Emmerdale 2nd August 2023-n

  • last year


00:00 [ Music ]
00:30 >> I'm going to have a coffee.
00:32 Do you want one?
00:32 >> Yeah, go on then.
00:34 >> Last night was the first decent night's sleep I have had
00:38 in ages.
00:38 That loan from Caleb's certainly taken the edge off.
00:42 >> Well, yeah, the sooner we pay it back, the better.
00:44 You might want to read that.
00:46 Could be some more goodwill from Caleb.
00:48 >> Hey, that's me done.
00:51 >> You off then?
00:52 >> Yeah. I'm going to go back to see my girls.
00:54 >> Oh, Nate, hang on.
00:56 Could you do me a favour?
00:59 Could you do an hour or two extra cover?
01:01 It's just Mackenzie's been held up.
01:02 >> What? No.
01:03 No thanks, but I've really got to go.
01:05 >> Okay, no worries.
01:07 >> You jump at the chance of some extra hours.
01:09 >> It's only two hours.
01:11 It's not going to flood the bank account, is it?
01:12 >> It's work you said you needed and now you're turning it down.
01:14 >> Yeah, but I don't need your scraps.
01:15 >> Don't we know where the door is?
01:18 >> Yeah, whatever.
01:18 >> Oh, it still doesn't sound natural.
01:25 >> Right, you need to calm down, seriously.
01:27 >> What?
01:27 >> Is it that obvious?
01:28 >> Yes.
01:29 And if you say the wrong thing to the police,
01:30 they'll see right through you.
01:31 Look, are you sure this is the right way to go about it?
01:34 I mean, you're already struggling to keep your story straight.
01:36 >> I'll be fine.
01:36 Promise.
01:37 Look, Sarah, when I get this statement in,
01:40 the jury might have doubts believing his story over Dad's.
01:43 >> Right, let's go through it again.
01:46 >> Right.
01:51 I was in the church.
01:58 Alone.
01:58 I heard something.
02:01 Lloyd was there.
02:04 He found me and he cornered me.
02:09 >> And then what happened?
02:13 >> When I threatened to call the police, he didn't leave.
02:16 He wanted to go somewhere else and talk.
02:20 He kept saying that he wants some stranger or creep.
02:27 As if we had a relationship.
02:28 >> And?
02:31 >> And then he pushed me up against the wall and he kissed me.
02:35 He assaulted me.
02:39 Just...
02:41 I froze.
02:43 I didn't know what he was gonna do.
02:45 >> Right, better.
02:49 Just stick to that and don't change anything.
02:52 >> Thanks for this.
02:56 And for watching Esther.
02:57 It'll all be okay.
02:59 >> Needs to be.
03:02 Can't lose my dad.
03:04 >> Are rental prices really this high?
03:09 >> Yeah.
03:09 I mean, I thought with my job and everything, it wouldn't be too bad, but...
03:13 my mistake, clearly.
03:15 >> These places are tiny.
03:16 I've got more room in my shoes.
03:18 Are you looking for somewhere?
03:20 For yourself as well?
03:21 >> I don't know, to be honest with you, mate.
03:24 Uncle Rish gone, a bit all over the place.
03:26 It's weird.
03:28 I keep expecting to see him milling about the kitchen, listening to the radio.
03:32 >> He was a good guy.
03:35 Just...
03:36 nice.
03:38 I wish we went plain watching like we planned.
03:41 >> I just feel guilty.
03:43 It's my fault for keeping you from him. You could have done that.
03:46 >> But I do know Uncle Rish couldn't stand people moping.
03:50 He'd hate to see us sitting around here having a sad fest.
03:52 >> You know what?
03:54 Yeah, I'm sorry.
03:55 It should be me trying to console you, your Rish's family.
03:58 >> We all miss him.
03:58 It's weird around here.
04:00 But, he always liked a lively house.
04:04 In fact, maybe you shouldn't make any plans to go anywhere just yet.
04:08 >> Well, that depends on Jay.
04:09 He may not want some random lodger hanging around.
04:12 >> I'm sure we can sort something out.
04:14 >> Well, I'm going to see him and Laurel later.
04:16 I've got something to drop off to them.
04:18 But, I mean, I could find a way to ask what their plans are for this place.
