Emmerdale 27th July 2023-n

  • last year


00:00 [Music]
00:29 [Music]
00:31 Big day? You and Jay sat?
00:35 Well...
00:36 Yeah. Organised chaos over at yours, right?
00:40 Yeah, without the organised bit.
00:42 So I thought I'd come and lay some flowers before I get on that rollercoaster.
00:47 I'm sure Ashley's looking down on you, wishing you all the best.
00:53 Yeah. I think you'd be happy.
00:58 And I know you're going to have a wonderful day.
01:00 I'm not happy gossiping about this. She's really hurt, Bob.
01:12 Yeah, well, I don't suppose Liam feels great either.
01:16 But he's not the injured party here, though, is he?
01:19 He's the one who was caught with his trousers down. Literally.
01:23 And with Wendy. You know, of all people.
01:27 No accounting for taste, though, is there?
01:29 Oh, talk of the devil. I hope you're not expecting to come in here.
01:34 I was really hoping we could be adult about this.
01:37 I don't want to listen to your excuses. You've really broken poor Bob's heart.
01:43 Yes, I know. And believe it or not, I do love him.
01:47 Well, you've got a funny way of showing it.
01:55 Jojo!
01:56 - Barney! - How are you?
01:59 Wow! Look at you.
02:04 Hey, I didn't know you were coming.
02:07 Well, neither did I until recently. Invitation got lost in the posts.
02:11 Oh.
02:12 Actually, we were kind of in the middle of something.
02:16 Oh, all right. No problem. No problem.
02:18 I'll catch you later, yeah? And don't forget,
02:23 save the last dance for me.
02:25 So he gets to go to my son's wedding and I don't.
02:34 How's that fair?
02:37 It won't be an issue if we sort this.
02:41 Although, your behaviour yesterday won't have won you any prizes.
02:47 You're part of these too.
02:49 I didn't walk in half cut and throw Laurel's abortion at her.
02:53 That's not what I meant to do.
02:55 Anyway, we are where we are now.
02:58 And Jay needs to know the whole story.
03:04 Otherwise, he'll never forgive either of us.
03:08 - So... - No.
03:10 - I mean it. - Rishi...
03:12 You know, I made a promise.
03:14 I'm not shaming my family.
03:18 Obviously, I'll apologise.
03:21 I will.
03:23 But that's it.
03:24 - I wondered if he'd show up. - How could I stay away?
03:29 - I understand that Charles is doing a wedding. - So?
03:34 Just wanted to see you.
03:37 Spend some time with the missus.
03:39 And what makes you think the missus wants to spend time with you?
03:42 I always live in hope.
03:45 A cup of tea would be nice.
03:47 I'm sure I can manage that.
03:50 You're lucky I'm serving you.
04:01 I've already turned Wendy away.
04:03 Oh. Thanks.
04:05 I'm not sure it's fair to blame everything on Wendy.
04:09 No, takes two to tango, doesn't it?
04:11 And yet only one to cast the first stone, Ebeneez.
04:14 - I haven't done anything wrong. - This time.
04:16 What are you even doing here, Liam?
04:18 If I were you, I'd be keeping out of sight.
04:20 I'm not proud, but nobody here is perfect, are they?
04:24 Just toddle off, will you, while the going's good.
04:27 - Look, Bob, I just wanted... - Seriously?
04:35 What I said yesterday still applies and will always apply.
04:38 - That was the clean version. - I have to try.
04:40 Not with me you don't.
04:41 Try getting it into your thick head. I don't want anything more to do with you.
04:44 See what I mean? Toddle.
04:46 Come and sit down, Bob.
04:51 - Get him a coffee, would you, Brenda? - Of course.
04:56 How are you bearing up?
04:59 Oh, I've had better days.
05:01 It's the looks that people are giving me.
05:03 It's bad enough as it is, but I hate being pitied.
05:06 # I'm not a fool, I'm not a fool... #
05:10 Look, I know it's stressing you out.
05:12 One week, Noah. That's all we've got before the plea hearing.
05:15 It won't be long until Dad's locked up.
05:17 - You don't know that. - He's being charged with GBH.
05:20 Even if Lloyd does wake up and if he doesn't.
05:22 Just try and keep positive.
05:24 How can I?
05:26 Me and Esther are gonna be on our own.
05:28 No, you won't. I'll be here.
05:30 I know you will.
05:32 It's just... Never mind.
