00:00From the archives of the United States Cavalry, the true stories of Colonel Randall McKenzie
00:13and the cavalrymen he led, McKenzie's Raiders.
00:18His secret orders from the President of the United States, clean up the Southwest, make
00:22it a fit place for Americans to live, wipe out the renegades, outlaws, and murderers.
00:27If necessary, cross the Rio Grande, knowing capture means hanging by the enemy.
00:33Discovery, court-martialed by the United States Army.
00:52West Texas, summer 1874, the southern extreme of the Yampa Rica Comanche country.
00:58Now through the efforts of Colonel Randall McKenzie, peace was gradually coming to this
01:04However, one man, Quanah Parker, locked behind the vastness of his hills, held the key to
01:10the problem.
01:12Only at his command would the Quadi Nation rise and plunge the territory into bloody
01:17And only at his command could there be peace.
01:22At that moment, several miles away, an event was about to take place that would have far-reaching
01:27effect on this new peace.
01:43Blue Raven, the son of Chief Running Bear, was dead.
02:12He's out there someplace.
02:24If I could just get him to come in for a talk.
02:27Do no good, sir.
02:28Quanah Parker's talked peace before.
02:31Not to me, he hasn't.
02:32By the way, Jim, I've been meaning to tell you, I'm real pleased to have you in my command
02:38here at Fort Clark.
02:39I wrote your dad and told him so.
02:40Thank you, sir.
02:41You know, there's some things, though, about Southwest Texas that you don't know all about
02:46One of those things is Quanah Parker.
02:48Colonel, begging your pardon, sir, but he isn't like old Running Bear.
02:53Well, how do you think I made peace with Running Bear?
02:55You whipped him.
02:57You may be new at Fort Clark, but you know our strength here.
02:59If I'd used every available trooper, I couldn't have whipped him.
03:02You mean he made peace just by talks?
03:05By talks, by concessions, concessions on both sides.
03:10You mean he made demands and you gave in to him?
03:14I made other demands and he gave in to me.
03:16Quanah Parker's different.
03:18He won't give in.
03:20You familiar with our campaigns against him in the North?
03:24Yes, sir.
03:25Well, you know, then, that our last five skirmishes against Quanah Parker have been virtual standoffs.
03:30All we're succeeding in doing is slowly wiping each other out.
03:33We can always send East for replacements.
03:36With just one word, Quanah Parker could surround himself with the Arapahos, Cheyennes, Kiowas,
03:42and maybe even Running Bear's tribe.
03:43You think he'd break the treaty?
03:46They're both Comanches.
03:47So you see how important, Jim, it is that we at least keep trying to talk to Quanah Parker.
03:54Yes, sir, but how do you go about it?
03:59Is Leif Bender at the fort?
04:00No, he's out on patrol with Major Fultzner.
04:03He'll be back in the morning.
04:05First thing you see him, ask him to drop around to my office, will you?
04:07I want to talk to him.
04:08Yes, sir.
04:14Yeah, I reckon I could find him.
04:19This time of year, he should be somewhere around Pope's Wells, near the Pecos.
04:24You knew him when you served with General Miles, huh?
04:27Think you could get him to come in for a talk?
04:28Well, no offense, Colonel, but Quanah Parker's heard soldier talk before.
04:33What if you told him that Running Bear would be here, too?
04:36Well, they're pretty close.
04:37It'd go a long ways towards helping him make up his mind.
04:40All right, you tell him just that.
04:42Uh, supposing Running Bear won't come?
04:44You let me worry about that.
04:47He'll be here, all right.
04:48Now, hold on, Colonel.
04:49You ain't never met this here Quanah Parker.
04:52That's right.
04:53Now, you say Running Bear's gonna be here.
04:55Supposing you're wrong, it could be my scalp.
04:59Quanah don't hold with nobody talking with a forked tongue.
05:03If I'm wrong, if Running Bear doesn't come,
05:05if he won't help me make peace with Quanah Parker and his quaddies,
05:09then this whole territory will be fighting to hang on to its scalp.
05:12Colonel, I appreciate how important these peace talks are.
05:16Just so as you know, we gotta talk straight with this engine.
