Emmerdale 14th June 2023-n

  • last year


00:06 Oh, here she is.
00:32 Recovered from your mystery illness, then, I take it.
00:35 Hey, look, I'm really sorry.
00:36 That went AWOL.
00:37 Just saw Chloe and Mac on the horizon,
00:39 and they were acting all lovey-dovey,
00:40 and I just-- I couldn't handle it.
00:42 Yeah, I thought as much.
00:43 Oh, hit the bottle too, did you?
00:46 Please don't give me a hard time.
00:48 Yes, I was drowning my sorrows.
00:50 Oh, looks like you were drowning your sorrows, too.
00:53 Got to stay the pair of you.
00:55 Looks like you had a right skinful.
00:56 I did.
00:57 I mean, I can't speak for charity, though.
00:59 Well, when you do decide to clock on with your hangover,
01:02 you can finish the bottling up.
01:04 Mm-hmm.
01:05 Guessing your dad's as bad as mine.
01:10 Felt like the awkward moment when
01:12 you bump into the person you slept with the night before.
01:14 Well, that was the fun part.
01:15 Now we're due to a serious bit where we
01:16 act like it never happened.
01:19 Yeah, don't be telling Cain I slept with his nemesis
01:21 or any other member of the family.
01:23 No, and I do not want Leila finding out I've got
01:25 enough ground to make up as it is.
01:26 Well, that's settled, then.
01:27 Well, I'm bound to say no more about it.
01:29 Maybe we should talk to her.
01:40 About what?
01:42 You know, us.
01:43 I mean, if she's going to see us together,
01:44 we owe her an explanation.
01:47 No, no.
01:48 Let's leave it.
01:49 Enjoy the peace while we can.
01:50 Come on.
01:56 I told you not to argue over that scoundrel of a man.
01:59 And look at you.
02:00 I've warned her about her grandfather
02:01 until I'm blue in the face.
02:03 She won't listen.
02:04 I have listened to you and him.
02:06 He's not the monster that you think he is.
02:08 You don't know him like we do.
02:09 You should heed your father's words.
02:11 Walk away like I'm asking you to.
02:13 It'll save yourself some heartache.
02:15 You know what?
02:15 Pick a side when I don't even know the man.
02:17 Your father's asking you to trust his judgment.
02:19 That's all.
02:20 Oh, because mine's so bad that I trusted Alex?
02:22 Just because he lied doesn't mean granddad is, too.
02:24 They're cut from the same cloth.
02:26 Lure you in, gain your trust, and then take you
02:28 for everything that they can get.
02:31 Don't walk away from your father.
02:32 I've arranged to meet granddad, if you must know.
02:34 Please don't do this.
02:37 He'll hurt you just like he hurt the rest of us.
02:39 Or maybe he won't this time.
02:40 Maybe he's telling the truth and you're
02:42 the bad judge of character.
02:55 Hey, leave the ironing.
02:57 I'll get Lydia to do it later.
02:59 Oh, it's fine.
03:00 I need to get Thomas ready.
03:01 Gonna have to take him into work with me.
03:03 Can't keep relying on Dawn.
03:04 No one's expecting you at the Hyatt today.
03:07 I mean, you're not going to get much done with Thomas in tow,
03:09 so take a few days to focus on him.
03:12 It's what he needs, love.
03:14 He'll be confused, his future stepdad
03:15 disappearing like that.
03:18 How could he do that to a child?
03:20 And texting the word sorry is a slap in the face to us both.
03:23 Well, rather than dwelling on it,
03:26 how about Will and I buy you lunch at the Woolpack?
03:29 We can take Thomas to the playground after.
03:32 He'll enjoy that.
03:35 Better than moping around here, I suppose.
03:37 That's it, settle then.
03:38 Woolpack it is.
03:39 There you go.
03:48 Man, I really landed on my feet with this place.
03:50 Close to work, close to you.
03:53 It's perfect.
03:54 Yeah, I wasn't banking on Rishi being quite so friendly.
03:57 He literally didn't leave us alone yesterday,
03:59 especially when you found out you're both playing spotters.
04:01 Bless him, though.
04:02 Treating us both to lunch.
04:03 Yeah, but what about that really boring documentary?
04:06 I wasn't bored.
04:07 I was.
04:08 I do not care about crashed, survivable memory units.
04:11 I want time just for us two.
