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Can you name every AEW Champion in reverse chronological order? Test yourself in the comments...

Put your mind to the test and see if you can do better than our fine cast of wrestling aficionados as they try to name every AEW Champion!
Starring... Pete Quinnell, Luke Owen, Oli Davis, Dan Layton and Dave Bradshaw! Hosted by Tempest.

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00:00 I said I didn't want to make silly mistakes, that's a silly mistake.
00:03 Let's just sit in silence for a while, while I think about this.
00:06 Hrrrgh!
00:07 Hello and welcome back to another exciting edition of Survival Series, the show that
00:11 teaches me to love wrestling and my friends more than I ever have.
00:15 Today, I'm joined by the former Survival Series champion, Pete Quinnell.
00:20 Hi, that's me, former.
00:22 My middle name now, former.
00:24 Pete, former Quinnell?
00:25 Yeah.
00:26 What's your last name then?
00:27 Quinnell.
00:29 I am fired up.
00:30 Do you want to know why?
00:31 I'll tell you why I'm fired up.
00:32 Because people have been mocking me these past couple of months.
00:35 People have been calling me a transitional champion.
00:37 I had someone call me Ivan Koloff.
00:38 Do you even know who that is?
00:39 Of course I do.
00:40 Do you know who that is?
00:40 Stan Stasiak.
00:41 Someone called me Stan Stasiak.
00:43 Stan Stasiak!
00:45 That's rude!
00:46 I feel like I have unfairly developed a reputation who is just like a placeholder and that's
00:54 not true.
00:54 I'm one of the all-time greats and I plan to prove that which is why I've worn a gold
01:00 t-shirt.
01:01 You know, like usually, we were talking about this in the office, we don't know what's coming.
01:05 Like, I don't know what the topic is.
01:07 But you can usually have like a solid enough guess.
01:10 Hey, it's WrestleMania season, Adam.
01:12 It's probably going to be a WrestleMania thing, isn't it?
01:14 Probably going to be something WrestleMania related.
01:16 Genuinely, not a blues clue.
01:20 So, I haven't even had a cursory glance at Wikipedia.
01:24 I have not a scooby-doo what is coming next.
01:28 It's going to be big.
01:29 It's going to be big time, Tempest.
01:30 Massive.
01:31 Massive.
01:31 I've got this.
01:32 I've got this.
01:33 I'm a two-time live QuizzleMania champion for which there is no trophy but the adoration
01:39 of the people in the room and we all saw it.
01:41 I'm here to collect them all.
01:42 I'm like Smaug.
01:44 I'm going to sit on a pile of trophies.
01:46 Come on.
01:47 We've got this.
01:48 Have we?
01:49 If you're joining us for the first time, we will be having every single member of the
01:53 PFK HQ go through a very specific wrestling category in reverse chronological order with
01:58 three strikes.
02:00 Make sure you check out the previous episodes of Survival Series if this is your first time
02:03 watching and make sure you check out our Patreon, to see the full uncut
02:08 version of this show where you get to see exactly which answers tripped up these guys
02:12 the most.
02:13 With that being said, Pete, today you will be trying to name every single AEW champion
02:24 in reverse chronological order.
02:26 World champion?
02:27 Champion.
02:28 [Laughter]
02:31 What?
02:32 [Laughter]
02:33 Oh, God.
02:34 I had no idea you could be this sadistic.
02:38 Every AEW champion.
02:40 Full stop.
02:41 Full stop.
02:42 Not world champ.
02:43 Not TNT champ.
02:45 Champion.
02:46 You're getting it, Pete.
02:48 [Laughter]
02:49 In reverse chronological order.
02:52 World champion.
02:53 World champion.
02:54 No, no.
02:55 Oh, no.
02:56 What?
02:57 From when they won the title?
02:58 Tempest?
02:59 No.
03:00 No, no, no, no, no.
03:02 Because I don't even know who's first on that list.
