• 2 years ago


00:24All right, Simon. I'll tell them.
00:31Where did you hang?
00:32Your rich cousin, Simon.
00:34Simon? Where is he?
00:35At Heatherville.
00:36The darling of the family is in between trains for an hour,
00:39so he's coming out by cab from the station.
00:42Oh, my. So I better take myself off,
00:44and straighten up the house, and change myself.
00:46Molly, for Simon, don't bother.
00:48You're going to impress a rich man with a split level.
00:51David, please. I've got to make myself presentable.
00:54Well, I am getting ready to leave.
00:56My train is going within the next 45 minutes.
00:59David, darling, maybe you'll take a later train
01:01and spend a few hours with Simon.
01:03Sorry, Molly, dear.
01:04My Sally, the doctor, and my grandchildren
01:06are more important to me than Cousin Simon.
01:08Did Simon say why he's coming?
01:10Oh, to me, not.
01:11But I'm sure if he's coming,
01:12it's something for you to do for him,
01:14and not vice versa.
01:16David, is that something to say?
01:18I said it, and I mean it, and I'll say it again.
01:21If Simon is coming, it's something for you to do for him.
01:25Coming. One minute.
01:27Goodbye, Molly, dear.
01:28Goodbye, David.
01:29And give my love to the children.
01:30I will.
01:31And kiss everybody.
01:32Have a wonderful time.
01:33I will.
01:34And David, don't eat sandwiches on the train.
01:36I won't.
01:43Well, all I have to say is if your Cousin Simon is coming,
01:46it's something for him, not for you.
01:48You don't have to say your Cousin Simon.
01:50You can say Cousin Simon.
01:52He happens to be your Cousin Simon by marriage also.
01:55Which delights me no end.
02:00Yes, Ma?
02:01Oh, you're standing yet with your hair on your head?
02:04Cousin Simon will be here any minute?
02:06If Cousin Simon is coming, Ma,
02:08it's something for him, not for you.
02:13Very nice.
02:14Daughter like father, exactly.
02:16Rosalie, this minute I demand silence,
02:18and go upstairs and come down,
02:20because he'll be here immediately.
02:21All right, Ma.
02:24Simon is here.
02:27Jake, you're reading?
02:28Whose cousin is it?
02:29Jake, now is not the time to discuss,
02:31but remember.
02:34Well, hello everybody.
02:36How are you?
02:37And how are you, Jake?
02:38Hello, Simon.
02:39Nice to see you.
02:40Give me a hat and coat.
02:42Good to see you, Simon.
02:43Well, it's good to see you.
02:45How is everybody?
02:46Fine, fine.
02:47And the old bell?
02:48Yes, everybody is fine, sure.
02:53Well, well.
02:57Very, very nice.
02:59We're coming up in the world, eh, Jake?
03:01It's a far cry from your Bronx apartment.
03:04It's modest, but we call it home.
03:07Hello, Cousin Simon.
03:08Oh, hello, Rosalie.
03:09How are you?
03:10Say, Haverville is certainly making you bloom.
03:14Where's Sammy and Uncle David?
03:16Sammy lives at the dorms now in college,
03:18and Uncle David went for a few weeks to his Sally the doctor.
03:21Rosalie, bring in a little snick snack, huh?
03:24Oh, I almost forgot.
03:26Here's a housewarming gift for you, Molly.
03:28Oh, Simon, you shouldn't.
03:30I picked it up at the railroad station.
03:32I don't like to come to a new house empty handed.
03:36Sit down, Simon.
03:39A very nice present, Simon.
03:42It's nothing.
03:43Molly, I have a real housewarming gift for you.
03:47Oh, Simon, you shouldn't.
03:49The candy was enough.
03:51Oh, no.
03:52This is something special.
03:54You know, this Park Avenue apartment house I live in
03:56is going to be torn down for an office building.
03:58But my new apartment is not going to be ready for four weeks.
04:01So, I'm going to Europe.
04:06So, what am I going to do with my help?
04:08I've got a couple working for me.
04:10Francoise and Mignon.
