Emmerdale 29th June 2023-n

  • last year


00:13 I need my phone.
00:39 Sorry, I can't risk it.
00:41 And my laptop.
00:42 Dad, it's got all my college stuff on it.
00:44 You're going to close down your page?
00:47 Exactly.
00:48 The minute I give it back to you,
00:49 you'll be on there getting loads more filthy messages.
00:52 Well, it's like what I keep on telling you.
00:53 This is just the standard for someone
00:54 who has a social media profile.
00:56 I can deal with him.
00:57 Standard?
00:59 How low is your bar?
01:00 Have you forgotten what happened last time already?
01:02 Your fitness craze that nearly got you an eating disorder?
01:04 Dad.
01:05 Trying to impress all your followers,
01:06 obsessed with getting likes.
01:07 Don't spoil this for me.
01:09 It's not about me, love.
01:12 If this was just other mums you were talking to,
01:14 I'd be dead chuffed for you.
01:16 There's some twisted people out there.
01:18 It's my job to protect you.
01:19 It's really not.
01:21 You know what?
01:21 You sound just like Noah.
01:23 And he did right telling me.
01:24 You were too harsh on him.
01:25 This isn't a game, Dad.
01:27 This is my business.
01:28 And it's because of me that we could afford decent food
01:30 this month.
01:31 You think that makes me feel good?
01:32 It should do.
01:34 You're so naive.
01:34 Yeah, and you're a bully.
01:36 Now, please just give me my stuff.
01:38 Close down your page, and I will.
01:40 Oh, I see the bag's getting another outing.
01:48 Come on, give us a twirl.
01:50 It's only a bag, Bob, and you've already seen it.
01:52 Well, it looks even snazzier today.
01:54 You've been making all the other nurses jealous.
01:56 What other nurses?
01:57 What an odd thing to say, like they
01:58 can't buy their own accessories.
02:00 Victoria's here for our advice session.
02:03 Ooh, new bag, Wendy.
02:05 My treat, because she's worth it.
02:07 Oh, doesn't it just make you want to vom?
02:09 Anyway, I've got a morning of admin, so you lot have fun.
02:14 So, to business.
02:19 Right, our sizzling summer barbecues.
02:23 Always a favorite.
02:24 What type of menu are we thinking?
02:26 Well, not just burgers, clearly, and Bob's fully on board.
02:29 Oh, well, that's a relief, because unless it's
02:31 footy off fireworks, burgers are just way too basic.
02:34 Still think it's heresy.
02:36 Well, I've had one or two ideas.
02:38 Chipotle pork ribs, butterflied prawn skewers,
02:42 mango and halloumi kebabs, chili chicken with drunken beans.
02:46 Ooh, very impressive.
02:48 Drunken beans?
02:49 What's a drunken bean?
02:50 Well, I can't remember the specifics.
02:52 Tell you, we're drunk, Carl, I guess.
02:54 They're going to be gutted they can't have
02:55 a quarter pound of it ketchup.
02:57 Well, that's assuming they're all Neanderthals like you.
02:59 Whoa, steady.
03:00 I'm sure we can find a compromise.
03:02 If you mean the primal thrill of cooking raw meat on fire,
03:05 then yes, call me a caveman, if you will.
03:08 It's reconstituted scraggins, Bob.
03:11 It's not as if you've killed a woolly mammoth
03:12 with your bare hands.
03:13 That's physically impossible.
03:14 Take 20 men at least.
03:16 Well, you go away and join a local history group, then,
03:18 and stay away from my grill, Bob Hope.
03:22 That's face in youth speak.
03:24 I'm aware, double meaning.
03:25 It's very clever.
03:26 I know.
03:27 Look, no one knows he's messed up.
03:33 I need to apologize if you just--
03:34 I'm not really interested, Sarah.
03:36 Plus, Lydia's got Esther for the whole day, so I can work.
03:39 It said 12 stops before mine half an hour ago.
03:42 What is this delivery man doing?
03:45 Refresh.
03:47 Refresh.
03:48 What's happening?
03:49 Nothing, that's the point.
03:50 I'm watching a red dot that's stuck between Demdike
03:52 and Roblesfield.
03:53 Oh, right.
03:54 Last time I paid six quid for next day delivery.
03:56 I'm off to the caf, get a nice macchiato to calm me down.
03:59 I don't care about Noah.
04:03 My dad's taken my phone and my laptop hostage,
04:06 and he's not giving me it back until I take down my pay.
04:08 No, do you know what?
04:09 He doesn't get to treat you like a kid.
04:10 You go to college now, you've got a baby,
04:12 you're paying your own way.
04:13 Yeah, exactly.
04:14 And I mean, what sort of example is this showing Esther,
04:17 him bossing me around?
04:20 Can I borrow your phone?
04:21 Rishi, it's me.
04:29 I'm just wondering about your chat with Jay.
04:32 Call me back and stay positive.
04:34 So what time are you expected at the seminar?
04:38 About 12.30.
04:40 You want to get there early, get your goodie bag.
04:42 Mold line is an incontinence, Pat.
04:44 It's a geriatric medicine refresher.
04:46 I knew that.
04:48 I expect there'll be a lunch first, though.
04:50 What do you think?
04:51 Oh, yeah.
04:52 Yeah, these pharmaceutical reps, they love a good spread.
04:55 Matron, we do love a good spread.
04:57 But you're right, a free lunch is not to be sniffed at.
05:00 Enjoy.
05:01 [HUMMING]
05:04 Oh, car keys.
05:10 Oh.
05:11 Thank you.
05:12 Bye.
05:13 So I've come up with a new twist for my novel,
05:22 if you're interested.
05:24 Is it a twist, though?
05:25 I mean, that's a rather bold claim.
