Emmerdale 18th August 2023 - n

  • last year


00:51 Want a brew?
00:53 Thought I might be looking after you.
00:55 Well, I couldn't sleep.
00:57 Well, I took today off, so you don't have to be by yourself.
01:01 Thanks, Noah.
01:02 But I've got to get to work.
01:03 Yeah, eight years.
01:17 Don't know how them judges sleep at night.
01:19 And now, Emile and Esther are paying the price.
01:21 I mean, they call that justice.
01:24 Hey, Marlon.
01:25 You should pay for this, will you?
01:27 I've got to go.
01:27 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
01:29 Wait.
01:30 You either talk to him, or you sleep on your own tonight.
01:32 $15.97, please.
01:37 I've been calling you.
01:38 Yeah, I've been busy, but like, really, really, really, really,
01:41 really, really, really busy.
01:42 You said you and Mandy had a line in the late start.
01:44 Admit it, you're sulking.
01:47 I'm really sorry I forgot about our drink yesterday.
01:49 You had a better offer, happens.
01:51 To Marlon.
01:53 Rather spend time with Mary than your best mate.
01:55 Mother-in-law.
01:57 Who-- who very kindly offered to take me for a short drive
02:01 to boost my confidence before what was left of it
02:04 was shattered by someone, eh, eh,
02:06 throwing himself on the bonnet of my car,
02:08 pretending I'd run him over.
02:09 Seriously?
02:11 Well, it was like a joke, and I did apologize.
02:13 First time I've been behind the wheel since the stroke.
02:15 Oh, how I laughed.
02:16 Yeah, you used to have a sense of humor, didn't you?
02:17 You used to be funny.
02:18 And you two need your heads banging together.
02:19 How old are you? Five?
02:21 Old enough to know better, obviously.
02:24 Oh, Paddy.
02:26 Have you heard from your dad?
02:32 Said he'd call from prison as soon as he could.
02:35 Do you fancy a coffee, my treat?
02:37 I've got a shift in 30 minutes, and I
02:38 need to drop Esther with Charity.
02:40 You're not going to work.
02:41 Got to pay the bills somehow.
02:43 Me and Sam are going to chip in and all.
02:44 I'm looking for extra hours.
02:46 Thanks, Lydia, but there's really no need.
02:49 OK, I've got this.
02:50 That's one determined young woman.
02:55 Well, she can be as determined as she likes,
02:57 but she'll never cope if she won't
02:58 accept help from her own family.
03:00 It's been a while since I've had a manicure.
03:02 Think I'll call and make an appointment.
03:05 Are you sure you can't stay?
03:08 Oh, I'd love to, but Cain's messaged me like four times,
03:11 and now he's asking for a selfie to prove that I'm at work.
03:14 He needs to lay off.
03:15 I mean, he shouldn't be at work anyway
03:16 with your foot like that.
03:18 Yeah, I know.
03:19 I'll try telling my boss that.
03:21 But it's not going to heal properly if you don't rest it.
03:24 Yeah, I just don't want to give him any excuses.
03:27 The minute he thinks that I'm not up to the job, I'm toast.
03:30 Oh, great, now he's-- he's calling me.
03:32 Right, I know I really need to go.
03:34 Sorry.
03:36 Sorry to interrupt, but I've been meaning to call you.
03:40 If you could both find an hour sometime this week,
03:42 I'd like to chat before the christening.
03:45 A christening?
03:47 Oh, God, I-- sorry.
03:49 Um, yeah, I booked it ages ago, you know,
03:51 before we were together, and then Reuben got sick,
03:54 and it all kicked off.
03:55 When it just slept your mind, did it?
03:57 Plenty of time before Thursday.
03:59 I just want to run through the service,
04:02 what it means for both of you, for Reuben.
04:04 And it's godparents.
04:06 Godparents?
04:09 I mean, as if anyone would want to be godparents to us now.
04:12 Everyone hates us.
04:13 A christening, it's supposed to be a celebration.
04:15 And the day's what we make it.
04:19 If we can't give Reuben that, then why bother?
