• 2 years ago


00:00 No, no, no, no. I forbid it, Molly. I absolutely forbid it.
00:05 You have enough on your head already.
00:07 James, I already volunteered.
00:10 So you won't volunteer.
00:12 David, you're not saying one word.
00:14 You're taking your vote, Molly.
00:15 David, you know how important the Girl Scouts are.
00:18 Their cookies are delicious.
00:20 David, you know it's an international institution.
00:24 In America alone, I don't know how many million Girl Scouts there are.
00:28 So certainly you wouldn't be missed.
00:30 Jake, I've said it before and I'll say it again.
00:33 If Mrs. Miller wasn't moving away, I wouldn't have even joined.
00:37 But if you heard her at the ladies' club, with tears in her eyes, she said,
00:42 "Don't abandon my brownies. Who will volunteer to be a brownie leader?"
00:48 So naturally, your hand was up first.
00:50 Mine wasn't the only hand, but she selected me.
00:54 But what are your qualifications to be a troop leader?
00:57 You're asking that question?
00:59 Love. The best qualification of all.
01:03 You know how children love me and how I love children.
01:06 I should only be able to absorb the course.
01:09 Why shouldn't you absorb, Molly?
01:11 Don't worry. If Mrs. Miller picks you for the basic training,
01:15 then she knows that you're absorbing.
01:18 But it's a basic course, darling.
01:20 It's basic with rules and regulations.
01:22 And you have to be alert at all times.
01:25 It's not the United States Army, Molly.
01:27 If you make a mistake, they wouldn't throw you in the guardhouse.
01:30 I'm not going to stand and discuss backwards and forwards, darling,
01:32 because I'm late already. So just wish me luck.
01:35 Is this training so necessary?
01:37 Very necessary because I have to learn child psychology, games, nature law,
01:42 and you know how I love nature, darling. So goodbye.
01:45 - Bye. - Goodbye. And wish me luck.
01:47 - Goodbye, Debbie. - Bye.
01:49 If I leave, I'll be home by 10 o'clock.
01:52 It's not all right up to me.
01:55 Hmm? Molly, a Girl Scout leader.
01:58 What can I do with her, David?
02:00 What do you do with the leader except follow?
02:03 And remember, ladies, we introduce brownies to the full Girl Scout program gradually.
02:13 For instance, studying the stars is a lot of fun.
02:17 And the five constellations visible all year round
02:20 will provide the first interests a child will develop in astronomy.
02:25 Now, can anyone tell me the names of these five constellations?
02:29 Mrs. Goldberg.
02:31 Big Dipper, Little Dipper, Queen, King, Dragon.
02:39 Very good, Mrs. Goldberg.
02:41 Thank you.
02:42 I love stars.
02:44 I don't know.
02:46 Starlight, Starbright, First Starseed, Tonight.
02:51 My favorite poem.
02:53 Water, water.
03:04 Now notice, ladies, how I lift her head up very gently after having loosened her clothing.
03:08 Of course, if a person doesn't gain consciousness within a short period of time, a doctor should be called.
03:13 Thank you very much, Mrs. Goldberg. You impersonated a fainting lady beautifully.
03:18 Thank you. It was my pleasure, Mrs. Adams.
03:21 And if you can impress upon your girls the importance of the brownie promise and the Girl Scout laws,
03:29 we will make wonderful scouts of them and give them the training and the background necessary to be good citizens.
03:36 Yes, Mrs. Goldberg.
03:38 Well, I would like to have a little advice.
03:41 Do you think that on occasion it would be advisable to discuss the Girl Scout laws and recite them with the troops?
03:49 By all means, Mrs. Goldberg.
03:51 Thank you very much.
03:53 Because to me, the Girl Scout laws are like a juvenile bill of rights.
03:58 Because number one, a Girl Scout's honor is to be trusted.
04:02 And number two, Girl Scouts are very loyal.
04:06 And number three, a Girl Scout's duty is to be helpful and useful to all.
04:11 And number four, a Girl Scout is a friend.
04:15 [singing]
04:35 Say, Ma sings that song pretty well.
04:38 Why shouldn't she? She's been singing it for two weeks, day and night, night and day.
04:43 Well, you know Mama Sammy, all or nothing.
04:45 Too much more of this I can't take.