05:27 Oh, yeah, I think so.
05:28 The short story judging panel said I had a slick mastery
05:31 of the genre.
05:32 Let's remember.
05:33 Mm, the killer's old Ambrose, the hospital porter.
05:37 Yeah, access all victims, check.
05:40 Murder weapon concealed inside his stretcher.
05:43 I'd only read one chapter.
05:44 More flags than the Olympic--
05:45 yeah.
05:46 Oh, Wendy, this is why I need you.
05:48 That must of you are awesome.
05:57 Proper community assisters.
05:58 I'm talking to the creeps.
06:04 You know you are.
06:06 Dropping by with your toxic messages.
06:09 You're not only affecting me, you're
06:10 affecting my family and my mates.
06:13 I'm sick of it.
06:15 I'm not going to be driven away by a minority of losers
06:17 who can't stand to see a young woman doing
06:19 something that she loves.
06:21 It wasn't an accident, me finding
06:23 those pages in the pub.
06:24 You'd planted them there deliberately
06:26 to reel me back in.
06:27 Busted.
06:29 I do hope this doesn't change your decision to be my editor.
06:32 Oh, well, that depends on how you
06:35 intend to bring the captain and Sister Mildred together.
06:38 Because let's face it, it's going to happen.
06:40 But you're plotting.
06:42 Snail paste.
06:43 It's a decision they can't take lightly.
06:45 I mean, it's the pressures of wartime.
06:47 It's impractical if editing.
06:48 When is love ever practical?
06:53 Uh, right.
06:56 Equally restraint can be noble.
06:59 Boring.
07:00 I'm bored.
07:02 You want me a grit, thrilled, swept along by the passion.
07:07 Yes, won't you?
07:09 That's exactly what I want.
07:10 [SIGHS]
07:12 Hello, surgery.
07:18 Yes, Mrs. Meeks, the community nurse
07:20 is running foot clinic today.
07:23 Foot clinic.
07:25 For your bunions.
07:28 That photo of hers has been going off all morning.
07:30 Because she's posted another video.
07:32 Oh, look at all the devices off her.
07:35 I'll have to get to the salon, see what she's playing at.
07:37 Just watch it first.
07:39 That must be your awesome.
07:47 Proper community assistive.
07:50 But I'm talking to the creeps.
07:53 You know who you are.
07:54 Dropping by with your toxic messages.
07:57 You're not only affecting me, you're
07:58 affecting my family and my mates.
08:01 I'm sick of it.
08:03 I'm not going to be driven away by a minority of losers
08:05 who can't stand to see a young woman doing
08:07 something that she loves.
08:09 She's killing it.
08:10 So if that's why you're here, just give it up now.
08:13 This is my page, and I'm staying.
08:18 Betty will get you a pink one tomorrow, I promise.
08:20 Hey, old kidder.
08:21 Long time no see.
08:22 You didn't tell me Frankie was coming.
08:23 Didn't I?
08:24 You going to meet up to see the boys?
08:27 Today's a bit tricky.
08:28 Well, how long's she stopping?
08:29 Not sure.
08:30 One more and we'll be crossed if she doesn't get a cuddle.
08:33 I'll see you at the cafe later.
08:35 I don't know.
08:36 She's going through a pussy stage.
08:37 Nothing chocolate won't sort.
08:39 How about a nice big sticky bun at the cafe in a bit?
08:42 Yeah?
08:43 No, she'll get her clothes dirty.
08:45 Don't be such an old woman.
08:46 I'll see you there in half an hour.
08:51 I just need a word with Amelia.
08:53 I've got nothing to say to you.
08:54 Oh, loud and clear.
08:55 Let's go back out again.
08:58 Noah came round and we watched your video.
09:01 I think we both went off the deep end.
09:03 And you were right with what you said.
09:05 If you delete your profile, you're
09:07 letting the sleazeballs win.
09:09 And we don't want that.
09:10 OK.
09:11 And he reckons that loads of girls
09:13 get messages like these every day.
09:14 Yeah.
09:15 What, and it's nowhere to mansplain it?
09:17 Well, it's not just girls though, is it?
09:18 I mean, I get what?
09:19 Probably about three a bit.
09:21 Eh?
09:21 No, not on the salon account, on my own socials.
09:24 It's my photo that attracts the pervs.
09:26 But it's me, so eh?
09:27 Why should I change it?
09:28 Yeah, you shouldn't have to.
09:30 And it looks great, so.
09:31 Thanks, Noah.
09:32 I know it does.
09:33 Well, they've got my head in.
09:34 Yeah, but you can't take it personally, right?
09:36 Because they don't know you, and that is what you
09:38 need to keep telling yourself.
09:39 Yeah, and all you do is just block and delete.
09:41 Yeah.
09:42 Dad, I don't even look past the first line.
09:44 And yes, there is a minority of them,
09:46 but most of my DMs are just lovely mums
09:48 that are stuck at home with their kids,
09:50 telling me how much they appreciate my content.
09:52 But if you get upset, if anything triggers your body
09:55 issues-
09:55 Dad!
09:56 You come to me.
09:57 Promise?
09:58 Or me.
09:59 You can talk to either of us, and I won't kick off again.
10:03 At least I'll try not to anyway.
10:04 So does that mean I can have my phone back?
10:09 Mm.
10:11 Your laptop's at home.
10:13 How was that for a bully?
10:14 Thanks.
10:18 So we need the kids there at 5 o'clock.
10:21 For?
10:22 Drinks, to celebrate our engagement.
10:24 Oh, is that really necessary?
10:26 I mean, you bought me a ring, which I wasn't expecting.
10:29 The jewelers were out of donuts.
10:31 I know, but you know, seeing as I proposed to you.