03:04 Wait, hang on.
03:05 World champion?
03:07 Or like every champion?
03:09 Every AEW champion.
03:11 Oh, well, that I can't do.
03:12 [Bleep]
03:13 So that's like from every title change?
03:16 What?
03:17 Do I?
03:18 Wait, what?
03:19 Do you mean world champion?
03:20 You don't, do you?
03:21 I mean every AEW champion.
03:24 Oh, my God.
03:27 This isn't going to go well for me.
03:29 You say that, but I'm going to preface this because there's some admin.
03:34 There's no technicalities here.
03:36 There's no trick questions.
03:37 There are so many champions in the company.
03:38 Of course there are technicalities.
03:40 No, no, no, no, no.
03:41 I am only looking for AEW sanctioned titles.
03:46 So no FTW title, no AAA tag titles, no IWGP, none of that.
03:51 No Impact World title.
03:52 Only AEW championships.
03:54 Not Ring of Honor.
03:55 No Ring of Honor.
03:56 I want AEW World, Women's World, TBS, TNT, Tag Trios, and International.
04:03 That's still like loads.
04:05 I will be giving you the next title for you to name the champion of.
04:10 I don't know if I made it any better.
04:12 So I will give you the most recent title change, but it is up to you to name who that champion was.
04:17 God, there's going to be a real bitch of a TNT title, period, in this.
04:21 So with that being said, Pete Quinnell.
04:24 Hello.
04:25 Who is the current AEW Women's Champion?
04:29 Hikaru Shida.
04:30 This would be Shida, Hikaru Shida.
04:32 She won the title on the main event of mid-August Dynamite.
04:37 The TNT title.
04:39 It's not Christian Cage.
04:42 Who thinks he is?
04:43 It's Luchasaurus.
04:45 Kind of sort of Christian Cage, but not, because it's actually Luchasaurus.
04:48 I mean, it's Christian Cage, obviously.
04:50 Luchasaurus.
04:52 Luchasaurus via Christian Cage.
04:54 Current TNT champion, despite what one person might say, is Luchasaurus.
05:00 But it's Christian.
05:02 The TBS title.
05:04 Oh, God.
05:05 Chris Statlander.
05:06 Chris Statlander.
05:07 I don't even know.
05:08 TBS title.
05:10 Is it?
05:11 I have no idea who has that title.
05:13 Britt Baker.
05:14 That is your first strike, Dave.
05:15 Oh, God, this is going to be quick.
05:17 TBS title is presently round the waist of one Chris Statlander.
05:21 Current TBS champion is Chris Statlander.
05:24 TBS title.
05:25 How would I know who's got the TBS title?
05:27 Watch the wrestling game.
05:30 There's too many titles.
05:31 I don't know who the TBS champion is, Tempest.
05:33 Oh, that's quite a problem you have.
05:35 That is a big problem.
05:36 Now all this transitional champion stuff looks more plausible.
05:40 Who are some people who might be TBS champions?
05:43 I'm really good at wrestling.
05:45 I'm really good at it, mostly.
05:46 Remember that time we did World Heavyweight Champions, and I won it.
05:49 So long ago.
05:50 I was really good at that.
05:51 A whole other studio ago.
05:53 If you're watching this and you want to go back and watch that episode,
05:57 then you'll find my true skill level.
06:01 Saraya.
06:02 That is your second strike, Dave.
06:03 Of course it is.
06:05 I don't know who the TBS champion is.
06:08 This is the problem with this scenario as well.
06:09 There's spotlights.
06:10 So the spotlights beam down on you, and then suddenly something that you don't know,
06:15 but if you thought about it, you might know, suddenly becomes much more pressure.
06:19 Because there's Adam Whitney sitting over there, glaring at you as well.
06:22 And there's the ever-judging eyes of Tempest behind his mask.
06:26 Let's just sit in silence for a while, while I think about this.
06:30 The TBS champion.
06:31 Shhh.
