00:00From the archives of the United States Cavalry, the true stories of Colonel Randall McKenzie
00:13and the cavalrymen he led, McKenzie's Raiders.
00:18His secret orders from the President of the United States, clean up the Southwest, make
00:22it a fit place for Americans to live, wipe out the renegades, outlaws, and murderers.
00:28If necessary, cross the Rio Grande, knowing capture means hanging by the enemy.
00:33Discovery, court-martialed by the United States Army.
00:52The Rio Grande, critical boundary between Mexico and the United States.
00:58The morning of September 7th, 1873, Emiliano Lopez, personal representative of the Mexican
01:04President, bound for Washington.
01:07His mission of the utmost importance.
01:10That takes care of Lopez's escort, cross.
01:26Don't kill him.
01:27Sorry to trouble you, Mr. Lopez.
01:32I know someone who does concern you, get the horses, you'll be staying with us for some
01:46Despite every precaution, the emissary's route had been revealed, and for Colonel Randall
01:50McKenzie, who waited to escort the emissary to San Antonio, this treachery was to have
01:55far-reaching consequences.
01:59Having waited long beyond the appointed time, McKenzie finally crossed into Mexico.
02:04His purpose, find Emiliano Lopez.
02:07His orders, secret.
02:09The risk, court-martial or death.
02:12They're dead.
02:14Any sign of Lopez?
02:18No sign.
02:20I hope it's not who I'm thinking.
02:25Ben Pierce?
02:26I hope it is.
02:28Then Lopez will still be alive.
02:39They didn't waste any time crossing back to the States.
02:49Those poor devils.
02:50I guess their own patrols will pick them up.
02:56Now they're under your jurisdiction.
02:59Ben Pierce has been under my jurisdiction for some time.
03:18What is this here?
03:19It's a spangle.
03:20The kind a Mexican official might wear on his saddle.
03:26There are fresh tracks in both directions.
03:28Which way did they go?
03:30Look there.
03:31One of those horses was unshod.
03:33Mexicans don't shoe their horses.
03:36That's Lopez's trail.
03:37Let's go.
03:55See the spangles on that white horse?
04:09I count seven horses.
04:10That means he's got five men.
04:12What do we do?
04:13Pierce has got Lopez all right, but I've got Pierce's brother Jed.
04:19He's gonna be hung tomorrow.
04:21Pierce will have to come to me.
04:26Let's get back to the fort.
04:28Go on.
04:44We don't want you to die, Your Excellency.
04:49Do you think he'll change McKenzie's mind, Mr. Pierce?
04:54Don't let his look fool you, Lane.
04:55He's a very important man to McKenzie and the United States.
05:01Very few people in Mexico are our country near of your journey.
05:05I bought a very important official.
05:07Bought, senor?
05:09The route you traveled cost me several hundred dollars.
05:11Well worth it.
05:12You must realize you are getting involved in an international situation.
05:15It's the other way around.
05:16You got yourself involved in a local mess with me and a tough colonel.
05:20You're dealing with Colonel McKenzie means nothing to me.
05:23My mission is vital.
05:24That's just what I'm betting on.
05:26That your mission puts enough pressure on McKenzie's shoulders to save my brother from a rope.
05:31You offend law and order, senor.
05:34Is my behavior so different than your overthrow of Maximilian?
05:36Maximilian was a dictator.
05:39My brother and I ran this country until McKenzie moved in.
05:43McKenzie and I can't exist together.
05:47How soon will you know?
05:48Sometime today.
05:50Do you realize any delay may be disastrous for Mexico?
05:53I'm sorry, senor. That's your problem.
05:55For the time being, you're working for me.
05:57Take good care of him while I'm gone.
05:59If I'm not back by sundown, kill him.
06:02My apologies, senor.
06:19The orders are explicit, sir.
06:21Lopez is to be transported secretly and safely at all costs.
06:25And he must be in San Antonio not later than eight o'clock on Thursday.
06:29That means he's got to leave here not later than sunrise tomorrow.
06:33Trooper Allen.
06:35Good morning, sir.
06:37Well, it'd be a pleasure to meet you, sir.
06:39Good morning, sir.
06:40Good morning, sir.
06:41Good morning, sir.
06:42Good morning, sir.
06:43Good morning, sir.
06:44Good morning, sir.
06:45Good morning, sir.
06:46Good morning, sir.
06:48Will it be ready on time?
06:49Yes, sir.
06:52This is your first execution, son.