04:22 You know what?
04:23 Thank you, Charles, honestly, but there's no point, OK?
04:27 The christening's off.
04:27 There's no more appointments left for today, I'm afraid,
04:40 unless it's an emergency.
04:42 It is.
04:43 My friends had a sense of humor failure.
04:46 Well, you can tell your friend.
04:47 Leo's friend, actually.
04:48 You can tell your friend it's terminal.
04:51 Harsh.
04:52 Fair.
04:53 [SIGHS]
04:56 I'm sorry I didn't laugh at your admittedly weak
05:00 practical joke yesterday.
05:03 I was-- I was bricking it, just even getting behind the wheel
05:06 in the first place.
05:08 I offered to take you out.
05:09 Oh, my-- Mary practically forced me into the car.
05:13 And then there's all these kids staring and laughing.
05:15 Ha.
05:16 But apart from that, disaster just about covers it.
05:22 I mean, there's-- there's so much to remember,
05:24 so many things to do all at the same time.
05:27 Confidence has evaporated.
05:29 Well, so you're both laughing your heads off.
05:32 It was ironic laughter at the sheer impossibility of me
05:37 ever getting my head around driving again.
05:39 Ah.
05:43 Yeah, ah.
05:46 I'm sorry I stood you up.
05:48 I was-- I was traumatized.
05:51 I forgot.
05:52 Right, well, I'm really sorry.
05:54 Me too.
05:57 I'm sorry you've had to be sorry.
06:00 Come here.
06:01 [KNOCKING]
06:04 [KNOCKING]
06:10 Come in.
06:10 Craig.
06:16 If you want me to leave, just say.
06:19 You know where I live?
06:20 It was on your CV.
06:24 I know it's unprofessional, and there's
06:26 laws of data protection.
06:29 But since I saw you yesterday, my head's
06:32 been all over the place.
06:33 It's my fault. I didn't think it through.
06:36 I should never have told you about Toby.
06:39 All these years, I've been wondering
06:41 what happened to you, a baby.
06:43 It never crossed my mind.
06:45 Back then, I didn't think you could
06:46 get pregnant first time.
06:48 Neither of us did.
06:50 The only time.
06:53 We were everything to each other.
06:55 Best friends.
06:57 But you didn't trust me enough to tell me.
06:59 We were two kids, powerless.
07:02 No friends, no family, no home.
07:05 It was never going to be a happy ending for us.
07:07 The night you took off, I sat up all night
07:11 waiting for you to come back.
07:14 I thought you'd never let me down like that,
07:15 unless something bad had happened.
07:18 I was worried you'd had an accident, or worse.
07:23 I thought you were dead.
07:26 Sorry, I shouldn't have come here.
07:28 I don't know what it is I'm going to say.
07:30 It's been a lot to take in.
07:32 Why don't you sit down?
07:34 I'll put the kettle on.
07:35 As soon as you're here, we may as well
07:37 start from the beginning.
07:38 Smells nice, that.
07:48 Don't you use one?
07:49 Nail shape and hand massage.
07:51 Oh, and that cream you used last time.
07:53 Chickens loved it.
07:54 A couple of strokes from me new soft hands,
07:57 and I'd have a full house of double yorkers.
08:01 Hey.
08:02 Sweetheart, it's really good to see you.
08:04 She said she told you to stop at home.
08:07 I'm on my own now, so I need as many appointments
08:10 shoved in that book.
08:11 Well, I love the enthusiasm, but I only
08:13 want you coming back if you think you're up to it.
08:15 What else can I do, mans?
08:17 Stay at home and worry about Dad.
08:19 I'm sure Dan's selling him very nicely.
08:20 Yeah, once he makes friends with his cell mate.
08:23 Mine were a right prat to start off with.
08:25 Stole me pants and me biscuits.
08:27 Ow!
08:28 Look, I'm sure Dan is making some very nice friends.
08:32 Yeah, once I squared him up, he was sound.
08:35 Cain told me what to do.
08:37 He said I was to whack him the next time he tried it on.
08:39 So I did.