05:35 Anyway, can you make sure they get back to the house for me?
05:38 - I'm gonna be late for Monday. - Yeah, of course.
05:41 Morning.
05:46 Got the full uniform today, then.
05:48 All part of the occasion.
05:50 Laurel and Jay will expect the works, and rightfully so.
05:54 Yeah, I suppose so.
05:56 Been through a lot to get there, haven't they?
05:58 Learn to be there for each other.
06:00 All this for-better-or-for-worse stuff,
06:03 it's not just words, my young friend.
06:05 Let the bride descend the grand staircase.
06:13 - # Da-dee-dee-dee-dee-dee-dee... # - Oh, wow!
06:17 Right, stop filming now.
06:19 Wow, you really do look...
06:25 stunning.
06:26 - Will I pass, mister? - Are you kidding?
06:29 I'd marry you in a bin bag, obviously, but...
06:31 I think your mother would have something to say about that.
06:34 Well, I don't care what she has to say.
06:37 Or, more to the point, me dad. And actually...
06:39 Oh, I didn't mean to bring up your family.
06:41 I'm finding it hard with them as well. Especially Rishi, so...
06:44 No, none of this is your fault.
06:47 And I am not making this day all about them.
06:51 Yeah. So, kids all sorted?
06:53 Yep, Nicola's texted. Suited and booted.
06:59 You really do look fantastic.
07:02 Well, you've seen the dress, so...
07:05 what's the worst that can happen?
07:07 I'll take a guess.
07:11 We need to talk.
07:20 First of all, I...
07:24 I know and apologise to you.
07:26 I'm sorry I've confused you.
07:28 What's all this?
07:37 I'm going to go and stay with the loop for a bit, and then...
07:43 I need to decide what's best for the future.
07:46 What about your job?
07:49 Well, I'll just have to muddle along without me.
07:53 You needed to decide what you wanted next.
07:57 And you've said nothing since, so...
07:59 I just assumed.
08:01 And you reckon that running away is going to help matters?
08:04 Well, I thought you of all people would have been glad to see the back of me.
08:09 Wendy...
08:18 I don't want you to go.
08:22 After all of this.
08:24 Well, I haven't exactly got you down for a big bunch of flowers, but...
08:29 I'm beating for seizures. He's not going to help.
08:32 You're not straight-talking.
08:34 I'm hurt.
08:36 And I'm angry with you, and I hate what you've done.
08:39 But before you do anything drastic,
08:43 I think we should try and talk it out.
08:45 The whole situation had got me riled up,
08:50 and I had too much to drink, and...
08:52 Anyway, I'm sorry. That's it.
08:55 Except it's not.
08:57 Georgia.
08:58 Well, it's not it. Is it?
09:01 I told you I was going to apologise, and we'd leave it at that.
09:05 Hardly explains anything.
09:07 He knows what would.
09:09 Jay, really, I can't.
09:11 Rishi, for heaven's sake!
09:14 He needs to know!
09:16 Sorry, is it just me, or maybe we could talk about this on, like, another day?
09:20 Believe me, I'd be happy to.
09:22 But once again, they come in here and they make it all about them!
09:26 Excuse me! You were very clear yesterday.
09:30 Unless you know the full truth,
09:32 neither of us would be welcomed at your wedding.
09:35 And yet here's Dan, marching in here with his apology,
09:38 like that's going to make everything all right again.
09:40 But we are still no further on.
09:43 Which is why you need to tell him.
09:45 I can't. I made a promise.
09:48 What promise?
09:50 Dad, I swear, if we're going to have a repeat of yesterday...
09:55 About who your real father is?
09:57 That much I'd worked out. So?
09:59 I can't.
10:01 Who is it, Dad? Who is it?!
10:03 My brother.
10:05 My brother.
10:08 Here in affair with Georgia.
10:10 And he's your real father.
10:15 So, so, this is Sonny's dad?
10:27 Oh, yeah. Have it.
10:30 And how the hell did this happen?
10:33 I was his secretary very young and really stupid.
10:37 And you two were together at the time, right?
10:40 Not exactly.
10:42 We were friends and while I was worshipping from afar,
10:49 I really loved your mother.
10:51 And Amit, well, being my younger brother,
10:55 I felt that I had to protect him too.
10:58 So when Georgia got pregnant,
11:00 I sort of did the honourable thing to prevent her...
11:04 Well, you see, our family was very conservative.
11:09 That's it?
