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DO YOU LIKE WRESTLING BOARD GAMES?! Well, how bout board games ABOUT wrestling? This time we play Fun Facts and see how well we know each other on NO HOLDS BOARD! Featuring, Tempest, Laurie Blake, Pete Quinnell, Sullivan Beau Brown, Dan Layton and TV's Adam Pearson!
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Insta: goosecreative_design
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DO YOU LIKE WRESTLING BOARD GAMES?! Well, how bout board games ABOUT wrestling? This time we play Fun Facts and see how well we know each other on NO HOLDS BOARD! Featuring, Tempest, Laurie Blake, Pete Quinnell, Sullivan Beau Brown, Dan Layton and TV's Adam Pearson!
Logo designed by: Lee Wildgoose
Insta: goosecreative_design
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00:00 Colleague Pete, friend Pete.
00:01 Colleague Pete, friend Pete.
00:02 Um...
00:03 Colleague, colleague Pete.
00:04 Colleague Pete, colleague, colleague Pete.
00:07 Na na na na na na na na na na.
00:10 Colleague to all, friend to none.
00:12 [LAUGHTER]
00:16 Hello, I'm Laurie Hailing from PartsFunknown,
00:18 and welcome to No Holds Bored,
00:22 the board game show, but about wrestling.
00:24 But not about wrestling board games,
00:25 because wrestling board games is bad.
00:27 Instead, we're taking good board games,
00:29 but forced wrestling into them.
00:31 I'm joined by Dan today.
00:33 Hi.
00:33 I'm joined by Sullivan.
00:34 Hello.
00:34 I'm joined by Pete.
00:35 Hi.
00:36 I'm joined by Tempest.
00:37 Hello.
00:38 And I'm joined by TV's Adam Pearson.
00:39 [APPLAUSE]
00:43 And today, we're playing Fun Facts,
00:45 which is a fact-finding game where
00:46 we're going to be using sort of questions,
00:48 and then we're going to put numerical values down.
00:50 We're trying to guess where in the roster of everyone else
00:53 we sit.
00:54 So it might be questions like, what year did you
00:56 start watching wrestling?
00:58 We'll put our answers on the back of these.
01:00 Write them down.
01:00 The first player will place their token,
01:02 and then everyone else has to put theirs either above
01:05 or below, depending on whether they think their number that
01:07 they've written is higher or lower.
01:09 For everyone that we get in the right order, we get a point.
01:12 For everyone that we don't get, we just take it out,
01:13 and we don't get points.
01:14 It's kind of cooperative, which is a shame,
01:17 because people want to watch us infight.
01:19 Oh, they're all being infighting.
01:21 Oh, we're infighting.
01:21 Yeah, don't you worry.
01:22 Tempest is the first player, because he
01:23 has the first player token, this little star.
01:25 So why don't you, Tempest, read us the first prompt?
01:28 The first prompt.
01:30 How long in minutes is the ideal wrestling pay-per-view?
01:36 In minutes?
01:37 In minutes?
01:37 Minutes?
01:38 I've got to do math now.
01:39 There's 60 minutes in an hour, Dan.
01:43 That part I knew.
01:44 And what's 60 times 7?
01:45 [LAUGHTER]
01:48 [TICKING]
01:50 So.
01:53 This is hard to judge.
01:54 This is hard to judge, because I don't know.
01:57 Adam thinks that he wants a longer pay-per-view than Tempest.
01:59 Tempest is in the middle.
02:01 This is the lower value.
02:02 I think I want a shorter pay-per-view than Tempest.
02:07 Because we can't forget, Tempest likes--
02:12 Don't know what I want.
02:14 I think I'm going to put myself here, in between.
02:21 And I think I'm also going to do that.
02:24 I think probably me and Laurie have the same answer.
02:28 10 minutes.
02:29 [LAUGHTER]
02:31 What a famous being.
02:33 I just want it over and done with.
02:35 Let's have Roman walk to the ring, and then cut to black.
02:38 Instead of a wrestling match, they
02:39 come out and read the results, and then go home.
02:41 Oh my god, that'd be so much better.
02:44 That's so much more like Football Manager.
02:45 Yeah, that's what we're talking about.
02:47 That's what we want.
02:49 Roman Reigns won.
02:50 [LAUGHTER]
02:54 Kelly Rose, no.
02:55 [LAUGHTER]
02:58 I think I'm somewhere in the middle.
02:59 So I'm going to put myself above Sully Bob's, underneath Pete.
03:05 I've always dreamed of being above Pete.
03:08 Tempest gets the final choice.
03:09 He gets to move himself from his position, or he gets to stay.
03:15 I don't think I want that long of a pay-per-view.
03:20 Apparently, you want the longest pay-per-view,
03:22 except for Adam Pearson.
03:23 So far.
03:25 I always feel more confident letting it lie,
03:28 because then I feel like I can blame everyone else.
03:30 But I do think this is wrong.
03:33 But my thing is, I feel like we're all
03:35 probably in a similar range.
03:36 I think so, yeah.
03:37 Maybe.
03:38 I think we're actually--
03:39 It's just a question of who's gone granular in the maths.
03:43 It's true.
03:44 I'm going to move it.
03:47 I'm going to move it down one.
03:49 Damning indictment of Pete's pay-per-view taste.
03:52 Pete, why do you want a long pay-per-view, Pete?
03:54 Idiot Pete, come on.
03:55 Idiot Pete.
03:55 Why do you want a pay-per-view as long as Adam Pearson?