04:12He's a chauffeur butler, and she's a cook.
04:17Absolutely jewels.
04:19I've never had help like that before.
04:21What are you getting at, Simon?
04:23At this, Jake.
04:24I'm not going to be able to use them for four weeks.
04:27I'm going to be in Europe.
04:28Now, if I don't pay them, they'll find another job and I'll lose them.
04:32So, I thought as long as I'm paying them,
04:34I might as well send them up here and let them work for you.
04:38I'll pay their salaries, they can drive up in my car,
04:41and for four weeks you have a chauffeur, a cook, and a limousine.
04:45Oh, my.
04:47I'm telling you, folks, you will really learn what it is to really live.
04:53This is my housewarming gift to you, Molly.
04:57You mean it, Simon?
04:59If not for you, Jake, for who?
05:01Favorite members of my family?
05:04Simon, I'm beside myself.
05:06Don't be beside yourself, Molly.
05:08Just say you accept.
05:10Simon, a butler, and a maid, and a limousine.
05:18We accept, Simon, with many thanks.
05:20You will have the time of your life.
05:23Molly, it's over, it's over.
05:27Ma, I can't find any single sheets for your twin bed.
05:31Molly, you won't find.
05:33I have double sheets for Uncle David's bed, Ma.
05:36You don't have to change all the linen, do you?
05:38Only the bed in Uncle David's room, I thought, if that's where they're going to sleep.
05:42I want all the beds changed.
05:44Ma, why all the general cleaning?
05:47I thought that's what the servants were for.
05:50Rosalie, please, I don't want them to be embarrassed when they help walk in.
05:53Upstairs in the linen closet, you'll find all the linens you want.
05:56Will you sneak and look, please?
06:00Good morning.
06:01Good morning, Papa darling.
06:03Where's Mama?
06:04In the kitchen.
06:06Molly, I...
06:08Molly, this moment, up from that floor.
06:10Jake, please, let me do it my way.
06:12For four weeks, I'll be a lady of leisure.
06:14But do you have to kill yourself first so you won't enjoy your leisure?
06:17Jake, please.
06:18What is this revolution you're stirring up?
06:20What is it?
06:21You think we were entertaining the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough Castle?
06:24Jake, please, the help are coming and I want my house parked.
06:27What time are they coming?
06:29Come time today.
06:30Well, if they come in time, Molly, send the chauffeur down to pick me up and drive me home tonight.
06:35Goodbye, Molly darling.
06:36Goodbye, dear.
06:42Come in, whoever.
06:44Walk very lightly on my floor, please, whoever.
06:50Are you the lady of the house?
06:56Excuse my appearance.
06:59I am Francois Gravet and this is my wife, Mignon.
07:03We were sent in by Mr. Simon.
07:05Oh, yes, I know.
07:06Yes, ma'am.
07:07This is the daughter of the house.
07:10Rosalie, take the folks up to the east wing.
07:19What do you mean, wing?
07:21Do you mean Uncle David's room?
07:22Yes, yes.
07:48They're wrong, not right?
07:50It's a three-quarter bed, ma'am.
07:52When we work, madame, we need our rest.
07:54Of course.
07:55We are used to sleeping each in a bed.
07:59Rosalie, take the folks up to the west wing.
08:05Where's the west wing?
08:07Our room.
08:08Where are you and Papa going to sleep?
08:10In Uncle David's room.
08:11So go.
08:12All right.
08:19The baby has the whooping cough and my son is taking the family to Atlantic City
08:24and I don't like the seashore.
08:28Uncle David, you're back.
08:29Yes, Rosalie, I'm back.
08:32My, now what are we going to do?
08:34Where are you going to sleep?
08:36We'll sleep on the convertibles.
08:38Why can't they sleep on the convertibles?
08:41Guests sleep on the convertibles.
08:44Not in my house.
08:48So you see how we divide our duties, Mignon and I.
08:51And that is the manner in which we will take care of the house.
08:53With madame's approval, of course.
08:56Bon, merci.
08:57Now, we have been making an inventory and a great many essentials
09:00that madame has undoubtedly forgotten to order.