11:11 You can't imagine the scandal there would have been.
11:14 Scandal?
11:16 So I... No, no, we all have been living a lie
11:21 so that you could avoid people looking down the nose at you?
11:24 This was the '70s. It was very different then.
11:27 Your grandmother, when she learned the truth...
11:30 Don't you understand?
11:33 I made a promise to her, on my honour,
11:36 that this would never come out.
11:38 No disrespect, Dad, but Grandma has been dead for 30 years.
11:42 - That's not the point. - Isn't it?
11:44 You make a promise like that, you take it to the grave.
11:47 And I've broken it.
11:52 Hey.
11:55 Look, before you say anything, I have not come to rub salt in the wound.
12:00 Well, you'd be one of the few.
12:02 I just want to make sure. Are you OK?
12:04 Yeah, well, I expect I'll live.
12:06 Look, I'm going to reception later.
12:08 I don't know if you are, but if you don't want to go alone,
12:11 then I am offering.
12:13 I think I'm better keeping a low profile.
12:15 Spectre at the feast and all that, but I appreciate it.
12:18 Fancy a brew?
12:20 No, I was just sticking my head in.
12:22 I just wanted to let you know that the whole world isn't shunning you.
12:25 You've just got to...
12:27 Well, just, you know, move on.
12:29 Thanks again, Lola.
12:32 Thanks, Lola.
12:34 Good egg, that one. I know.
12:39 And she's got a point.
12:45 Phew!
12:56 Arnie's. Now, you must remember Arnie's.
13:00 After the carnival. Arnie's was in Camberwell.
13:02 Just after we moved.
13:04 Look, you're making it up, you foolish man.
13:06 I would have been eight months pregnant.
13:08 Oh, well, I bow to your greater memory.
13:10 Good. Yours is too rose-coloured.
13:12 So...
13:16 ..where are we?
13:18 You and me?
13:20 You like having me around again, right?
13:22 Hm. But you can't fool me.
13:24 And you know I could never keep away from you.
13:28 You kept away from me plenty.
13:30 Usually after a judge sentenced you.
13:32 I know.
13:34 But I did tell you I was sorry.
13:36 You did.
13:38 Forgive me?
13:40 Trouble with you is you still make me feel like a teenager.
13:45 Same here.
13:47 Oh, speaking of which...
13:49 ..I wonder if he's got anything here that we would like.
13:54 That's Charles's record collection.
13:56 He goes mad if anyone goes near it.
13:58 Victor.
14:01 Victor?!
14:03 This isn't just about you not being my dad.
14:06 This is about Nicole and Priya.
14:09 It's about Sonny and Nisha being my half-siblings
14:12 and you never telling me.
14:14 And all because the family couldn't stand the shame.
14:18 How am I supposed to process that?
14:21 Not to mention that I'm complicit in this lie of yours now.
14:24 I'm presuming Sonny doesn't know, right?
14:26 Of course he doesn't know and he must never know.
14:29 You know what? There is no of course about it.
14:32 After all this, there's no telling what's true,
14:35 except that your sense of honour didn't stop you lying to me my whole life.
14:40 I didn't want to. I just said...
14:42 Oh, for God's sake, will you take some responsibility?
14:44 You are the one that's been hiding stuff you should have told me.
14:47 Oh, and when would have been a good moment?
14:50 First day of your school, maybe? Or one of your birthdays?
14:53 Either would have been better than this.
14:56 Prevaricating.
14:58 And then when you're cornered, saying the appalling things you did yesterday.
15:01 I've already apologised for that! I won't keep doing it!
15:04 - No, no, it... - So let it go! - It is not good enough!
15:07 You want to come in that church and pretend to be my dad?
15:10 Well, then you need to start behaving like one.
15:12 By which I take it, I'm still not welcome at your wedding?
15:15 Ha! There's gratitude for a lifetime of caring for you.
15:19 No, no, no, you don't get to guilt-trip me.
15:21 Not today! You'd be welcome at the wedding,
15:24 but only if you could do it with good grace and drop the stink of burning martyr!
15:28 Ha! Fine! I hope the pair of you have a wonderful day.
15:32 And maybe one day you can show me the videos.
15:34 You'll need to live a long time.
15:39 You must realise... I am sorry.
15:50 Do you understand what I'm going through?
15:53 Every fibre of my being is telling me to walk away from this.
15:57 From us.
15:59 So why say you don't want me to go?
16:02 Why? Because I still love you!