04:48 With all due respect to the Girl Scouts and what they stand for.
04:52 But enough is enough.
04:54 For two weeks, that's been the only topic of conversation.
04:56 Basic training is almost over, Pa. I'm sure the house will be back to normal soon.
05:01 Rosalie?
05:02 Yes, Ma?
05:03 Is that the way to set a table?
05:05 Well, what's wrong with it?
05:07 How far should the china and the silverware be from the edge of the table?
05:12 Two or three inches, I guess.
05:14 Not at all.
05:16 One inch.
05:18 Girl Scout handbook, page 29.
05:21 Page 17.
05:23 Kindly reset.
05:25 Mama really takes it seriously.
05:31 Sammy, you better help me reset the table or we'll never eat tonight.
05:35 Jake?
05:39 Jake, dear? I want you to watch me.
05:41 Molly, please, not again tonight.
05:43 Jake, please, I need the practice and it wouldn't hurt you to learn a little bit of the Morse code.
05:48 Let me, Molly.
05:49 Of course.
05:50 What? Not so fast, Molly, dear.
05:54 So watch.
05:55 I'll watch.
05:56 C-H-O-W.
06:01 Chow?
06:03 Very good, David. Chow is standing on the table.
06:06 And come and get it.
06:08 Thank goodness.
06:09 Come, David.
06:10 Here.
06:11 What's the matter, Molly? You see problems?
06:18 No, I'm looking at the heavens, Jake.
06:21 For the first time, the sky and the heavens have a meaning for me.
06:24 And I have only the Girl Scouts to thank.
06:27 Molly, put away the opera glasses.
06:29 Come here, Jake, dear. Come here.
06:31 I want you to look at Venus.
06:33 If she's the same star you showed me yesterday, then I know her.
06:36 She's not a star, she's a planet.
06:39 And there's Jupiter and there's Pluto.
06:43 And there's Rosalie and Sammy and David.
06:46 And we're all hungry. Come.
06:48 Oh, how I love the firmament.
06:51 Ma, I've never seen you so enthusiastic about anything before.
06:54 Why shouldn't I be, Stanley?
06:56 A whole new world is opening up for me.
06:59 And I want to know everything that's in that world.
07:01 If a child asks me a question, I want to have the answer.
07:04 What do you mean, it's a great responsibility to mold the lives of other people's children?
07:09 Molly, please.
07:11 You know what we did today, Jake, darling?
07:14 We had nature. We went on a nature walk.
07:17 Wait, I have something to show you.
07:19 Wait. See something?
07:22 Right here.
07:24 What is it?
07:27 Poison ivory.
07:28 What did you bring it home for?
07:30 I have to get acquainted, Jake, darling.
07:33 Leaves with three-lettered V.
07:37 Now, Jake, darling, when I take walks in the woods with my little brownies,
07:41 I can say, "Brownies, beware."
07:43 Wait, I have something else to show you.
07:45 I have another specimen.
07:47 I have a beautiful piece of poison oak.
07:51 Put it away, Molly, please.
07:53 Did anybody at the table ever hear the call of the twilly-bellowed sapsucker?
07:58 Save the call for after supper, Molly.
08:01 Save the call.
08:02 Rosalie, darling, be a good brownie and bring in the chopped clover.
08:06 Oh, Jake, dear.
08:09 Listen, after we'll play a game.
08:12 No.
08:13 I'm not in the mood for games tonight, Molly.
08:16 Please, Jake, I need to practice.
08:18 Tomorrow I'm taking over my troop.
08:20 So let us play the beer brownies and we'll play how green you are.
08:24 But we played that game last night.
08:26 Jake, please.
08:27 That was "Hunt the Peanut."
08:28 This is different.
08:30 This is how green you are.
08:32 You see, somebody leaves the room and that somebody is it.
08:36 Then we have to decide what it should do.
08:38 Look, if, for instance, Rosalie is it,
08:42 then we have to decide what she should do.
08:44 If we decide, for instance, that she should take the fruit bowl and put it on the table,
08:49 that's what we'll do.
08:50 And then when Rosalie comes in, she figures out what we expect her to do.
08:54 And the closer she'll get to the fruit bowl,
08:57 the louder, the louder we'll say how green you are.
09:01 Children, I want you all to be good brownie scouts
09:08 and give Mrs. Goldberg a rousing welcome.
