00:00From the archives of the United States Cavalry, the true stories of Colonel Randall McKenzie
00:13and the cavalrymen he led. McKenzie's Raiders. His secret orders from the President of the
00:19United States. Clean up the Southwest. Make it a fit place for Americans to live. Wipe
00:25out the renegades, outlaws, and murderers. If necessary, cross the Rio Grande. Knowing
00:30capture means hanging by the enemy. Discovery, court-martialed by the United States Army.
00:52Late summer, 1873. An epidemic of infectious cholera raged along the border country of
00:58Southwest Texas. Great numbers of settlers dead or dying. The rest terror-stricken. Medical
01:05facilities almost non-existent. Doctors few and overburdened. Drugs depleted. The sickness
01:14had hit Fort Clark. Colonel Randall McKenzie was almost powerless to defend the territory
01:19against this mass killer. The 4th Cavalry, reduced by sickness to almost half its numbers,
01:25fought a new foe. Fought contaminated water. Fought to maintain quarantines. But they fought
01:32without ammunition. Without the aid of drugs. Finally, after repeated requests to the War
01:41Department, McKenzie was notified that an ambulance carrying a relief doctor and medical
01:46supplies was on its way to Fort Clark. If you can't see them, don't shoot. Now take
02:10your horses and ride them around the flanks. Hit them from both sides at the same time.
02:15I'll cover. There's two of them left. I'll cover.
02:45There's two of them left. I'll cover. There's two of them left. I'll cover. There's two
03:15of them left. I'll cover. There's two of them left. I'll cover. There's two of them left.
03:44They're all dead. Bergen too. Water. It's empty. We better get some water real soon.
03:52What's all that? Drugs. Medicine. I thought we'd get some guns or something, or even a pay wagon.
03:58What are we going to do with all this stuff? Can we get anything for it? It's worth its weight in
04:02gold dust, if we handle it right. Handle it right? Look, you just keep your mouth shut and do what I
04:07tell you. You'll be a rich man, Trout. Put that driver's uniform on. What for? Let's get out of
04:12here. Just put it on. A patrol stops us and you'll be very glad.
04:42Anywhere to the ambulance? The supplies? No, sir. Just a patrol return from posting water holes.
05:06How many sick? Two, sir. I put them in the next room. Infirmary and barracks four and five are
05:11filled. Two out of ten, that's not too bad. Four others died on the trail, sir.
05:21Men been told our doctor's dead? They didn't have to be told, sir. They knew it.
05:28Colonel McKenzie, pardon the impertinence, sir, but are you all right?
05:34Yeah, I'm all right, Sergeant. I'm just tired. There's one dose of morphine left,
05:37sir. Just one. No, no, no, no. I'll be all right after I get a chance to sleep.
05:41I'll get a chance to sleep when that ambulance arrives.
06:07It hurts, Tony. Just a stomachache, Colonel, sir. I'll be riding again.
06:22Sure you will. I heard before the doc died he gave you some stuff and it didn't hurt so much.
06:31A little thing of powder. More something. Yeah, morphine. I'm gonna give you some.
06:40This is the last one we've got until the doc comes. Here, put this on your tongue.
06:47That's it. Some water. Make it easier to swallow.
06:52Now you just lie back and relax. How long will it take, sir? Not long. You'll feel strange in a
07:00little while. Woozy. You might even have hallucinations. Hallucinations? Hallucinations,
07:07that means, well, you might imagine things are happening that really aren't happening.
07:12You'll feel better in five minutes or so. Lie back and relax.
07:22Hey, sir, what are you gonna give the rest until you get more morphine?
07:29Soapy water. Soap? Yeah, it's an old remedy.
07:34Maybe it'll make them sick enough so they can throw off some of the poison. Rest easy, son.
07:52Hey, soldier, drink this. It won't taste good, but it may help you.
08:07Good boy. Now think of back home. You get well and we'll send you back there on leave.
08:14The ambulance? Yes, sir. I mean, I don't know, sir. It seems it might have been sighted.
08:23What are you talking about? Oh, no, the patrol just came in, sir. Three men,
08:26all sick, delirious. Corporal was babbling something about seeing an ambulance headed south.