03:56 Bloody hell, Pete.
03:57 An extra half hour for every fucking x
03:59 you put on his name.
04:02 Should we start revealing and find out?
04:04 OK.
04:05 Bottom to the top.
04:06 So I went for a cool 150 minutes.
04:11 Two and a half hours.
04:13 I think that's the perfect length for a pay-per-view,
04:16 because that's probably as long as my attention span.
04:19 That is maximum.
04:21 That's the length of my attention span.
04:22 It's like a good takeover length.
04:24 I would have left the room four or five times in this thing.
04:27 I would have gone to the toilet.
04:27 I would have played on my phone.
04:29 But yes, I would have been mostly paying attention.
04:32 I think you're absolutely right.
04:34 Oh, look at that.
04:35 Interesting.
04:36 Absolutely.
04:37 That's exactly what I'm looking for as well.
04:38 Very good.
04:39 I appreciate your logic as well.
04:41 I, however, have taken it--
04:45 I've popped an extra hour on.
04:46 [LAUGHTER]
04:47 What?
04:48 An hour?
04:48 [LAUGHTER]
04:50 Dan!
04:50 Oh, God.
04:51 Three and a half hours?
04:52 Well, because I don't want a four-hour pay-per-view.
04:54 That's well too long.
04:55 [LAUGHTER]
04:56 Three hours is the same as an episode of Raw.
04:59 Most pay-per-views these days are about three to three
05:01 and a half hours.
05:01 And I've enjoyed a lot of them recently.
05:03 But is it ideal?
05:05 Or is it just what it is now?
05:06 Well, because I think the way I take in a pay-per-view is like,
05:09 oh, that was a nice match.
05:10 Right now, I'm going to go get myself a little snackette.
05:11 And now I'm going to go--
05:12 and each match is its own beast.
05:14 Like, I'm not just sat there like--
05:17 Mm-hmm.
05:18 --the whole time.
05:19 Also, we were in Wembley from like 5 PM till 10.
05:22 That's a five-hour show.
05:23 Yeah, and it was too long.
05:24 And it was in Wembley!
05:25 And it was in Wembley!
05:26 It was all in Wembley!
05:26 Well, I don't think there's anything wrong
05:27 with a three and a half hour show, Dan.
05:29 I think you're fucking mad.
05:30 You're crazy.
05:30 Dan, how many days did you think that Adam Pearson put down?
05:33 [LAUGHTER]
05:35 I've gone for two hours, 45 minutes.
05:38 Two hours--
05:39 That's fair.
05:40 --45 minutes.
05:41 Now, I have a snafu here.
05:42 We do.
05:42 Somebody-- somebody made an error.
05:46 So we're going to take Dan out.
05:48 Oh, I'm sorry.
05:49 I like wrestling.
05:50 [LAUGHTER]
05:54 Just like to point out that where I put mine
05:57 was correct until everybody else moved me 150.
05:59 Oh.
06:00 150.
06:02 I agree.
06:03 Two and a half hours.
06:04 Perfect length.
06:05 Perfect length.
06:06 Adam Pearson.
06:07 Adam Pearson.
06:07 And at the very top is the correct answer.
06:11 Seven days.
06:11 Oh, my god.
06:13 Three and a half hours.
06:14 Three and a half hours.
06:15 You guys are crazy.
06:16 You're mad.
06:16 He needs to feel special.
06:18 For me, it feels like--
06:19 If it's shorter than Raw, it feels basic.
06:21 That's what I mean.
06:22 And also, with a three-hour pay-per-view--
06:23 But Raw should be shorter.
06:24 [LAUGHTER]
06:26 It's what I was trying to discuss.
06:27 The Raw should be shorter.
06:28 I'm not paying 9.99 a month for Raw.
06:32 I want my dad's money.
06:33 And also, with pay-per-views that are three hours,
06:36 I've always found a way of going, that was good,
06:38 though this match needed another 10 minutes.
06:40 Premium.
06:41 Chuck a couple hours of wrestling on, I don't really
06:43 care.
06:44 [LAUGHTER]
06:45 Six matches is perfect, because you've got
06:48 the main championships, the tag championships,
06:49 the women's side of the division,
06:51 and you just have a few other big matches.
06:53 What about the major feuds?
06:54 Dan, Clash of the Castle had six matches, and it was brilliant.
06:58 Have you ever--
06:59 How long did it go?
07:00 Probably two hours and 45 minutes.
07:02 [LAUGHTER]
07:05 Have you ever heard of the phrase, leave them wanting more?
07:07 [LAUGHTER]
07:08 No.
07:08 The phrase is, leave them having exactly what they want,
07:11 and they can go to bed smiling.
07:14 Dan says, leave too much in the room.
07:15 [LAUGHTER]
07:17 All right, so four.
07:18 Everybody takes a six.
07:19 We got four.
07:20 We need to beat four next time.
07:21 Yeah.
07:22 So we managed to match up four there.
07:23 That is not all of them, guys.
07:25 We need to work together better here.
07:28 The only thing we're trying to beat
07:29 is ourselves here, because it's a cooperative game.
07:31 So let's see what we can do with the next prompt.
07:34 Adam Pearson.
07:34 OK, let's do this.
07:37 What is the oldest age a wrestler should
07:41 win a world championship?
07:42 [TICKING]
07:45 When I read that out loud, my kind of work brain kicked in,
07:48 and I just went, ages, and so now I'm like, really?