10:35 So I've been thinking, you know, are you
10:38 focusing in on this party because you're
10:41 deflecting from the situation about your dad?
10:45 Well, OK, about Rishi.
10:47 What about him?
10:48 If he couldn't find a window to discuss it
10:50 with me in the last 47 years, why should I bother?
10:53 Jay.
10:54 No, no, and if he genuinely treated me as a son,
10:57 why was it even on his radar?
10:59 Why did he feel the need to confess to Manpreet?
11:02 It doesn't make any sense.
11:04 He's telling two different stories.
11:05 Yeah, well, maybe both are true.
11:06 I mean, of course he saw you as his son.
11:08 I mean, that was obvious.
11:09 But maybe he also felt really guilty, you know,
11:13 weighed down by this awful secret.
11:15 And you're making excuses for him.
11:16 Am I going mad here?
11:18 I'm just saying that all this anger
11:19 isn't going to get us anywhere.
11:21 And the kids are going to pick up on it, aren't they?
11:23 You haven't said anything.
11:24 No, of course I haven't.
11:25 I've just said, you know, busy at work.
11:28 Which is why I'm trying to organize this party,
11:30 so that we can focus on our family, the one that
11:34 actually matters.
11:34 OK, fine.
11:35 And if you want to be supportive,
11:37 why don't you round up some guests?
11:38 I didn't say-- oh!
11:45 We have delivered your parcel.
11:48 Oh, finally!
11:50 Hi.
11:51 Welcome to Pampamanda.
11:53 You must be my bed trim, right?
11:55 Is it that obvious?
11:56 Oh, no, no, no.
11:57 No, not in the chicken coop, you daft turnip.
12:00 How is that a safe place?
12:02 The girls peck at everything.
12:03 Oh, my god.
12:05 My boss is a bit stressed.
12:06 But if you just pop over there--
12:08 my name's Amelia, by the way.
12:09 Right.
12:11 I'm going to have to go and rescue my new satin bath
12:12 before the girls cover it in chicken poo.
12:15 Oh, go.
12:16 I'm fine.
12:17 Oh, sorry.
12:18 I'm leaving you in the very safe hands of this superstar.
12:20 No problem.
12:21 Good luck with your mission.
12:22 Thanks.
12:23 Fingers crossed I've saved my dirty night in my party.
12:26 See you.
12:26 See you.
12:27 Right, I'll just get some products.
12:44 So how did you hear about us?
12:47 Some photos popped up on my social media.
12:49 Oh, what, my gallery of bird pics?
12:52 And when I saw the name Pampamanda,
12:54 I thought I'd go and try you out.
12:55 Well, I can guarantee you will not be disappointed.
13:00 You're better than my usual barbers.
13:02 Stinks of sweat and burning nose hairs.
13:04 Oh, don't worry.
13:05 I will not be doing that to you.
13:09 And there's the smile.
13:12 Sorry?
13:13 You're even prettier in person.
13:16 Well, if you mean the pictures of me on the salon page,
13:19 they're a bit dodge.
13:20 I don't.
13:22 I follow your profile.
13:23 I'm a top subscriber.
13:27 Do you want to have a guess?
13:29 Actually, you won't.
13:30 That's not fair.
13:32 Um, you said your name's Lloyd.
13:39 Better known as Carefree 23.
13:41 Carefree 23.
13:48 Familiar?
13:49 Yeah.
13:53 So, hello, Amelia.
13:57 It's an absolute pleasure to experience you in the flesh.
14:01 But-- but I thought--
14:03 What?
14:05 Am I not what you expected?
14:07 Yeah.
14:09 Right.
14:10 Seeing as we're going with my barbecue brand idea--
14:12 Only because I was outnumbered.
14:13 I've made a small sample to remove all doubt.
14:16 You sure Victoria hasn't helped?
14:17 She's on the laptop trying to source local jackfruit.
14:20 Of course she is.
14:21 Brace your taste buds.
14:23 My menu will transport you to worlds of culinary delectation
14:27 burgers can only dream of.
14:29 You won, Bernice.
14:30 Just leave my burgers out of it.
14:31 We've won, Mr. Hope.
14:32 There's no I in team.
14:35 Come on, then.
14:36 What's on your stick?
14:38 I present to you my zingy mango and halloumi
14:42 kebabs with lime and chili jam on the side.
14:46 You haven't just made lime and chili jam.
14:48 It's actually some lemon curd I found
14:49 in the back of the cupboard.
14:50 So you'll have to imagine.
14:51 You trying to poison me?
14:53 Open.
14:54 I'm worried.
14:55 I think it's when he said zingy.
14:57 Reminds me of that puppy.
14:58 You know, the one with the big, wide mouth.
15:00 Zippy, you fool.
15:02 And he has no connection whatsoever
15:04 to our al fresco sophistication.
15:06 Now open.
15:08 Ah.
15:09 Mm?
15:10 Mm.
15:12 Mm.
15:12 Now your turn.
15:13 Mm.
15:20 Mm.
15:21 Mm.
15:22 You have to imagine the lime and chili.
15:26 Mm.
15:27 I'm imagining.
15:28 Mm.
15:29 Mm.
15:31 Mm?
15:31 Mm?
15:32 What?
15:33 You-- you're on there.
15:35 Oh.
15:36 I found you jackfruit.
15:41 So the seduction.
15:51 Finally.
15:52 I mean, the-- this is a murder mystery.
15:56 Half the ward have succumbed to their deaths.
15:59 I mean, the man's going to be on high alert.
16:01 Still got urges, though.
16:02 He's been at war for months.
16:03 But if she lavishes him with attention,
16:06 then surely he'll suspect her murderous motives.
16:10 What if he does?
16:11 The danger excites him, makes her even
16:13 more impossible to resist.
