• last year


00:00 [music]
00:27 [music]
00:28 Sammy, Rosalie, you're helping me or you're not helping me?
00:31 We've already helped you, Ma.
00:33 Tell us what you want us to do and we'll do it.
00:35 My lady's auxiliary committee will be here momentarily,
00:37 and the chairlady's coming to check on the arrangements for the food
00:40 and for the transportation, etc., etc., etc.
00:43 And the final menu wasn't made up yet, and I volunteered myself on the food.
00:46 And if we're going to have potato salad, we're going to have coleslaw,
00:49 and we're going to have mixed greens, etc., etc., etc., I won't be finished.
00:52 Ma, if these things make you nervous, why don't you let somebody else do it?
00:55 Who, for instance?
00:56 Well, it must be somebody else that could handle some of the details.
00:59 Evidently not, if it was unanimously decided that I should volunteer.
01:03 Nobody is indispensable, Ma.
01:06 Oh, meaning what?
01:08 Meaning that if you didn't volunteer, somebody else would have to take over.
01:13 Oh, very nice conversation.
01:15 Meaning if I wasn't here, I'd be there already, ha-ha.
01:18 Oh, come on, Ma.
01:20 Very nice, just in cold words.
01:22 Well, you have to be realistic, Ma.
01:24 Oh, a realistic generation.
01:27 Mama darling.
01:28 Mama darling.
01:29 Ma, don't you think it's time you grew up a little?
01:32 Ma, you're too sensitive.
01:33 Oh, now I'm something else, I'm sensitive.
01:35 All right, Ma.
01:36 Come on, Rosie, what do you want us to do?
01:40 And, Rosie, bring me out all the heads that I have in the icebox.
01:42 You're going to make coleslaw now, Ma?
01:44 Why not?
01:45 And Tara.
01:47 Oh, hello, Daisy.
01:48 Hi, Rosie.
01:49 Hi, Mary.
01:49 Hello, children.
01:51 Molly, you told me to make tongue sandwiches,
01:54 and you told everybody else to make tongue sandwiches.
01:56 That's right.
01:56 So I changed my tongue to roast beef.
01:58 Fine.
02:00 I'm terribly confused about this transportation.
02:03 You are?
02:04 Listen, let me help you.
02:05 You narrow the list.
02:06 Let me see.
02:08 Let me see, let me see.
02:10 Well, Elaine and Stanley are not coming
02:12 because Elaine is expecting.
02:14 Oh, is Myra coming?
02:16 Well, she was invited.
02:17 She didn't say no.
02:18 Why do you ask?
02:19 Nothing.
02:21 Oh, get it?
02:21 I got it.
02:22 Now, of your family, who will go in your car?
02:25 Well, just Henry and I.
02:26 Oh, I see.
02:28 Excuse me, Ma, it's Mrs. Clark.
02:29 She says being that everybody is bringing tongue sandwiches,
02:32 could she bring roast beef?
02:34 Why not?
02:34 Let her bring the roast beef.
02:35 Now, your car will be available for how many?
02:38 Well, we have a six-passenger car,
02:39 but we never take more than four, if you know what I mean.
02:44 Will you have room for two more?
02:45 Well, what about your car?
02:46 Well, our car is laid up.
02:48 So I thought maybe my husband and myself
02:51 would go in your car.
02:52 And Rosie and Stanley are going with the youngest son.
02:54 Oh, if you ask me, I think we should have hired a bus.
02:57 This is beyond our treasury department.
02:59 Oh, look, I'm forgetting myself.
03:00 We're all together.
03:01 Better throw an eye in the suit.
03:03 Oh, I suppose I'll just have to go through all this
03:05 all by myself.
03:07 Oh, I hope you're bringing your bathing suits, everybody,
03:09 because I am.
03:10 Well, I'm glad you reminded me.
03:12 Stanley, in the closet, you'll find two boxes, a little one
03:15 and a big one.
03:16 And the big one is marked summer.
03:17 Bring summertime down.
03:18 Yes, please.
03:19 The bathing suits are included.
03:21 All right, ma.
03:22 Hello?
03:23 Hello, is this my butcher?
03:25 How did you recognize my voice?
03:28 Lynn, listen, dear, how many tongues did I order?
03:30 So much tongue, ma.
03:31 A whole just a minute, please.
03:33 Look, ma, you have too much tongue
03:34 and not enough of anything else.
03:36 Why don't you get some steaks or hamburgers to grill?
03:40 They have outdoor grills at the picnic grounds.
