
13:30 "I would never let out a teammate because my feelings were hurt.
13:34 I take care of things myself."
13:37 Plus, before they were together, Paige made fun of Emily's sexuality,
13:41 which is pretty horrible.
13:42 Even if it came from a place of self-loathing.
13:45 "Because being so into the breast stroke could really end up hurting you."
13:48 "What does that mean?"
13:50 "It means we all know what team you really play for."
13:53 We sympathize with the fact that in the earlier years,
13:55 Paige was struggling to accept herself and come out,
13:58 and we would never hold that against her.
14:00 But as a girlfriend, she usually didn't have much to offer
14:04 other than a difficult, judgmental personality and overall bad attitude.
14:08 As a result, she put Emily, who deserved way better,
14:12 through the ringer.
14:13 "It's all about Emily. All M, all the time."
14:16 Number 5. Lila West - Dexter
14:22 "If you're gonna come over this late, least you could do is bring me a coffee."
14:25 It's really saying something when you're too unhinged,
14:28 even for a serial killer like Dexter Morgan.
14:31 Lila meets Dexter at a support group where she's immediately drawn
14:34 to his dark passenger.
14:36 Once Dexter becomes sexually involved with Lila,
14:39 she goes to disturbing lengths to keep him all to herself.
14:42 This includes setting her loft on fire,
14:45 breaking into Rita's house,
14:46 and accusing Angel of assault.
14:49 She also blows up a restrained dokes to maintain Dexter's secret identity.
14:53 This turns out to be a fatal mistake, however,
14:56 as Dexter only kills other murderers,
14:58 and now Lila meets his criteria.
15:00 Well, that's one way to say I think we should see other people.
15:02 "Thank you."
15:08 Number 4. Carrie Bradshaw - Sex and the City
15:11 Carrie has always been selfish.
15:14 Everything had to be about her on Sex and the City,
15:18 and if it wasn't, she threw a fit.
15:20 Look at how terrible she was to Aiden Shaw when they were together.
15:23 We're not saying he was perfect,
15:33 but on the whole, it seemed like nothing he did was ever good enough for her.
15:37 Their engagement ended in shambles,
15:40 and who could forget her cheating on him with Mr. Big?
15:43 What a jerk.
15:43 Truthfully, Carrie never deserved Aiden,
15:50 and everything we've discussed just epitomizes what a bad significant other she often was.
15:55 So, you can imagine our reticence when the duo rekindled things in And Just Like That.
16:01 After all, she hasn't grown that much in the sequel series.
16:05 "We're back where we started.
16:07 But this is where we ended."
16:11 Number 3. Karen - How I Met Your Mother
16:14 It's no secret that Ted Mosby didn't exactly have the best judgment when it came to women.
16:19 His good partners were often lost in a long line of destructive and unhealthy choices of a partner.
16:25 The worst of all of those had to be Karen.
16:27 We get it, she was essentially Ted's first love,
16:32 so he looked at her through rose-colored lenses.
16:34 But even as a grown man, he fell victim yet again to her wicked ways.
16:39 Sadly, she didn't have many redeeming qualities.
16:43 Indeed, Karen was endlessly obnoxious and pretentious.
16:46 As if that wasn't bad enough, she looked down on Ted's friends.
16:56 She always thought she was better than everyone else, when actually, she was kind of the worst.
17:01 "You're a really hurtful and reckless person, and I never want to see or speak to you again."
17:06 Number 2. Jan Levinson - The Office
17:08 If you've seen the "dinner party" episode of this show, we don't have to tell you anything else.
17:15 Jan was controlling, loved to belittle others,
17:18 and may have had who knows what going on with her assistant at some point.
17:28 She treated Michael like he was nothing but a convenience or inconvenience, depending on the day,
17:33 and obviously thought she was too good for him.
17:35 Just look at their living situation.
17:37 She made Michael sleep on a little bench while she took up the whole bed herself.
17:41 While we're talking about bad girlfriends from The Office,
17:48 we also have to mention Angela.
17:50 She messed with Dwight and Andy, and was often all-around unpleasant.
17:55 "Angela's having sex with Dwight."
17:57 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about
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18:13 Number 1. Rachel Berry - Glee
18:18 Rachel was a pretty terrible person, generally speaking.
18:22 So is it really a surprise that she was a bad girlfriend too?
18:26 For one thing, she went out with Puck when she was still very obviously into Finn.
18:30 Later on, when she and Finn were together, she cheated on him with, you guessed it, Puck.
18:35 We can't talk about cheating without also throwing Quinn under the bus for that.
18:41 Still, Rachel did it out of malice, and as a romantic partner,
18:47 she was generally on another level.
18:49 Indeed, even if you forgive the infidelity, she was also super controlling of her boyfriends,
18:55 especially Finn. She usually wanted things her way,
18:59 and it didn't exactly lead to the healthiest relationships.
19:02 Who do you think is the worst girlfriend on TV? Let us know in the comments.
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19:20 [Music]