04:23 [Knock on door]
04:24 >> Come in!
04:25 >> Hey!
04:29 >> There he is.
04:31 >> In the flesh.
04:32 You may bow.
04:33 >> And he's still so cocky.
04:34 >> Don't forget, charming, funny and handsome.
04:37 I'm basically the whole package.
04:39 >> I just wanted to see how you're doing after everything.
04:42 >> Much better.
04:44 Well, thanks to a great shoulder I had to cry on.
04:47 >> That shoulder didn't mind being there.
04:50 Whenever you need...
04:52 [Sighs]
04:53 >> Well, you have a shoulder to cry on, arms that flex for days.
04:57 What else can you do?
04:58 >> Do you want to go out for lunch?
05:00 >> As long as you're buying.
05:01 >> Not an expensive day.
05:03 >> Hello, stranger.
05:15 What are you doing here?
05:17 >> I'm just looking for a place to stay.
05:21 >> You're alright?
05:22 >> Yeah.
05:24 Yeah.
05:25 >> I know I tore the job up yesterday, but
05:26 unfortunately the perks don't stretch to a swanky office.
05:29 >> Yeah, I thought it would be more high-end.
05:31 >> Well, the clients don't come back here, so
05:33 it's bare minimum.
05:34 So what can I do for you, mate?
05:37 >> Listen, I...
05:39 I weren't exactly honest yesterday about work.
05:42 >> What do you mean?
05:43 >> Things at the farm are rough, and they're cutting back on hours.
05:45 And I'm, er...
05:47 I'm struggling.
05:48 Financially.
05:50 >> Financially?
05:51 That's tough going, mate.
05:53 I'm sorry.
05:54 >> Yeah, well, I fought with you running a successful business.
05:56 I thought I'd see if there's any driving work going.
05:58 >> Mate, as much as I'd like to help one of my boys out,
06:01 I've got a full roster of drivers, as it is.
06:03 >> I'll take anything you've got.
06:04 I don't care what it is, you know.
06:07 Emptying bins, mopping floors.
06:08 I'll do it.
06:10 >> Hey, Dad.
06:15 >> Hiya, Vic. Your car broken down again?
06:16 >> Good car, Brett. I need your tiring.
06:18 >> Not this time, no.
06:21 Just wondered how Amelia was holding up after yesterday.
06:23 >> You've lost me. What's happened?
06:25 >> You don't know?
06:26 >> You've spilled the beans now. Might as well tell me the rest.
06:28 >> Erm...
06:29 Can we not just go back to...
06:31 Has your car broken down again?
06:32 >> Nope.
06:34 >> Lloyd's wife, Julie, turned up at the hide.
06:38 She was wanting something incriminating on Amelia.
06:41 >> Oh.
06:42 So why didn't Amelia tell me?
06:43 >> I suppose she didn't want you worrying.
06:45 >> What did Julie say?
06:47 >> Nothing good.
06:49 >> Where's Amelia now?
06:50 >> She put Sarah's.
06:51 She was avoiding me all day yesterday and this morning.
06:54 Thought we were just nerves about the car case.
06:56 >> Hang on. Where are you going?
07:00 >> To find out what's going on. Come on.
07:02 >> Oh, Gabby.
07:05 You're coming to the unveiling, aren't you?
07:07 >> Er, what?
07:08 >> It's tomorrow. Everyone will be there.
07:10 >> I don't think I've got time.
07:12 >> What? You've been mopping around the village.
07:15 It might do you some good.
07:16 >> I'm doing perfectly fine, thank you.
07:20 >> Oh, Gabby.
07:21 You really should try those facial exercises I mentioned.
07:24 Browning adds wrinkles and tells people exactly what you're thinking.
07:27 >> Okay.
07:28 Well, you tell me what my face says right now.
07:30 >> Okay.
07:31 I'll talk to you later.
07:33 >> See you tomorrow, then.
07:34 >> What's the matter with her?
07:36 >> Oh, must you over-decorate the village with these bus stop posters?
07:42 >> Oh, don't you start.
07:43 I've had zero response to my post on the village group page.
07:46 >> Oh, I'm sorry.
07:47 >> I've had zero response to my post on the village group chat.
07:49 >> Why? Because nobody's interested?
07:51 >> No.