16:05 And I want to forgive you, and I want to get back to where we were.
16:09 But only if you feel the same.
16:11 Did I not just say it?!
16:13 Yes! But I don't want you to be with me...
16:16 because I'm the safe bet, the equivalent of an old cardigan.
16:20 When you were with him, when you were with Liam...
16:25 I mean, didn't you feel guilty?
16:28 Yes!
16:30 I mean, maybe. I don't know.
16:34 You see, I reckon I do. That's what I mean about the old cardigan.
16:38 Because Liam's more exciting, isn't he?
16:42 In one particular department.
16:44 In one particular department.
16:46 Bob...
16:48 Bob, I can't help it if we've become more like friends than lovers lately.
16:53 Anyway, and...
16:55 You liken me to a cheese sandwich.
17:01 I meant that in a good way!
17:03 I mean, when we got together, you weren't even ready for all that.
17:07 I know. I know!
17:09 So Mr Sensitive here, he bides his time, he doesn't push it.
17:12 Because I actually thought that being friends was an important part of a relationship.
17:17 Yes, and it is, it is!
17:19 Yeah, but it turns out that what you wanted all along was Mr Body-Slipping Passion Guy!
17:23 There is such thing as needing both.
17:27 I need to feel desirable.
17:30 And...
17:32 me and Liam...
17:34 it just...
17:37 it just happened.
17:40 (SOBS)
17:42 So...
17:45 am I allowed to be there today?
17:48 I mean, not that I was invited in the first place, obviously, but...
17:53 Mum, no. You don't get to guilt-trip me today either.
17:57 OK? And it's not a case of being allowed.
18:01 Look, the clock is really ticking here.
18:04 And obviously this discussion is not over, but...
18:09 Well, yeah, as you're here and...
18:12 now that you've told me the truth...
18:14 I would like you to be there. It's my wedding.
18:18 And your dad?
18:21 Oh, for God's sake!
18:23 He did right by me back then.
18:25 By me and you, actually.
18:28 And as you say, clock is ticking.
18:31 Not kidding there.
18:35 And if he doesn't see you getting married,
18:37 you will regret it for the rest of your life, and so will he.
18:41 Look...
18:44 what if I get in touch with him,
18:46 tell him to be there and sit at the back of the church?
18:49 Then at least he's there.
18:52 Jay, she's right about regrets.
18:55 If he wants to come, then fine.
18:59 You call him whatever.
19:01 I am not making this day any more about him than it already is.
19:05 Could I have handled that any worse?
19:22 Well, you handled it like a human being, love.
19:25 Well, I should have done better.
19:27 For your sake, if nothing else.
19:29 - It's your wedding day. - Hey, no! Our wedding.
19:32 I'm talking a wedge. What are we going to do about it?
19:36 - What about me dad? - Well...
19:39 let's just hope he sees sense.
19:41 So...
19:43 shall we?
19:47 Kenny, a bit fine, aren't they?
19:54 It is customary for the bride to be late.
19:56 Really? I didn't realise.
19:58 Yeah, and usually the groom shows up first.
20:01 Someone rocks a suit.
20:06 See ya.
20:13 Hi. Sorry I'm late. Thomas was playing up. Have I missed anything?
20:21 Not even started yet.
20:23 You lot head inside, I'll keep an eye out.
20:25 If they're not here in a minute, I'll phone Jay.
20:27 Go, go, go.
20:29 Auntie Georgia! What a pleasant surprise.
20:35 Although whether the groom will agree is a different story.
20:38 Groom is well aware, thanks. Should be here any minute.
20:42 Sounds like you're not too sure.
20:44 Hi, it's me. I'm down at the church.
20:47 I guess you're not picking up because...
20:49 I know you're very angry at the moment,
20:55 but look, I know Jay would want you to be here.
20:59 And I know deep down inside that you want to be here.
21:03 Because whatever happened in the past, you are his dad.
21:08 And if you don't come, you will regret it for the rest of your life.
21:14 So please, Ritchie, please...
21:17 please come to your son's wedding.
21:21 (SIGHS)
21:23 - It's about time! - Crowd getting restless.
21:37 Dad was about to start doing magic tricks.
21:39 - Everything OK? - Yeah, just a few obstacles.
21:42 Did I tell anyone it was OK to leave the building? Did I?
21:47 Oh, whoa! Switch to decaf. We were just checking.
21:50 Honestly, is that herding cats, this?