05:19Running Bear will be here.
05:22As soon as I can saddle up a fresh horse,
05:24I'll start off for the state plains.
05:26All right.
05:28I'll ride with you as far as the Antarctica country.
05:33The land of the Yampa Rica was harsh, unrelenting,
05:36and so was their justice.
05:38For five long days, Spotted Elk was to suffer alone
05:42while Running Bear decided his punishment.
05:44A life had been lost, a young life.
05:47The one responsible must pay.
05:50No one spoke in defense of the guilty man.
05:53There was no defense.
05:54There was no pity in the eyes of the Comanche.
06:03The heart of Running Bear is like the night.
06:07The brightness of my remaining years has been taken from me.
06:12Blue Raven is dead.
06:14My son is dead.
06:17Five days have I thought on this.
06:21Five days have I decided on your punishment.
06:26Your name, the name of Spotted Elk,
06:30will never again be spoken in our village.
06:34You will be taken to the desert and left to die.
06:51I, too, wear the marks of mourning for Blue Raven.
06:55Your punishment will be the end to my grief.
07:23I'll leave you here, Leif.
07:25Pope's Wells is a long haul.
07:28You bring in Quanah Parker, you can name your own price.
07:31I'll settle for my back pay.
07:33You can have mine, too, when it comes.
07:35If it comes.
07:37I'll see you in a couple of days.
07:58Come on.
08:28Come on.
08:58My son is dead, Mackenzie Colonel.
09:01We made a peace so that such as he might live.
09:05Now he is dead.
09:07I'm sorry, Chief Running Bear.
09:09Why? The soldiers killed many of my people.
09:14Forgive me.
09:17Five days have I grieved.
09:19My mind is sick with sadness.
09:28For what reason does the Chief of Fort Clark come here now?
09:33I was on my way to your village.
09:37You come without your soldiers?
09:39Mackenzie has no need of soldiers.
09:42We're friends.
09:43I come to talk.
09:48Now is not the time to talk.
09:51Chief Running Bear, the talk would be of Quanah Parker.
09:55Of his quaddies.
09:57Of peace.
10:04We talk.
10:12And you will treat with the quaddies as you have the Yamparica?
10:16If they are honorable people, as your people have been?
10:20Quanah Parker is a great chief.
10:23They will obey his word.
10:25And he will respect your words, Running Bear.
10:28That is why I want you to come to Fort Clark with me.
10:31To add your words to mine.
10:32To help make the peace.
10:34How do you know of our friendship?
10:37I know it was you who saved the life of the white girl who later became the mother of Quanah Parker.
10:42That was many snows past.
10:46And now Quanah Parker makes war on his own people.
10:49The Comanches are his people?
10:55Nonetheless, there is war.
10:57You can help to make the peace.
11:01If he comes, I will speak with him.
11:04I will not ask him to make peace.
11:06That is his decision.
11:08I will tell him of the honor of your words.
11:11That he can trust in what you say.
11:14This I will do.
11:16That is all I ask.
11:18Thank you, Chief Running Bear.
13:18Colonel McKenzie's act of humanity had been an act of war.
13:21It was an act of war.
13:23It was an act of war.
13:24It was an act of war.
13:25It was an act of war.
13:26It was an act of war.
13:27It was an act of war.
13:28It was an act of war.
13:29It was an act of war.
13:30It was an act of war.
13:31It was an act of war.
13:32It was an act of war.
13:33It was an act of war.
13:34It was an act of war.
13:35It was an act of war.
13:36It was an act of war.
13:37It was an act of war.
13:38It was an act of war.
13:39It was an act of war.
13:40It was an act of war.
13:41It was an act of war.
13:42It was an act of war.
13:43It was an act of war.
13:45Colonel McKenzie's act of humanity had been an irrevocable affront to Comanche justice.
13:51He had unknowingly interfered with the tribal death sentence,
13:54despite having sworn in a treaty to respect the Indians' law.
13:59Now he would face the wrath of those whose lasting friendship meant so much to the peace of the Southwest.
14:05You refuse?
14:07Of course I don't refuse, Chief, but he can't travel now. He's unconscious.
14:11It is my wish to leave.