06:32 Fundarosa.
06:33 And, Dave, that is your third strike.
06:36 Enjoy your gold shirt.
06:38 Should have been a red shirt with how quickly you died on this mission.
06:41 I'll put on a red shirt.
06:43 I haven't won.
06:45 Well, who's to say?
06:46 Adam, can you stop laughing?
06:48 That is disrespectful.
06:49 On a professional game show, you wouldn't have one of the production crew laughing at one of the contestants.
06:57 You're on this show, and Dave, I need you to remove your mic and get the f*** out.
07:03 I don't want to be here.
07:05 I want to go somewhere where I'm appreciated.
07:07 Game over.
07:10 The AEW Women's World Champion.
07:17 Hmm, so that will be Tony Storm beating, uh...
07:22 Tony Storm is the answer.
07:24 Jamie Ader. Yeah, I know, but I'm just showing off.
07:26 Usually I don't get to show off my...
07:28 I know, but you'll get to that next name that you just said soon enough.
07:32 Alright, but I'm helping. This is my work interview.
07:34 I'm trying to keep it simple for Adam Whitney, lovely editor Adam, who's going to have a hell of a job with this one.
07:40 Sorry, I can't care about you right now, Adam Whitney.
07:43 Best boss I ever had.
07:44 I need to do this for myself. I've never had a subject more suited to me.
07:49 I feel like I'm doing okay so far.
07:51 Tony Storm.
07:52 That's Tony Storm.
07:53 Tony Storm.
07:54 The TNT Championship is Wardlow.
07:58 So Luchasaurus, Christian Cage, beat Wardlow, I believe in a ladder match.
08:04 Not a ladder match, but ding.
08:05 Jeez, you were giving like a strike arm gesture then.
08:10 What is a strike arm gesture? Because my ding and my strike are very similar apparently.
08:15 It's Wardlow. Wardlow.
08:17 The tag titles.
08:19 FTR are currently around the waist of Bald and Hair FTR.
08:25 What I'm going to struggle is who they beat for those belts, but the current champs are FTR.
08:30 Yeah, so FTR there. FTR are the current tag team champions as we're recording this.
08:34 And I won't say who they beat, even though I could, and how bad of an idea putting the belts on those people was in the first place.
08:41 Adam, I'm doing well. Adam, I'm doing well.
08:44 The TNT title.
08:46 Oh, I've just noticed where this is going to go a bit chaotic for me, because I was like, okay, great, he'll give me the belt and I can just name the last one.
08:52 But then there's going to be all of these strands and I'm going to have to go back and figure out who had what.
08:56 And there's like, there's, okay, Mind Palace. Mind Palace.
09:00 So, so TNT title was around the waist of Wardlow and Wardlow won the belt.
09:07 No. Oh no.
09:09 That's where we are. We're at Wardlow. We went Luchasaurus, Wardlow.
09:13 Powerhouse Hubs.
09:15 This is what's going to stump me is the TNT title.
09:18 This is quite hard to keep track of because you've got so many strains going.
09:22 I believe, I believe I haven't, I believe I've only said the Luchasaurus TNT title win so far.
09:30 So Wardlow.
09:32 That is your first strike.
09:34 Have I already said Wardlow? Could I clarify?
09:36 You have said Wardlow already.
09:38 It's Samoa Jalen.
09:40 That is your second strike.
09:42 You were doing so well. I thought this might've been your day, Oli Davis.
09:46 TNT championship.
09:48 F*** you, Wardlow.
09:50 F*** you, TNT championship.
09:52 I knew you'd be the curse of this.
09:55 Samoa Joe.
09:57 That is your first strike, Dan.
09:59 You did win it from Samoa Joe or Samoa Joe won it from Wardlow.
10:02 I think it's Joe. I think Wardlow won it from Joe.
10:05 Samoa Joe.
10:06 That is your first strike.
10:08 F***ing dang it.
10:09 Powerhouse Hubs.