21:52 Jay, I'm flattered, but that look should be reserved for your blushing bride
21:58 - during the ceremony. - Sorry, host. My hell's away.
22:01 Ha-ha! Not the time! Right, you, inside, places.
22:05 You...
22:07 be ready to take your mum down the aisle, yeah?
22:10 Do you want a seat or that?
22:16 Nothing important.
22:19 Ready?
22:21 I'll see you at the altar, then.
22:24 - You're not gonna run off on me, are you? - I don't think he'll let me.
22:27 - You OK? - Your dad would be so proud of you.
22:34 Yeah.
22:36 Of both of us.
22:41 (SIGHS)
22:43 (CHUCKLES) Silly old fool.
22:50 Still looking smart. Right?
22:58 My friend, dear.
23:10 - Where's Grandad? - He'll be here in a minute.
23:13 Please be seated.
23:39 Welcome, everyone.
23:41 Dearly beloved.
23:43 In the presence of God, we are gathered here today
23:46 to witness the marriage of Jay and Laurel.
23:49 Right, you can stop that right now.
23:54 I didn't realise I was doing anything.
23:56 I can spot introspection a mile off.
23:58 - Well, that is quite a talent. - Well, I've been round the block, haven't I?
24:02 And I've pondered what should have happened or what shouldn't have happened
24:06 or what might have been or what might not have been.
24:09 Right, yeah, I think I get it.
24:11 It's not gonna do you any good, is what I'm saying.
24:14 I'm gonna miss you, you know.
24:16 Wendy.
24:18 Anyway, quite a connection. A deep one.
24:21 Yeah, I hear you.
24:23 I've had quite a chequered past myself, as far as the ladies were concerned.
24:28 And every one of them was special and unique.
24:32 But all good things must come to an end, as they say.
24:34 Yeah, I know.
24:36 It is better to have loved and lost and all that.
24:39 True enough.
24:40 Sometimes you have to forget what you want
24:43 in order to remember what you deserve.
24:46 Yeah. Yes.
24:48 Wait, what?
24:50 Yes, sorry, doesn't make sense, does it?
24:53 But you know what I mean. You'll be OK.
24:59 Let's face it, you did feel a bit like I did.
25:02 Not that I'm trying to justify it, but...
25:04 Hang on, did I?
25:06 Seriously, love.
25:08 Bernice?
25:09 How many times? Nothing happened between me and Bernice.
25:12 I know, but you wanted it to.
25:14 Well, not exactly.
25:16 OK, yeah, yeah, there's a spark. A spark, yeah.
25:19 I don't deny it.
25:21 Yeah, well, you were stronger than I was.
25:25 I suppose so.
25:28 I don't know.
25:30 Maybe I'm just trying to make this not my fault, and it is.
25:34 It's madness, that's the only way I can describe it.
25:37 But you do know that I'm sorry, don't you?
25:40 I do regret it.
25:41 Of course I do.
25:43 We wouldn't be having this conversation, would we, if I didn't?
25:46 Oh, I don't know.
25:49 Maybe going through the whys and wherefores is pointless anyway.
25:52 I mean, it's happened.
25:54 The world hasn't stopped turning.
25:57 I can't believe I've actually got to take this to a wedding reception after all of this.
26:02 Maybe I'll just drop it off with apologies.
26:05 Or maybe I'll go with you.
26:09 What for?
26:11 You don't want to be publicly humiliated as well.
26:13 This could be the sackcloth and ashes moment you're looking for.
26:16 I'm not... I just want to get past this, back to where we were.
26:19 Yeah, and so do I.
26:21 More than anything.
26:23 Right, well, perhaps if we do this together, you know,
26:26 and we take this, then perhaps that's like a first step of sorts, yeah?
26:32 It's the sort of thing that normal couples do, isn't it?
26:35 And maybe that'll show people that we're starting,
26:39 that we're trying to get there.
26:42 Are you sure that's what you want?
26:45 You know, I think it is, yeah.
26:48 If we can do that, then, yeah, maybe we can move on.
26:55 In the presence of God, Jay and Laurel have given their consent...
26:58 I can't believe that stubborn old fool hasn't shown up.
27:01 Shh!
27:03 As I was saying,
27:06 Jay and Laurel have given their consent
27:08 and made their marriage vows to each other.
27:11 They have declared their marriage by the joining of hands
27:14 and the giving and receiving of rings.
27:17 I therefore proclaim that they are husband and wife.