04:13 Well, look, we're not working today,
04:16 so how about I make you lunch and you pick a film for us?
04:18 I thought I heard voices.
04:22 How did you, um--
04:24 how did you sleep?
04:26 Great.
04:27 Bed was really comfy.
04:29 Here's the kit I was telling you about.
04:31 Piper Jacob comes with paints and everything.
04:34 Wow, yeah, that looks so fun.
04:36 Yeah, we can put it together now.
04:38 Magnificent men with the flying machines.
04:41 Now's not really convenient.
04:43 Well, it's a day off.
04:44 What better way to spend it than building a high-wing,
04:47 strut-based monoplane?
04:48 I said I'd cook for Belle, so we'll
04:50 have to take a rain check.
04:53 Of course, don't let me stop you.
04:55 Hey, but we will resume our passion
04:57 for planes another time.
04:58 Mm-hmm.
04:59 You see when he came in?
05:01 Yeah, that was really awkward.
05:03 Oh, so awkward, man.
05:05 Whatever happened to that smile of yours?
05:08 Sorry.
05:09 It's just Dad saying I'm a bad judge of character.
05:13 You always was the righteous type,
05:15 even before he wore the collar.
05:16 Just because I made one mistake doesn't
05:18 mean I'm going to repeat it.
05:19 What kind of mistake?
05:20 Just a dodgy ex-con I was seeing briefly.
05:23 Told me he was reformed, but he just
05:25 used me to steal drugs from Mad Pritz Hedgery.
05:28 Hm, sounds like a right catch.
05:30 Yeah, and Dad knows I feel bad about it.
05:32 He's just holding it against me to stop me seeing you.
05:36 Well, look, I don't want to come between you.
05:38 Yeah, I'm not a kid anymore.
05:39 He missed out on that part of my life,
05:41 so it's a bit late to start laying down the law now.
05:44 One latte and one old-fashioned coffee with milk.
05:49 Thank you, sir.
05:50 Thank you.
05:51 I don't believe we're acquainted.
05:52 Ronnie, this is my granddad, Victor.
05:54 Yes, I had Claudette mentioned you.
05:57 I'll fetch your change.
06:03 See what I'm up against.
06:06 I just think if we're going to be a couple,
06:07 we need to tell Charity.
06:10 I think she's probably already guessed.
06:12 Yeah, but it's not fair making a guess, is it?
06:14 We need to be upfront.
06:17 If we make it a thing, she'll think that we're just
06:19 rubbing her nose in it.
06:21 I don't want to upset her any more than we already have.
06:24 Yeah, neither do I.
06:25 I mean, after everything we've put her through,
06:28 the least we can do is be honest.
06:29 We owe it to her and to ourselves.
06:32 And if we're going to be a couple,
06:33 we want everything to be out in the open.
06:37 It's the right thing to do, Mackenzie.
06:39 Right.
06:40 We'll tell her today.
06:43 [KNOCKING]
06:45 Right.
07:00 I know that I'm your least favorite person,
07:02 but I wanted to give you these.
07:04 Bit of a cliche.
07:07 Were you all right what you said?
07:09 That was a snake.
07:11 I just got so wrapped up in trying to bring Kim down,
07:13 I lost sight of what mattered.
07:16 Remember what I said, though?
07:18 My feelings for you were always genuine.
07:21 Are we done now?
07:24 I'll be in the pub.
07:26 Let me buy you lunch.
07:27 I can start trying to say how sorry I am.
07:28 Gabby.
07:41 It's good to see you.
07:43 You OK?
07:44 Yeah.
07:45 Thanks for the messages.
07:45 Sorry I didn't reply.
07:47 As long as you know I was thinking about you.
07:49 What Nicky did is--
07:50 it's unbelievable.
07:53 Yeah, well, I guess when you've got mug written all over you,
07:55 you're an easy target.
07:56 Hey, you're not a mug.
07:58 When you're under their spell, you believe anything you're told.
08:01 What do you want?
08:02 Right now, quiet pint.
08:04 I've heard from that lying son of yours.
08:06 You know, Nicky played his part, but that doesn't
08:08 mean he didn't care about you.
08:09 That's why he bottled it.
08:11 So if you want to blame anyone, blame me.
08:15 Now then, move away, will you?
08:17 I don't want you anywhere near Gabby.
08:18 That's a bit tricky in a village this size, isn't it?