08:31Headed south? The ambulance was south of here? Well, the patrol was, sir. Staking water holes.
08:41They claim they saw the ambulance last night, but it doesn't seem likely.
08:45They say exactly where? Well, like I said, sir, they're all delirious,
08:49but they were patrolling in this area. All right, sergeant, I want four men mounted right away
08:55and Lieutenant Michaels. I want sergeant to have my horse saddled too. But, sir,
09:00if you're sending Lieutenant Michaels, you could stay here and rest. Sergeant, I'm giving...
09:04Sorry, sergeant. As soon as the doctor and the medicine arrives, I'll permit you to
09:09confine me to quarters. All right, on the double, sergeant. Oh, and sergeant,
09:14I want my canteen too. Soap solution. I'll need it in case somebody on the patrol falls out.
09:34Canteen, sir.
10:04You all right, sir? I'm all right.
10:34I don't suppose they could have turned around and gone back to the fort, sir.
10:45No, they don't, lieutenant.
10:54We ought to catch up to them in about 10 minutes, sir. Perhaps a trifle more.
11:04Lieutenant, take two men with you. Circle around their left flank. I'll take the rest
11:09and attack them from the right flank. We'll attack in exactly 15 minutes.
11:15Attack, sir? What do you mean? There were supposed to be two troopers with them.
11:19Now there's just the ambulance and the drivers. Perhaps they aren't just lost.
11:24Be prepared to shoot, but don't unless we do. Yes, sir. All right, 15 minutes exactly. Take off.
11:29Yes, sir. You two men come with me. You two stay with the colonel.
13:00Cavalry. Over there too. Put your gun away. Are you crazy? It's cavalry.
13:08Just keep your mouth shut and do what I tell you.
13:09Captain Leon Hemphill en route as per orders to Fort Clark, sir.
13:40What's the matter with him, lieutenant? I don't know, sir. The colonel hasn't slept in four days.
13:48We've got to take him to the ambulance with us. Yes, sir. All right, you men, give us a hand here.
13:54Gently now, gently. Watch his head.
14:01You're heading in the wrong direction, captain. It's past Fort Clark.
14:05Well, I knew we were behind schedule. I was about to double back.
14:08Well, it's northeast from here, sir. It's almost a day's ride with a wagon.
14:12Lieutenant, you take your men back to camp ahead of us. Boil as much water as you can
14:17find containers for, and then scrub down the walls of all the wards. We'll get the colonel in.
14:23Well, I don't know about that, captain. What if you get lost again, sir?
14:26Northeast, a day's ride. We won't get lost.
14:30That's an order, lieutenant. I can't lose any time when we get there.
14:34Yes, sir. Detail, mount up.
14:45Detail, pull in and strut, pull!
14:54Well, hurry it up. Shoot him and let's get going. Yeah, we'll shoot him, but not yet.
14:58He's our insurance. Insurance? If they find us with him, we're through.
15:03If they find us with him, we're safe. If they won't touch us for fear, we'll shoot him.
15:07That gives us time to sell these drugs. I'm for shooting him now. He'll be trouble.
15:12Now, don't get impatient, Trout. We will, we will. But first, you're going into bracketville.
15:17You're going to spread the word. Drugs for sale, health for sale. A hundred dollars to save your
15:45Night, a deserted barn. Medicine desperately needed to fight the cholera epidemic
15:51in the hands of outlaws. In the surrounding territory, panic-stricken citizens ready to
15:57meet any terms for the drugs. And a prisoner, a hostage to ensure a safe undercover operation
16:04to be disposed of when no longer useful. Well, that's it. They're all out.
16:11Good. Last night, you spread the word. This morning, we should get results.
16:15You'll never get away with this, Mercer. The good folks will pay whatever I ask for this
16:20stuff, Colonel. And they'll keep their mouths shut so they can get more when they need it.
16:24They're starved for it. My men will find you. We set a pretty hard trail to follow, Colonel.
16:29My men will follow your wagon tracks. One of your men sticks his head through that door,
16:34and you get a bullet in yours. We're going to be stuck here. We're going to need some water.