16:16 Yeah.
16:18 That could work.
16:20 So he's lying there, helpless, while she finishes
16:26 the final water and it's dark.
16:28 So she-- she carries a lantern.
16:32 And he is strangely aroused by the smell of carbolic soap.
16:37 And she says nothing, just checks his bandages,
16:41 her hands surprisingly firm and warm.
16:46 While the flickering light plays across his naked body.
16:52 When, dear?
16:54 Near.
16:56 I thought we said--
16:58 Shh.
17:00 We can't do this.
17:02 Well, I know.
17:03 I mean, that's--
17:04 Surgery.
17:05 We've still got community phone clinic.
17:08 Oh, girl.
17:10 Have you got a free house?
17:12 Yeah.
17:14 Come on.
17:17 Why are you looking so nervous?
17:18 You tagged this place in all your posts.
17:20 I thought you wanted custom.
17:21 You're not just here for a page rim.
17:24 You didn't post yesterday.
17:25 I watch your videos as soon as they drop.
17:28 I always get the first liking.
17:31 You always send me a kissy face emoji.
17:34 I thought you were a woman.
17:36 Just came to check how you were.
17:39 Look, I think you should go now.
17:42 I've made all this effort to visit.
17:44 We can talk in real life.
17:45 I don't want to.
17:46 Because your assumptions are wrong.
17:48 That's very narrow minded.
17:49 It wasn't assumption.
17:51 Your profile picture was some cartoon girl.
17:53 You definitely lied.
17:54 It's from my favorite TV show.
17:57 There's nothing suspect about that.
17:58 Oh!
17:59 I've enjoyed watching you grow.
18:07 It's only a month, and the improvement is remarkable.
18:10 From your terrible delivery and your bad lighting
18:13 to the budding star I see now.
18:16 I'm your number one fan.
18:18 Just go now.
18:19 Relax.
18:21 I'm not one of the nasties who's been upsetting you.
18:23 I can protect you from them.
18:26 I just want to talk.
18:27 Hey.
18:31 Can I interest you in a joint supplement to boost
18:34 brain function and vitality?
18:37 What?
18:39 Never mind.
18:40 Wrong moment.
18:41 [CHUCKLES]
18:43 The situation's got worse, if that's even possible.
18:47 Oh, no.
18:48 I left you a message to see if you'd spoken to Jay.
18:50 I started to.
18:51 We were making progress until I stupidly
18:55 let slip that I had discussed it with you,
18:57 and you'd always known.
18:59 Rishi, it's probably best to have left that bit out.
19:02 He was furious.
19:04 Accused me of confiding in someone I'd known five minutes.
19:08 Well, I mean, sometimes that's easier, though.
19:10 I could have been an objective sounding board.
19:13 Maybe you can explain.
19:15 Oh, no.
19:16 The last thing Jay needs is me getting involved.
19:18 I'm sorry, Rishi, but this is between you and him.
19:22 How do I make it better?
19:24 Get back to how we were.
19:26 Well, you've tried talking, and that didn't work.
19:27 So I'd just give him some space, and he'll
19:30 come to you when he's ready.
19:32 Do you think he will?
19:33 Yeah.
19:35 But for once in your life, you're
19:36 going to have to be patient.
19:37 [DOOR OPENS]
19:38 [DOOR OPENS]
19:40 Oh, I guess Dinoni Wise is asking
19:43 something about a trig point.
19:44 Is it acupuncture?
19:46 Geography.
19:47 Oh.
19:48 Well, I'm sure Bob can hold the fort.
19:54 Tell me.
19:59 I'm way off the mark, but I'm getting
20:01 some proper weird vibes.
20:04 Sorry?
20:05 Is something going on, Bob?
20:07 Going on?
20:08 How do you mean?
20:09 Between you and Bernice.
20:10 It's felt very intense.
20:12 We're business partners.
20:13 Well, you and Brenda were business partners,
20:15 and I never saw the two of you act anything like this.
20:17 Like what?
20:19 I'm--
20:20 I'm really in the dark here.
20:21 Come on, Bob.
20:23 I hate to cast aspersions, but with your track record,
20:25 I'm going to, for Wendy's sake.
20:27 You sure?
20:28 How will I treat her?
20:29 Well, that could be subconscious guilt, a decoy tactic.
20:32 I am really offended, Victoria.
20:35 I'm happy with Wendy, often deliriously so.
20:39 I am fully committed to our relationship,
20:41 going the distance.
20:42 Does Bernice know?
20:45 Are your boundaries clear, Bob?
20:46 Because suppose she's getting feelings?
20:48 You see, this one's been favorited the most,
20:57 but I don't think it's your best work.
20:59 OK.
21:00 It feels a bit rushed.
21:03 And that hairstyle is distracting.
21:05 I'm sorry.
21:06 Oh, you don't need to apologize.
21:07 As a subscriber, I'm just giving you feedback.
21:10 You should welcome the opportunity to learn.
21:12 I do.
21:15 You know, but maybe we should keep it online,
21:18 our communication.
21:18 It's more appropriate, more professional.
21:21 What do you mean, appropriate?
21:23 Appropriate for who?
21:25 For me.
21:27 I was confused who I was speaking to.
21:29 I thought you were a girl.
21:30 I never told you that.
21:33 Go back and check if you don't believe me.
21:34 Please just go now.
21:37 Do you know how much money I've paid you?
21:40 Plus the beard trim, which I don't really need.
21:42 And the tip I'm going to give you.
21:48 So that buys me one-on-one time, offline.
21:57 We can really get to know each other.
21:59 Mandy!
21:59 What is it?
22:01 What's going on?
22:04 What's it, that fella?
22:06 Emilia, has he done something?