27:20 (ALL LAUGH)
27:23 Those whom God has brought together let no-one put asunder.
27:28 And, I always love this bit,
27:31 you may now kiss the bride.
27:35 Whatever differences me and the boy ever had,
27:48 well, he's surely got great taste.
27:50 Mm.
27:52 What?
27:54 I told you not to touch his collection, and yet here we are.
27:57 His collection ain't going to come to any harm.
27:59 And yet here we are,
28:01 and you still haven't asked me to dance.
28:04 That's because I don't... dance.
28:08 Why? Because you're a tough man?
28:11 No, because I've got two left foot.
28:14 Come on.
28:19 Come on.
28:21 Come on, aren't you a foolish man?
28:25 (ALL CHEER)
28:48 Congratulations. Can I kiss the bride?
28:51 Yeah, of course. Actually, I was asking her.
28:54 Yeah, yeah, no tongues. Oh, Nicola, honestly.
28:57 Congratulations. Thank you, thank you.
29:01 So, there was another row.
29:03 After an attempt at peace negotiations, yes.
29:07 This has to be a record.
29:09 And your uncle has evidently decided the war's still on.
29:13 Oh, well, he's the one that's going to have to live with it, isn't he?
29:17 Honestly, fathers and sons, eh?
29:20 Jay, Jay, Jay, you are a very lucky man.
29:25 I know. I helped Vicky. We should have done it years ago.
29:29 Congratulations.
29:31 Thanks, Mum.
29:33 And let's make this one last, eh?
29:36 And again, thanks, Mum.
29:38 And I'm sorry to have cast a cloud over the day,
29:40 but I did leave a message maybe he didn't get.
29:43 No, Ian, I've got the message, all right.
29:45 He's just... Well, he's decided what he's decided, hasn't he?
29:49 I'm sorry. I really am, honestly.
29:52 You know, it didn't feel right with him not being there, didn't it?
29:56 In the end, I've got to prioritise. Yes.
29:59 Cos there's somebody else that needs to be the focus today.
30:02 I get it. So go be with your wife.
30:04 Love you, missus.
30:06 (ALL CHEER)
30:09 How are you doing?
30:11 You seem really down earlier.
30:13 Yeah. Sorry.
30:15 Don't be sorry.
30:17 I just... I don't want you to stress about it.
30:21 I can't. I can't now. I mean, there's so much to stress about.
30:25 Yeah. Things are really up in the air.
30:29 And you're scared about what might happen.
30:32 No, I'm scared about what's going to happen, Noah.
30:35 I mean, even if Lloyd woke up tomorrow
30:39 and Dad got a pretty lenient sentence,
30:42 I'm still going to have to figure out how to do everything while he's away.
30:45 So then it's not so chaotic for when he finally comes home.
30:48 Come on.
30:51 Yeah.
30:55 I need support.
30:57 Times are going to be tough.
30:59 Too right they are.
31:01 And complicated.
31:03 I mean, there's bills and council tax.
31:06 Which is why I want to ask you a question.
31:08 And there's college, and trying to find out how to pay benefits
31:11 and looking after Esther.
31:13 Exactly.
31:15 So...
31:18 What are you doing?
31:24 What does it look like?
31:33 [MUSIC]
31:38 Starts Monday the 28th of August on ITV1.
31:44 Watch the critically acclaimed first series now on ITVX.
31:48 Do the dogs on Emmerdale know that they have a job?
31:54 Confused.com proudly sponsors Emmerdale.
32:00 [MUSIC]
32:02 Are you serious?
32:07 I'm not down here for no one.
32:09 No, you're asking me to marry you.
32:12 I mean, seriously.
32:15 Oh yeah.
32:17 Oh, Noah, you're so sweet, but you're also quite daft.
32:23 What?
32:25 Come on, up you get.
32:29 So, is that a no, then?
32:31 Yeah, it's a no.
32:33 Okay.
32:35 No, come on, be honest. You didn't really want it to be a yeah, did you?
32:39 I was just trying to do the right thing.
32:43 Because?
32:45 I saw Charles earlier.
32:48 And that wedding's happening, innit?
32:51 And he was on about that, for better or for worse.
32:55 And you've been upset.
32:58 And this is pretty bad.
33:00 Worse.
33:02 And...
33:03 Look, Noah, I'm gonna say something that I never even thought I'd say myself.
33:08 Noah. Sweet Noah.
