00:00From the archives of the United States Cavalry, the true stories of Colonel Randall McKenzie
00:13and the cavalrymen he led, McKenzie's Raiders.
00:18His secret orders from the President of the United States, clean up the Southwest, make
00:22it a fit place for Americans to live, wipe out the renegades, outlaws, and murderers.
00:27If necessary, cross the Rio Grande, knowing capture means hanging by the enemy.
00:33Discovery, court-martialed by the United States Army.
00:52The time, 1873, the place, 15,000 square miles of treacherous Texas borderland.
01:00The problem, open the territory for peaceful settlement.
01:04This was the task assigned to Colonel Randall McKenzie and his troopers at Fort Clark.
01:10Against them, the murderous renegades who fought amongst themselves for the spoils of
01:14the area.
01:15One of these fights for power led to a split between Red Buckman, the leader of a notoriously
01:20vicious gang, and his lieutenant, Andy Wheeler.
01:24As with the others, Wheeler began to scavenge for himself.
01:40Handicapped, not only by shortages, but by the vast distances between his command and
02:10post and the far-flung settler's cabins, necessity demanded that McKenzie spend long hours in
02:16the field, searching for the renegade raiders.
02:19He's firing down by the Jeffers farm, sir.
02:21Could be Buckman's men.
02:32What do you want to fight me for?
02:34For this?
02:36Dirt grubbing farmers?
02:37Work themselves like horses for what?
02:40Ten dollars, if that.
02:42What do you expect to find here?
02:43Carlotta's crown?
02:44No, but enough to get the wrinkles out of my belly.
02:46We should have stayed with Buckman.
02:48Well, you can go back anytime you have a mind to.
02:51Get my ears cut off?
02:53No, Porter, we've raided our last farm until I get Buckman.
02:57Andy, you thinking about that again?
02:59I never stop thinking about it.
03:01With Buckman out of the way, his men would follow me anywhere.
03:04That's right enough.
03:06And that's our next move against Buckman.
03:11Take the horses out of the corral.
03:22Let's get some fresh horses from the corral.
03:29I never could understand your kind.
03:33Leave a good home, take up to some no-count man,
03:38then fight for him.
03:40Your whole life for what?
03:49Three of them.
03:53Get out of here!
04:18Get out of here!
04:46Get out of here!
05:17A woman, over there on the couch.
05:19Have a look.
05:23Who are you, sir?
05:26Wheeler, Andrew Wheeler.
05:28Formerly lieutenant, 5th Georgia Reserves.
05:30What are you doing here?
05:32I was just passing through.
05:33These folks are kind enough to ask me to share their meal.
05:41Mr. Whipson.
05:48Yes, sir.
05:49They slugged me.
05:51Didn't any of us have a chance?
05:53How many?
05:54Oh, I'd say about eight or nine.
05:58Two that stayed outside when the others rode off.
06:01They're the ones that did that.
06:03Recognize any of them?
06:06It's hardly likely, sir, since I'm a stranger in these parts.
06:11But I did see the leader before.
06:19The other side of the border a couple of nights ago.
06:21I was riding up from Rio Rivas,
06:23stumbled across this little canyon,
06:25and the same man was there,
06:27camped with some others.
06:29I was going to stop.
06:31Glad I didn't now.
06:32Can you describe him?
06:34Well, he was a big man,
06:36riding a white stallion,
06:38wore a beard, kind of reddish-brown.
06:40Sir, that description fits Red Buckman.
06:43Yes, I'm aware of that.
06:54Mr. Wheeler,
06:56I wonder if you'd mind accompanying us back to Fort Clark.
06:58I may need some more information.
07:00It'll also give you a chance to rest up
07:02and have that head wound tended to.
07:04Well, Colonel, I don't think...
07:05It'll only be for a couple of days.
07:07I'd like you to be my personal guest.
07:10Thank you, sir. I appreciate your hospitality.
07:12Thank you, Mr. Wheeler.
07:19Eager to avoid suspicion,
07:21yet certain that McKenzie had believed his story,
07:24Wheeler agreed to stay at Fort Clark
07:26for a few days of rest and medical attention.