14:13Now with the brave.
14:14But he couldn't stand the trip.
14:16The doctor explained that to you. He'd die.
14:18I do not wish that he lives.
14:21It was he that caused the death of my son.
14:24Coming from the burial hill, you explained to me what happened.
14:27Surely you can't blame him.
14:29I do not wish to speak more on it.
14:33I'm sorry, Chief, but my word stands.
14:35I can't let him go.
14:37You refuse to honor our treaty?
14:39The treaty has nothing to do with it.
14:41He's a human being. It's a question of justice.
14:43The treaty has much to do with it.
14:45It promises the soldiers will not interfere with the laws of our tribe
14:49when those laws do not affect your people.
14:52Yes, I know. That may be...
14:54It is the law that Spotted Elk must pay for his crime.
14:57What crime?
14:59You said yourself it was an accident, Chief.
15:02No, I'm sorry.
15:04He stays here until he's well.
15:06Can I now tell Kwanapaka you are honorable to your words?
15:11Don't threaten me, Chief Running Bear.
15:13I do not threaten.
15:15In two days, decide what you value most,
15:19the life of one man or the lives of many.
15:22If you insist the treaty be broken,
15:25I shall cast my lance at your feet.
15:33Morning of the second day.
15:35By now, everyone knew of the situation at Fort Clark.
15:39Everyone knew Sundown held the portent of war
15:42unless Colonel McKenzie surrendered to the Indian chief's demand.
15:47The weight of command is often oppressing, always solitary.
15:52When decisions are made, logic is sometimes mixed with personal feelings,
15:56a dangerous thing, a human thing.
16:00Come in.
16:05Sorry to disturb you, Colonel.
16:07It's all right, Sergeant. What's on your mind?
16:10Reporting all companies standing by as ordered, sir.
16:15Uh, all passes cancelled?
16:17Yes, sir.
16:18The patrol?
16:19It left a few minutes ago, sir.
16:20Good, good.
16:21Is that all, sir?
16:22That's all, Sergeant.
16:27No, no, it isn't.
16:31Uh, Sergeant, sit down.
16:33Sit down.
16:37What else have you got to report?
16:39Nothing, sir.
16:43Yes, sir.
16:44How long have we been together?
16:46Seven years, eight months, sir.
16:48And in seven years, eight months, don't you think I've gotten to know you pretty well?
16:54I can tell when there's something on your mind, Sergeant.
16:58You don't think I'm doing right, do you?
17:00I never said that, sir.
17:01Well, no, you never said it, but nevertheless, you don't think I'm doing right.
17:05Colonel, sir, you're wrong.
17:07I mean, about me, about what I'm thinking.
17:10Frankly, sir, I'm thinking that you're the best man that I ever served under.
17:16And there have been plenty.
17:19You have a reason for what you're doing.
17:21We don't know what it is, but whatever, it's good enough for us.
17:27Sergeant, the only reason...
17:30The only reason is that...
17:31Sir, you don't owe nobody an explanation.
17:33Will you listen to me?
17:36The only reason is that that Indian is a helpless human being and he deserves the protection of this fort.
17:41It's as simple as that.
17:43Fine, that's fine, sir.
17:45Every trooper in this fort will fight for that reason.
17:50Thank you, Sergeant Wells.
17:53That's all.
18:00May I have a word with you, sir?
18:02Yes, of course, Captain. Come in.
18:04It's about that Indian.
18:08Well, are you really going to keep him here?
18:11Certainly, until he's able to travel.
18:13Then what? And what about running bare his ultimatum?
18:18After you've been here for a time, Jim, you'll find that ultimatums don't work too well with me.
18:23As far as Spotted Elk is concerned, he's free to leave as soon as he's able.
18:26Some of the men say it's a question of honor.
18:29Some say he'll go back to his village.
18:31That may be.
18:33They'll rather you surrender him or he goes back.
18:35Either way, he dies.
18:37So what's the difference?
18:39The difference, Captain, is that it'll be his choice.
18:46Come in.
18:49Colonel, I have to talk to you, sir.
18:50Yes, Sergeant.
18:51It's that Indian.
18:52That's enough, Sergeant. I've heard quite enough about that Indian.