07:51 [LAUGHTER]
07:53 I changed my mind.
07:54 Hold on.
07:55 I'm happy with my answer.
07:57 I'm all right with mine.
07:59 Yeah, I don't know where I'm going to place it.
08:01 Not a clue.
08:02 I don't know what anyone's thinking.
08:04 Adam's got the easy job.
08:04 He gets to place first.
08:05 Luckily, all I've got to do is put mine down.
08:07 Because you shouted the word ageism.
08:09 [LAUGHTER]
08:11 I'm not here.
08:13 Yeah, I think that's fair.
08:15 That's a fair cop.
08:17 Peter?
08:19 I don't know.
08:21 I don't know what anyone's thinking,
08:23 so I'm just going to go in the middle.
08:25 So you're more ageist than Laurie, but less ageist than me.
08:28 Yeah, that's correct.
08:29 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
08:29 You're like our North Star here, Adam.
08:32 We know that you put whatever age they want on there.
08:34 Yeah.
08:35 There we go.
08:36 So because of my awareness that Adam has the power to change,
08:41 his--
08:42 I'm plucking myself out there.
08:43 Interesting.
08:44 All right.
08:45 In that case, I'm going to go right there.
08:48 I'm going to--
08:49 do I leave it?
08:50 Because now I'm applying it down to--
08:52 no, no, I'm going to leave it.
08:55 All right.
08:55 Well, Laurie, it's you first again.
08:57 Yeah, we'll see.
08:57 Just put yourself at the bottom every time.
08:59 I didn't put myself at the bottom.
09:01 I put myself at the bottom of two,
09:02 and everyone else puts me at the bottom.
09:05 Everyone else is like, wow, I can't believe you're this person.
09:07 Now I went with 45.
09:10 OK.
09:11 Interesting.
09:12 I think mostly just because at that point,
09:14 you want to be on the wind down.
09:15 You also have to do all the touring.
09:16 You have to be the face of the company.
09:18 You have to be the whole shebang.
09:19 Sullivan, Laurie, once again, you've
09:22 written the correct answer.
09:23 Yeah.
09:24 It's me, Sullivan, on the wind down.
09:25 That's crazy.
09:26 We have to-- yeah, we've got the same mind.
09:28 So I believe last time, you both put the same answer,
09:31 and I had the same answer but higher.
09:33 It's good because I also put the same answer, 45.
09:36 We're all on the same wavelength.
09:38 Let's go.
09:38 We're just clever guys.
09:41 For the first time, we have a different answer.
09:44 Is it a good one, though?
09:45 It's 45 and a half.
09:46 It's 49.
09:48 Oh, OK.
09:49 OK.
09:49 OK.
09:50 It's a big jump.
09:51 I think we can still be in good shape.
09:53 I think we can still be in good shape here.
09:55 I went with 49, pretty much strictly for edge.
10:03 Granted, he didn't win a world title during this last run.
10:07 But when he cut that promo and they
10:09 were reintroducing the World Heavyweight title,
10:11 I was like, yeah, I give it to him.
10:14 And he's 49 years old.
10:16 We are at four.
10:17 Adam, it all comes down to this.
10:18 We could beat our score from last time.
10:20 Come on, Adam.
10:20 Come on, Adam.
10:22 45.
10:22 Ageism.
10:23 Ageism.
10:23 Ageism.
10:24 Ageism.
10:24 Ageism.
10:25 Ageism.
10:26 Why do you hate old people, Adam?
10:29 We don't.
10:29 Yeah.
10:30 We don't.
10:31 How did you cower to ageism just now?
10:33 Yeah.
10:33 It's crazy.
10:34 I know.
10:35 I'm sorry.
10:37 You let us all down.
10:38 I know.
10:38 I'm sorry.
10:39 I'm sorry, mom.
10:40 I'm sorry to all my friends who are 45.
10:43 Who will one day be 45?
10:45 We can still get five.
10:47 I am--
10:49 Not confident.
10:50 No, bro.
10:50 Not confident.
10:51 Oh, Dan.
10:52 No, no, no, no, no.
10:53 I would like to say that I do have a real issue
10:56 with this question because you were like, can versus should.
11:02 Should feels judgier to me because should is like,
11:06 I'm sorry, you're kind of past it.
11:08 You don't get a chance.
11:09 You should have won that 45.
11:10 And I think the idea of should and age and things like that,
11:13 age is just a number.
11:15 Purely to write down a number, I kind of wanted to do a protest,
11:18 but I put 50.
11:19 Hey!
11:20 Hey!
11:20 Hey!
11:21 Yeah.
11:21 Yeah.
11:22 I do very strongly feel that if you are 50
11:24 and you are killing it and you are good at it
11:27 and it works in the storyline, why not?
11:29 I think if you're 55, 56, you probably-- that's
11:31 the period where you're wanting to-- if it's a case of you
11:33 think you can't go--
11:34 Oh, 55, you should have.
11:36 You should have won a championship by now.
11:39 But that's-- who picks it?
11:41 Like, Damien Priest is 41.
11:42 Well, guys, we've got five there.
11:44 We need to go for the four.
11:45 You all doubted me, and then it turned out I was a woke liberal.
11:48 All right, next question.
11:49 It's me in the hot seat.
11:50 Let's go.
11:52 Every seat you're in is the hot seat.
11:53 Thank you.
11:55 Brown noser.
11:58 What year was wrestling at its worst?
12:02 Oof.
12:02 I have the easy job.