10:10 Ding.
10:11 F***.
10:12 Oh no. Oh no.
10:14 I even looked at this list before I came in and then I was like,
10:17 "There aren't enough TNT World titles to do a full episode of a survival series.
10:20 I don't need to remember those."
10:22 Oh, oh, oh, okay, okay, okay.
10:25 I got it wrong because of the names of the people.
10:28 Powerhouse Hubs.
10:29 Ding.
10:30 There it is. Okay. We're back on track.
10:32 One strike. That's fine.
10:34 Oh no. No, because the problem here is that I'm actually really enjoying this.
10:39 So get the right answer so we can all enjoy this together a little longer.
10:43 Oh my god.
10:44 The people who have been in the mix for the TNT Championship this year--
10:47 don't take my answer--
10:48 are Wardlow, Darby, and Samoa Joe.
10:50 And Nutrasaurus now, currently.
10:52 It's Powerhouse Hubs.
10:55 Ding.
10:56 Oh, I just burned all of my strikes.
11:01 The TNT title.
11:03 Shag. Okay.
11:05 Wardlow.
11:08 Ding.
11:09 Okay, good. Right, fine.
11:10 Oh, smeg.
11:11 Oh, smeg.
11:13 Was this Joe or was it Wardlow?
11:16 It was Joe or it was Wardlow?
11:18 I'd say Powerhouse Hubs beat Wardlow.
11:20 Wardlow?
11:21 Samoa Joe.
11:22 That is your first strike.
11:23 Oh, cock!
11:24 I said I didn't want to make silly mistakes.
11:27 That's a silly mistake.
11:28 Is it Wardlow?
11:29 Ding.
11:30 Nah.
11:31 The Trios titles.
11:33 So this would be the current champs.
11:35 That's House of Black.
11:36 The Trios Championships are the House of Black.
11:39 House of Black.
11:41 The House of Black.
11:42 The AEW Tag titles.
11:45 So FT Tempest Yow won it from...
11:47 The Ass Boys.
11:49 The Guns had them for a while.
11:51 You were really happy when they won the belts, Tempest.
11:54 I remember that fondly.
11:55 Listen.
11:56 Thank you for joining us for this reactions video.
12:04 There's a light there.
12:07 It wasn't supposed to do that.
12:10 After they won the belts.
12:12 But did they drop it before FTR got to them?
12:15 Oh my god, who was it?
12:17 I don't know.
12:18 I don't know.
12:19 I simply don't know.
12:20 I simply don't.
12:21 Because it was Championships vs. Careers.
12:24 It was that.
12:25 That would have been won by The Guns.
12:28 The Guns.
12:29 Oh my god, I know the match.
12:31 And it was such a...
12:32 They won it and it was a great match.
12:34 Does that help?
12:36 It was a great match and it was for the titles vs. the careers.
12:38 That's what it was.
12:39 It wouldn't have been House of Black because they were trios.
12:42 They wouldn't have both sets of belts.
12:44 It wouldn't have been Christian and Luchasaurus.
12:47 It wouldn't be Luchasaurus and Jack Perry.
12:49 It wouldn't be Hook.
12:50 It would be Kichi.
12:51 It would be...
12:52 No, that's not really teamy.
12:54 Was it The Guns?
12:56 Ding.
12:57 Oh!
12:58 What a waste of time that was.
13:00 The TNT title.
13:02 This is actually in some ways more challenging.
13:06 Because I don't have a concurrent thought process of one belt.
13:10 I have to keep coming back and do several thought processes at the same time.
13:13 I did.
13:14 Luchasaurus.
13:15 Wardlow.
13:16 Powerhouse arbs.
13:17 Wardlow.
13:18 Samoa Joe.
13:19 Adam Whitney, what did I say?
13:21 I said it was...
13:23 Wardlow.
13:25 I think it's Joe again.
13:27 I think that's where Joe has it.
13:29 I don't think he won it off Darby.