03:43 Fence the door.
03:45 Hello?
03:46 Hello, butcher dear, listen, if I
03:48 would want to cancel the tongues for steaks,
03:51 you think it would be within our budget?
03:54 Well, all right, I'll call you back about the quantity.
03:57 In the meantime, put me in the refrigerator.
03:59 Yeah, bye.
04:01 So, dear.
04:02 Hello, Julie.
04:03 Hello, Daisy.
04:04 I'm Rosalie, dear.
04:05 Still Daisy and Julie in a cup.
04:08 All right, ma, anything else?
04:09 Just a little snick snack.
04:10 Oh, thank you.
04:11 Well, girls, if everything goes according to schedule,
04:14 we'll have a lovely day.
04:16 I've been running myself ragged trying
04:18 to get just the right prizes for the games
04:21 and the right entertainment.
04:23 Daisy, I hope you've arranged the transportation.
04:26 Well, you see, I just--
04:27 I, um--
04:28 She did.
04:29 She did.
04:30 Oh, I did.
04:31 I did.
04:32 And the food, that's your responsibility,
04:33 so we won't dwell on that.
04:34 Well, here's the schedule.
04:37 Let's stick to it.
04:39 Now, girls, there's just one fly in the ointment.
04:42 What do you mean?
04:43 Who's the fly?
04:44 Myra.
04:45 Who invited her?
04:46 Well, she's a member.
04:47 Why shouldn't she come?
04:49 It's just because Philip, her husband,
04:51 was prominent in the men's club that we accepted her.
04:53 Just three years this month since poor Philip passed away.
04:57 You mean just because her husband, Philip--
04:58 Don't be so narrow-minded.
05:01 Aren't you afraid about her?
05:02 No, afraid what?
05:04 I think you'd better call her.
05:06 Make up some excuse.
05:08 Anna won't be there if she comes.
05:10 I know it.
05:11 Neither will Lillian and Evelyn come.
05:13 They're not looking for trouble.
05:15 Trouble?
05:16 What's the trouble?
05:16 What's the calamity?
05:18 Words with no foundation?
05:19 No foundation?
05:21 Did you ever see smoke without fire?
05:23 I still say just words.
05:27 Tell her.
05:28 Why should I be the one to talk?
05:29 Well, if you can't talk, then don't speak.
05:32 I'm only telling you because I think
05:34 for the sake of our future functions, you ought to know.
05:37 Know what?
05:40 Come with me.
05:41 Come here, dear.
05:43 What is it?
05:44 What's all the whispering about Myra?
05:46 You're a little too young to know, Rosie.
05:48 Oh, Miss Carey.
05:51 Well?
05:53 Let her come.
05:55 After what I told you?
05:56 What did you tell me?
05:57 You told me something that somebody told somebody
05:59 that somebody told somebody else.
06:00 You mean you didn't believe it?
06:02 All words talk words.
06:04 If you'll excuse me and don't get mad,
06:06 that's all I'll say.
06:08 Should we women in our middle ages
06:11 be doubtful of the love and devotion of our husbands
06:13 with whom we've lived and cherished all these years?
06:15 Should our foundations be shaken?
06:17 I say no a thousand times.
06:20 No, no, no.
06:23 Rosalind, is your suit dry?
06:25 Almost.
06:25 Maybe you ought to put on a robe.
06:27 Oh, Mom, not cold.
06:28 All right.
06:28 Come on.
06:29 [singing]
06:32 Sweet, have fun.
06:33 But not too high.
06:34 You shouldn't fall.
06:35 Ready or not, hold it.
06:36 Get it.
06:37 [laughter]
06:39 Having fun, guys?
06:41 Uh-huh.
06:42 Good, good, good.
06:44 Molly.
06:45 Yeah?
06:45 When are we going to eat?
06:46 Well, listen, Julie made up the whole schedule.
06:48 Let me look.
06:50 Just a minute and I'll tell you.
06:52 Well, we have a little time yet.
06:55 The barbecue is not until 3 o'clock.
06:57 Oh, I thought you were waiting for Myra.
06:59 She always comes last to make an entrance.
07:01 I am.
07:02 I'm sorry.
07:02 I'm sorry.
07:03 I always come last to make an entrance.
07:05 Don't start that again.
07:07 Don't worry.
07:08 Myra doesn't worry me.
07:10 Not after my 25th wedding anniversary.
07:14 These things seem to be going just beautifully.
07:16 Yes.
07:17 The children have had their swim.
07:19 Yes.