08:20 Well, maybe you should be ejected then.
08:22 Leave him, Will.
08:23 He's a waste of oxygen.
08:25 You're not smart.
08:26 You're no one.
08:27 You're not a Tate.
08:28 You're not a Dingle.
08:29 You're just some-- some greedy loser
08:31 who's surplus to requirements.
08:32 What happens when it's your turn, eh?
08:34 Being married to the Black Widow there.
08:37 I'd watch me back if I were you.
08:38 What's that?
08:40 Let it go, Will.
08:41 You heard the boss.
08:42 Down, boy.
08:43 Forget lunch.
08:48 I want to go home.
08:48 Naomi's not picking up again.
08:53 She's stubborn.
08:54 That's why.
08:55 She's digging her heels in because you called
08:57 her out for trusting Alex.
08:58 I was warning her not to get taken in again.
09:01 Pointing out her mistakes, Charles, won't help.
09:04 Now she's even more determined to prove
09:05 you wrong about Victor.
09:06 We're not wrong.
09:07 That's the whole point.
09:09 OK, if you don't want the battle,
09:11 maybe you should do what she's doing, which is give
09:14 him the benefit of the doubt.
09:16 You're asking us to trust him again?
09:17 No.
09:18 Not straight away, but at least show Naomi that you're
09:20 willing to let him earn it.
09:22 How could you even suggest that?
09:23 You know what happens when you open the door to a monster.
09:26 It's what you did with Mina.
09:27 Hey, this is nothing like Mina.
09:30 You gave her the benefit of the doubt.
09:31 You should never have trusted her.
09:33 The minute she got her foot in, she ruined people's lives.
09:36 And that was my fault.
09:38 It came back to bite you, Manpreet.
09:40 Now you're asking me to do the same with my dad.
09:42 You must be out of your mind.
09:43 Manpreet.
09:48 That was uncalled for.
09:50 Oh, you made it.
10:04 Yeah, she brought me as backup.
10:07 Susie's day off?
10:08 Mum's not well, so she's gone to see her.
10:09 Not that it's any of your business.
10:11 I'm looking out for her now.
10:13 It's only more funny business you've got me to answer to.
10:15 Right, I'll bear that in mind.
10:18 Orange juice and-- sorry, shouting.
10:19 Orange juice and a glass of dry white wine, please.
10:23 Want me?
10:24 I'll get a table.
10:24 Well, he's subtle.
10:29 He cares about me, unlike you.
10:31 If I didn't care about you, why would I
10:33 be trying to win you back?
10:35 Is that what you're trying to do?
10:37 Well, I can have your work cut out for you.
10:39 It's a good job on my grafter, then, isn't it?
10:41 And what fresh hell is this?
10:44 Ah, they're back again.
10:45 Right, well, just do me one favor.
10:46 If they do start to get cozy, please don't kick off.
10:50 Hey.
10:52 So what can I get you two, lovebirds?
10:56 Beer and lime soda, please.
10:58 Yeah, and a quick word.
11:06 I'm not trying to--
11:08 we don't want to make a big deal of this.
11:10 We just want to be up front.
11:15 What he means is that we know that this isn't going
11:20 to be easy for you to hear, but me and Mackenzie
11:23 are going to give things a go, as a couple.
11:27 Right.
11:28 See?
11:35 That wasn't hard.
11:36 I've got an announcement, everyone, OK?
11:39 Mack and Chloe are no longer cheating love rats.
11:42 They are now officially a couple.
11:43 By the way, Chloe, you can have my leftovers, yeah?
11:48 He can sleep with whoever he wants.
11:49 You're welcome to him.
11:52 Glad you're over me.
11:53 Well, getting under someone else always helps.
11:56 Does it?
11:58 And what imaginary fellow would that be?
12:02 What makes you think he's imaginary?
12:04 Oh, so we're a couple now, and you just happen
12:07 to sleep with someone else?
12:09 It did just happen, as it goes, last night with him.
12:13 And unlike you, he did not disappoint, believe me.
12:19 You-- you slept with him?
12:38 Ignore her.
12:39 She's trying to make you jealous.
12:40 Well, did you?
12:41 It's a domestic.
12:42 I am not getting involved.
12:43 Answer her question.
12:45 Come on, you know what it's like when
12:46 animal attraction takes over.
12:48 One minute you're having a drink,
12:49 the next you're ripping each other's clothes off.