13:30 I think he won it off Joe.
13:31 Samoa Joe.
13:32 Ding.
13:33 Yes.
13:34 Lucha.
13:35 Wardlow.
13:36 Powerhouse arbs.
13:37 Wardlow.
13:38 This will be Samoa Joe.
13:39 Samoa Joe.
13:40 The Trios titles.
13:42 Okay.
13:43 Good to bad.
13:44 Bad to good.
13:45 Let's say The Elite.
13:46 The Elite.
13:47 The Elite.
13:48 The Elite.
13:49 The TNT title.
13:51 This...
13:54 F***.
13:55 Albatross of a title around my neck.
13:57 Um, okay.
13:58 I said Samoa Joe, right Adam?
13:59 Adam, I need you to keep track of this for me.
14:03 I can't.
14:04 He had an excellent feud with Darby Allin.
14:07 Darby Allin.
14:08 Darby Allin.
14:09 Was it Wardlow?
14:10 Or was it Darby Allin?
14:11 Darby Allin.
14:12 Darby Allin.
14:13 AEW World.
14:15 The last world championship change was MJF.
14:19 MJF.
14:20 That would be MJF.
14:22 I don't have any stress for this.
14:23 I'm just as luxurious in this moment.
14:25 Maxwell Jacob Friedman.
14:28 The AEW Women's World Championship.
14:32 Jamie Heyser.
14:33 Jamie Heyser.
14:34 Women's World.
14:35 So this was Toni Storm as the champ who beat Jamie Heyser.
14:40 Jamie Heyser.
14:41 Jamie Heyser.
14:42 Oh God, who did Jamie Heyser beat?
14:46 Aren't you getting ahead of yourself?
14:48 Was there someone between Toni Storm's interim run and Jamie Heyser?
14:53 And I can't clarify if I've already said Jamie Heyser.
14:56 No, I have said Jamie Heyser because Jamie Heyser was beaten by Toni Storm.
15:02 I'm pretty sure I've already said Jamie Heyser.
15:05 Are you sure about that?
15:06 I'm going to say Jamie Heyser or Toni Storm.
15:08 I've forgotten what I've said.
15:12 I've forgotten where we are.
15:14 I'm pretty sure I said Jamie Heyser.
15:16 Toni Storm.
15:17 That was your third strike.
15:20 You did not say Jamie Heyser.
15:23 Oh no!
15:26 Jamie Heyser.
15:27 The correct answer.
15:29 That's when she won the belt.
15:31 At Full Gear 2022.
15:34 Would you please, for the Patreons, see how far I can get?
15:38 I mean, I've got nothing else to shoot today.
15:40 I'll go as quick as I can.
15:42 And that would be your next strike.
15:52 In that case, if you would please take off your mic and get the f*** out.
15:56 Game over.
15:59 [Laughter]
16:04 The TNT title.
16:06 Samoa Joe.
16:07 Oh! Yes!
16:10 Raven.
16:11 Was it Samoa Joe again?
16:14 Ding.
16:15 I'm going to plough through the ones I definitely know.
16:17 I think it goes back to Samoa Joe again.
16:19 The International/All Atlantic Championship.
16:22 Orange Cassidy.
16:23 Cassidy.
16:24 Orange Cassidy.
16:25 The AEW World Championship.
16:27 Jon Moxley.
16:28 Jonathan Moxley.
16:29 The Tag titles.
16:31 Who do the Assboys be?
16:34 Be Acclaimed?
16:35 Ding.
16:36 I'm doing so well. I didn't realise at all.
16:41 Who do the Assboys be?
16:43 We did the reactions to this.
16:45 With the guns winning the belts.
16:47 Who do the Assboys be?
16:49 They be, I think, Be Acclaimed.
16:52 You used me.
16:54 I used you!
16:55 For Assboys content!
16:57 Who do the Assboys be?
16:59 Who do they beat?
17:00 Who are the Tag Champs?