12:09 I'm just going to place mine first.
12:10 That's fucking ridiculous, Laurie.
12:11 I--
12:12 Laurie, you're mad.
12:13 I--
12:13 Placing it in a void, yeah.
12:14 I think I'm correct.
12:16 OK.
12:17 Well, I don't know--
12:18 Considering it's my opinion.
12:20 I don't know what Laurie will have put,
12:23 but I'm going to do this.
12:26 I'm going to do this.
12:30 I mean, we've been on the same wavelength the whole time,
12:31 so we've all put the same thing.
12:33 Obviously.
12:33 Obviously.
12:34 Right?
12:34 It's a different game.
12:35 I'm going to go--
12:38 We can see what you've put.
12:41 I didn't see it.
12:43 I didn't see it.
12:43 I'm going to go around here.
12:44 Interesting.
12:51 Interesting.
12:52 Interesting.
12:54 You need to put yours in Adam.
12:56 Oh, yeah.
12:56 I see.
12:57 Oh, I see what you're doing.
12:59 I see.
12:59 I see.
13:00 I see.
13:00 I thought he'd gone mad.
13:01 I thought he'd gone insane.
13:02 I'm sorry.
13:03 I'm scared to move.
13:05 I'm going to stay.
13:06 OK.
13:06 I'm so intrigued by Tempo going right at the top there.
13:10 I think I've got a vague idea as to what he's saying.
13:14 I was thinking about it, and I was thinking about,
13:16 like, oh, god, 2013 was dire, or 2012,
13:20 or NBTL7, or the mid-naughties.
13:22 But the thing that I thought about those most was, like,
13:24 you sort of indie scene.
13:27 And if wrestling took off and became amazing in, like,
13:29 2015, '16, the talent was already there.
13:32 So the big mainstream companies, trash.
13:36 But the scene, and Japan, and everything growing.
13:39 I went for, because of old men and bad business, 1995.
13:44 That's pretty reliable right there.
13:46 Valid.
13:47 I think it was-- if I'm not wrong,
13:48 the worst year financially for WWF.
13:51 I keep thinking of, like, Hulk Hogan
13:53 pratting around in three cages, and the giant, and the sumo.
13:56 And it's just like, if you want to watch some wrestling,
13:59 your choices are dire in 1995.
14:02 I-- see, the thing is, is that I've considered 1995,
14:07 and I wish I had gone that way.
14:09 But I just couldn't remember which one was the worst year.
14:12 Right.
14:12 And then I said--
14:12 They're all bad.
14:13 Yeah.
14:13 I mean, all around that time, it's pretty bad.
14:15 So I, unfortunately, went for 1993.
14:18 Oh!
14:19 That's also a very good answer.
14:23 That's a bad Rumble, bad WrestleMania, bad SummerSlam.
14:28 Nothing.
14:28 WCW is still shit.
14:30 It's a bad year.
14:31 Yeah.
14:32 Yeah.
14:32 I went by what the common consensus is,
14:36 and everyone says, well, bad year, innit?
14:39 It's 1995.
14:40 Yay!
14:40 Very good.
14:41 Very good.
14:41 OK.
14:42 Yeah.
14:42 Because it's bad.
14:43 Everyone says it's bad, so it's bad.
14:46 Diesel versus Mabel.
14:47 Diesel versus Mabel.
14:48 That's what I think of.
14:49 When I think of '95, it's Diesel and Mabel.
14:51 Haven't seen it.
14:52 Don't want to.
14:53 The collective knee strength in the wrestling industry in 1995
14:56 was not high.
14:57 Well, now we take quite a jump.
15:00 Oh, dear.
15:01 Yep.
15:02 Oh, dear, indeed.
15:03 I went, because it was an awesome year.
15:08 2011.
15:09 2011.
15:10 You're still currently correct.
15:12 Yeah.
15:13 You're correct.
15:14 I have a list on my phone of just bat shit,
15:17 insane things that happened in WWE in 2011.
15:21 Do you just write lists wherever you go?
15:23 Yeah.
15:23 You love it.
15:24 Go on, then.
15:24 It just falls out of his mind everywhere he goes.
15:27 I just scoop it up and put it somewhere.
15:28 I love it.
15:29 Miz made a major on one.
15:30 It was an awful, awful major.
15:32 I also think the Rumble was tack.
15:35 Yeah.
15:35 40-Man Rumble.
15:36 Yeah, the 41, the real one, yeah.
15:38 And then they went on Circe.
15:40 Yeah.
15:41 And it just went, ugh.
15:42 Kevin Nash costing CM Punk the title
15:45 and then never leading to a match.
15:47 The Sledgehammer Ladder match.
15:49 Yeah.
15:50 I don't remember.
15:50 Capital Punishment was that year.
15:51 Capital Punishment.
15:52 Versus John Cena, yeah.
15:54 Now, I'm really bad at remembering dates.
15:58 And what happened in what year, specifically.
16:00 Did you ever figure out when--
16:01 I have essentially just gone for a year
16:03 I remember talking about wrestling a lot
16:06 and being like, oh, it's really shit and boring.
16:08 And it was 2018.
16:11 Nice.
16:11 Nice points there.
16:12 Still on the running.
16:13 And then for me, there was just nothing remarkable happening.
16:15 And that, for me, is worse than really bad.
16:18 Because actually, the thing is, you guys are saying,
16:21 oh, well, I haven't gone back and watched these things,
16:22 but I've heard about them.