08:40 And then he was fine after that.
08:41 Well, what about if that happens with Dad?
08:43 He won't fight back.
08:44 Amelia, Dan can handle himself.
08:46 No, he's in prison because he hit someone once.
08:48 They died.
08:48 He won't hit anyone ever again.
08:50 If someone has a go at him, he'll just sit there
08:52 and take it.
08:53 Morning.
08:53 It's not going to last five seconds inside,
08:55 and there's nothing we can do.
08:56 I'm sorry about that.
09:18 Let me get your e-books in.
09:20 Actually, if you give me half an hour, I can do myself.
09:23 I'll wait till Amelia's up to it.
09:24 I only made the appointment because I
09:26 wanted to support her.
09:28 We're all doing our best.
09:30 You reckon I should go after her?
09:31 No, leave her.
09:32 She probably just needs a really good cry.
09:34 Listen, Amanda.
09:35 Mandy.
09:35 Charles tells me Amelia's part of your family now.
09:38 Aye, our mistress' granddad.
09:39 Yeah, yeah, she's family.
09:42 We made a promise to her dad that we'd look out for her.
09:44 But what we've just seen is a young woman
09:46 who's failing to cope.
09:47 Thanks, Claude.
09:48 Claudette.
09:49 Look, it's day one of her missing her dad, right?
09:52 And she's worried and scared.
09:54 And you of all people know what it's
09:55 like to have someone you love get sent down.
09:58 But she's strong.
09:59 She's got us.
10:01 Family.
10:02 And her strength is also her weakness.
10:05 She's determined.
10:06 She's proud.
10:07 She wants to do it all on her own.
10:09 If she can't admit to herself she needs help,
10:11 how is she going to be able to ask for it?
10:13 We need to step up now so she doesn't have to.
10:16 Right.
10:17 So go on.
10:19 What is it we've got to do that we're not doing already?
10:21 Plenty.
10:24 That night, when you didn't come back,
10:27 I knew you'd never leave me.
10:29 I knew it was serious.
10:31 I did try to get the staff to call the police.
10:33 But they said you were off with some lad
10:35 that you'd come back when you were ready.
10:37 By the time they worked out you weren't, it was too late.
10:41 I never stopped thinking about you, worrying.
10:45 I knew you'd be upset.
10:47 I struggled once you'd gone.
10:50 I was so lonely, I did think about legging it myself.
10:53 But it was what you used to say to me that made me stay.
10:57 Kids like us, we've got to be twice as good as the kids with families.
11:00 Do your own work, don't like school.
11:03 You used to call me a bossy cow.
11:06 So I cracked on for you.
11:09 I wanted to make something of myself.
11:11 I wanted to make you proud.
11:12 And look at you now.
11:16 I wouldn't mind giving it all up, like that.
11:19 For a chance of a life with you.
11:22 Have you got a family, Craig?
11:29 No kids.
11:31 I did have a partner until a couple of years back,
11:32 but the business takes up most of my time now.
11:35 What about you?
11:36 A husband, a stepson, and a lovely family.
11:40 And a granddaughter, Esther.
11:42 She's just a baby.
11:44 Thought you'd get her started earlier, eh?
11:46 We had one of them at the home, you were obsessed.
11:49 It was my little world.
11:51 Whenever I needed to find you, I always knew where you'd be.
11:53 Up in the attic, moving tiny furniture around tiny rooms.
11:57 Making up stories, like the house I'd live in one day.
12:02 A home, a husband, a family.
12:06 Glad it worked out for you.
12:10 You know, we survived, Craig.
12:15 Despite everything.
12:18 We made lives for ourselves.
12:21 We did good.
12:25 I've got about half an hour before Cain calls again.
12:29 Well, Ruben's asleep, so that gives me enough time to get you out of these dirty old holes.
12:39 And talk to me about why you cancelled our son's christening without talking to me first.
12:44 Well, when I booked it, you know, no one knew about us, so I just...
12:49 I thought Ruben might not have a dad in his life, but I didn't want him missing out.
