(Adnkronos) - BPER Banca è main sponsor dell’edizione 2023 di Cheese, la grande kermesse dedicata all’eccellenza casearia e all’agricoltura sostenibile organizzata da Slow Food, in programma a Bra dal 15 al 18 settembre “La partnership con slow food, e quindi con Cheese, parte da lontano – afferma Giuseppe Aimi, Direttore Territoriale Nord Ovest Bper Banca - La banca da allora è diventata grande, è diventata Bper. In queste occasioni i legami con il territorio in genere si allentano, noi invece lo abbiamo addirittura rafforzato”.
00:00 The partnership with Slow Food and with Cheese starts from a long time ago,
00:04 from the time when the Brar's cash register was a point of reference for the local territory.
00:08 The bank has grown and become a BIPER.
00:11 In these occasions, the ties with the territory usually loosen,
00:15 but in this case we have even strengthened them.
00:18 For us it is a fundamental partnership and our presence is a reason for pride and satisfaction.
00:23 Until some time ago, sustainability was a topic that only had a bearing in the food world.
00:29 Today, the banking sector also prevails in all sectors.
00:32 For this reason, the presence is even more significant.
00:36 It will also be an opportunity to present the services that we can offer to our customers
00:41 in the agribusiness world in an agreement that we will make in Bras on Saturday 16 at 3.15 pm at our auditorium.
00:47 The moment is in everyone's eyes.
00:48 Four years ago there was no BIPER sign in Piedmont.
00:51 Today we have more than 90 gates and a significant volume of administrative staff.
00:56 I think we are a point of reference for many companies and families and we want to be even more so.
01:00 In this sense, initiatives such as the partnership with Zulufood for cheese are being initiated.