07:19 The older boys and girls are playing softball.
07:21 What time is it?
07:22 On the dot.
07:23 Yes.
07:23 We can start the barbecue.
07:24 Wonderful.
07:25 So Daisy, darling, you go over to the diamond field
07:27 and get the steak orders.
07:28 And I'll go to the card table and get the steak orders.
07:30 Good.
07:30 I'm starved.
07:32 Oh, by the way, Myra isn't here yet.
07:37 I doubt whether she's coming.
07:39 She won't be very comfortable if I can help it.
07:43 Don't be a woman.
07:44 How do you like your steak?
07:45 Medium.
07:46 Oh, hello, Mabel.
07:47 I think you're playing on our side, Henry.
07:55 Your deal.
07:56 All right.
07:56 Now, come on.
07:57 We're going to eat soon, boys.
07:58 How do you like your steak, Jake?
07:59 Rare.
08:00 Rare.
08:01 And you, Henry?
08:02 Medium.
08:03 You?
08:04 Oh, more rivals.
08:05 Hello, Lucy.
08:06 Lucy, hello.
08:08 Mama, everybody's getting hungry.
08:10 All right, darling.
08:11 We're going to eat right over here.
08:12 You take the steak orders from the people here.
08:14 And also from the younger set.
08:15 Yeah?
08:16 Go, darling.
08:17 Hello, Lucy.
08:18 Hello, Lucy.
08:20 Hello, Lucy.
08:20 Sorry I'm late.
08:21 I had to go back to the house.
08:22 Good to see you, darling.
08:23 Glad to see you.
08:24 Hi, Daisy.
08:24 How are you?
08:25 You got my list.
08:26 Thank you.
08:27 Julie, come by.
08:28 We'll all take pictures.
08:29 Sam will snap us.
08:32 Hold it.
08:33 Got it.
08:34 We'll have it for you in one minute.
08:36 Good.
08:37 Say, Molly, has Myra come yet?
08:38 Not yet.
08:39 Oh, well, if she doesn't show up,
08:40 we'll all have a very happy day.
08:43 So how do you like your steak, dear?
08:45 Medium.
08:45 Medium for you, all right.
08:47 How is your daughter?
08:48 Oh, I never ask questions.
08:49 I find it easy as I work.
08:51 Much.
08:52 Not for me.
08:53 I don't think she's had a date for weeks.
08:55 Maybe she should take lessons from Myra.
08:57 Oh, the lessons that Myra can teach
08:59 are not for my daughter, if you know what I mean.
09:01 I'm here, Ma.
09:02 Oh, all right, darling.
09:04 We can put a little charcoal on.
09:05 Yes, please.
09:06 Uh, boys, we're starting to broil.
09:08 Come put away the cards already.
09:13 The cubs can't tear themselves away from the cards.
09:14 It's relaxing.
09:16 Hey, Pa, come on over to the grill here
09:18 and have a picture taken with Mama.
09:20 Later, Sammy, later.
09:21 Always pictures.
09:24 Ma, is Pa going to play cards all day?
09:26 He's tired, and it's relaxing, darling.
09:29 The car is stopping.
09:31 Oh, Ma, it's Myra.
09:32 Myra?
09:33 Hi, Myra.
09:34 Shh.
09:35 What do you know?
09:40 She really came.
09:42 She did come, after all.
09:46 Hello, Myra.
09:47 Hello, Rosalie.
09:48 Hey, you look wonderful.
09:49 Why, thank you.
09:50 Come on down.
09:52 Why did she bother to put anything on?
09:54 You can be sure my husband won't be out of my side today.
09:57 Why don't vote her sitting near me?
10:00 Hi, girls.
10:01 Hello, Myra.
10:02 How are you, Daisy?
10:04 I'm fine, thanks.
10:05 It's an awfully pretty dress you have on, Julie.
10:08 Oh, thank you.
10:09 Oh, Molly, I have to go and see about the potato salad.
10:12 I saw to the potato salad, Julie.
10:15 Some people like more salt.
10:17 Is there anything I can do to help, Daisy?
10:22 I don't think so, no.
10:24 That's a lovely, stunning outfit you have, Myra.
10:27 Not much to it, is there?
10:29 Excuse us.
10:30 Come on, Myra.
10:33 I want to take your picture up there on the rock.
10:34 Come on.
10:35 Oh, fine, thanks.
10:37 Jay, can I see you a minute?
10:39 Mommy, darling.
10:40 Why are they acting like that?