18:54But he's awake, sir.
18:56The doctor took this from him.
18:58His medicine bag.
19:00Open it, sir.
19:06Probably took it off some settler that he murdered.
19:10Sir, we're overlooking something.
19:12That Indian is a savage. They're all savages.
19:16Pretty little thing like her.
19:20That's all for now, Sergeant.
19:27No man wishes to die.
19:30Then you wish to stay here?
19:33I did not say I was afraid of death.
19:37Anyone who asks for the protection of this fort gets it.
19:42What faces you if I stay?
19:45No one has ever been refused.
19:49You endanger many for the sake of one?
19:52Your people are weak.
19:54Your customs are foolish.
19:57Your heart is like a woman.
20:05No, it is not true.
20:09I have seen your courage.
20:13But I do not understand your people.
20:16No more do I understand Running Bear punishing you.
20:19It is the custom.
20:21It is the custom.
20:25You have been faithful to what you believe.
20:29Now I must do the same.
20:32That is why I shall return to my village.
20:36To die, to be killed.
20:42The doctor took it while I slept.
20:46The doctor took it while I slept.
20:51I would like to have it with me when I return to my village.
20:56Another custom?
20:59It was worn by the woman who was my mother.
21:04The woman who was your...
21:08Your mother was a captive.
21:11A captive of the Indians.
21:22He's coming, Colonel. Quanta Parker is on his way in.
21:25Captain, Captain Arinch for Guard of Honor.
21:27I kind of thought you want to impress him.
21:29Sergeant, see that every available trooper stands by for a review inspection.
21:32Colonel, what about the rest of the men?
21:34Where are we going, Colonel?
21:36I'll tell you on the way.
21:38Jim, I'd remind you that Quanta Parker is the last Comanche holdout.
21:42He's an important man. Treat him accordingly. We'll be back.
21:47One last chance.
21:49One final hope to avert bloodshed was all that remained to Colonel Randall McKenzie.
21:54Would Running Bear yield or hurl the lance of war at McKenzie's feet?
22:06Wait here for me, Lee.
22:12McKenzie, Colonel.
22:43You have come so that the peace may not be broken?
22:47That depends on you, Chief.
22:49You are wrong. It is you who have broken our treaty.
22:52Will you hear what I have to say?
22:54I chose this place so that the spirit of Blue Raven can hear our words.
22:58No need for words.
23:00I can't expect you to understand why I did what I felt I must.
23:04If Spotted Elk is not returned before the time the sun rests,
23:08the Yampa Rica will make war.
23:10Are you sure you want war?
23:12After having seen what peace has meant to your people?
23:15And I have seen what your people's broken word has meant.
23:21Very well, Chief. I'll not break our treaty, knowing that you wouldn't.
23:26But I must explain one thing.
23:31This is the medicine bag of Spotted Elk.
23:35This is the medicine bag of Spotted Elk.
23:39It contains the picture of a woman who is not an Indian.
23:42A picture of his mother.
23:44Just as Quanah Parker's mother was not an Indian.
23:47Was a prisoner of the Comanches.
23:49That is so.
23:51All right, I'll turn him over to you.
23:53Punish him any way you will.
23:55But remember this, Chief.
23:57You may punish only that part of him which is Comanche.
24:01By the terms of our treaty, you must not harm that part of him which is white man.
24:14Come in.
24:16Yes, Sergeant?
24:17I beg your pardon, sir.
24:18I thought the Captain would like to know that Colonel McKenzie is approaching the fort.
24:22He has Chief Running Bear with him.
24:25Thank you, Sergeant. You may go.
24:28They returned to the fort as friends.
24:31Not really understanding each other.
24:33But they had one thing in common.
24:35A desire for peace.
24:37A peace they hoped would spread to all the lands of the Comanche.
24:41And one day beyond.
24:43To all the wild, desolate country of the West.
24:58McKenzie's Raiders rode again and again.
25:01Carrying out the secret orders of the President of the United States.
25:05Do whatever necessary to clean up the Southwest.
25:08Make it a decent place for people to live.
25:11Ride with McKenzie's Raiders as they relive the blazing pages of history in the making.
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