• 2 years ago
O técnico Pepa criticou a falta de postura competitiva do Cruzeiro na derrota por 3 a 0 para o Grêmio, neste domingo (27/8), pela 21ª rodada do Campeonato Brasileiro. Os gaúchos dominaram os mineiros do início ao fim e marcaram gols com Pepê, Carballo e Luis Suárez.

Leia mais: https://noataque.com.br/futebol/brasileirao-serie-a/time/cruzeiro/noticia/2023/08/27/pepa-cruzeiro-inadmissivel-derrota-atipica-gremio/

A Raposa vem de longo jejum de vitórias na Série A. Nos últimos sete jogos, o Cruzeiro empatou com Corinthians (1 a 1), Botafogo (0 a 0), Athletico-PR (3 a 3) e Coritiba (0 a 0) e perdeu para Grêmio (3 a 0), Palmeiras (1 a 0) e Goiás (1 a 0).

“Esse jogo foi atípico. É verdade que a vitória não apareceu (nas últimas semanas), mas aí estamos falando de infelicidades, pequenos detalhes. As exibições estavam boas, consistentes. Hoje fugiu disso tudo. Agora, não vamos colocar essa exibição com tudo aquilo o que tem acontecido. Temos que olhar para dentro, nos fechar. Mais do que ganhar, perder ou empatar, esse tipo de atitude competitiva, é inadmissível”, criticou Pepa em entrevista coletiva.

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00:00 This game is the part. If we look at the previous games, the truth is that the victory didn't appear, didn't come up, but we're talking about inflexibility and details, small details.
00:11 But the performances were good, they were there, they were consistent. Today it all went away. Now we're not going to replace this performance with everything that has happened.
00:21 We have to look inside, once again, we have to close ourselves. And that's what I said, more than winning or losing or tieing, this type of performance, this type of competitive attitude is unacceptable.
00:33 If we could switch 10 or break, we would have switched 10 or break. And we have to reflect on everything. Be much more competitive, more concentrated, more connected.
00:44 The pros make the difference. And situations that we had already talked about, happened today, that can't happen. We can't make these types of mistakes.
00:52 And the rest is a matter of lesson. We still have a lot of championships ahead, but we have to turn this around, with much more head, much more balance.
01:04 And a lot can come out, and a lot can go wrong. I'm the first, as I've said in several teams, I'm the first to face and defend all the players by technical errors or by decision errors.
01:16 What I don't admit is what happened here today.
01:19 (electronic beeping)