10:42 I like Myra, don't you?
10:44 I have no reason not to like her.
10:46 Yes, Molly?
10:47 Rosalie, see if there's pepper and salt on all the tables.
10:50 Yes, please.
10:51 You know that Myra's here?
10:53 I want to talk to you about it.
10:55 Jay, because of reasons-- and don't ask me the reason.
10:58 Suffice it to say that the word is gossip.
11:01 Well, who is gossiping about whom?
11:04 The woman in question is Myra.
11:06 And because she came above protests,
11:09 I don't want her feelings hurt.
11:11 And I want you to entertain her.
11:13 Me?
11:14 Jay, gossip can be a vicious circle.
11:18 Well, all right.
11:20 I'll do what I can, but don't expect too much.
11:24 Ma!
11:25 Ma!
11:26 Look, Sammy's taking a picture of Myra.
11:29 Wait a minute.
11:30 Let me get in that picture.
11:31 Don't worry, Molly.
11:32 I'll entertain her.
11:33 Wait for me!
11:34 Do you see what we see?
11:41 Did you ever see anything like that?
11:44 I'll fix it.
11:46 Yoo-hoo!
11:47 It's eating time, everybody!
11:49 Come on, get it!
11:50 Good for you.
11:51 Thank you.
11:57 Medium well for me, ma.
11:59 Medium well for you.
12:00 Medium well.
12:01 Medium well.
12:02 Medium well.
12:03 Medium well.
12:05 Thank you.
12:06 Thank you very much.
12:08 You got any tongue sandwiches?
12:10 Wait a minute, Henry.
12:11 Everybody changes their tongues.
12:14 Well, I'll have--
12:15 Medium, huh?
12:16 Medium.
12:17 Medium.
12:19 All right.
12:22 I think I got room here.
12:24 You're well done.
12:26 That's right.
12:28 Oh, that's fine.
12:29 Thank you very much.
12:30 Thank you.
12:31 Thank you.
12:33 Molly, my steak.
12:35 Two plates?
12:36 Yeah, one for Myra.
12:38 Oh, you're well.
12:40 And Myra is-- I think that's--
12:43 Oh, thank you.
12:45 Thank you.
12:46 Aren't you going to eat, ma?
12:57 I'll eat.
12:58 Mama darling, can't I do something to help you?
13:00 No, darling.
13:01 Go and draw yourself, please, Rosalinda.
13:04 Here.
13:05 Take another small, tender piece, Myra.
13:08 Oh, well, just the smallest piece, please.
13:12 [music playing]
13:14 Yes, ma?
13:17 Did you see Papa?
13:19 Yeah, he's gone for a walk.
13:21 Well, I couldn't ask for--
13:28 Oh, no, not again.
13:29 Oh, partner, how do you do it?
13:31 She sure is lucky at cards.
13:34 Well, I think I'll take a little walk.
13:36 Well, I'll come with you.
13:37 No, that won't be necessary, dear.
13:39 Oh, but I'd love to.
13:40 Well, I-- I would like to commune with nature alone,
13:43 Daisy.
13:44 [music playing]
13:46 These are good pictures Sammy took of us.
14:00 Oh, they certainly are.
14:02 He's some boy, isn't he?
14:04 He certainly is.
14:05 You know, it's hard to believe that you're
14:07 the father of two grown children.
14:10 Why?
14:11 Well, you're so young in every way.
14:14 In every way.
14:16 Really boyish.
14:18 You think so?
14:19 It's-- it's your interest in things.
14:21 Your-- your zest for living.
14:23 It's so hard to say.
14:27 It's just that special something that makes you, you.
14:32 I'm nothing special, Myra.
14:34 Oh, but you are.
14:36 Very special.
14:38 To me, anyway.
14:40 So good to have someone to talk to.
14:43 You see, I don't have very many friends in this town
14:46 since my husband died.
14:48 Well, why is that?
14:50 Oh, well, let's not go into that.
14:54 Look, if I tell you something, if I tell you a secret,
14:58 will you promise not to tell anyone?
15:02 I promise.
15:04 Well, I'm going to be married.
15:07 Sammy, run the cards.
15:12 Tell your father it's thundering.
15:14 It's possible he didn't even hear it.
15:16 You're going to come in my car, aren't you, Molly?
15:18 It's going to come down very heavily, Molly.
15:20 You'd better go back in Daisy's car.
15:22 And where are you going?
15:23 I'll drive Myra home.
15:24 She doesn't like driving at night.
15:26 But it's still daylight.
