Bail for detainees among recommendations to improve Sosma, says Ramkarpal

  • last year
A provision allowing bail for detainees is being considered as part of the recommendations to improve the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (Sosma), says Ramkarpal Singh.

The Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Law and Institutional Reform) also said repealing the act is not in the pipeline but the government will be looking into improving the law by introducing several amendments in stages.

00:00 [Background noise]
00:16 [Background noise]
00:23 Well at this point of time we have more or less completed most of the engagements.
00:29 [Foreign language]
00:49 [Foreign language]
00:53 There's no timeline as such, but as I said, the groundwork is more or less done.
01:01 So now it's more of the preparation which we are already doing now.
01:07 [Foreign language]
01:10 [Foreign language]
01:37 Of course, we are now looking at several aspects in SOSMA.
01:43 One aspect is bail.
01:46 So that is the issue we are looking into now.
01:53 [Foreign language]
01:57 The repeal is not in the pipeline, but we are looking at improvements.
02:03 [Foreign language]
02:07 [Foreign language]