07:32Let's go.
07:58What are you looking for, sir?
08:00I'll tell you in a minute.
08:09Look here.
08:11See anything?
08:12Only a little mark in the metal facings.
08:14Yeah, that mark is the blacksmith's signature.
08:17It appears to me that Mr. Wheeler's horse
08:19and that renegade animal were shot by the same man.
08:21Colonel, if that's so...
08:23I think I'll ask Mr. Wheeler for a little more information.
08:31It's me, Greer.
08:33Tell Buckman if he wants to keep living,
08:35he better see me fast.
08:41Been admiring that suit, Mr. Wheeler.
08:44Surely that isn't Brackettville tailoring.
08:46Well, thank you, sir.
08:47No, I, uh...
08:49I believe in the old saying,
08:51clothes make the man.
08:52Well, I'll take a look at it.
08:54Thank you, sir.
08:56I, uh...
08:57I believe in the old saying,
08:59clothes make the man.
09:00Well, I rather agree with you.
09:02Uh, you tell me, though,
09:03you've been on the trail for a long time.
09:05Aren't those pretty fancy clothes?
09:07Well, as you know, sir,
09:08I haven't had a chance to shave yet today,
09:10but I've always prided myself
09:11on being a cut above the average saddle cramp.
09:13No insinuation to the contrary.
09:16Tell me, Mr. Wheeler,
09:17what kind of a horse were you riding?
09:19Well, Colonel McKenzie,
09:20I should think you'd be able to tell just by looking at me.
09:23I didn't ride anything except a blooded animal.
09:26What became of this blooded animal?
09:29I told you, sir.
09:30Well, tell me again.
09:33Those renegades stole him.
09:34The man you called, uh, uh, Bruckman.
09:36He drove him off when they left the farmhouse.
09:39Where'd you have this animal shod?
09:43Well, um...
09:45He was already shod when I bought him.
09:47Where'd you buy him?
09:48In Mexico.
09:50I wonder if I could trouble you for a light?
09:52Certainly. Thank you.
09:53Certainly, Mr. Wheeler.
09:56Would you mind if I asked you, uh,
09:58what you were doing in Mexico, Mr. Wheeler?
10:00Not at all, sir.
10:01We were looking at some silver mining property.
10:03Oh. Any luck?
10:04Not much.
10:05Ah, that's pretty much of a gamble.
10:07Too much of a gamble for me.
10:08Two or three years' time, maybe a man's whole poke.
10:10Not to me, I'm sorry.
10:12Now, this canyon where you stumbled on the outlaw,
10:16this Bruckman fellow,
10:17uh, what was the place you were riding toward?
10:20Rio Rios.
10:21Oh, yes.
10:23I hear that's... that's very good ore country.
10:26We weren't looking for silver in Rio Rios.
10:29Who was with you?
10:30A friend of mine.
10:31Name of, uh, of Johnson.
10:33What happened to Mr. Johnson?
10:34He stayed down there.
10:36Oh, he was more of an optimist.
10:37Well, let's put it this way.
10:39He's a little longer than I am on capital
10:41and on patience.
10:43Now, you say when you ran on to them,
10:46you were headed toward Rio Rios.
10:48That's right.
10:50Colonel, I've answered all your questions,
10:53and I've certainly told you everything I can think of.
10:55I know you have,
10:56but, uh, maybe I can think of something more.
10:59Until I do, I'd appreciate it if you'd stay here on the post,
11:02as my guest, of course.
11:04Oh, well, uh, with pleasure, sir.
11:07Thank you very much, Mr. Wheeler.
11:09Thank you, sir, for your courtesy.
11:16Your story sounds straight enough.
11:24you've been on this post long enough
11:26to know that this is pretty rowdy territory.
11:28Violence is sort of commonplace.
11:30Yes, sir.
11:31But pistol-whipping a woman is not commonplace,
11:33even out here.
11:34Oh, I wouldn't say so, sir.
11:35There was another woman pistol-whipped
11:37in this territory about a year ago.
11:39Only she didn't die.
11:41That was just before I was assigned to the post, sir.