16:23 People are still talking about really bad stuff.
16:26 People aren't just talking about a malaise of nothing
16:29 really happening.
16:30 But I had to talk about it every week.
16:32 [LAUGHTER]
16:33 That right there.
16:34 And that specifically was an affront to me.
16:37 That's Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar all year.
16:39 Yeah, that's Mania 34, right?
16:41 Yeah.
16:41 Oh, god.
16:42 Yeah, it is.
16:43 And then the first Saudi show as well that year.
16:46 Oh, yeah.
16:46 One.
16:47 And AEW wasn't over the year.
16:48 John Cena hair.
16:49 Uh-huh.
16:49 Yeah.
16:50 Tempest.
16:50 There's one left.
16:52 And I put it at the top for a reason.
16:53 Yeah.
16:55 We all remember, I think.
16:57 2020.
16:58 Yeah.
16:58 Yes.
16:59 Yes.
16:59 That was going to be one of my answers.
17:00 A very good answer.
17:01 Very good answer.
17:03 I considered pretty much everything else
17:06 that was written down here.
17:08 Like, where do you go in the mid '90s?
17:10 Like, '92 is terrible.
17:12 It goes on and on.
17:13 There's a lot of bad '90s years.
17:15 But I'm never going back to watch anything in 2020.
17:18 Yeah.
17:19 That's a really good point.
17:20 It's really a shame, because I think so much good storytelling
17:23 was done in AEW in 2020.
17:26 There's a lot of really fun bits at the start of that year
17:28 with Drew winning the Rumble and Edge coming back.
17:31 And there was a lot of potential to be a great year.
17:33 Firefly Funhouse.
17:34 I'm never, ever going back to watch matches from that year.
17:38 Yeah.
17:39 Which means we got--
17:40 Five out of six.
17:40 Five again.
17:41 We got five again.
17:42 We're getting there.
17:43 We're getting there.
17:43 It is almost admirable, but fucking pull it together, guys.
17:47 We're so close to getting there.
17:49 Perfect deal.
17:50 How old would Brock Lesnar have to be for you
17:53 to be able to beat him up?
17:56 How old's he now?
17:57 Old.
17:59 72.
18:00 How old was he in his prime?
18:01 I presume we're putting him in an aging machine.
18:06 But I'm not waiting until he's--
18:08 No, exactly.
18:09 It wouldn't scale.
18:09 It would be too.
18:10 Exactly.
18:11 I have to be that old.
18:12 He'd still beat me up.
18:13 Yes, exactly.
18:14 Well, yeah.
18:15 It's either we put him in an aging machine
18:17 or we build a time machine.
18:19 We should go forward.
18:22 Brock Lesnar's on his ranch.
18:24 Oh, man.
18:26 Rocking back and forth.
18:27 He's rocking back and forth.
18:28 [LAUGHTER]
18:29 Smoke starts to fill the field.
18:31 This rickety time machine.
18:33 Some of him comes out and clocks it in the phone.
18:35 There, I told you.
18:36 76.
18:37 Don't you want to beat him up?
18:38 And then, like, go back in the time.
18:41 Sable comes out with a little tray of iced tea.
18:44 What happened, dear?
18:45 I don't know.
18:47 He keeps rocking.
18:49 But I've developed a Yorkshire accent.
18:51 I was going to say, why is he northern?
18:54 You clearly haven't been listening.
18:56 Yeah.
18:57 Know what, Roman Reigns?
18:58 You're a bloody bastard.
19:00 And I don't mind saying it in front of all these people.
19:02 [LAUGHTER]
19:07 I'm going to go here, guys.
19:09 Might be rocking the boat.
19:10 That's bold.
19:10 That's crazy.
19:11 Yeah.
19:11 I'm going to go here.
19:14 I feel quite comfortable going here.
19:17 Oh.
19:18 I think I know what Dan might have done.
19:20 So currently, Adam Pearson thinks
19:21 he could take the youngest version of Brock Lesnar.
19:23 The youngest version of Brock.
19:24 Yep.
19:25 Tempo.
19:26 I'm going to go here.
19:27 Interesting.
19:28 Somewhat not confidently, but we'll see.
19:31 Blimey.
19:32 I'm just going to put myself next to my mind buddies.
19:35 Yeah.
19:36 That sounds good.
19:36 That's a sandwich.
19:37 We're not going to be mind buddies for long.
19:39 Goodbye.
19:40 Hey.
19:42 OK.
19:42 All right.
19:43 OK.
19:44 Adam Pearson.
19:45 Please explain.
19:46 Oh, I will.
19:47 Adam's like current age.
19:48 I have thought this through.
19:49 You joke.
19:50 Yes, I have.
19:50 46.
19:52 So you can--
19:52 I am the brock works of rock right now.
19:53 So two years ago.
19:54 No, no, no.
19:55 The question was, what is the youngest age
19:57 you think you could beat Brock Lesnar?
19:59 I reckon I could beat him now using my make a wish.
20:02 But I'm old.
20:03 [LAUGHTER]
20:05 So old.
20:07 The geometric thought process there, that's fantastic.
20:10 Your make a wish is to beat Brock Lesnar.
20:14 Brock just has to sit there and take it while he's talking
20:17 to him until he's knocked out.
20:20 That's spectacular thought.
20:22 What?
20:23 You know what?
20:23 I love the logic.
20:24 Oh my god.
20:25 I love the logic.
20:26 Wow.
20:26 Well done, Adam Pearson.