09:02Oh, I'm sorry.
09:03Excuse me.
09:04Pas de quoi.
09:05Mignon, s'il vous plaît.
09:06We need de la mayonnaise, du laurier, de la moutarde, du thym, du persil,
09:11des échalotes, de l'ail, des capres, des oignons rouges et des petits oignons blancs,
09:15des anchois, des sardines, du pâté de foie gras, des truffles, du poivre en grain,
09:19de l'huile d'olive, du vinaigre et de la pâte d'anchois.
09:22That's all?
09:23Oh, I suppose this will be sufficient to begin.
09:26Then I will take care of that.
09:27Oui, madame?
09:28Now, for tonight's dinner, would madame care to glance at the menu?
09:32Oh, yes.
09:45Merci, madame.
09:47At what time would madame care to dine?
09:49Well, usually...
09:50Mignon, dinner will be at eight, of course.
09:53N'est-ce pas, madame?
09:57Now, has madame any preferences in wine?
10:00Although I don't know what vintages are available in Haverville.
10:04Well, your preference goes very well.
10:07Merci, madame.
10:08A votre service.
10:09Now, if madame would be so kind as to call the butcher, the grocer and the wine merchant
10:13to authorize the necessary purchases.
10:16Merci, madame.
10:18Merci, madame.
10:35New style?
10:36Why not?
10:37Very nice.
10:39Why don't you change, David?
10:41Not me.
10:42An old dog, he can't learn new tricks.
10:46Rosalie, you look lovely.
10:49Very nice.
10:51I like getting dressed for dinner.
10:52It's like going out.
10:54Uncle David, you have a cutaway.
10:56Why don't you put it...
10:57Not me.
10:58If you don't want me to sit on the table, I'll go next door to Lucy or David.
11:02Yes, Uncle David.
11:09Mop it down.
11:10Molly, you look gorgeous.
11:12My, oh my, oh my.
11:15Molly, you too?
11:16Well, Mignon laid me out on the bed, so I put it on.
11:20My, you look beautiful.
11:21I do?
11:22I never saw you look prettier, Molly darling.
11:24The last time I wore this dress was at Frieda's wedding.
11:27At what time is dinner being served?
11:29Dinner at eight.
11:31Who wants to wait until eight o'clock for dinner?
11:33I'm hungry.
11:38Sit up.
11:41It's you.
11:42My hat.
11:45That was it?
11:50What's this?
11:51Don't ask.
11:59That's your medicine.
12:05It's you.
12:06My hat.
12:17Madame, dinner is served.
12:21Everybody sit on the table.
12:23I'm hungry already.
12:25So come.
12:27My dear.
12:35Oh, what's the name, please?
12:37Artichaut vinaigrette.
13:02That's something to eat?
13:04What is this soup called, Francois?
13:06Potage Saint-Germain.
13:07It is a specialty of Mignon.
13:16Speak up.
13:26Oh, Bob.
13:36Voilà, madame.
13:41The fragrance.
13:44Beautiful aroma.
13:53I hope madame enjoys it.
13:55Oh, mentally.
14:01I don't know.
14:02I don't know.
14:08Merci, monsieur.
14:11It has a beautiful, um...
14:13Je ne sais quoi.
14:16That is because it is cooked in fine wine, madame.
14:19Au vin.
14:23My sake.
14:27You're only 17.
14:29Not too much au vin.
14:37Tell me the truth, Molly.
14:39Did you ever eat something real?
14:43Je ne sais quoi.
14:47Where's the extinguisher?
14:59I hope madame enjoys cerise flambée.
15:02Oh, je ne sais quoi.
15:06Je ne sais quoi.
15:10Oui, oui.
15:14Un bouquet flambant.
15:44Bonjour, madame.
15:47Bonjour, monsieur.
15:49Bonjour, Jake.
15:52Any moment.
15:54Bonjour, madame.
15:58Jake, hurry.
16:00Hurry, Jake.
16:06Bon appétit, Madame.
16:15Bon appétit, Monsieur.