09:11 She's a wonderful woman.
09:13 And I know you're all going to love her as much as you did Mrs. Miller.
09:17 Why did Mrs. Miller have to leave us?
09:20 You see, her husband's work took him to a different city.
09:24 And she had to move away.
09:26 Here is your new troop leader.
09:28 Come in, Mrs. Goldberg.
09:30 Brownies?
09:36 Mrs. Goldberg.
09:38 And now I must leave you.
09:42 Be good brownies.
09:44 Well, hello.
09:51 Hello.
09:54 Well, now my brownie troop, I think it would be very, very nice
09:59 if we sang our brownie song with a great big smile.
10:03 All together.
10:06 I have something in my pocket that belongs across my face.
10:12 I keep it very close to me in a most convenient place.
10:17 So all together.
10:19 I'm sure you couldn't get it if you get the long, long time.
10:24 So I'll take it out and put it on.
10:28 It's a great big brownie smile.
10:32 Mrs. Miller sings it different.
10:35 Different?
10:37 Faster.
10:38 Oh, well, the next time I'll sing it faster.
10:42 I see that the light and the sunshine is still outdoors.
10:48 Would it be nice if we had a little sun and we girls would go on a leaf hunt?
10:53 We did it last week.
10:56 Oh, did?
10:58 Well, then why don't we have a knot contest?
11:03 Now watch me very closely.
11:07 See?
11:09 Now we have a square knot.
11:14 That's a granny.
11:17 Oh, that's right, it's a granny.
11:21 Imagine that.
11:23 Well, now we have a square one.
11:27 Now who would like to try it?
11:29 Who would like to try it?
11:31 You?
11:33 Would you like to try it?
11:35 You?
11:38 Well, maybe making knots wasn't such a good idea for a first-place meeting.
11:45 Who would like to barn dance and square dance?
11:48 No.
11:49 No?
11:50 No.
11:51 Well, then there's something else we can do.
11:57 How would it be if we would finger paint?
12:01 Huh?
12:04 No.
12:07 Also no.
12:09 Well, would you like to hear a nice fairy tale?
12:19 Like Angel and Gretel?
12:25 Or, um, Three Bears?
12:38 Jake, it was just unbelievable.
12:41 Unbelievable when I think it was the first meeting, Jake,
12:46 that we played games and we square danced and we were singing.
12:51 They really loved you, huh, Molly?
12:53 They loved me, David, darling.
12:55 I don't know.
12:56 The minute I walked in, I don't know how it happened.
12:59 I captured their affection and their hearts and their love immediately.
13:03 I'm not surprised.
13:05 I didn't know it was Mrs. Goldberg this and Mrs. Goldberg that.
13:09 It's such a warm feeling when you know children love you.
13:14 They adored me.
13:19 I'll get her.
13:21 One minute.
13:23 May I see Mrs. Goldberg, please?
13:25 Of course, my dear.
13:26 One of your little brownies, Molly dear.
13:28 Oh, come in, darling.
13:29 I'm Susie Trenton, Mrs. Goldberg.
13:31 Oh, hello, Susie, darling.
13:33 My mother made me come over here and apologize to you for behaving so badly at the meeting.
13:38 Oh, but Susie, you behaved perfectly wonderful.
13:42 My mother said I didn't and neither did the other kids.
13:45 Mom has said we didn't give you a chance.
13:48 Oh, Susie, but--
13:49 We were awful.
13:50 We weren't even courteous, Mrs. Goldberg.
13:53 And a brownie is supposed to be courteous.
13:56 Well, I said what my mother told me to say.
14:00 Bye.
14:01 Bye.
14:06 Bye.
14:16 Shame for television.
14:19 I was a failure.
14:22 A fabulous failure.
14:24 Molly, you're taking it too seriously.
14:27 They're practically babies.
14:29 They'll learn to love you when they get to know you.
14:31 I lost my chance.
14:32 Molly dear, now you're behaving like a little brownie yourself.
14:35 Look at me.
14:37 I'm a motherly type, no?
14:39 Molly, be an adult.
14:40 If it's going to make you so unhappy, resign.
14:43 Resign?
14:44 And go down in history as a failure?
14:47 No.
14:48 No.
14:50 There must be a way.
14:54 I have the rule, Jake.
14:57 And I'll find a way.