17:02 It's the Acclaimed.
17:04 Is it the Acclaimed?
17:06 Because I don't think it's Swerve in Our Glory.
17:08 Which means it might be the Acclaimed.
17:10 The Acclaimed?
17:12 Ding.
17:13 Who's the Acclaimed?
17:15 Everyone loves them.
17:17 The AEW Trios titles.
17:20 Oh, of course.
17:21 Because it was Death Triangle that originally won it.
17:23 And then the Elite won it off them.
17:25 In the Best of Seven, right?
17:27 So that's going to have to be Death Triangle.
17:29 In the Best of Seven. They went off Death Triangle.
17:31 Death Triangle.
17:32 AEW World Championship.
17:35 Surely, Vacant, the most previous champion to Jon Moxley,
17:42 would have been Chad Michael Funk.
17:44 CM Punk.
17:45 C-M Punk.
17:47 The Women's title.
17:49 I'm Jamie Hayter.
17:50 We're getting into interim nonsense territory, aren't we?
17:53 I'm trying to rattle through the whole AEW Women's roster in my mind,
17:57 and I can't. All the names, I'm like, definitely not, definitely not, definitely not, definitely not.
18:01 And now I can't think of who actually would have held the bell.
18:04 Toni Storm.
18:05 So Toni Storm.
18:06 Toni Storm.
18:07 Ding.
18:08 [Laughter]
18:10 The Trios Championship.
18:12 The Elite.
18:13 We're also made vacant because of Brawlout, so surely that's the Elite.
18:19 The Elite won it, and then they had to vacate it because of Brawlout.
18:21 The Elite.
18:22 Ding.
18:23 [Laughter]
18:24 I have a brain sometimes!
18:26 Huh, I always thought it'd be smaller.
18:28 Now they're the first, so the Trios are now done.
18:31 The Tag Titles.
18:33 [Laughter]
18:34 I don't know.
18:36 Was it Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland?
18:38 Ding.
18:39 [Laughter]
18:40 Yes!
18:41 Oh!
18:43 FTR.
18:45 That is your second strike, Dan.
18:46 That's not right.
18:48 The Tag Titles are going to undo me.
18:50 Swerve and Our Glory?
18:51 Ding.
18:52 Sweet.
18:53 I think I'm going to have to throw in the towel.
18:54 I think I'm just going to have to accept my fate.
18:55 I don't know the answer to this question, and I'm actually quite proud of what I did,
18:59 given that I was so non-plussed right at the beginning, and I thought I was going to stumble.
19:05 God knows.
19:07 I'm sorry.
19:08 I've had a great day.
19:10 Nothing can take this from me.
19:12 Don't just give up.
19:14 That'd be trash.
19:15 No, because the Acclaim are currently working with House of Black, so no.
19:18 That was...
19:20 Maybe the guns again?
19:21 Guns.
19:22 Is that an answer?
19:23 Yeah.
19:24 That was your third strike.
19:25 Yeah.
19:26 I need you to remove your mic, take your jam in the jar and jam that championship, and
19:32 get the f*** out.
19:33 But are you proud of me?
19:35 I'm a bit disappointed.
19:36 Oh!
19:37 That's the worst answer you could possibly have given!
19:40 Game over.
19:43 [Laughter]
19:47 The TNT title.
19:49 Oh f***!
19:50 No!
19:51 Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.
19:54 Why must you curse me with your...
19:58 Because I bet you it's like f***ing Scorpio Sky or some s***.
20:02 Who have I said's got the belt at the moment?
20:05 Squirrel!
20:08 What?
20:09 Because I can't remember what I said last.
20:12 Adam Whitney.
20:14 Adam Whitney.
20:15 I can't remember who I said last.
20:17 I think I said Samoa Joe, which means it must be Wardlow.
20:21 Unless I've already said Wardlow.
20:23 I'm so lost in where I am.
20:25 I'm at All Out, which is Wardlow, isn't it?