16:19Will Madame be using the car this afternoon?
16:45I'll be going to the super.
16:46The super?
16:47And where is that place?
16:48The supermarket.
16:49Oh, Madame.
16:50All your marketing has been taken care of for you.
16:52Then I'll let you know.
16:53Merci, Madame.
17:00Molly, how much longer?
17:02How much longer?
17:04For two weeks now, vinaigrette a la flambe, cookies st.
17:08Jack's, oranges a la Doc's.
17:11Molly, give me your noodle soup.
17:14Your plain boiled chicken.
17:17So what can I do, David?
17:19You can't look a gift in the mouth?
17:21Ay, David.
17:22Leisure is only a pleasure in the dictionary.
17:25So where would you like to go riding?
17:27At me.
17:29I get seasick in that car.
17:31I'll call Daisy.
17:33Daisy's busy marketing.
17:35Mrs. Peterson?
17:37She's doing general cleaning.
17:39Mrs. Clausen?
17:40She's baking her leg in the clinic.
17:47Has Madame decided yet?
17:49Prepare the limousine.
17:51I'll be out presently.
17:55So where will you ride, Molly?
17:59Around where?
18:01Around and around.
18:11Come in.
18:16Jake, I want to speak to you.
18:19Can it wait till tomorrow, Harry?
18:20I don't want to be late for dinner and the car is waiting.
18:22Jake, I think you ought to know what's going on.
18:25Well, what happened?
18:26What is it?
18:27Do you want to give your stenographer a raise?
18:29Do you want to give your shipping clerk a raise?
18:31Are you in a financial position to increase your showroom staff?
18:34Why are you asking me foolish questions?
18:36You're the bookkeeper.
18:37Of course not.
18:38I suggest you stop coming to business in a limousine with a chauffeur.
18:42Why, he asks.
18:44Everybody thinks you came into a lot of money.
18:46Harry, you know better.
18:48Believe me, Jake, this is no laughing matter.
18:50But, but, but.
18:54Mrs. Temple, if you'll stop talking and let me talk,
18:57so maybe you'll hear what I have to say.
19:00Molly couldn't talk to you because the help was present.
19:04But today's the day off and she'll be able to talk to you freely.
19:09Ah, please, don't get mad and don't hang.
19:12Oh, here is Molly.
19:13She'll talk to you like a person.
19:18She hung.
19:20Mrs. Temple.
19:21She's mad.
19:23Can you imagine?
19:24Everybody's mad.
19:25Mrs. Temple, Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Gary.
19:27Millionaires we are all of a sudden.
19:29That's the consensus of opinion of the whole community.
19:32Something has to be done, David.
19:33Francois and Mignon have to go.
19:35And Simon's present?
19:37I can't afford such presents, David.
19:39What time is it?
19:40They'll be back soon.
19:41It's their day off.
19:42Oh, but they come back for supper and then they go out again.
19:45Filet Mignon they order for supper.
19:47David, I don't know what I'm going to do with the bills.
19:49I don't know how I'll pay the bills from the market.
19:51Steaks and steaks and shops and pheasants and truffles and schmuffles and caviar.
19:55I told you.
19:56And Mrs. Stillman said that she heard that you're building a new ten-room house with three bathrooms.
20:01Only three?
20:02Mrs. Carey, how kind.
20:07Molly, why did you let me do it?
20:09Did you hear the latest rumor?
20:11We're building a mansion on top of Flower Hill.
20:13And I heard we're building in the valley.
20:16Here, look at these bills from the garage.
20:17Gasoline, simonizing, washing the car, oil.
20:20And from the liquor store.
20:22Champagnes, vintage wines, 20-year-old scotch, 50-year-old brandy, drambuie, cherry herring.
20:28I'll be in debt for the next six months.
20:30Your cousin Simon gave us some presents.
20:36Who told Joan's mother that we're buying the Judge Gray estate, the one with the swimming pool?
20:42No, it's an estate.
20:43The grocer wants to know if you got your bill.
20:45I did.
20:46He said not to worry.
20:47He's in no hurry.
20:48He only wishes he had more customers like us.