15:27 Oh?
15:28 But it's getting dark.
15:30 [car horn honking]
15:31 Coming, Myra!
15:32 [car horn honking]
15:34 Come on, Molly.
15:36 [car horn honking]
15:37 Rosalie, get me the exact time.
15:39 I'm calling, Ma.
15:41 I've already told her the time.
15:43 Papa's a wonderful driver.
15:44 I don't know why Mama's so upset.
15:46 Thank you.
15:51 Well, exactly 1103.
15:55 Thank you.
15:56 Go to bed, Rosalie.
15:57 Sammy, you have to be up in the very early AM.
16:00 Papa probably got caught in the traffic.
16:03 Good night.
16:04 Does Myra live very far from here?
16:06 Not far enough.
16:07 What did you say, Ma?
16:09 Good night, Rosalie.
16:10 Ma, why don't you invite her over sometime?
16:12 She'll be invited.
16:13 Don't worry.
16:14 Good night.
16:15 Why don't you start finding her a husband, Ma,
16:17 instead of matchmaking for everybody else?
16:19 At least your efforts will be rewarded.
16:21 Good night.
16:22 Good night, Ma.
16:23 Good night, Ma.
16:24 Good night.
16:26 [music playing]
16:29 No home yet?
16:51 I noticed your light.
16:52 I know how distressed you must be.
16:55 Can I fix you something?
16:56 A little warm milk, maybe?
16:58 It's so relaxing, dear.
17:00 No, I'm fine.
17:01 I'm fine.
17:02 You must admit we warned you.
17:04 Well, I'm just concerned about the-- the slippery roads.
17:08 Your disillusion, that's what hurts.
17:10 Disillusion sounds like a pretty innocent word.
17:14 But it's a painful word, a cruel one.
17:17 See, it's just the-- the wet, rainy roads
17:20 that's concerning me.
17:21 Nothing else.
17:22 Daisy, it's late, and you're tired.
17:24 Why don't you go to bed?
17:25 Well, you're sure you're all right?
17:27 Oh, I'm fine.
17:28 I'll be calm.
17:29 Good night.
17:30 Good night, dear.
17:31 Good night, and thank you.
17:33 Thank you very much for everything in your interest.
17:36 Don't get too emotional.
17:37 [music playing]
17:45 [music playing]
17:48 Is that Papa, Ma?
18:00 Mrs. Carey.
18:01 Hello, ma'am.
18:02 Ma, why don't you go to sleep?
18:04 But I'm fine, darling.
18:05 I'm fine.
18:06 Good night, darling.
18:07 Good night.
18:08 I hope you feel better.
18:09 I'm fine.
18:13 [music playing]
18:16 Hello?
18:27 Hello, information?
18:28 Information.
18:29 I'm seeking information.
18:31 Yes, please.
18:32 I want the telephone number, if you will,
18:35 of Mrs. and Myra Penman.
18:38 Penman.
18:39 I-- I-- I don't know the spelling at the moment.
18:42 Penman.
18:43 Pen.
18:44 Like you like you spell a pen.
18:46 Pen.
18:47 Man.
18:48 M-A-N.
18:49 Man.
18:50 Penman.
18:51 Yes.
18:52 10-- 10--
18:53 1067 MacDougall Lane.
18:56 MacDougall.
18:57 Yes, Haverville.
18:59 Please.
19:00 Well, maybe you'll find her on the Philip.
19:05 [door closes]
19:06 Oh, Philip.
19:08 [door opens]
19:09 [door closes]
19:10 Sleeping, ma?
19:38 Oh.
19:39 You're home, Jane?
19:41 The traffic must have been terrific.
19:43 I tried to get you on the telephone from Myra's house.
19:46 First, there was no answer, and then the line was busy.
19:49 Who were you talking to?
19:50 The weather.
19:51 You want to swallow a hot cup?
19:53 No, I had coffee at Myra's.
19:55 A little snick snack?
19:56 No, thank you.
19:57 I'm putting on a little weight.
19:59 Don't you think so, Molly?
20:00 So what?
20:01 Well, I'll have to take it off.
20:03 Who needs a bay window?
20:05 What time did you get coming home?
20:07 What time did you get to Myra's?
20:09 Oh, we made very good time.
20:11 We passed you on the road.
20:12 Didn't you see us?
20:13 No.
20:14 How long were you by Myra's?
20:16 Listen, time flies.
20:18 You start to talk, or Wade brings her Wade.
20:21 You're talking about?
20:22 She wants a job in your factory?