22:08 OK, OK, it's OK.
22:09 It's OK.
22:14 Bernice is my work wife.
22:26 I'm very fond of the woman.
22:28 But she knows that Wendy's my partner, my soul mate.
22:32 I'm completely taken.
22:34 I'm only trying to lend my female expertise.
22:37 Because men can be useless when it comes to reading signals,
22:39 even one with your vast experience.
22:42 Well, I appreciate your insight.
22:44 But the truth is, you couldn't be more wrong.
22:47 Because?
22:49 Because Bernice is still in love with Liam.
22:54 Liam.
22:56 I knew they'd had a frizzle.
22:57 Yes, they did.
22:58 And it hit poor Bernice like a sledgehammer.
23:02 All those old feelings surging.
23:06 He was her one true love.
23:08 She dumped him from Australia.
23:11 And she bitterly regrets it.
23:13 The hours we spent talking here, she's tortured herself.
23:17 It's heartbreaking.
23:18 Aw.
23:19 I've just been trying to cheer her up.
23:22 That's probably what confused you.
23:24 Yeah, yeah.
23:25 Off you.
23:26 Thought Wendy had competition and got all protective there.
23:29 [COUGHS]
23:32 Did you find your trick point?
23:34 Triangulation pillar, actually.
23:36 Bob, a word.
23:37 Yeah, later, yeah.
23:37 Please go and get an engagement card for Laurel and Jay.
23:39 Oh, um, just to give you the heads up,
23:48 I'm closing early for Laurel and Jay's engagement party.
23:50 Oh, no worries. We can go if you want.
23:52 Right, you're not finished your keg?
23:53 No, no, no.
23:54 I'm not kicking you out right now.
23:55 I wouldn't dare.
23:56 Just, uh, calling last orders.
23:58 How's Angelica, dude?
24:00 She's still on crutches.
24:01 But we're carrying down the weeks now.
24:02 I mean, she is less miserable than she was, so.
24:04 Oh, bless her.
24:05 Please give her my best, will you?
24:06 Oh, I will. Thanks, Moira.
24:08 Seriously, though, we do need to be going.
24:10 Nope.
24:11 Have I had the same, you and Frankie?
24:12 Yeah, and you said Tracy's all good.
24:15 It's just she wouldn't normally send Frankie off
24:16 without being with her.
24:17 And my dad, I'm perfectly capable of looking after her.
24:20 Yeah, of course.
24:21 I was just wondering if she might be struggling, you know,
24:24 with nursery being closed for the summer.
24:26 Well, Frankie just wanted to spend some time with her daddy.
24:28 That's all.
24:30 Anyway, like I said, I've got some stuff I have to do.
24:32 Nate, I'm sorry.
24:33 I didn't mean to suggest it.
24:34 No, it's cool.
24:35 But we could keep a hold of Frankie if you're busy.
24:37 Yeah, she could come over to ours for tea.
24:39 The boys could spend some time with her.
24:40 Yeah, and you could even feed the lambs, eh?
24:42 You can't deprive her of that.
24:44 You ain't got a car seat?
24:45 Well, we can borrow yours.
24:46 No, it's too complicated.
24:47 Look, I've got to go.
24:48 Wow.
24:56 That was weird.
24:57 This might be a bit stressed.
24:59 It's not easy having your kid part-time.
25:02 So why not accept our help?
25:04 Well, I'm prayed.
25:05 I wonder where he gets that from.
25:08 All right.
25:09 Nope.
25:10 Someone's not going to be happy.
25:14 Mm.
25:15 Jay, Jay, so are we all going to get involved
25:18 in planning the wedding?
25:19 Yeah, of course.
25:20 Do I have to get you and Laurel a present?
25:22 That's the least you can do since you're getting
25:23 a free holiday to Croatia.
25:24 Can I get some new trainers, Dad?
25:26 Dad?
25:27 Yeah, we'll talk about this at home, all right, darling?
25:29 OK.
25:30 Jay, come on.
25:32 Oh, Jay.
25:34 Oh.
25:36 Oh, look, I'm really happy for you.
25:38 Come here.
25:39 Thanks.
25:40 I think Laurel was a little bit nervous about telling me,
25:42 you know, because of Nicky.
25:43 But it's good to see what real trust in a relationship
25:45 looks like.
25:46 Trust.
25:47 Yeah, Gabby, can you help me with the drinks?
25:50 And all this is so you can justify a honeymoon
25:53 suite in Croatia, Nicola told me.
25:56 So have you set a date for the wedding yet?
25:57 Oh, you want to get the family over?
25:58 Make a party of it.
25:59 Yeah, we're just going to keep it really small, you know,
26:01 close family and friends.
26:03 Why? Don't be boring.
26:04 Yeah, I'm not sure Rishi will understand the memo.
26:07 I bet he's already planning your stag.
26:09 Shouldn't take a bet on the gods, Jutens.
26:11 Where is the old devil?
26:14 Not coming.
26:15 Your dad's bailed.
26:16 Well, that's not on.
26:18 Jimmy, quick.
26:18 All the mini pot pies are going.
26:21 Jay.
26:22 I'm fine.
26:26 You know, I keep thinking back to stuff that I wrote her.
26:37 Carefree at 23.
26:40 It's like all this girly, funny stuff like she were a mate.
26:45 Because this Lloyd plug, you were lying to her.
26:48 Well, you said you didn't.
26:50 It was me that assumed.
26:51 No.
26:53 You were making videos for young mums about makeup.
26:56 He was reeling you in.
26:57 Why, though?
27:00 Why did he have to follow me?
27:01 There's a million other better pages.
27:03 That's what he's looking for.
27:05 He saw young girls starting out, you know.
27:08 I thought he could manipulate you.
27:10 Should have protected myself.