12:53 I just... I love him so much, I wanted everyone to know about it.
12:57 What, and you think I don't?
12:59 No, I didn't mean that.
13:00 Because I do. And you know I do.
13:03 I don't want to hide us away.
13:05 So if it's okay with you,
13:08 I've spoken to Charles and we're going to have Ruben's christening on Thursday.
13:12 And what about Charity?
13:14 She'll just need to deal with it.
13:17 So we can have a party?
13:21 The bigger the better. And we can invite almost everyone we know.
13:25 Okay, and what if no one comes?
13:27 Well, if it's just you, me and Ruben on Thursday, then that'll be enough.
13:32 Because it's our little family, we're making memories.
13:34 And I promise it'll be the perfect day. Okay?
13:38 What about those two brothers?
13:44 The ones the girls all fancied.
13:46 Cute, curly hair, always scrapping at school.
13:49 David's an engineer, builds motorways.
13:51 And Ian runs this massive hotel in Singapore.
13:54 I'm godfather to one of his kids.
13:57 And, erm... Oh, what's the name?
14:00 The one who bleached her hair and it all broke off.
14:02 She used to nick me dinners.
14:04 Paula, she hated you.
14:07 Do you remember you were coming upstairs and she chucked a chair at you?
14:09 I managed to jump out of the way just in time, but I could have been dead.
14:13 I suppose now we understand she had anger issues.
14:17 Back then she just scared me silly.
14:20 It was her that trashed the doll's house.
14:23 Turned it over and ripped it apart.
14:27 I cried and cried.
14:29 And then I trashed her, remember?
14:32 So not like you.
14:33 Here, there's this massive flash car outside.
14:36 All right?
14:40 Sam, this is Craig, an old friend.
14:42 Craig, this is Sam, my husband.
14:44 I just... I couldn't do it. Well, I could do it.
14:50 But it's the thought of propelling a couple of tonnes of metal at speed along an actual road.
14:58 You've done it before, like a million times.
15:02 When I had my stroke, one minute I was fine, and the next I was on the floor.
15:09 And if that was to happen again while I was behind the wheel and as a kid on a bike coming the other way...
15:14 But they wouldn't give you your licence back if the doctors thought there was even the faintest chance.
15:17 I know. Knowing something, believing it. Two different things.
15:21 Yeah, and I know that. And I also know that you owe me a pint.
15:24 And I believe that if we met up later on, you'd buy me one.
15:27 - Buy you two. - Good!
15:29 We can work out where you're going to drive me tomorrow night.
15:31 - Thanks, but no thanks. - Marlon! Come on!
15:35 I'll drive us back to wherever Mary took you, and then we can swap over and you can drive us back home.
15:40 Been there, done that. Failed.
15:42 If you don't feel like it, we'll do it the next night. Or the next night. Or the next night.
15:45 As long as it takes.
15:47 That might add up to quite a few miles.
15:50 When I needed you, you stuck by me. Even though I told you to get lost.
15:58 It's my turn now.
16:01 Does that mean you're going to let me win at zombies?
16:04 Spoils it, now.
16:06 Ah!
16:12 Welcome home.
16:14 You're all in my house.
16:16 - Mandy made me let them in. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, no, no, no.
16:18 - Claude thought you needed cheering up a bit. - Claudette.
16:21 We wanted you to know you're supported.
16:23 - You're cooking as well? - I've made you my chicken casserole.
16:27 I've cleaned your fridge, and if you finish down here, you can start in the bathroom.
16:30 - No, there's no need. - I know how easy it is to let things slide when you're a new mum.
16:35 - What, you're judging me? - Of course she's not.
16:38 Sometimes the hardest thing is to accept the offer of a helping hand.
16:42 - I don't need help. - We'll just leave her to it.
16:44 Why don't I make you a nice cup of tea? I brought cake.
16:48 - No. - It's no trouble...
16:50 - A flipping egg. - That's Dad's special mould.
16:54 - Rita, I am so sorry. I'll get him another. - No, you won't.
16:58 All right? I don't need anything off any of you. I never did.