20:28 That's incredible.
20:30 Wow.
20:31 That's really good.
20:32 I'm almost devastated to ruin it immediately.
20:35 I was very--
20:36 I took the question to be like, aging machine
20:39 could go either way.
20:40 So I've said seven.
20:41 [LAUGHTER]
20:45 We de-age him.
20:47 Oh my god.
20:49 But once he gets to eight, he started putting on the muscle.
20:51 I started doing the work.
20:53 Maybe because I went back in time at the age of seven,
20:56 just gave him a clean lariat.
20:58 And he was like, well, I've never been
20:59 beaten up like that again.
21:00 You couldn't beat him up as a baby?
21:01 [LAUGHTER]
21:04 Why did you go this?
21:06 I did take a second and go, should I put five?
21:10 And then I went, no, I wouldn't be a five-year-old.
21:13 Seven.
21:14 Seven.
21:16 Your morals would stop you at five.
21:17 They start to get a bit mouthy at seven.
21:19 You know what I mean?
21:20 Oh my god.
21:21 Wow.
21:22 Very good.
21:23 I love that.
21:24 These are great answers, Laurie.
21:26 I went for a respectable 80.
21:28 [LAUGHTER]
21:30 The jump is real.
21:31 Yeah, that's valid.
21:32 But I will be watching every day.
21:33 [LAUGHTER]
21:34 Check that man.
21:36 Watch his back slowly arch, and I'll be there.
21:38 [LAUGHTER]
21:40 Where would you start?
21:41 When he's collecting his gyro.
21:42 Fuck!
21:43 [LAUGHTER]
21:46 I went for 89.
21:48 I've just--
21:49 Jesus.
21:49 I saw him-- what was his name?
21:52 We were chatting about this the other day.
21:54 George Foreman.
21:55 George Foreman.
21:56 And he was punching a bag in his mid-70s.
21:58 And I was like, oh, fuck.
22:00 That's fucking terrifying.
22:02 I'm going to have to wait until he's in his late 80s.
22:05 Tempest.
22:07 Regrettably.
22:09 Nope.
22:10 Regrettably.
22:12 In time.
22:14 The 80s era.
22:16 Similar thought process to Sullivan.
22:18 I remember watching a video of former amateur wrestler Danny
22:23 Hodge, who was an inspiration to many of the tough guys
22:27 of the mid-1900s and such.
22:31 He was able, at the mid-80s maybe,
22:34 to crush an apple in his hand and put a guy in a headlock.
22:38 Where he was like, OK, but do it for real.
22:39 And he just went--
22:41 and almost killed the guy.
22:42 Oh my god.
22:43 So I don't fuck with these really old amateur wrestlers.
22:47 But I was like, I don't want to put 90.
22:49 That's ridiculous.
22:51 I wish you guys had gone younger.
22:53 TBH.
22:53 I thought I was being crazy when I said 86.
22:56 No.
22:57 But you know.
22:57 Well, we'll make it work.
22:59 So we can make this work.
23:01 Is that how that works?
23:01 Yes, you can.
23:03 You put the best order that you can do out of the ones you got.
23:07 I've never been in a fight.
23:08 I need him to be real old.
23:12 We caught some guys getting itonied before we turn up.
23:16 Hey, just do a flip.
23:17 Just do a flip.
23:18 You're right.
23:19 You'll never see it coming.
23:20 You're right.
23:21 Brock is notoriously really bad against people who do flips.
23:24 That wasn't as good as last time.
23:25 It was not.
23:26 Some excellent ideas of how to beat up Brock Lesnar, I think.
23:32 Just waiting for him to beat you.
23:33 And if all of us work together, we'd have a chance.
23:36 We could take it down when he's 100.
23:38 How old were you when you first went to a wrestling show?
23:44 Good question.
23:46 Oh, ah.
23:48 That changed my view like something.
23:49 [LAUGHTER]
23:52 I don't think I expected it to come to me.
23:56 [LAUGHTER]
23:58 It's stored one foot in reference.
24:01 It's the boy who brings you the moment.
24:03 That's the one I got up here.
24:04 Cantona, were you hypnotized as a child?
24:09 Sullivan, take us away.
24:11 Yeah.
24:11 Come on, Dan.
24:12 Hit us with it.
24:15 Jesus.
24:17 OK.
24:17 You're mad.
24:18 There he goes.
24:20 I'm as old as Christ himself.
24:24 Actually, we're all going quite young.
24:28 I have no idea.
24:30 Some people-- Adam, the thing to remember
24:31 is that some people only have quite young around the table.
24:34 Yeah, no, no.
24:36 Not everyone is an elder statesman.
24:39 No, no, no.
24:39 It's the elder statesman here.
24:42 I was including myself.
24:44 Oh, I know.
24:45 But I'm 38 and jaded at this point.
24:50 That's the title of your album.
24:52 38 and jaded.
24:53 And my book.
24:53 Yeah.
24:54 Interesting.
24:58 Sorry.
24:59 Check this out.
25:03 I don't know when Dan went to go watch wrestling.
25:11 OK, Sullivan, do you want to move?
25:14 No, I think I'm happy there.
25:16 OK.
25:17 I think that's good.
25:17 I think that's a good shout, Sullivan.
25:20 Adam Pearson, please reveal and explain.
25:23 It all depends how we define a wrestling show.
25:26 Did wrestling, as we know it here,
25:29 happen at a thing where I was spectating?
25:33 Very well.