07:52 They're all just really busy.
07:53 >> Well, that's poor planning and short notice.
07:55 You can't expect a full turnout.
07:57 I think the kindest thing would be to cancel, don't you?
08:00 >> No. The unveiling date is non-negotiable.
08:02 So I'll just have to get on with it.
08:04 Even if the event's going to be as packed out as an empty bag of crisps.
08:07 >> Oh, come on, Nicola.
08:08 It's a random bus stop.
08:09 Nobody cares.
08:10 >> Oh, for God's sake.
08:11 I'm doing a memorial for Harriet and Liv, okay?
08:13 >> What?
08:17 It was meant to be a surprise.
08:18 I was trying to do something nice with the village
08:20 and you've all gone and turned your nose up over it.
08:22 Well, thanks a lot.
08:24 >> Everything okay?
08:29 >> Yeah. Where's Amelia? Is she here?
08:31 >> She's gone out to buy nappies.
08:33 >> Really?
08:34 Did she say anything about seeing Julie at the hide yesterday?
08:38 >> What?
08:39 I mean, no.
08:41 So she didn't say anything to you afterwards?
08:43 >> Well, she hasn't really said much.
08:46 >> Well, what has she said?
08:47 >> Nothing.
08:48 >> But, I mean, you've talked. You're close mates.
08:51 >> She's just stressed, you know, about you, Esther and stuff.
08:55 >> Yeah, so she'd need to confide in you
08:57 and talk about how she's feeling.
08:59 Because she must be scared after Julie showed up,
09:01 fishing for information.
09:03 >> Yeah, she was scared and Julie did rile her.
09:06 But now...
09:09 >> What?
09:10 All we care about is that Amelia's okay.
09:13 >> Sarah, please. Where is she?
09:16 >> Look, I'm really sorry and this is all my fault.
09:18 I put the idea in her head.
09:20 >> Where is she?
09:21 What's she playing at?
09:25 >> I don't know, but we need to get to her first.
09:27 >> It might be too late.
09:28 >> Amelia?
09:45 Can I help?
09:46 Is everything okay?
09:50 >> Um...
09:52 I need...
09:53 I need to make a statement about Lloyd Sawyer.
10:00 [Music]
10:02 >> Okay, Amelia. The interview room's ready now.
10:28 >> It's alright.
10:29 I'll take your time. I can see this is hard for you.
10:32 >> Amelia, wait!
10:38 >> Dad, what are you doing here?
10:40 >> Please, don't do this.
10:41 >> No, I'm making a statement. I have to.
10:43 >> You can't.
10:44 >> Amelia's come to talk to me. Can you both please leave?
10:46 >> No, because I know what she's going to do.
10:48 She's going to go on record and she's going to lie
10:49 and it'll just make everything worse.
10:51 You can't do this.
10:52 >> Sarah told us what you were planning.
10:54 >> Look, I know you've got your reasons
10:55 and I'm sorry about what happened with Julie,
10:57 but this is serious.
10:58 >> What, so it's okay for Julie to go around lying about me?
11:00 I mean, how is that fair?
11:02 >> Okay, can we all just calm down?
11:03 >> No, I'm having to do this because you have done nothing!
11:06 I mean, I don't understand how you've not found anything
11:09 on Lloyd's computer or his phone.
11:10 He must have a burner phone hiding somewhere.
11:13 >> I just know that he's done this to other girls.
11:15 >> No, get off me.
11:17 He targeted me.
11:18 I don't really understand why you lot can't do your jobs better.
11:21 >> Okay, that's enough.
11:23 >> No, because this is all I have.
11:26 Okay, I've had to make stuff up to try and help my dad out.
11:28 >> Coffee, champagne?
11:31 Well, Prosecco.
11:32 Hang on, I'll leave it there for you.
11:34 Ah, did you come back to have more fun at my expense?
11:38 >> On deeper reflection,
11:40 I feel that my comments earlier were in poor taste.
11:43 I apologise for being so negative about the idea.
11:47 >> Why didn't you say anything?
11:50 Why the big secret?
11:51 Because people would be more keen
11:53 if they'd known what the idea was about.
11:55 I wanted it to be a surprise.
11:56 And I didn't want people to...
11:59 >> What?
12:01 >> The bus stop is at the heart of the community.