06:55Yes, sir.
06:59And I don't like it.
07:02None of us do.
07:05Carry on, Allen.
07:07Yes, sir.
07:13Come in.
07:15Pardon me, sir. Ben Pierce is here.
07:17He wishes to speak to the colonel.
07:21Show him in.
07:25I'll see him alone.
07:29All right, Mr. Pierce, you can come in.
07:32Good afternoon, colonel.
07:38I hope you're not thinking of putting a rope around my neck.
07:41Lopez will be dead if I'm not back before sundown.
07:43Oh, it's a nice looking gallows you're building.
07:46It's too bad you won't be able to use it.
07:49I give you credit, colonel.
07:50You gave it a good try.
07:51You even had the settlers believing in you.
07:55You've come to the point, Mr. Pierce.
07:57I thought you knew the point.
07:59My brother Jed's riding out with me.
08:03And Señor Lopez?
08:04You can trust me. He'll be free.
08:06The only thing I can trust you to do is to continue your stranglehold on the settlers,
08:10to continue murdering anyone who steps in your way.
08:12That's your fault, colonel.
08:14There was no trouble until you came along.
08:17You gave me everything I wanted, gladly.
08:21Fact remains, I'm holding your brother.
08:23He's no more in jail than you are.
08:25I raised Jed from a kid like a son.
08:28You think I let him end up this way?
08:30You raised him to be a murderer.
08:32This is the way murderers end.
08:33Not Jed, colonel.
08:35You see, I know how important Lopez is.
08:41All right, Mr. Pierce.
08:44I'll turn over your brother when you turn over Lopez.
08:48You know I won't do that.
08:49If that's what you're asking me to do.
08:50You have no choice.
08:52I'm dealing the cards.
08:53Then you'll deal them off the top of the deck or there'll be no game.
08:57You haven't the guts to allow Lopez to be killed.
09:00You'd lose that bird on your shoulder.
09:02Nevertheless, as it stands now, your brother Jed will be hung in the morning.
09:06As it stands now, my brother Jed will be hanged.
09:09As it stands now, if my brother hangs, so does Lopez.
09:16I told you an exchange of prisoners is the only thing I'll consider.
09:19Good day, Mr. Pierce.
09:22What kind of exchange?
09:27You're to escort Lopez.
09:28Come alone, unarmed.
09:30Who'll be with Jed?
09:32Just me. Also unarmed.
09:36Outside Brackettville. Sunset.
09:38No, it's too close to this place.
09:40Sunset's fine.
09:41Let's meet at Twin Forks.
09:43It's closer for me.
09:46All right.
09:49Just one thing.
09:51How can I be sure it's Lopez that you'll turn over to me?
09:54A man has to have some faith, Colonel.
10:03Yes, sir.
10:06Close the door.
10:09There'll be an exchange of prisoners at Sunset.
10:11Just outside Twin Forks.
10:12It's a four-hour ride, sir.
10:14That's right.
10:15I've got to get there before he does to protect myself.
10:19My orders are explicit.
10:22Senor Lopez has got to be given safe conduct to San Antonio.
10:25I've got no choice.
10:27You're also obliged to capture and execute Jed Pierce and his brother, sir.
10:30I'm aware of that, Lieutenant.
10:31But how do you know you can trust Jed Pierce?
10:35I've given my word.
10:36But he's constantly broken his in the past.
10:50Yes, sir.
10:51You're to ride armed escort.
10:53Get Jed Pierce ready to ride immediately.
10:55Then meet me two miles this side of Twin Forks at Sunset.
10:58Yes, sir.
11:06Lieutenant, who's the best marksman on the post?
11:08Corporal Dixon has the best record, sir.
11:10Is he familiar with the telescopic sight?
11:12Yes, sir.
11:13I'd like to see Corporal Dixon immediately.
11:15The men are on the rifle range, sir.
11:16Immediately, Lieutenant.
11:17Yes, sir.
11:37Mackenzie now faced his first great dilemma at Fort Clark.
11:40His orders were to bring peace to the area
11:43and at the same time deliver the Mexican emissary to Austin the following night.
11:48In order to fulfill these conflicting orders,
11:51Mackenzie realized that time was his key factor.
11:55Time to beat Ben Pierce to the exchange spot.
11:59In order to do it, he had to perform the impossible.
12:04Corporal Dixon's waiting outside, sir.
12:06This is his latest handiwork.
12:08I see.
12:12He'll have to be at least this accurate.
