• 2 years ago
Em participação no programa EM Minas, do jornalista Benny Cohen, o prefeito Fuad Noman (PSD), de Belo Horizonte, falou sobre as negociações de contrapartidas exigidas ao Atlético para a construção da Arena MRV – novo estádio do Galo na capital mineira. Os valores foram tema de debate em Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito (CPI) instaurada pela Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte (PBH).

Leia mais: https://noataque.com.br/futebol/time/atletico-mg/noticia/2023/09/24/arena-mrv-prefeito-de-bh-fala-sobre-negociacao-de-contrapartidas-com-atletico/

Em junho, durante depoimento à CPI de Abuso de Poder, Bruno Muzzi, CEO do Atlético, detalhou que as contrapartidas relativas ao empreendimento estavam avaliadas em cerca de R$ 335,3 milhões. O montante faria com que o custo das obras da Arena MRV ultrapassasse a casa de R$ 1 bilhão.

Em constante diálogo com o Atlético, Fuad Noman abordou as conversas entre a PBH e o clube mineiro sobre o assunto. O político ressaltou que uma das obras – viaduto da BR-040 sobre o Anel Rodoviário – será realizada com recursos advindos do Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento (PAC).

“O que está faltando o Atlético fazer são as contrapartidas, que muitas delas não dizem respeito especificamente à Arena MRV. E é por isso que a gente deixou que isso ficasse um pouco postergado, porque… Ah, tem que plantar 46 mil árvores. Isso não afeta o movimento. Não precisa fazer agora. Pode fazer em 10 anos. Coisas desse tipo”, afirmou.

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#EMMinas #Fuad #ArenaMRV #Atlético


00:00 I would say that today, within that space, we are absolutely in control of the work.
00:09 What is missing from the athlete is the counter-matches,
00:12 which many of them don't say anything about the arena.
00:17 That's why we left it a little bit postponed,
00:23 because we have to plant 46,000 trees.
00:27 It doesn't affect the movement.
00:30 You can do it now, you can do it in 10 years.
00:33 Things like that.
00:35 This viaduct that we are going to do now at the ring
00:38 was one of the athlete's counter-matches.
00:41 The athlete came to do the project, we are receiving the project,
00:44 and we are going to do the viaduct through the PAC,
00:47 and the athlete will do other activities, other works of equivalent value.
00:52 Do you know which ones?
00:54 We don't know, but we know that the value that is being spent here
00:57 will be used by the athlete in other areas.
01:01 I think the arena is a success.
01:04 The procedure is well done.
01:06 We have always done a lot of work together with the arena itself,
01:11 with the CEO of the arena.
01:13 We are working and authorizing all the events one by one.
01:17 Firefighters, military police, everyone is working
01:20 so that the arena works normally, because it is a great space for Belo Horizonte,
01:25 it is a great space for the culture of Belo Horizonte.
01:27 We have already had two or three very important shows for Belo Horizonte,
01:30 made by the arena.
01:32 The arena is very modern, so Belo Horizonte has to work hard
01:36 so that it is definitively resolved.
01:39 And does it still take time for the arena to have permission to receive a total audience?
01:43 No, there it is much more a matter of strategy of the arena itself
01:47 than a prohibition of the city hall.
01:49 Because, in fact, you don't open anything.
01:51 Anything you do big, you don't open it all at once,
01:55 you have to do it in the test.
01:57 [BEEP]