20:50I believe him.
20:51Molly, this can't go on.
20:54Bonsoir, madame.
20:55We have just returned.
20:57Excuse me, but I can't seem to find the fillets I ordered for our dinner.
21:01Oh, the fillets arrived, Francois.
21:03You'll find them on the second shelf in back of the Petit Defoe browse.
21:07Merci, madame.
21:09Well, how many more weeks before your cousin Simon returns and will be released of the rich man's burden?
21:15Two weeks.
21:16Two weeks?
21:18I'm calling Pincus Pines.
21:19We're going there for two weeks.
21:20Jake, please, I'm not leaving the house.
21:21Rosalie's still in school.
21:22Do you have a better idea?
21:24Let me think and let me ponder.
21:26Well, think and think fast, Molly.
21:27This is beyond the poor man's pocket.
21:36Well, Jake, we lost our cutter.
21:39What do you mean?
21:40Just what I said.
21:41He gave me an ultimatum.
21:42A raise or else.
21:44But didn't you explain that the limousine and chauffeur belonged to my cousin Simon?
21:48He wouldn't believe me.
21:49Well, how is that possible?
21:50The man knows what's coming into the shop.
21:52I'll tell you something else, Jake.
21:54I'd like a raise too.
21:55But Harry, you know our financial status.
21:57How can I afford to give you or anybody a raise?
22:00How can you afford to build a 15-room house in the country club section?
22:03I'm building it.
22:04I got it on very good authority, Jake.
22:09All right, Jake.
22:10Maybe my wife's theory is not so wrong.
22:13What theory?
22:15You can know a man your whole life and not know him.
22:18Now stop before you say another word, Harry.
22:20I'd better stop before I say more than I should.
22:22Good night.
22:23Good night.
22:24Good night.
22:27Can you imagine?
22:29My honesty is in question.
22:32Call in Francois.
22:34Don't call.
22:36I think I have a better idea.
22:46Excuse me.
22:50Do you have everything you want?
22:52Oh, yes.
22:53Merci, merci beaucoup.
22:54Drawing kit, you've been there?
22:56Mm-hmm, very much.
22:58That's looking so romantic.
23:00Have a little circle, sir.
23:02I'd be fine.
23:05Well, maybe our present climate in this continent don't agree with you.
23:09Oh, we are fine.
23:13I suppose you've been to Switzerland.
23:15Of course.
23:17Well, we also have mountains in the United States just like Switzerland.
23:22They have lakes and rowboats and trees.
23:25And if you'd care to go,
23:27Mr. Goldberg would only be too glad if you went on a two-week vacation.
23:31Deux semaines de vacances pour nous.
23:33Dans les Catskills?
23:34Gratuitement, mais c'est formidable.
23:35Vous êtes très bien, mais oui.
23:37Is it really?
23:39Oh, why not?
23:40Oh, of course.
23:41Oh, vous êtes merveilleux.
23:42Thank you very much, madame.
23:43Vous êtes très gentille.
23:44Oh, maman.
23:47Vive les Catskills.
23:50All right, operator.
23:51I'm holding.
23:52Who are you calling?
23:53We're going to Pincus Pines for two weeks.
23:55Jake, please.
23:56Hello, Pincus?
23:57May I please, if you will, kindly thank you?
24:01Hello, Pincus?
24:03This is Mrs. Goldberg.
24:05Yeah, we all well.
24:06Listen, I want to make a reservation under the name of Mr. and Mrs. Gravay.
24:11I'll hold.
24:14They're having the vacation?
24:17Yes, Pincus?
24:19What do you mean?
24:20What do you mean you're all filled up?
24:23Not even one room?
24:25So what do you have available?
24:28Oh, my gracious.
24:31Only the bridal suite.
24:32Molly, who can afford it?
24:34Well, just a minute, Pincus.
24:36Hold, please.
24:37Just a minute.
24:38Can you afford steaks and chops and pheasants and pheasants and flambés and cherished jubilees
24:46and vintages and wines and champagne?
24:49Pincus, reserve the bridal suite.