11:45Her name was Mrs. Lane.
11:47She lives with her brother
11:48about a mile, mile and a half beyond Brackettville.
11:51Oh, I see what you're up to, sir.
11:54Have her take a look at Wheeler
11:55and try to identify him.
11:56Is that right, sir?
11:57No, Lieutenant, that's wrong.
12:00I'd take a ride out to the Lane's place.
12:09And I have reason to believe, Mr. Gifford,
12:11that this is the same man who pistol-whipped your sister.
12:15Well, I don't know whether or not
12:16Helen can face him, Colonel McKenzie.
12:18For the past year now, she's been...
12:20She's been awfully upset.
12:22I know, I know, no one can blame her.
12:24Perhaps if you could explain to her, though,
12:25how important it is,
12:26how important to the whole territory.
12:29I know it's important that you identify him, but...
12:31No, no, no, Mr. Gifford.
12:33It's important that she does not identify him,
12:35even though she recognizes him.
12:37But why, sir, if he is the man?
12:39Because, because...
12:40I want to give him confidence.
12:42I want to give him too much confidence.
12:46I'll go in and talk to her,
12:47but I can't promise anything.
12:50Thank you, sir.
12:56Wheeler's here, he's waiting outside.
12:59All right.
13:01When we get a little ways from the fort,
13:03see to it that Mr. Wheeler rides on out in front.
13:07Just in case.
13:09In case of what, sir?
13:10In case somebody else has ideas.
13:27How much money did you say?
13:29A thousand for Wheeler.
13:31Two thousand if you crawl over McKenzie's dead body to do it.
13:36Let's take the shortcut.
13:38Let's take the shortcut.
14:00October 11, 1873.
14:03Colonel McKenzie's strategy demanded
14:05the complete confidence of Andy Wheeler.
14:08Together they rode out to the home of Mrs. Lane.
14:30Excuse me, Mr. Wheeler.
14:32It appears they were shooting at you, whoever they were.
14:35I don't understand.
14:36I don't know why anybody shoot at me.
14:39Well, perhaps they were shooting at me, just bad shots.
14:44Whoever they were, they're gone.
14:46Let's be on our way.
14:47Mrs. Lane's expecting us.
15:04It's only me, dear.
15:17Hello, dear.
15:25Colonel McKenzie will soon be here.
15:28You still want to go through with it?
15:32He knows it isn't going to be easy for you.
15:37That must be them now.
15:49Come in, Colonel.
15:51Mr. Gibbard.
15:53Mr. Gibbard.
15:55Mr. Gibbard.
15:56Mr. Gibbard.
15:58Nice to see you again.
15:59Nice to see you, sir.
16:01Uh, Mr. Gibbard, this is Mr. Wheeler and Lieutenant Paxson.
16:04Mr. Gibbard.
16:06She's in there, sir, waiting for you.
16:08Go right ahead.
16:11Who's, uh...
16:13Who's she?
16:14Mr. Gibbard's sister.
16:16Her name's Lane.
16:18Still doesn't mean anything to you?
16:20No more than it did before.
16:22As it's supposed to.
16:24How is she?
16:25The same.
16:26She hasn't set foot outside of this house since she came here.
16:29Seems like she just wants to dry up and die.
16:32Excuse me, gentlemen, but, uh...
16:34What's all this got to do with me?
16:36That's what we're going to find out.
16:56Is this the man, Mrs. Lane?
17:03Be very sure.
17:09I don't remember ever seeing you before.
17:13I think I'd remember if I had.
17:16A pretty woman like you.
17:29You're sure?
17:31You're sure this isn't one of the men that was there that day?
17:34Yes, I'm very sure.
17:48Callin' me a renegade.
17:51A murderer. Worse.
17:52He should have known better than that.
18:07She did well, didn't she?
18:09Didn't act like she recognized him at all.
18:13If there's anything I can do...
18:14No, sir.
18:15Thanks, just the same.
18:17Well, I'll tell you what I think, Lieutenant.
18:19I think that Colonel owes me an apology.
18:23I agree with you, Mr. Wheeler.
18:26And I do apologize.
18:27All I can say is...