27:12 That's the first rule of the internet,
27:14 that people are what they seem.
27:16 Any five-year-old would know that.
27:18 If anyone wants to blame, it's me for letting
27:20 you make your videos in it.
27:21 And I made you promote us.
27:22 Yeah, I didn't think people would come and find me, though.
27:25 You crossed the line.
27:27 And that was me telling you that.
27:29 It's not personal.
27:30 I'm so sorry, sweetheart.
27:31 Being really stupid.
27:38 And dad, he's been going on about these horrible messages
27:46 when the biggest creep were there this whole entire time.
27:50 I've been speaking to him every single day.
27:56 Come on, come on.
27:57 You are not stupid.
28:00 I've been spouting on about block and delete,
28:03 like that's the answer to everything.
28:05 I'm going to get you, dad.
28:06 No, Mandy, you can't.
28:08 Because I've promised him that everything's fine,
28:10 I can handle it.
28:11 OK.
28:16 I can't.
28:19 I cannot show that you were right all along.
28:22 Coming.
28:30 Hi.
28:36 Yes.
28:37 Oh, I didn't mean to disturb you.
28:38 Oh, you didn't?
28:39 No, just hanging, kicking back.
28:42 This is a bit of a weird one, so hear me out.
28:47 If I told you you had a secret admirer--
28:50 Sorry?
28:51 Well, not so secret, actually, because the two of you
28:53 have history.
28:54 She's denying it like crazy.
28:55 What?
28:56 You know.
28:58 Know what?
28:59 Who she is.
29:00 Who is?
29:01 The person that's got a massive crush on you.
29:03 Bernice.
29:04 [DOOR SLAMS]
29:06 Oh.
29:07 Yeah, that's bare.
29:08 Feet like an elephant.
29:10 Right.
29:11 So you were saying?
29:14 OK.
29:16 Do you know what?
29:17 It's not urgent.
29:18 Great.
29:19 I can pop back.
29:20 Yeah, OK.
29:21 Goodbye.
29:21 I think I stalled it out.
29:29 Was that Victoria?
29:31 What did she want?
29:31 No idea.
29:32 I couldn't focus.
29:33 I'm going to go back, Bernice.
29:35 No, that was too close for comfort.
29:37 We should be more careful.
29:38 We're not going.
29:39 Yeah.
29:41 Another five minutes.
29:42 She could have seen me leaving.
29:44 Five minutes?
29:45 I was hoping you'd go for round two.
29:46 Oh, you are wicked.
29:49 No.
29:50 Oh.
29:52 Uh, no.
29:53 Oh.
29:54 Bob?
30:01 Bob!
30:03 What was that ridiculous performance?
30:05 I had to do major damage limitation with Victoria
30:08 after you'd gone.
30:09 So at least have the guts to face me.
30:10 You're giving it all this.
30:12 I panicked.
30:13 You're pathetic.
30:14 I had to get her off the scent.
30:15 Scent?
30:16 What scent?
30:17 What are you implying?
30:18 Come on, Bernice.
30:19 When you-- you know, when we had our little moment,
30:22 that undeniable spark.
30:24 That was the wine.
30:25 Well, it probably helped.
30:26 You are with Wendy.
30:28 She is your soulmate, apparently, whereas I'm
30:30 just the boring work wife.
30:31 What?
30:32 So I hope you'll be blissfully happy with your cozy evenings
30:34 in while she's doing her knitting
30:36 and you're holding her bobbins.
30:37 Bobbins?
30:38 Bobbins, Bob.
30:39 So you can stop all this talk about scent and sparks
30:41 because it's very misleading.
30:43 Yeah, yeah, you're right.
30:44 Whatever seems to be happening needs to stop
30:47 because my heart is with Wendy.
30:49 Good.
30:50 I'm glad we cleared that up.
30:51 Not that there was any doubt.
30:53 You don't know how to fancy yourself, Bob Hope.
30:55 How you business done, then?
31:00 Yeah.
31:01 Keeping tabs on me.
31:04 Frankie forgot this.
31:04 Cheers.
31:05 Losing my head.
31:07 She's having a nap at the minute,
31:08 but she'll be proper chuffed.
31:09 What's all that?
31:11 Frankie's stuff.
31:12 Laurie packed less than this for the four of us for a week.
31:19 Yeah, Tracy got a bit carried away.
31:21 A bit?
31:22 You sure there's nothing you want to tell us?
31:27 Don't think so.
31:29 Best unpack that, then.
31:31 Not much use to Frankie in there.
31:33 Yeah, I was just about to.
31:34 Right.
31:40 [DOOR OPENS]
31:41 Hi, love.
31:42 You all right?
31:43 It's me, Harry.
31:45 Come and see what Nana's got for you.
31:47 Oh, it's with Theo.
31:49 Oh.
31:50 Oh, well.
31:52 It's only this.
31:53 Nothing exciting.
31:54 Oh, it's gorgeous.
31:57 I honestly don't know where you find the time.
31:59 Oh, you know me, love.
32:00 I've got to be doing something with my hands.
32:03 What?
32:05 Oh, Wendy.
32:06 [LAUGHS]
32:09 What?
32:10 On the outside, you're a respectable health
32:13 professional with your neatly pressed uniform
32:16 and your sensible shoes.
32:18 And on the inside, you're a raging temptress.
32:21 Me?
32:26 I saw your handbag at Liam's.
32:28 Heard you squeaking across the floor of his bedroom.
32:31 So come on.
32:32 How long have you been playing doctors and nurses
32:34 behind Bob's back?
32:37 [SIGHS]
32:39 Sweetheart, maybe he could phone and rest today.
32:41 He's messaged.
32:42 Lloyd.
32:43 I thought-- I thought you blocked him.
