Weekend Weather 03/08/2023 – Wet and windy, brighter Sunday - Met Office UK Forecast

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This is the Met Office UK Weather forecast for the weekend, dated 03/08/2023

Another weekend…. Another low pressure which will bring a wet and windy spell during Friday night and Saturday will be followed by a brighter day Sunday with showers. Bringing you this weekend’s weather forecast is Alex Deakin.


00:00 There are strong signals now of something drier and a bit warmer at the end of next week.
00:05 But before then, we've got another weekend to get through dominated by low pressure.
00:09 Another wet and windy spell followed by something a bit brighter,
00:12 but still with blustery showers on Sunday. That wet and windy spell is of course thanks to another area of low pressure.
00:19 It's intensifying, deepening as it approaches the UK and the Republic of Ireland.
00:25 It will bring wet and a windy weather starting on Friday night.
00:29 Let's track it back, however. Why is it developing? Why is it intensifying?
00:34 Well, for that we need to look high in the sky at where the jet stream is.
00:37 Quite a lively jet stream powering across the North Atlantic.
00:40 And the position is key as the jet stream starts to drift south and this low crosses the jet stream.
00:46 That's when it starts to re-intensify, the isobars popping out of it.
00:50 Because of that interaction, there's still a bit of uncertainty about the exact track and just how lively the winds could be.
00:56 But nevertheless, it looks like being a pretty potent area of low pressure for the time of year.
01:01 It's going to bring a spell of wet weather starting on Friday night and then continuing through Saturday.
01:06 It's pivoting around the centre of the low, which may be a little further south.
01:10 But nevertheless, it's going to bring a wet spell for many.
01:13 Northern Ireland should turn a bit drier by the afternoon and not much wet weather or windy weather across northern Scotland.
01:19 Actually, many places here will be fine and dry.
01:22 Further south, we should also see skies brightening a little through the course of the day,
01:26 but always staying very blustery, particularly in Wales and southwest England until the evening time.
01:32 Temperature wise, well, we're going to struggle, as you might expect, with that persistent rain over parts of eastern England.
01:37 The breeze off the North Sea, it's going to feel cold.
01:39 Temperature is really struggling 14, 15, 16 at best and feeling colder still.
01:44 We might squeak up to 20 Celsius in the south if we do see any afternoon sunshine coming through.
01:49 But certainly feeling cooler in the winds over Wales and southwest England.
01:52 We have a Met Office warning in place for those winds.
01:56 Strongest winds on the southern flank of the low, so through parts of Wales and southwest England.
02:00 Another day where the winds will be unusually strong for the time of year.
02:05 40 mile an hour gusts pretty widely on exposed coasts, maybe 60, perhaps even 65 miles an hour,
02:10 likely to cause some disruption, of course.
02:12 Many more people around this time of year in the southwest and in south Wales in particular.
02:17 Lots of people camping. So these gusty winds will not be welcome, as I said, could cause some disruption.
02:22 As could the rain across Northern Ireland, where it's likely to linger through Friday night and into Saturday morning,
02:27 potentially cause some flooding.
02:29 But almost anywhere where we've got that low pressure dominating a spell of heavy rain,
02:34 likely to bring a lot of spray and surface water on the roads.
02:37 The low does start to pull away during Saturday afternoon.
02:41 And by the time we get to Sunday, it's pretty much out of the way.
02:44 So Sunday overall looking a bit drier, but it's still looking showery.
02:49 So although we'll start with some decent spouts of sunshine,
02:52 particularly parts of the Midlands, more central parts of southern England and eastern Scotland,
02:57 fair bit of cloud further west with some showers, even from the morning time.
03:00 And then we'll see showers developing as we go through the day,
03:03 pushed along by a fairly brisk north northwesterly wind,
03:07 although it won't be as strong as the winds will be during Saturday.
03:10 And parts of Wales, southwest England's reasonably optimistic.
03:13 They're here. We won't see too many afternoon showers.
03:15 Good chance of a dry end to the day and elsewhere.
03:18 The showers will tend to move through, but they could still again be fairly heavy.
03:21 And with the winds coming in from the north or northwest, even though they're easing,
03:25 they're still bringing reasonably cool air.
03:27 So despite a bit more sunshine,
03:30 temperatures are still going to be below average for the time of year's high teens or low 20s at the very best.
03:37 As I said, there are some positive signs if you're after drier and warmer weather come the end of the week.
03:42 For more details on that, make sure you're keeping up to date with the latest.
03:46 The best way to do that is follow us across social media.