15:05 When Hansel and Gretel started out to walk,
15:09 the sun was in the middle of the sky.
15:12 They walked and walked until the night fell.
15:15 And then they knew they got lost.
15:18 And all the bread that was thrown on the road, the birds ate it.
15:22 And they couldn't find it on the road.
15:24 Mrs. Goldberg.
15:26 Yes, dear?
15:27 I don't think anybody else is going to come.
15:30 And I know the story of Hansel and Gretel with my heart.
15:33 Oh, you do?
15:35 Well, it's time for taps anyway.
15:38 So maybe you're right.
15:43 Come.
15:44 I'll take you for an ice cream soda,
15:47 and then I'll take you home.
15:52 You like soda, son?
15:56 Tell me, Susie, how long have you been a brownie?
16:00 One year.
16:02 Oh.
16:03 See, I'm only a brownie very recently.
16:06 And I have a lot to learn.
16:08 And I want to learn.
16:09 I want to learn all I can,
16:11 because I want to make my troop very happy.
16:15 So, Susie, you tell me.
16:17 You tell me what I should do.
16:20 For instance, would they like a nature walk?
16:25 We had it.
16:28 Arts and crafts?
16:29 We had it.
16:32 A dramatic show, maybe?
16:34 We had it.
16:36 Well, what didn't you have?
16:39 An overnight hike.
16:41 Overnight hike?
16:44 Oh, you mean sleeping all night in the woods,
16:48 under the moon and the stars?
16:51 Yes.
16:52 The girls would love it.
16:54 They would?
16:56 Oh.
16:57 Well, then, Susie, you tell the girls
17:00 that Mrs. Goldberg said they're going
17:02 to have an overnight hike.
17:04 You promise?
17:05 Scouts honor.
17:07 Oh, Mrs. Goldberg.
17:10 I only hope you know what you're doing, Molly.
17:13 What do you know about overnight hikes?
17:15 What do you have to know, Jake?
17:16 You don't remember when we were in the Catskill Mountains?
17:19 I always slept on the screen porch.
17:22 A screen porch isn't a pup tent, Ma.
17:24 You don't even know how to put one up.
17:26 So what, do you have to be a college graduate
17:28 to know how to put up a puppy tent?
17:30 No, I'll learn.
17:32 And after all, it's all in the Girl Scout book.
17:35 Where will you get the puppy tent?
17:37 We'll borrow them from the older scouts.
17:39 And if we need more, we'll use sleeping bags.
17:42 We don't have a sleeping bag.
17:43 You don't have a sleeping bag, Molly.
17:45 So I'll get it.
17:47 I'll take it.
17:48 I'll get it.
17:49 I got it.
17:50 [phone ringing]
17:52 Hello?
17:55 This is Mrs. Goldberg speaking.
17:58 Who am I?
18:00 Who?
18:03 Oh, Mrs. Allen.
18:06 How are you?
18:08 Well, for a moment, your voice was so unknown to me.
18:11 Usually, my ear is attuned to vocal voices.
18:15 How are you?
18:17 Mrs. Goldberg, did you tell the girls they
18:20 could go on an overnight hike?
18:21 Yes.
18:22 Yes, I did.
18:23 Why?
18:24 Brownies do not go on overnight hikes.
18:27 It's not in the regulations.
18:29 Oh.
18:30 You mean it's-- you mean it's not in the regulations
18:35 of the books?
18:36 Uh-huh.
18:37 But you see, I--
18:39 I didn't-- I didn't know it, and I already
18:42 made a promise to them.
18:44 I am sorry, but brownies do not go on overnight hikes.
18:48 They have never gone on overnight hikes.
18:52 Well, you see, I'm--
18:55 I'm just new in the movement, and I didn't realize that.
19:00 I don't know what to do.
19:02 You promised Susie, and Susie has been spreading the word
19:04 around to all the other girls.
19:06 The mothers are terribly upset.
19:08 Well, you see, it was only because my very, very
19:11 disappointing experience with the children,
19:14 and I-- I wanted to do something to please them very much,
19:18 and I--
19:19 I spoke to Susie, and Susie said what the children wanted
19:24 was an overnight hike, and so I--
19:29 so I said yes.
19:31 I don't know what else to say, but say that I'm sorry.
19:35 I hope you realize how serious this is.