18:28We made a mistake, I'm sorry.
18:30Well, Colonel, I'm no one to hold hard feelings.
18:32All I want to do is just be on my way.
18:36Anything wrong with that?
18:38No, no, no, I, uh...
18:40I was in hopes you could help us, Mr. Wheeler, but...
18:42I'm afraid I can't.
18:44No, I, uh...
18:45I was in hopes you could help us, Mr. Wheeler, but...
18:47Well, look, Colonel, I...
18:48It's quite all right, it's quite all right.
18:50Somebody else will claim the reward.
18:52Uh, Lieutenant Paxton.
18:54Take Mr. Wheeler over to the hotel for supper.
18:56Buy him the best and then see him on his way.
18:59Yes, sir.
19:03What was that reward you were just speaking of?
19:06$500 for Red Buckman.
19:09We got word of the offer this morning.
19:11$500 for Buckman, huh?
19:13That's the man you saw near Rio Rios.
19:15Yeah, yeah, I know.
19:17Uh, I was just thinking, Mr. Wheeler,
19:20if you could remember the exact spot where you saw him and lead us there,
19:24I'd see to it that you got that reward.
19:27How about it, Mr. Wheeler?
19:32Uh, Mr. Paxton.
19:34Have Larkin and Webern mount up.
19:36We're going to help Mr. Wheeler collect that reward.
19:38I talked to the finance officer, sir.
19:40He says he hasn't received orders from you
19:42for the $500 reward.
19:45Lieutenant, I should have said we're going to help Mr. Wheeler get his just reward.
19:50The Rio Grande.
19:52Once a barrier to Colonel McKenzie
19:54and a shield for those who would run from justice.
19:57Now, by secret orders of the President of the United States,
20:01McKenzie could cross the international border.
20:04However, should his mission be exposed,
20:06the very man who had issued his secret orders
20:09was powerless to protect him from inevitable court-martial.
20:39The guard's over there. We'll have to walk in on him.
21:39Horses first.
22:09Hey! Hey!
22:25There's only two of them. Come on, we'll rush them.
22:36Not so fast, boys.
22:38He's mine.
22:39Drop it. Drop it, Wheeler.
22:41Drop it.
22:43Drop it, Buckman.
22:45Drop it.
22:53Why didn't you let me get him?
22:56Is that what you wanted, Mr. Wheeler?
23:00Didn't you?
23:01I mean, they're nothing but scum, Colonel.
23:03They don't deserve a trial.
23:05I'm surprised you feel that way.
23:07How else would I feel? I wouldn't have brought you up here otherwise.
23:10Reward or no reward.
23:17Well, I guess you won't be needing my services anymore, Colonel.
23:21I'll send you an address.
23:23You, uh...
23:24You will see that I get my reward, won't you?
23:27Oh, yes, Mr. Wheeler, I'll see that you get your reward.
23:30I made a promise I try never to break.
23:32Thank you, sir.
23:34I'd leave that right there if I were you.
23:38Those renegades that fired at you down the road, they gave you away.
23:42Well, that's impossible, Colonel.
23:45Just as impossible as it is for Mrs. Lane to forget what you did to her.
23:50Take him away.
24:08This is from Mrs. Lane, sir.
24:10She told me what it was, a pair of socks.
24:15She knitted them herself.
24:18Yes, sir.
24:19Her brother says she's a changed woman since we got Wheeler.
24:22Even does her own marketing.
24:26Well, I guess we were all lucky until that accident.
24:29It wasn't exactly luck, sir.
24:31I'd like to know, why were you so suspicious of Wheeler?
24:35Remember that first time we saw him?
24:37He was wearing that farmer's Sunday suit.
24:39Two things that never go together.
24:41What's that, sir?
24:42A farmer's Sunday suit with a dirty man inside.
24:49Now, about these orders of the day.
25:00Mackenzie's Raiders rode again and again,
25:03carrying out the secret orders of the President of the United States.
25:07Do whatever necessary to clean up the Southwest.
25:10Make it a decent place for people to live.
25:13Ride with Mackenzie's Raiders as they relive the blazing pages of history in the making.
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