16:39You'll survive without it, or else you won't survive. Oh, boy, I've been waiting for years
16:45for something like this to come along. And it's going to work. Nothing's going to stop it.
16:50Trout, get those cases of medicine open. We want to be ready when they come. We've got water.
16:57Well, you won't be needing water anymore, Colonel. You might as well be generous.
17:03There's something wrong with this water. It's, uh...
17:07It's medicated. A case of contamination. Come on, come on, let me have some.
17:13Contamination? Contamination. Contaminated water holes. That's the way you get cholera.
17:19You drink from a water hole, then you get cramps, extreme pain, and then you die.
17:26Maybe one day, maybe three. How's that?
17:30You've been drinking from water holes? Yeah.
17:34How long ago? Three days.
17:39Three days? You better start praying.
17:45If you still remember how.
18:09No word from the Colonel yet, sir. Who's that, Sergeant?
18:13Captain Leon Hemphill, Medical Corps reporting, sir.
18:23Patrol to the north found three corpses. Cavalry, MF survivor, all shot.
18:28Shot? Hemphill, that's the doctor. Found north. Now, where's the Colonel?
18:37I don't know, sir. Sergeant,
18:39mount a patrol of three men, and you come, too. And on the men with side arms and carbines.
18:44Yes, sir. And hurry up, Sergeant.
18:52Look, lady, for $100, you get one envelope. $130 is all we had. It was for next year's crops.
18:58$100 an envelope. If you want more, get more money.
19:01But my children, please. Get her out of here.
19:07While you're outside, keep your eyes peeled for more customers.
19:11They should be getting here soon. Hey, Mackenzie, sorry about that gag.
19:18I just wanted to make sure you didn't make any noise.
19:21Clear tracks. They're headed southwest, sir. There.
19:24Mount up, men. Now, ride tight, and keep your eyes open. Sergeant,
19:28ride out and take the lead. Now, follow that trail real hard and follow it fast.
19:32Forward, fire!
20:02Shut the door. I can't. My stomach.
20:11Get up. Doctor, I got the car. I gotta get to a doctor.
20:17You're not going to a doctor or anyplace else.
20:21But I'll die. I'll die, I tell you.
20:23Then you'll die, but you're staying here.
20:26And where are you going? I don't know.
20:28To find him. He must be around here someplace. And stop that whimpering!
20:53How long is it?
20:56How long does it take?
20:58How long does it take? I told you.
21:00Maybe a day, maybe less.
21:02What'll I do?
21:06You take morphine.
21:08Over there in that box, the one marked narcotic.
21:26How many do I take? Take two.
21:36You got a bad case.
21:38You better take three.
21:50I thought you said it was gonna help.
21:52It'll help.
21:55Just relax a minute. It'll help.
22:21They come in here, you get it.
22:24Let's take a look at that barn. Maybe they stopped here.
22:30There's a camp up ahead, sir, in the hills. I think it's them.
22:32I got a pole!
22:42Lucky thing for you they didn't stop.
22:54What's the matter, Mercer?
22:56You got a stomachache?
23:02You wouldn't even let me call a doctor.
23:10I killed him.
23:16Now I'm gonna kill you.
23:23Let's go.
23:54The next day, Colonel Randall McKenzie
23:56returned to Fort Clark
23:58with the medical supplies
24:00that would enable him
24:02to defeat the cholera epidemic.
24:04He brought with him also
24:06the body of Mercer
24:08and the unconscious form of Trout.
24:16Colonel, I don't know how you did it.
24:18Because you're not suffering from exhaustion.
24:20You've got cholera.
24:23And you've had it some time.
24:27Will I make it?
24:29Yes. You're through the worst.
24:31How about Trout?
24:33Too much caustic soap
24:35and an overdose of morphine.
24:37How in the world did he get so much?
24:41Pull him through, Doc.
24:43I want to see him hang.
24:53McKenzie's Raiders
24:55rode again and again,
24:57carrying out the secret orders
24:59of the President of the United States.
25:01Do whatever necessary
25:03to clean up the Southwest.
25:05Make it a decent place
25:07for people to live.
25:09Ride with McKenzie's Raiders
25:11as they relive the blazing pages
25:13of history in the making.
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