19:38 Now, you've got to think of some excuse to tell the children.
19:42 You'd better come in to see me tomorrow afternoon,
19:44 and we'll review your responsibilities
19:46 as a troop leader.
19:47 Goodbye.
19:48 Goodbye.
19:49 Goodbye.
19:50 What is it?
20:00 I'm finished.
20:01 Ruined.
20:07 Scraped.
20:09 What did you do, Molly?
20:12 I made a brownie promise, and now I can't keep it.
20:15 I was just informed that brownies can't go on overnight
20:18 hikes.
20:19 They're too young.
20:20 It's not even in the books.
20:22 Probably drummed out of the organization.
20:24 All right, Molly, so you made a little mistake.
20:26 When it comes to children, there's no such thing
20:28 as a little mistake.
20:30 Susie already told the other members of the troop,
20:33 and don't ask what's going on.
20:35 The children are crying to go, and Mrs. Allen, the mother,
20:37 is saying no.
20:39 And if you ask me, I can't blame them.
20:41 Rosalie, when she was a Girl Scout,
20:43 didn't go on an overnight until she was a tender--
20:45 And even then, as I recall, you didn't sleep all night.
20:48 I have an idea, Molly.
20:50 Make the overnight hike during the day.
20:52 Why, David, please.
20:54 An overnight hike means at nighttime, under the moon
20:57 and under the stars.
20:59 Take my advice, Molly.
21:00 Turn in your uniform and forget the whole business.
21:03 Oh, thank you, sir.
21:04 Thank you very much for the advice.
21:07 Of course.
21:08 Of course.
21:09 That would be the easy way.
21:12 But I made a promise, and a promise has to be kept.
21:15 But even if you could keep the promise,
21:17 it's a big responsibility.
21:19 All those kids sleeping in the woods at night
21:21 with the sounds and the dampness.
21:24 [inaudible]
21:25 What are you thinking, Molly?
21:32 I'm thinking.
21:33 Molly, you're not big enough to reorganize
21:36 the Girl Scout rules.
21:38 Say, darling, there are some rules
21:40 that are like a rubber band.
21:42 They can be stretched.
21:44 Molly?
21:46 A whole troop is at stake.
21:48 Molly?
21:51 On my Scout's honor, my brownies
21:56 will have an overnight hike.
21:58 Then the handsome prince kissed the princess,
22:06 and that broke the magic spell of the witch.
22:10 And Snow White woke up and kissed her again.
22:14 And then they lived happily ever and ever after.
22:19 [cheering]
22:21 That's our friend, the owl.
22:28 Listen.
22:33 Listen to the crickets chirping.
22:36 That's their evening song.
22:38 Well, my dear brownies, I can see by the light of the moon
22:46 that it's time to turn in.
22:48 So let us all sing "Perhaps."
22:56 [singing]
23:03 [singing]
23:08 [singing]
23:13 [singing]
23:18 [singing]
23:23 [singing]
23:28 [singing]
23:33 [singing]
23:38 [singing]
23:43 [singing]
23:46 All right, my dear brownies.
23:48 Now into the pobbled tent and into your sleeping.
23:53 And now good night, my dear darling brownies.
23:56 Good night, Snow White.
23:58 Now find your poppies.
24:00 Find your tent, my good children.
24:03 Take your things off nicely, quickly.
24:06 That's the big girl.
24:07 Quickly, take everything in, because it may come up
24:10 an awful vent and blow off a stone.
24:14 And if you tell it nicely, like Mrs. Goldberg showed you.
24:18 Wonderful.
24:20 Wonderful.
24:21 [music playing]
24:25 Wonderful.
24:26 You're sleeping already, huh?
24:27 You're dreaming already, my wonderful little brown cookies.
24:32 Well, mothers, I see that they're tucked in for the night.
24:36 We can get back to the canastle.
24:38 Come, ladies.
24:39 Come on.
24:40 Good night, Mrs. Goldberg.
24:47 Good night, dear.
24:49 Thank you.
24:50 And sleep well.
24:51 [music playing]
24:56 [music playing]
25:00 [music playing]
25:04 [music playing]
25:08 [music playing]
25:12 [music playing]
25:16 [music playing]
25:20 [music playing]
25:25 [music playing]
25:29 [music playing]
25:34 [music playing]
25:38 (upbeat music)