20:24 Why should she want a job?
20:25 She's well provided for.
20:27 Molly, did you know that Myra never loved her husband?
20:30 Hm.
20:31 When did she make that discovery?
20:33 She didn't love him before she married him,
20:35 and she loved him even less after.
20:38 Calamity.
20:40 Yeah, wasted young life.
20:42 She's not the only woman that wasted her life.
20:46 If you have such a capacity for pity,
20:48 so have a little pity on me also.
20:49 Yes, Jake, 'cause behold, here you also see a woman
20:52 that wasted her own life.
20:54 Molly.
20:55 And don't talk.
20:56 Don't utter a syllable, Jake, because there
20:58 is no word that you could say that could ease my--
21:01 and heal my disillusionment.
21:03 Ever.
21:04 Not a word.
21:05 Not a word.
21:06 Not a word, because any word you will say
21:08 will make a bad situation worse.
21:09 What situation?
21:10 Only when a word becomes an experience do you
21:13 understand the meaning of that word.
21:15 Yes, Jake.
21:16 Disillusionment, that's the word.
21:17 And I am disillusioned, Jake.
21:19 Molly, are you finished?
21:20 Jake, that picnic I won't forget.
21:23 I'm a forgiving person.
21:24 I wouldn't say I wouldn't forgive you,
21:26 but forget my humiliation and my embarrassment.
21:29 That's that, Jake.
21:30 And I'm not a jealous person.
21:31 A jealous bone isn't in my nature.
21:33 This is only the awakening of the facts.
21:35 My eyes are open, never more to be closed, Jake.
21:39 Ever more.
21:40 Molly, are you finished?
21:41 My father knows that his family was also
21:43 on a wet and slippery road.
21:45 You're also my father, however enchanted the evening.
21:49 All right, Jake.
21:50 I know now that a father is not a mother,
21:53 and I know whereof I speak.
21:55 When and if you're finished, may I remind you
22:02 that you made Myra my responsibility?
22:05 Didn't you ask me to entertain her?
22:07 Did I ask you to sit under a tree and make googly eyes?
22:10 Did I ask you to take her waltzing and walking and talking?
22:13 Did I ask her to take you home without--
22:15 I was trying to please you.
22:17 I thought that's what you wanted me to do.
22:19 And this is my thank you.
22:20 Very nice.
22:22 Good night.
22:23 [music playing]
22:31 [phone ringing]
22:34 Hello?
22:39 Hello, this is Myra.
22:41 This is a late hour to call.
22:43 Did your husband get home yet?
22:45 He did.
22:46 Well, don't disturb him.
22:48 Just tell him I think you should know the whole story.
22:51 Hello?
22:53 Hello, are you there?
22:55 [music playing]
22:59 Who was on the phone?
23:00 Myra.
23:06 She said that you should tell me the whole story.
23:11 Tell it to me, Jake.
23:13 I'm iron.
23:14 I'm steel.
23:15 I won't fall to pieces.
23:17 Tell it to me quickly with one stroke.
23:19 Tell me the whole story.
23:21 All right.
23:22 The whole story is get ready to go to bed.
23:25 All right.
23:28 The whole story is get ready for a wedding.
23:31 The girls told me.
23:32 The girls told me she wanted to get married,
23:34 and she didn't care whose husband she took.
23:36 You can tell the girls they don't have to worry.
23:38 She's not taking anybody's husband, not even yours.
23:41 She's marrying a childhood sweetheart from San Francisco.
23:45 What was it we didn't hear?
23:46 The girls didn't mention anything.
23:48 What would a poor Myra if they did know?
23:50 She's marrying a man whose wife is only
23:52 dead 11 and 1/2 months.
23:54 That's behavior I didn't expect from you, Molly.
23:57 Good night.
23:58 Jake.
23:59 Jake, I'm sorry, Jake.
24:01 I'm sorry.
24:02 I'll see to it that all the girls send Myra a wedding present.
24:05 Good night.
24:06 Jake, dear, if I-- if I didn't love you, would I care?
24:10 Jake.
24:13 Jake, look at me.
24:17 Jake, in my eyes, look at me.
24:23 Tell me one thing.
24:25 Yes?
24:26 What were you doing from 7 o'clock till now?
24:31 Molly, you said you loved me.
24:34 Trust me.
24:36 Do you?
24:40 Well, do you?
24:44 Should I?
24:49 [laughter]
24:51 I do.
24:52 [music playing]
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25:48 [Music]
25:50 (bell dings)