25:34 I was six years old.
25:37 Nice.
25:39 It was Jesus Christ Rumble Savior.
25:42 And it was in a random church hall in Croydon.
25:45 And it was nuts.
25:47 I am one insane Jesus.
25:50 That's spectacular.
25:52 Not the first time.
25:54 We thought it was awesome.
25:55 We came back three days later, and it was all right.
25:57 That's really good.
25:59 It's a good joke.
26:00 So far, so good.
26:01 I was 12.
26:03 Started watching wrestling at 11.
26:05 By the end of that year, I'd gone to my first show.
26:08 Nice.
26:08 It was a raw SmackDown double feature
26:11 because it was the week of Christmas in 2008.
26:14 Wow.
26:15 I saw the first ever Divas Championship title change.
26:18 Wow.
26:19 What a moment.
26:20 So mine, we went--
26:24 never went as like a child.
26:26 But as soon as I became independent,
26:29 I went for my best friend's 18th birthday.
26:32 I was 17.
26:35 Because we were watching a Raw episode on TV together.
26:39 And then it advertised, Raw, coming to the O2 in London.
26:42 Michael Cole, I think, got knighted on that episode.
26:44 I remember it.
26:45 Yeah.
26:47 With Jack Swagger and stuff.
26:48 It was-- sounds like it was great.
26:51 2011, it sounds like.
26:52 2011, it was.
26:53 Bad year.
26:54 Yeah.
26:55 RIP, Lizzie.
26:58 Dan, do you want to turn yours over?
27:00 Dan?
27:02 It's the real queen on that show.
27:05 The real one.
27:06 I didn't go and see my first wrestling show live until 2018.
27:14 Wow.
27:14 When I was 28, it was a pro wrestling eve show.
27:19 However--
27:20 However.
27:21 The question was, when you went to your first live wrestling
27:24 show, and in the year of our Lord, 2004,
27:28 on a NWA UK show in Maidstone's Moat Park Leisure Center,
27:35 I wrestled in the Rumble.
27:38 And I was sweet 40.
27:40 Oh!
27:43 It's probably going to be this, I think.
27:46 Well, either works, probably.
27:48 Well, we'll see.
27:49 Let's blame me.
27:50 Either way works.
27:52 Well, for me, I never watched it as a child.
27:57 And then it wasn't until--
27:59 I had started working with Norah Osbard and everything.
28:03 But my friend Pete said--
28:05 not you, Peter.
28:06 My better friend.
28:07 Actual friend, Pete.
28:09 Not colleague Pete.
28:10 Friend Pete.
28:11 Colleague Pete.
28:11 Friend Pete.
28:13 Colleague Pete.
28:14 Colleague Pete.
28:15 Colleague Pete.
28:17 [HUMMING]
28:20 Colleague to all, friend to none.
28:22 [LAUGHTER]
28:24 Good friend Pete, invited me down to a pub in Ballam.
28:32 We love you, Pete.
28:33 I'm really glad--
28:34 I know that when Pete was 17, he went with a colleague.
28:36 [LAUGHTER]
28:38 I'm really glad this isn't playing on any of my insecurities
28:40 or anything.
28:41 [LAUGHTER]
28:41 That was really good.
28:44 We love you, Pete.
28:45 We love you.
28:46 Anyway, so I was invited down to the Bedford pub in Ballam
28:51 and watched--
28:52 I think it's EWE is the promotion.
28:54 I don't know.
28:55 Check them out.
28:55 Ew.
28:56 Ew.
28:56 Ew.
28:57 The sheep promotion.
28:58 Ew.
28:59 Ew.
28:59 Ew.
29:00 It's only sheep.
29:01 Only Welsh wrestler.
29:03 And it's a fantastic promotion because the guy who
29:06 was the champion at the time fucking hated my friend Pete.
29:10 He fucking hated him.
29:11 Because he was there every week going, you're a piece of shit.
29:14 The guy's champion.
29:15 He would constantly just single him and only him out.
29:19 Fucking dunk on only my mate.
29:21 It was amazing.
29:22 So I was 29.
29:23 Yay.
29:24 Wow.
29:24 You're going to go.
29:26 There we go.
29:27 All comes down to this.
29:28 It all comes down to this.
29:29 It's still going to be five.
29:30 Yeah, it's still only going to be five.
29:32 I was also 26.
29:33 Oh.
29:34 Yay.
29:34 Yay.
29:35 I went to see wrestling as a kid.
29:36 I went to see ICW in--
29:39 I'm pretty sure it was Camden.
29:41 And that was really good.
29:42 And Big Demo was on the show.
29:44 Big D.
29:45 And someone-- the best heckle I've ever
29:47 heard at a wrestling show happened.
29:48 Big Demo was wrestling.
29:49 And someone just went, you're a wizard, Harry.
29:51 [LAUGHTER]
29:55 That's amazing.
29:57 Pretty good.
29:58 That's pretty good.
29:59 Still a five, though.
30:00 Well, five.
30:00 So we haven't--
30:01 Fucking hell, guys.
30:01 Guys, we've got one last chance to make good.
30:05 To get the full house.
30:07 Last one.
30:07 It's Dan Layton's turn to be the lead player.
30:11 How many matches is the perfect amount
30:13 for a wrestling pay-per-view?
30:15 All right, Dan.
30:17 Hot take, Dan.
30:20 Dan's buffering.
30:21 I really am.
30:22 I'm trying to book my own show.