33:12 But stay away from the church.
33:15 The Briding Group.
33:21 [CHEERING]
33:23 Oh my goodness, Gail, the place looks wonderful.
33:26 We did our best.
33:27 Well, actually, it was pretty much all me. Don't tell anyone.
33:30 Oh, don't worry, we're gonna keep it secret.
33:33 So, no Rishi, then?
33:35 Well, I'm sure you'll find out at some point.
33:39 Jay knows the whole truth now.
33:43 Right. I did wonder.
33:46 Well, that's the cat firmly among the pigeons, then.
33:49 Oh, darling, I hope it wasn't too upsetting for you today.
33:52 Oh, yeah, no, I'm fine.
33:54 I'm just glad Nicky isn't here, but then again, why would he get an invite of any kind?
33:59 Where do you think you're going?
34:05 Oh, just popping out for a few minutes.
34:08 Be back soon.
34:10 Penny for him?
34:14 Oh, I'm not sure they're worth that much.
34:18 I was just thinking how lucky I am.
34:21 Were you really thinking that, though?
34:24 Of course I was. And I'm not dwelling on anything.
34:28 Do you think I should call him?
34:30 Maybe later.
34:32 - Hey, Arnie. - Oh, hi.
34:34 Everybody, this is our dance!
34:37 - Will you? - If you'll have me.
34:49 I don't know why you were so reticent. You always knew how to cut a rug.
34:52 Oh, so did you. I mean, hence that policeman outside Arnie's.
34:55 Never happened, I'm telling you.
34:58 How about we put on something a bit more lively?
35:08 Why? Cos big man doesn't want to get too mushy?
35:10 No, no, it's just, well, you know, he must have some Wilson Pickett or Earth, Wind & Fire in there.
35:15 - Why don't I just... - Absolutely not.
35:18 I shouldn't have let you anywhere near his vinyl in the first place.
35:21 Charles is very protective of his collection. Always has been.
35:25 He's not so bad if you ask him first.
35:28 - I didn't hear you come in. - Plainly.
35:30 Er, how... how did your wedding go?
35:34 Pretty much how it's supposed to.
35:37 I'm gonna get changed for the reception.
35:41 (Door slams)
35:43 (Laughter)
35:46 Oh, there's a couple I didn't expect to see together.
35:59 - No, no. I think they're being very brave. - I think there's a fine line between brave and stupid, and that line's way behind it.
36:05 - Yeah. - I'm just saying, if I was her, I wouldn't have turned up here.
36:09 You were her once, with the groom, and yet here you are.
36:12 Yeah, and Bob had a thing with a bride, but he...
36:15 Fair point. I really don't think I can do this.
36:18 It's just a pop-in. It'll show people that we're doing OK, that we're getting past all the horrible.
36:24 Er, you look like you need rescuing.
36:31 You don't happen to have a magical cloak of invisibility, do you?
36:35 - I'm all out. - But you can have this.
36:38 - So how are you doing? - Yeah, we've tried to talk it out.
36:42 - And? - Step one on the road to recovery, apparently.
36:47 But if it's OK, I would like to do some more shifts at the hospital in the next week or two.
36:52 Keep me out of the surgery, just until things settle.
36:55 - Good to see Georgia again. - Yeah, I've just got here. You'll have to go and say hello.
37:00 I wonder if she's seeing anybody.
37:03 - Well, if not, Liam's available. - Hello.
37:07 Hm?
37:09 Is that supposed to be a joke?
37:12 No. Yeah. Sorry, it was too soon.
37:15 No, it's fine, it's fine. You make fun of me, don't you?
37:18 - I don't mean anything by it. - How would you feel if I started taking the mickey out of your love life?
37:22 - Cos it's plenty of material, believe me. - I think we should all calm down.
37:25 I'm perfectly calm, thank you!
37:27 No, you're not. You're making a spectacle of yourself.
37:33 - Sorry. - Sorry, everybody, I'm fine. Fine.
37:37 I'm fine.
37:39 Hi.
37:45 Hi.
37:47 Got your text.
37:49 You've obviously got fabulous taste.
37:51 So you thought you'd come straight over and thank me for the compliment?
37:55 Hm, yeah. I thought I'd take a chance, see if you really meant it.
38:00 Look, all that stuff about, you know, just being friends...
38:05 needs working on.
38:07 I was thinking maybe we could work on it tomorrow?
38:11 Oh, I move forward tomorrow.