12:14Benedict left with Jed Pierce five minutes ago, sir.
12:17Have Dixon come in.
12:19Corporal Dixon?
12:20Yes, sir.
12:22Corporal Dixon reporting, sir.
12:24Be with you in a minute, Corporal.
12:26Lieutenant, have two of our fastest horses prepared.
12:29Yes, sir.
12:31Oh, uh...
12:33Stand easy, Corporal.
12:36You ever witnessed an exchange of prisoners?
12:38Yes, sir.
12:40Think you understand the procedure?
12:42I think so, sir. The one I saw went according to the book.
12:45Well, I'm going to ask you to join me in one that may not go according to the book.
12:49Give me a hand with these boots.
12:50Yes, sir.
12:53I understand you're my best marksman.
12:55Thank you, sir.
12:57You familiar with the telescopic sight?
12:59Yes, sir.
13:01I'm exchanging a prisoner for a Mexican official at Twin Fork at sunset.
13:05Yes, sir.
13:07Now, it may all go according to the book,
13:09in which case your orders are specifically to do nothing.
13:12You understand that now, Corporal?
13:13If it goes according to the book, you're to do nothing.
13:16Yes, sir.
13:17However, there may be some treachery.
13:19In that case, your job is to protect that Mexican official at all costs.
13:23That Mexican official must be unharmed.
13:25There's no way to change that order. You understand?
13:27I understand, sir.
13:28Now, it may be that you see a pistol at Senor Lopez's head,
13:31in which case that pistol is to be your target.
13:35The pistol, sir?
13:37If you shoot at the man holding the pistol, it might possibly go off.
13:40Senor Lopez is to be protected at all costs.
13:44I understand, sir.
13:47You've got to be at least as accurate as this.
13:50You think you can do it?
13:56Yes, sir.
13:59Good boy.
14:02All right. We leave immediately.
14:04No extra gear. No sabers. No weight.
14:07We travel as light as possible. Wear moccasins.
14:10Corporal, you're going to ride as you've never ridden before in your life.
14:13It's imperative that we get there before anybody else.
14:15Yes, sir.
14:16That's all.
14:21Yes, sir.
14:24Horses ready?
14:25Yes, sir.
14:26Dixon already has his orders.
14:28It's going to be a forced ride the whole way.
14:30Yes, sir.
14:33September 7th, 1873. Early afternoon.
14:37Colonel McKenzie and Corporal Dixon rode against a deadline.
14:41Their destination, Twin Forks.
14:44Their purpose, to arrive before sunset to guard against possible treachery by Ben Pierce during the prisoner exchange.
14:57What's wrong?
14:58He's gone lame, sir.
15:01All right, mount up with me.
15:02What about the horse, sir?
15:04He'll find his way back to the fort.
15:06What's wrong?
15:07He's gone lame, sir.
15:10All right, mount up with me.
15:11What about the horse, sir?
15:13He'll find his way back to the fort.
15:36We'll never get there in time, sir.
15:38We'll get a fresh horse at Becker's.
16:06Where's Jed?
16:07We'll get him.
16:08We're going to exchange him for Jed at Twin Forks.
16:13McKenzie and I agreed to meet there alone and without arms.
16:16Well, how can you trust McKenzie?
16:18If Colonel McKenzie says he'll be there, he'll be there.
16:21Anyway, he had a hard ride to look forward to.
16:23Didn't give him much time for thinking.
16:25You mean you plan to go alone?
16:27I wouldn't say so, sir.
16:28We'll get him.
16:29We'll get him.
16:30We'll get him.
16:31We'll get him.
16:32We'll get him.
16:33We'll get him.
16:34You're going alone?
16:35I wouldn't say that.
16:36You'll be there.
16:37So, you're going to kill him?
16:40I never for a moment thought otherwise.
16:43What about me, senor?
16:45Do I go free?
16:47I must reach Washington.
16:50My government will pay you for my release.
16:52I want my brother.
16:55You're only important to me as a way of getting him back.
16:58You know, senor, we have a man in Mexico just like you.
17:02You're all the same no matter where you live.
17:07I don't see any difference.
17:09You're willing to do business with me when your life is at stake.
17:12Out of necessity only, senor.
17:14If I had the chance, I would open your throat.
17:19But you haven't the chance, have you, senor?
17:21Nor McKenzie either.
17:23Not now.
17:33Mr. Becker.
17:35Hi, colonel. You sure look mighty beat up. What's up?