12:04 So by making it a memorial space,
12:06 Liv and Harriet can remain at the heart of the community.
12:09 I just didn't want people to think that
12:11 I was using them to get more press.
12:14 >> Well, I think it's a wonderful idea.
12:16 And I'd like to help
12:18 by getting people to see they need to be there tomorrow.
12:21 They need to know it's a memorial.
12:23 >> I doubt it'll make a difference.
12:25 You were right, it's too late.
12:26 >> Oh, now who's sounding down before she's out?
12:29 Where's the Nicola I know that doesn't back down from anything?
12:32 She's backed off and sitting out because she's tired.
12:36 >> Right, you two are coming to the bus stop unveiling tomorrow.
12:43 >> Are we?
12:44 >> It's a memorial for two of our villagers,
12:46 and it's the least you could do
12:48 for breaking my daughter's heart into pieces.
12:50 >> Right, we're kind of on a thing right now.
12:52 >> Oh, how fickle!
12:54 >> Right, I take it all back, you're not invited.
12:56 And how dare you have a date in here of all places?
13:00 >> Wow, this is fancy.
13:07 Being treated to a posh lunch and a show.
13:10 The luxury.
13:11 >> Well, don't say I'm afraid to splash out on a meal deal.
13:15 >> Talk to me.
13:23 >> No, it's nothing.
13:24 Just trying to keep on the positive front, you know?
13:28 >> Yeah.
13:29 I know a thing or two about putting on a mask.
13:32 I did it long enough with Gabby.
13:35 What I'm trying to say is,
13:37 I see you.
13:40 >> There you go, being all genuine and stuff.
13:44 >> Well, I mean it.
13:46 I want to be there for you.
13:49 I kind of,
13:51 I kind of like it.
13:53 >> Thank you.
13:58 >> Come in!
14:00 >> Hey.
14:02 >> Oh, hi.
14:03 >> Is Jay about?
14:05 >> Oh, it's not a good time at the moment.
14:07 Can I help?
14:08 >> Sorry, I can bother Jay with this another time.
14:11 >> Tom!
14:13 What can I do for you?
14:15 >> Well, it's the reverse, actually.
14:17 I've got something for you.
14:19 From, uh,
14:21 from Rishi.
14:22 >> What?
14:23 What do you mean?
14:25 >> Before he died, he asked me to digitize your old family photos.
14:28 He said it was important to protect precious moments, so...
14:33 He'd want you to have them.
14:38 >> Oh, Tom, that is so kind of you.
14:40 >> No worries at all. You're more than welcome.
14:43 Rishi was, uh,
14:45 was really great to me.
14:47 >> Is there something else?
14:50 >> Yeah, I know the timing's not great,
14:52 but I was wondering if you wanted me to move out of Holgate?
14:55 >> Oh, we haven't really had time to discuss that yet.
14:57 Maybe when things have settled and we've got back from the funeral...
15:00 >> It's fine.
15:02 You and Sonny can stay at Holgate as long as you need.
15:05 >> Really?
15:07 I appreciate that, Jay.
15:09 >> It's what Dad would have wanted.
15:12 >> It's been really tough on her. She's not thinking clearly.
15:15 >> I understand, but she's just had me.
15:18 >> I was about to lie in a statement about Mr. Sawyer.
15:21 What Amelia was about to do would have been a serious offence.
15:26 But considering she didn't actually do it, I can turn a blind eye.
15:29 >> Thanks, I appreciate that. We'll get her home now.
15:32 >> Do I ever do that again, Amelia?
15:35 >> Let's go. Come on.
15:37 >> So, back to your hot dad's place?
15:43 >> He really likes me.
15:44 >> Yeah. Did Dad mention he's the fickle type?
15:48 >> That was great.
15:50 >> Er... it was alright.
15:53 >> I've made a lot better.
15:55 >> I'd like to see you cooking up.
15:57 See if you're as good as you say.
15:59 >> Well, I guess I'll just have to show you.
16:02 >> What kind of idiot are you?
16:06 >> Oh, Gabby.
16:07 >> I'm talking to him.
16:09 >> I'm sorry, I didn't...
16:11 >> Yeah, of course.
16:15 He's my mate.
16:18 >> Okay.
16:19 Alright, no worries, boss.