20:31 It's Wardlow at All Out, isn't it?
20:33 Because I'm at All Out.
20:34 That's where I'm at.
20:35 I'm at All Out.
20:36 That's where Punk won the What's It?
20:37 And the Elite won the Doozies.
20:39 And then, you know, the other one.
20:41 It must be Wardlow.
20:43 Wardlow?
20:44 Oh, thank God for that.
20:45 Right, Wardlow.
20:46 Adam, remember that.
20:47 Wardlow has the TNT belt.
20:49 I'm going to come back to you on that one.
20:51 Wardlow.
20:52 Ding.
20:53 Ha ha ha!
20:55 The AEW World Championship, parentheses, interim.
21:00 Interim.
21:01 Jon Moxley.
21:02 Jon Moxley.
21:03 International Championship/All Atlantic.
21:06 It's PAC.
21:07 PAC.
21:08 That one's now off the table as well.
21:10 The AEW Tag Title.
21:12 Oh, piss!
21:14 Okay.
21:15 The Young Bucks.
21:17 Ding.
21:18 I think this might be it for me, gang.
21:20 I think this might be my wall.
21:22 The Young Bucks.
21:24 Ding.
21:25 Wait, what?
21:26 Really?
21:27 Really, really.
21:28 I thought they were doing trio stuff at this point.
21:30 The more you know.
21:31 The AEW World Title.
21:37 CM Punk.
21:40 We had Moxley at Forbidden Door, which means we go to double or nothing, where CM Punk
21:44 won the belt.
21:45 The TNT title.
21:46 Wardlow.
21:47 Okay, who's got it?
21:48 I'm not allowed to say.
21:50 Oh, damn it, Adam!
21:52 It's Wardlow.
21:53 I remember.
21:54 Because you can count on you.
21:55 Wardlow's got the belt.
21:56 Who the piss did Wardlow beat?
21:59 Is it Sky?
22:00 Scorpio Sky had it around this time.
22:02 What have I done?
22:03 What names have I said?
22:05 I said Luchasaurus, Wardlow, Powerhouse Ubs, Wardlow, Joe, Darby, Joe, Wardlow.
22:14 I think.
22:15 I think that's what I've said.
22:17 Scorpio Sky.
22:18 Ding.
22:19 Yes.
22:20 Scorpio Sky?
22:21 Ding.
22:22 Yeeheeheehee.
22:23 That is where I got to.
22:24 That's good.
22:25 I miss them having their own TNT title belts.
22:29 I really miss that era of the TNT belt.
22:31 Well, they can't commit to one TNT champion long enough.
22:34 We'll get to that, I guess.
22:36 We're in it.
22:37 The TNT title.
22:38 Oh, smack.
22:39 Into Scorpio Sky beat.
22:40 Sammy Guevara?
22:41 So I'm either on Darby or I'm on Sammy.
22:44 And Darby's a bit of an outside choice.
22:46 I don't remember Darby doing it.
22:47 What else was Darby doing at that point?
22:49 Skateboarding, probably.
22:50 Doing a jackass or something.
22:52 Sammy Guevara?
22:53 Ding.
22:54 Sweet.
22:55 The AW Women's World title.
22:58 Thunder Rosa.
22:59 Thunder Rosa?
23:00 The TNT title.
23:02 Okay, where did I get to?
23:04 I just did Scorpio Sky, I did Sammy Guevara.
23:06 Which means it goes back to Scorpio Sky again.
23:08 Ding.
23:09 Yes.
23:10 So Sammy Guevara has the belt, which means it's probably Cody.
23:13 I've still got two strikes, right?
23:15 Correct.
23:16 I think it's Cody.
23:17 Pretty sure this is when him and Cody swapped the belt around.
23:20 This is the other hot potato.
23:22 Cody?
23:23 Second strike, Luke.
23:25 Who the f*** was it then?
23:26 It's not Cody.