32:44 No, I did.
32:45 He must have made another profile.
32:47 Look, he said that we should try and meet up again now
32:49 that we've broken the ice.
32:50 All right, Amelia. Right.
32:51 Calm down, right? - No, no.
32:52 What should I do?
32:53 Should I message him back?
32:54 I can't even think.
32:55 Look, he's done it again.
32:56 There's just-- leave me alone.
32:58 No, no.
32:59 I'm deactivating all my socials, and I'm deleting that page.
33:02 OK, a bit drastic.
33:03 OK, good.
33:04 He is going to lose interest.
33:06 It's not just him, though, is it?
33:07 I mean, all the people that follow me,
33:09 they know where I work.
33:11 But it is just him.
33:12 And from the sound of it, you're very clear
33:14 at telling him where to get off.
33:15 Yeah, I was.
33:16 Well, then, he'd be daft to come back and plus
33:18 he won't get past me for a start.
33:20 Yeah, you're right.
33:21 I'm done with it now.
33:23 No more phone, no more text, so no one will be able to find me.
33:26 Good girl.
33:27 [DOOR OPENS]
33:55 It's him.
34:00 Come on!
34:10 Show your face, you sad sack!
34:13 Does it feel good, eh?
34:13 Intimidating, innocent young girl, eh?
34:16 Hey, I can hear you from up here down the street.
34:19 Who's the sad sack, and who's the young girl?
34:21 Damn it.
34:23 Where's Amelia?
34:25 What's happened?
34:26 Come on.
34:27 Come on.
34:28 Where to start?
34:29 I have so many questions.
34:31 Oh.
34:33 Look, it just happened.
34:35 I started helping Liam write his short story,
34:38 and one thing led to another.
34:41 So it's ongoing?
34:42 You and Dr. Cav are having an actual affair?
34:46 Oh, Wendy.
34:47 We weren't until we were again.
34:49 It only just started again today.
34:52 What is it about the man?
34:54 How has he got all these women losing their heads?
34:57 Well, he must have some serious skills.
35:00 Skills?
35:01 Oh, come on, Wendy.
35:02 We all know he's a boss when it comes to pricking
35:04 out his cherry tomatoes.
35:05 Victoria!
35:06 Liam and his magic fingers, eh?
35:08 I don't think I'll be able to look at him again.
35:11 Are you finding this funny?
35:13 No.
35:14 No, I'm not, because what you're doing is cheating.
35:19 And I know it's only Bob and his 47 wives,
35:22 but it seems like he really loves you.
35:26 And I love Bob.
35:27 I do.
35:28 So then I'm not sure how that works.
35:32 I can't explain it either.
35:34 Bob once said to me I was his cheese sandwich,
35:37 and that's what he wants.
35:39 But with Liam, I can be--
35:41 can be so much more than that.
35:44 So when you made that comment at the Hyde about wanting
35:47 more out of life, you were talking about Bob,
35:50 about being unhappy.
35:51 No, not unhappy.
35:53 Just coasting.
35:55 So then find a way to bring the spark back.
35:58 You need to get a grip on this, because if I found out,
36:01 someone else is going to.
36:02 Don't tell Bob, please.
36:03 I promise I'll end it.
36:04 Will you, though?
36:05 Because you're putting me in a really tricky situation here.
36:08 Victoria, we're family.
36:10 And Bob's my friend.
36:15 I think we might have overdone it on the beats.
36:18 Do you want to see if anyone wants seconds on the buffet?
36:19 Yes.
36:20 They're not all for you, Arthur Thomas.
36:22 Oh, look, everyone's having a lovely time,
36:24 so just relax, love.
36:26 Rishi, better late than never.
36:28 Grab yourself a glass.
36:29 No, Jimmy, I won't stay.
36:31 Who's just staying?
36:32 What are you talking about?
36:34 Dad.
36:35 [PANTING]
36:37 Out.
36:38 You are not invited.
36:39 Why?
36:40 Archie made me come.
36:41 I could hardly explain.
36:42 He was sitting at home.
36:43 He didn't know there was a party.
36:45 Archie, this is grown-up business.
36:46 All right, Jay.
36:47 I was trying to give you space.
36:52 I handled things all wrong.
36:54 From the very beginning, your mother
36:56 and I agreed that there was no reason to tell you.
37:01 I don't care.
37:02 Then all the years went by, and you all missed opportunities.
37:07 I supposed to have spoken up.
37:08 Look, I'm so sorry.
37:10 You are now, because you've been caught out.
37:13 No, it's because I can see the distress is causing you.
37:16 Can we not do this here?
37:18 All right.
37:20 Look, Jay, I'm not a wise man.
37:22 I'm foolish, cowardly, and easily led.
37:26 But I always made sure that my family were the most
37:28 important thing in my life.
37:30 Oh, please.
37:31 You and Nikhil and Priya, I loved you all the same.
37:34 But it was inconceivable to me that you
37:36 were anything other than my son.
37:39 This isn't about your feelings.
37:42 It's about me, who I am, where I came from.
37:45 You have kept that from me.
37:47 You are still keeping it from me.
37:50 You are who you are.
37:51 I didn't deprive you of anything.
37:52 The truth.
37:53 I'm adopted.
37:58 You are not my dad.
37:59 All those years, people saying how I took after you.
38:03 He's his father's son.
38:05 You know, you lapped it up.
38:07 You said nothing.
38:08 You are more like me than your brother.
38:10 But you were my pride and joy.
38:12 But I'm not yours.
38:16 It was a lie.
38:18 I don't know how you can live with yourself.
38:20 Please don't be mad.
38:29 Why would I be mad at you?
38:30 Because you always warned me not to do any of the tutorials,
38:33 and I didn't listen to you.