17:37I haven't got time to explain. We need a new horse.
17:39You want to borrow my horse so you can run him like you run him, eh?
17:43I ain't that rich, colonel.
17:45We'll give you good money for him.
17:46Yeah? Let me see.
17:47I'm not carrying any money with me.
17:49You'll have to take my word for it.
17:51I'm afraid you'll have to look someplace else for it.
17:53I'm not carrying any money with me.
17:55You'll have to take my word for it.
17:57I'm afraid you'll have to look someplace else for it.
17:59You'll have to take my word for it.
18:01I'm afraid you'll have to look someplace else, colonel.
18:03I don't know you long enough to cut into that sort of deal.
18:06Corporal, saddle that horse.
18:08Yes, sir.
18:09Now look here.
18:10I'm sorry, Mr. Becker. You'll have to take my word for it.
18:12You've got no choice.
18:30Come on, Corporal. We've got to make up that time.
18:32This old horse is doing the best he can, colonel.
18:35Not quite.
18:36Let's travel 40 pounds lighter.
18:38Get rid of that saddle.
19:30We made it, colonel.
19:33We beat them here.
19:35Now remember your orders, corporal.
19:37The Mexican official is your responsibility.
19:40No harm is to come to him.
19:42If there's a gun on him, that gun's to be your target.
19:44Yes, sir.
19:47I'll leave this with you.
19:49Colonel, are you sure?
19:54Just you be sure.
19:59Yes, sir.
20:30Looks awful quiet up there, Mr. Pierce.
20:33Yeah, I got the car stacked on my side this time.
20:36Come up undercover after Jed and Mackenzie get there.
20:50Time of the prisoner exchange.
20:52Following his prearranged plan, Mackenzie met Jed Pierce and his guard
20:57two miles outside Twin Forks.
21:00Any trouble, Benedict?
21:01No, sir.
21:02Where did you come from, Mackenzie?
21:05You're not the only business I have to attend to, Mr. Pierce.
21:08My coat.
21:14What's that get-up for?
21:16Giving exchange according to regulations.
21:19That's the regular uniform.
21:27After you, Mr. Pierce.
21:58Just take it nice and quiet.
22:06So you decide to play it straight, huh, Colonel?
22:08I told you I'd be here, Mr. Pierce.
22:13Yo soy Coronel Mackenzie.
22:15¿Es usted el emisario de Benito Juarez?
22:18SÃ, Coronel.
22:19Mi nombre es Emiliano Lopez,
22:21miembro de la oficina personal del Presidente Juarez.
22:24All right, Mr. Pierce, I'm satisfied.
22:26Turn Jed over, Mackenzie.
22:30Follow me, Señor Lopez.
22:38Lopez is a very valuable foe for me.
22:41Now I can get you out of my hair once and for all.
22:45Kill him, Lane.
22:47At least let Lopez go.
22:49I can't afford to.
22:51I can't afford to have anyone live and tell about this.
22:58Get his pistol, Lopez!
23:06Get him!
23:07Get him!
23:08Get him!
23:09Get him!
23:10Get him!
23:11Get him!
23:12Get him!
23:13Get him!
23:41You can add another stripe, Corporal.
23:42Thank you, sir.
23:44I just pulled the trigger and prayed.
23:46You prayed well.
23:57Yes, Lieutenant.
23:58A couple of settlers are waiting outside the gate.
24:00Pierce killed their kin.
24:01They've requested permission to witness the execution.
24:04Request denied.
24:06This is the first victory for peace in the area.
24:08They felt they had a right to share it with you.
24:10They can share in the benefits.
24:13Yes, sir.
24:15Now, Lieutenant.
24:16If you would accompany Senor Lopez.
24:18If I may, sir.
24:20Why did you want to wear your dress uniform at the exchange yesterday?
24:24Because, Lieutenant, the only way I could honorably take Jed and Ben Pierce
24:27was by provoking them into treachery.
24:29The best way to do that was by making them think
24:32Mackenzie was a tin soldier.
24:35You a tin so...
24:38Excuse me, sir.
24:40Senor Lopez.
24:41Raya Candias.
24:42Muchas gracias, Colonel.
25:00Mackenzie's raiders rode again and again,
25:02carrying out the secret orders of the President of the United States.
25:06Do whatever necessary to clean up the Southwest.
25:09Make it a decent place for people to live.
25:12Ride with Mackenzie's raiders
25:14as they relive the blazing pages of history in the making.
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