16:21 Give it a try.
16:23 Alright, bye, bye, bye, bye.
16:25 Sorry, mate. Said we haven't got anything for you.
16:33 >> I really needed this.
16:36 >> I get that. You're doing everything you can for your kid at home.
16:39 If you need money, you need money.
16:41 >> Yeah. Thanks anyway.
16:43 Remember what I said.
16:46 You've done well for yourself.
16:48 >> If I get anything work-wise, you'll be the first person to know.
16:51 Okay? Promise.
16:53 >> Yeah.
16:54 >> Look after yourself, mate.
17:03 >> You too.
17:05 >> So I told Sonny I totally disapprove of him and Nicky.
17:11 I don't know why he's bothering with him.
17:13 You don't deserve it.
17:15 >> I'm helpless.
17:17 >> Well, let's not talk about him.
17:19 I'll deal with Nicky another time.
17:21 How are things here?
17:22 >> Yeah, fine.
17:24 Tom came over earlier with a USB stick with some digital photographs
17:27 that Rishi asked him to do a few weeks ago because he thought that...
17:31 >> Oh, well, that's a nice idea.
17:33 >> Yeah. Yeah, but it's just...
17:35 I'm worried that these photos...
17:38 You know, if Jay sees them, it's...
17:41 It's going to push him over the edge.
17:44 >> I'm not taking it together, is it? He's...
17:45 >> Come on, Dad.
17:47 >> Look, enough, Archie. Okay?
17:49 >> Please, Dad. I want to see pictures of Grandad.
17:51 >> No. I'm not feeling up to it. Maybe later.
17:54 >> Maybe you wouldn't be so sad if you could see Grandad.
17:57 >> All right.
18:02 >> Jay, come on. If you're not ready...
18:05 >> It's okay.
18:12 >> Oh, I've forgotten half of these.
18:14 Oh, I love that one of you all together.
18:18 >> So sweet.
18:20 >> Grandad took it when we went on the adventure day.
18:22 He said he wanted pictures of his favourites.
18:24 >> Yeah, do you remember when he fell out of that kayak?
18:27 I don't need a photo to remind me of that.
18:29 >> Oh, look at my outfit.
18:31 >> That photo can stay gone, thanks.
18:34 >> Oh, that's Priya's wedding.
18:39 >> She looks so beautiful.
18:42 >> Yes, she really did.
18:44 He was so proud of her that day.
18:47 >> She's so handsome.
18:51 >> Yeah, well, he always liked to be camera ready.
18:55 >> Looks good.
19:01 >> He was such a good sport with that.
19:03 >> Wish he kept these.
19:06 Treasured everything, every moment.
19:10 [Music]
19:12 >> Dad, I'm sorry.
19:19 I didn't mean to upset you again.
19:21 I just wanted to see the pictures.
19:23 >> It's okay, you haven't done anything wrong.
19:26 This is perfect.
19:29 >> Right, you need to sit down and you need to hear this.
19:37 >> I'm done talking, Vic. I'm going upstairs.
19:39 >> Amelia, stop!
19:40 And listen to me.
19:42 You need to grasp the gravity of what you are about to do.
19:45 There are so many things you don't get about the consequences of false accusations.
19:49 >> Yeah, well, I needed to do something, fight back.
19:52 >> What, so fight one lie with another lie?
19:54 Doesn't work like that. Nobody wins.
19:56 Right, you need to understand something that is really important to me.
20:01 I didn't get the outcome that I wanted when I was raped.
20:07 So I care, I really care that assault claims are taken on board seriously.
20:11 So that we were all survivors, are heard and understood and believed.
20:17 Lying, it just makes things a thousand times harder for anybody who really has been hurt.
20:22 >> Can you save the damage you would have caused?
20:24 >> Yes, I know, Dad.
20:26 But I only wanted to do it because Julie said that Lloyd hadn't woken up yet.
20:29 I just know what that meant for you and I can't lose you, Dad.
20:34 I messed up, OK. I tried to fix things and I'm still messing up.
20:42 I can't make this right, can I?
20:47 >> And if you want to bring a piece of the village home, visit the ITV shop to explore all your show essentials.
21:01 More drama on the way next tonight here on ITV1. Stay there for Coronation Street.
21:06 [Music]