17:01 But me and Esther are gonna be fine, and it's gonna stay that way until Dad gets home.
17:05 No, we're going. No, and just us two.
17:07 I want you all out of this house by the time I get back, and you can take your casserole, will ya?
17:12 So, you just happened to be up at the hide at this job's thingy?
17:19 That's right.
17:21 Craig's got this fancy software company.
17:24 Just taking a new office in town.
17:27 I'm looking for programmers, developers...
17:30 Not Lydia, then?
17:33 No, but we'll always need cleaning staff, and seeing as Lydia's something of an expert...
17:38 Yeah, she's brilliant.
17:41 - At everything. - I'm sure she is.
17:44 The offer still stands.
17:47 Think about it.
17:49 Think about it. If you're interested, call me.
17:53 Thanks.
17:55 Good to meet you, Sam.
17:57 Yeah, you and her.
17:59 See myself out.
18:01 Take care.
18:03 You saw him yesterday, and you didn't tell me.
18:12 I meant to, but...
18:15 Me and him had a chat about Toby.
18:19 And it took it out of me so much, I couldn't even think straight. Never mind talk to you.
18:24 Was he upset?
18:27 And I was. At first, I thought I'd made a mistake saying anything at all, but...
18:32 You know, now I'm glad I have.
18:34 'Cause it's out there, in the open, there's no more secrets.
18:37 Craig can get on with his life, and I can get on with mine.
18:44 You OK?
18:53 Really sorry, but I've just lost it with your mum.
18:57 What's she done?
18:59 Came home and she were there with Mandy in house, cooking and cleaning.
19:04 I know they meant well.
19:07 I mean, this just sounds pathetic, doesn't it?
19:10 She didn't ask you first, right?
19:12 She's been really nice.
19:14 Looked in for her nails doing, but couldn't do it, because I lost it with Sam.
19:19 He upset you?
19:21 Tried to make me feel better.
19:23 Kept going on about how he had to smack this bloke that bullied him in prison.
19:28 I mean, if that's what it's like, then Dad doesn't stand a chance.
19:33 That might have been Sam's experience, but...
19:37 it doesn't mean it'll be your Dad's.
19:40 How do you know that?
19:42 I've worked with ex-offenders.
19:45 And I've ministered in prisons.
19:48 I'm not saying it's going to be an easy environment,
19:52 but the people that I've met...
19:54 they've told me how they've made it worth for them.
19:57 What if Dad can't?
19:59 I mean, I know he's sport to Cain, but...
20:02 Cain's hard. Dad's... different.
20:06 I'd imagine Cain's told your Dad to...
20:10 keep his head down, work hard.
20:13 And once he's settled, he'll make friends.
20:16 And he'll find a group...
20:19 and a community.
20:21 Dad don't want to see Esther.
20:24 And we have to respect...
20:28 his decision.
20:30 I'm going to write to him.
20:33 Send him pictures, but...
20:36 it's not the same as him seeing her, is it?
20:39 Sorry, I'm just...
20:43 I'm trying so hard to be brave, cos I promised Dad I would, but...
20:48 it's just so hard.
20:51 And this is only day one.
20:54 Hey.
20:57 Hey.
20:59 I'm not going to lie to you, it's not going to be easy.
21:04 But we both have to remember...
21:08 however bad it might seem...
21:12 we'll see you all through this.
21:15 Together.
21:17 We shouldn't have to.
21:19 I just miss him so much.
21:23 I just want my Dad back.
21:25 I just want my Dad back.
21:28 Yeah?
21:31 (C) Winter Wonderment 2013
21:34 (C) Winter Wonderment 2013
21:36 (C) Winter Wonderment 2013
21:38 (C) Winter Wonderment 2013
21:40 (C) Winter Wonderment 2013
21:42 Charlotte returns engaged to Ralph, much to the dismay of Colburn.
21:45 The brand new season of Sanditon is available now on ITVX.
21:49 Next year, Coronation Street.
21:51 (Music)
21:54 (Music)
21:57 (Music)
22:00 (Music)
22:02 (upbeat music)