38:29 Got some good news, Dad.
38:31 Alright.
38:33 Noah asked me to marry him.
38:35 You what? Amelia?
38:37 Well, I said no, obviously.
38:40 Can I just say something?
38:42 Can you explain how you two managed to get to the proposal stage?
38:46 Just so I know I've not had a mini-stroke or something.
38:48 Well, this lovely sweet lad wanted to make sure that we were looked after in the not-so-distant future.
38:54 You know, me and your granddaughter just decided to do the honourable thing.
38:58 Yeah, well, if I knew you'd tell your dad when you said no, I'd never have said no.
39:02 Yeah, bless.
39:04 You, son, are a diamond in the rough.
39:07 Well, I'll go put the kettle on.
39:09 Wish I'd never opened my mouth.
39:13 Noah, you know I love you.
39:15 Even if it's a bit too soon for all that.
39:17 Look here, the fact that you did that
39:20 shows more backbone and more commitment than half the male population.
39:26 And I'll tell you something else. It might be a bit too soon.
39:29 But if that day ever does come,
39:32 I will be a very proud dad-in-law.
39:35 Wherever I might be.
39:37 So, er, you promised to look after her, then?
39:41 Yeah, course I will.
39:43 Good.
39:45 I was just about to clean up in here.
39:53 I thought you were going to the reception.
39:55 No worries.
39:57 Thought I'd do it myself first.
39:59 So, about your father turning up...
40:05 I'm fine.
40:08 You think I can't tell when you're biting your tongue?
40:11 I'm fine.
40:14 I...
40:18 I know how hard it is.
40:20 But...
40:22 if I can forgive him, well, at least try to,
40:26 then surely you can.
40:28 I'm trying.
40:31 I promise you.
40:33 Now, why don't you get going?
40:37 And I'll stay and do all of this.
40:40 Your church.
40:43 (Birds chirping)
41:10 Still no sign.
41:13 Everyone wants the perfect wedding, don't they?
41:16 Doesn't mean they're gonna get it.
41:18 I don't know. Maybe we're not gonna get past this, me and him.
41:21 I know he's at fault.
41:23 Well, we both are, but...
41:25 Look, when you were growing up,
41:28 did you ever, ever feel any less his child than the other two?
41:34 - Course not. - No.
41:36 Because he never gave it another thought.
41:39 He loved me, and I learned to love him.
41:43 I was having a baby, and as far as you were concerned,
41:47 you were his.
41:50 That's really why he never told you.
41:53 You were his.
41:56 And any scandal or shame the family felt,
42:00 he dealt with it so that you never had to.
42:04 He loved you.
42:06 He still does.
42:09 (Chatter)
42:11 Thanks, Mum.
42:14 Oh, right.
42:17 (Bell rings)
42:21 Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention, please?
42:27 Well, this is the bit where the best man normally does his speech,
42:31 but, well, he seems to have disappeared, so...
42:34 Although he did leave this on the table,
42:39 and, well, while it's quite lively,
42:43 it's really just a series of inappropriate jokes, so...
42:47 - You've got me! - Aww!
42:50 Believe me, you'll be grateful.
42:53 Now, apart from a few hiccups this morning,
42:56 we've had a really fantastic day, haven't we?
42:59 Oh, yes. Thank you so much for coming, everyone.
43:02 And about one of those hiccups...
43:06 Well, there's a few that are missing today,
43:09 friends and family, and...
43:11 Well, one of those in particular, who is both.
43:15 I think you know who I'm talking about.
43:17 My dad. My friend.
43:20 We've had our ups and downs, me and him, lately.
43:23 But that's just...
43:25 Well, it's daft, isn't it?
43:27 Cos life is too short.
43:30 So first chance I get, I'm gonna tell him how much he means to me.
43:34 And I think we should all remember those who are really important to us,
43:39 whoever they are.
43:41 So, please, raise your glasses, everyone.
43:44 To absent friends and family.
43:46 Absent friends and family.
43:48 # I saw you smiling
43:52 # I caught you smiling back at me
43:57 # I saw you smiling back at me
44:02 # I caught you smiling back at me
44:07 # I caught you smiling back at me
44:12 # I caught you smiling back at me
44:17 # I caught you smiling back at me
44:22 # I caught you smiling back at me
44:26 # I caught you smiling back at me
44:31 # I caught you smiling back at me
44:36 # I caught you smiling back at me
44:41 # I caught you smiling back at me