38:34 Yeah, but this bloke's not even one of the ones
38:36 who's been messaging you.
38:37 That's why I can't get my head around.
38:38 This is one of your lovely moms.
38:40 But there was no hint that he was faking was the man's.
38:42 I swear.
38:43 He used a female profile pic, right?
38:45 So cartoon or not, he knows exactly what he's doing.
38:47 Yeah, dad.
38:47 This isn't your fault. I believe you.
38:50 All right, but tell him that you've deleted your page
38:52 so he can't contact you again.
38:53 Amelia.
38:54 Right, look, it's all there in the letter.
38:57 He knows where you live now.
38:58 No, he must have followed us from salon.
39:00 I've got his name and his address,
39:01 so it'll make the police's job easier.
39:04 Police?
39:05 Stalk him, threaten him, behave you, take your pic.
39:07 Look, I'm going to leave you two in peace.
39:08 Please don't tell anyone about this, especially Noah.
39:13 Promise.
39:14 Right, kids, I think you need to all go outside.
39:25 If mediation's required, I'm a trained counselor.
39:28 Please, you bought a certificate off the internet.
39:30 Arthur, Dottie, go on.
39:32 Come on.
39:32 I'm staying with my dad.
39:34 That's fine.
39:38 I'm sorry I ruined your party.
39:41 For once, I have no words.
39:43 You're rishy, decent, cuddly, harmless.
39:47 I know it's a shock, but families are made up
39:50 of all sorts these days.
39:51 I mean, look at Carl and Elliot.
39:53 And there's Nicola pretending to be their mum
39:54 their entire life.
39:56 Well, no.
39:57 Then you have no idea.
40:00 Go, now, or I will throw you out.
40:04 I'll get this lot tidied away.
40:06 Yeah, come on, Jimmy.
40:07 My granddad stole my granddad.
40:11 Well, he picked me up after chess club
40:13 and took me for a burger.
40:14 Listen, darling, I promise you we
40:16 will talk about this later, OK?
40:18 But maybe you could help Auntie Nicola pack away the food, yeah?
40:22 That would be really helpful.
40:23 Thank you.
40:25 All right.
40:26 Well, at least it's out.
40:32 You were right.
40:35 We should never have done this.
40:36 [SIGHS]
40:38 They're our friends.
40:39 It's fine.
40:40 This was supposed to be about us, our engagement, the kids.
40:45 It doesn't matter.
40:46 No, it does.
40:47 My dad's ruined everything.
40:48 And I keep calling him dad.
40:50 OK.
40:51 Shush, come on.
40:53 Look what it's done to our family.
40:56 I wish I'd never found out.
40:57 Hello, you.
41:04 Just like normal, Victoria knows.
41:07 Knows?
41:08 About our extra curriculum.
41:10 What's it?
41:11 She recognised my handbag.
41:12 Oh, God.
41:13 It's Bob.
41:14 Is there about to be fisticuffs?
41:15 No, just like normal.
41:17 Greetings, friends.
41:18 We're just talking work.
41:19 It's that time of year, summer flu.
41:21 You're allergies.
41:22 Unwelcome pests.
41:23 What?
41:25 Nothing.
41:26 Well, you looked at me when you said pests.
41:28 I was just thinking about the Asian hornet.
41:31 There have been sightings.
41:32 Anyway, I've come to rescue my woman.
41:38 How does a paella and a bottle of Rioja
41:41 at that new seafood place sound?
41:43 Oh.
41:45 Oh, it's perfect.
41:47 This phone of yours must be charged by now.
41:58 OK.
42:00 [SIGHS]
42:02 Right.
42:06 Let's see them messages, then we can get them
42:08 printed off to the police.
42:09 No, I can't.
42:09 I've told you I've deactivated my account, haven't I?
42:12 OK.
42:13 Well, I won't be able to retrieve them for evidence.
42:15 Look, I'll call them and explain what's been going on,
42:18 and the police will need to talk to you.
42:20 No, no, Dad, don't.
42:21 Just hang up.
42:22 What?
42:23 I don't want to report it.
42:24 I just don't.
42:25 Eh?
42:26 It's bad enough that I'm going to have to tell Sarah
42:28 and Noah and all my other mates that I've
42:30 deactivated my account.
42:31 You've got nothing to be ashamed of.
42:32 Look, Dad, I don't want to explain it.
42:35 I don't want to keep going over and over it.
42:37 I just want to forget Carefree 23 and move on with my life.
42:40 Start concentrating on Esther and college and the salon.
42:44 You sure that's what you want, though?
42:45 Because you said on that video before that you weren't
42:47 going to let anyone stop you.
42:48 Yeah, but you agreed that I should quit.
42:50 Only until we report it, until the police
42:52 get hold of this bloke.
42:53 I don't want you pulling the plug out of fear.
42:55 Look, Dad, please.
42:56 Let me just deal with it.
42:57 No, you don't understand.
42:59 Understand what?
43:00 Look, if he finds out that we've spoke to the police,
43:04 he might get really angry.
43:05 He thinks that we're mates.
43:06 Doesn't matter what he thinks.
43:07 The guy's a danger.
43:08 Look, Dad, please don't make me go to the police.
43:10 I'm begging you.
43:11 All right, OK.
43:12 All right, listen.
43:13 Listen.
43:13 I won't make you do anything you don't want to do.
43:16 We'll do it your way from now on, eh?
43:20 Get up for a bath, and we'll have a chippy tea.
43:22 [SNIFFLES]
43:25 If you've been affected by Amelia's story,
43:52 you can visit itv.com/advice for support information.
43:57 Next, can you spot the fraudsters?
43:59 It's "Scam Britain--
44:01 How to Stay Safe."
44:14 (upbeat music)