30:26 It's hard once you get past 20, isn't it?
30:29 Start losing track.
30:31 They call it the Tony Caron problem.
30:34 Everyone-- comments are going to eat me.
30:36 Well, how am I going to debut all these belts I've had, man?
30:40 I love belts.
30:42 Tony Caron and Tommy Wiseau love belts.
30:46 Judging from our earlier conversation,
30:49 I'm going to guess that Dan wants more matches on the show
30:53 than I do.
30:54 Oh, my god.
30:55 I feel like I'm--
30:57 yeah.
30:58 Carry on.
30:59 Feel like you've destroyed everything.
31:00 You've ruined it.
31:01 Yeah.
31:01 Yeah.
31:02 Yeah.
31:02 Yeah.
31:03 Well, you get to--
31:04 You get to fix it.
31:05 I think I'm here.
31:06 Give me one match and I'm out.
31:13 0.3 of a match.
31:15 I think I'm here.
31:16 I think-- brain triplets.
31:19 Brain triplets.
31:20 Down at the bottom.
31:21 BT.
31:21 Nope.
31:22 Right.
31:23 I think-- you know when you do a bit,
31:26 and you're like, nah, it's not going to work?
31:27 Instantly.
31:28 BT.
31:29 BT.
31:29 Yeah.
31:30 Oh.
31:31 Yep, that one.
31:33 I think a mixture of--
31:35 That's what happens when all three people share a brain.
31:38 You and I were using it at that moment.
31:40 Yeah.
31:40 Yeah.
31:41 Yeah.
31:41 [LAUGHTER]
31:44 Oh, it's all right, Pete.
31:47 You're a good colleague.
31:48 I'm just a colleague.
31:49 Yeah.
31:50 Oh, hang on.
31:53 We've broken Sullivan.
31:54 [LAUGHTER]
31:56 Get him.
31:57 Get him back.
31:57 Come back.
31:58 I think-- so I struggled answering this question.
32:03 So I think I'm just going to do that,
32:07 because I think that my answer may shock you.
32:11 OK.
32:12 All right, BuzzFeed.
32:13 Yeah.
32:14 Yeah.
32:14 [LAUGHTER]
32:15 Number five will shock you.
32:17 Stick around to the end of the video to find out.
32:19 Yeah.
32:20 You've been click-baited.
32:21 So we were discussing six earlier.
32:24 And then I was like, I think Dan raised a valid point.
32:27 What about your blood feud?
32:28 And I thought, let's have another women's match.
32:30 So I put eight.
32:31 Eight.
32:32 OK.
32:34 Interesting.
32:37 Gives you time for a world champion.
32:38 Gives you time for a mid-card title.
32:40 Gives you time for tag.
32:41 Gives you time for either the other mid-card title
32:43 or the other world championship.
32:44 Women's world championship, another match, and a blood feud,
32:47 and maybe something else for a laugh.
32:49 Multi-man.
32:51 Sure.
32:52 I mean, we were discussing six earlier.
32:54 And it's the right answer.
32:56 So that's six right there.
32:59 Well, I placed mine first, and then you decided to place yours above mine.
33:03 Yeah.
33:03 What happened to the brain check?
33:05 What?
33:06 What happened to the brain check?
33:07 We were actually using it to come up with brain triplets.
33:10 [LAUGHTER]
33:11 I don't think you heard me say BT, Dan.
33:13 It took a lot of brain power to use that.
33:15 Well, me and Pete were sharing the brain that day.
33:18 Here you go.
33:19 Six.
33:20 Can only be one of us at a time, clearly.
33:24 I think you don't need to have every title on every pay-per-view.
33:28 I agree, which is why I went seven.
33:30 Nice.
33:31 Similar thought.
33:32 This comes from the time where I was watching wrestling.
33:35 There were about seven pay-per-view matches per show.
33:38 And there were pretty solid pay-per-views during that time.
33:41 This comes from a time that you were watching wrestling.
33:44 Yeah.
33:45 So you're not watching wrestling now.
33:48 We've uncovered the truth.
33:50 It's a conspiracy.
33:51 Wait a second.
33:52 That's not his real face.
33:53 That's a mask.
33:54 What?
33:55 Fuck.
33:56 And it's Diane Weese.
34:01 It's been there the whole time.
34:05 I do believe in a sort of longer show with more space to breathe for the matches and
34:10 the way it goes.
34:11 But as I was visualising a card and I was seeing the number of little graphics that
34:18 I wanted, I felt the perfect number was seven.
34:22 Very good.
34:23 All right.
34:24 When I wrote down my answer, I was actually watching Dan Leighton visualising other people
34:30 visualising the perfect card.
34:32 And the correct answer is seven.
34:35 Wow.
34:36 Look at that.
34:37 If it wasn't for me.
34:39 Wow.
34:40 Look at that.
34:41 So that's it.
34:42 We didn't manage to get six and it's all peaceful.
34:47 Thank you for joining us for No Holes Board.
34:51 We'll be back next week where we'll be playing.
34:54 What are we going to play next week, Tempest?
34:56 We are going to be playing Say Anything.
34:58 Anything.
34:59 See you then.
35:00 Jam that jam.
35:01 Jam that jam.
35:02 Jam it.
35:03 Deepest V.
35:04 No.
35:05 Deepest V.
35:06 Most unnecessary nipples on a podcast.
35:09 Deepest V.
35:11 Sluttiest presenter, brackets, low, cut top.
35:13 - Slow cut time. (laughing)