Electricity theft on the rise according to new data

  • last year
The real-term cost of electricity has more than doubled since 2010. In light of this, and the broader cost-of-living crisis, we looked at the rate of electricity theft across England and Wales. So next, we’ll be taking a look at the figures as it’s reported that electricity theft continues to be on the rise.


00:00 According to BBC's shared data unit team, at least 10 police force areas have seen a
00:04 doubling in the crime of electricity theft over the last decade.
00:08 Across England and Wales, there has been a reported overall increase of 75% in the number
00:13 of recorded electricity thefts, with offences passing 3,500 for the first time in 2021-22.
00:20 Electricity theft consists of meters being tampered with or bypassed to avoid paying
00:25 charges.
00:26 Electricity theft can see live wires being exposed and will often involve bypassing fuse
00:30 boxes, meaning appliances can overheat and even catch fire.
00:34 The National Police Chiefs' Council said it was a "growing problem" with a significant
00:39 connection to organised crime.
00:42 Assistant Commissioner at the London Fire Brigade, Charlie Pugsley, said criminal activity,
00:47 including anything from cannabis cultivation to bitcoin mining, was largely behind the
00:53 rise.
00:54 And he said many others were tampering with meters because they were desperate to survive
00:57 amid soaring energy costs.