23:27 Who else had the belt?
23:28 I could just say Darby Allen.
23:30 But there's part of me that really...
23:33 I want to go back further than this because I think I can go back further than this.
23:37 If it wasn't for the god damn TNT stinking title.
23:42 Darby Allen.
23:43 Ow.
23:44 I need you to take off your mic.
23:46 Who was it?
23:48 It was Scorpio Sky.
23:50 F***, of course he went...
23:51 Oh, s***.
23:53 Please take off your mic and get the f*** out.
23:55 That's fair.
23:56 Game over.
23:59 Game over.
24:04 The TNT title.
24:06 Goes back to Sammy Guevara again.
24:08 Ding!
24:09 Yes!
24:10 The AEW tag title.
24:12 F***.
24:13 Balls-ass f***.
24:14 Why do I keep...
24:15 F***.
24:16 I'm going to say, just because I can remember there was a title reign at some point around
24:21 here with these belts, I'm going to say Jurassic Express.
24:24 The TBS title.
24:26 TBS.
24:27 That must have been when it was introduced, right?
24:30 There hasn't been anybody else that held it.
24:31 Jake Cargill.
24:32 The TNT title.
24:34 Cody Rhodes.
24:35 I didn't think we were going to hear Cody Rhodes' name on this show again in a while.
24:38 And he was here.
24:40 The AEW World Championship.
24:46 We had CM Punk winning it a double or nothing, which means it's Hangman Adler.
24:51 The TNT title.
24:53 So I know that there is a...
24:56 Like when the belt was introduced, it went Cody, Brody, Cody to start, but we're not
25:01 back there yet, because there's a whole Mero somewhere in here.
25:04 I think that means it goes back to Sammy Guevara again.
25:07 The AEW tag titles.
25:10 God.
25:11 God, where did I get to?
25:12 I said Jurassic Express.
25:13 I'm going to have to just start saying tag teams, because I don't think I can piece
25:16 this one out at all.
25:18 FTR.
25:20 Where's your second strike, Pete?
25:23 Okay.
25:24 I don't...
25:25 I don't...
25:26 Honestly, I don't know.
25:27 No.
25:28 Oh, no.
25:29 I can remember it.
25:30 Oh, no.
25:31 I can remember the celebration of them winning.
25:33 I remember the show it was on.
25:35 Who did they face?
25:37 I was so ready to quit.
25:39 I was so ready to just be like, you know what?
25:40 We'll call it there.
25:41 That's fine.
25:42 I'm happy with it.
25:43 But now, now I can remember them celebrating.
25:45 Who did they celebrate over?
25:47 I'll just have to say it again.
25:48 Young Bucks.
25:49 That is your third strike.
25:52 I can't remember.
25:53 I couldn't remember.
25:54 Tempest, can you tell me who it was, please?
25:56 It was the Lucha Brothers.
25:58 Oh, God.
25:59 Yeah, of course.
26:00 Now I remember.
26:01 No.
26:02 Talked about the cage and all out.
26:03 I thought you were going to get there.
26:04 Yeah.
26:06 Pete Quinnell.
26:07 Yes.
26:08 Nobody else could navigate the TNT Valley, which means...
26:13 No way, really?
26:14 The new Survival Series champion.
26:19 Oh, this feels good.
26:23 Oh, it feels good.
26:25 Oh, this is nice.
26:26 Oh, I could get used to this.
26:27 I could get used to this.
26:29 Oh, man.
26:30 That's still £100, right?
26:31 We are still doing that.
26:33 That's really, again, the only thing I care about.
26:36 We're never doing AEW again.
26:38 Enjoy it.
26:40 Today I'm joined by the new Survival Series champion, Pete Quinnell.
26:47 That's me.
26:48 I win.
26:50 Everybody loves it.
26:51 And it wasn't underwhelming in any way because it was the first episode with SRS, and yet I'm the one who wins.
26:59 Sometimes things don't go as you plan.