12:51 I mean, it wasn't planned, OK, I swear, but it was so good.
12:54 Enough, charity.
12:56 You're disgusting, you know that?
12:57 Yeah, damn right you are.
12:59 Trying to win me back?
12:59 Unbelievable.
13:01 Leila, go on.
13:02 Try and go after her.
13:03 What is it with you?
13:07 First you screw over my sister, and then you're hitting my ex.
13:13 Your ex was hitting on me as well, if you must know.
13:16 Only because she's desperate and asking for the rebound,
13:18 that's why.
13:18 You're calling me desperate?
13:19 She's only desperate for someone to treat her right.
13:21 Just-- just like you treated Leila.
13:23 Well, at least I didn't get a teenager pregnant
13:25 and lie about it.
13:26 Right, that is enough, OK?
13:27 You two just go.
13:28 What have I done?
13:29 It was your bright idea to broadcast it.
13:33 Yeah, and now I'm wondering why I bothered.
13:34 Make you feel good, did it?
13:43 Hm?
13:44 You pathetic little stab at revenge.
13:45 I started it, OK?
13:46 Rubbing salt in.
13:48 Well, enjoy your hollow victory, because God
13:51 knows you deserve it.
13:52 Sleeping with him was bad enough.
13:59 You didn't have to go shouting your mouth off.
14:01 Mac, wow me up, OK?
14:03 So I wanted to hurt him in the same way he hurt me.
14:05 But Leila didn't need to hear all that.
14:07 It's a kick in the teeth from the pair of you.
14:09 Well, that's for Caleb to sort out, not me.
14:11 Oh, take responsibility for once.
14:15 And what's Cain going to say about you
14:17 sleeping with his arch enemy?
14:19 I mean, I don't know what you were thinking.
14:21 All right, it wasn't my finest hour.
14:23 But you know what?
14:24 Chloe and Mac upset me.
14:25 So I got drunk, and the rest just happened.
14:28 Only because you made it.
14:30 I wanted to stop it hurting, OK?
14:32 I wanted to feel wanted again.
14:35 And then I step out this morning, and who do I see?
14:38 Chloe and Mac pushing the pram around,
14:39 reminding me of everything that I can't have.
14:43 That's just it, though, isn't it?
14:45 No amount of payback is going to stop this pain.
14:48 So I just have to accept it.
14:49 Now, you'll have to show me pictures of you growing up.
15:03 I mean, you're 23 now.
15:05 And that's a lot of catching up to do.
15:07 Yeah, I think I've got a few baby photos.
15:09 And some hideous ones from my school days.
15:11 I'll have to find them.
15:12 Well, maybe you'll gift me one, eh?
15:14 I've carried this one around for years.
15:24 I used to pin it up on the wall in my cell.
15:27 Not a day went by where I didn't think about them.
15:30 Wishing I'd been a better family man.
15:33 Biggest regret of my life.
15:36 So prison did give you time to reflect?
15:38 Of course.
15:40 No amount of money is worth losing your family for.
15:43 I mean, I knew straight away I'd made the wrong decision.
15:46 But that's why I'm here.
15:48 To put things right.
15:50 And to show them that after 25 years, I'm a changed man.
15:56 I can see that you mean it.
15:58 Just wish they would.
16:01 Well, if you and I keep meeting up, maybe they'll see
16:04 I mean no harm.
16:07 That's if you want to, I guess.
16:09 Of course.
16:10 I'm a granddad now.
16:12 What's not to love?
16:13 I could get used to this.
16:21 Not just a one day wonder, you know.
16:23 You can eat here whenever you like.
16:24 I would offer to cook for you at mine.
16:26 But you know what my place is like.
16:27 Everyone's clambering on top of each other at the best of times.
16:30 Lunchtime already?
16:32 Looks good.
16:34 I'll just summon a three together.
16:35 Don't mind me.
16:36 I'll just boil the cattle for a cup of soup.
16:39 And then I'll leave you lovebirds to your feasts.
16:41 You're welcome to join us.
16:43 I couldn't possibly intrude.
16:45 There's plenty to go around.
16:46 Well, it's a meal for two.
16:47 You don't want an old fuddy-duddy like me in the way.
16:50 Well, you treated us both to lunch yesterday.
16:53 So at least we could do.
16:54 As long as Belle doesn't mind.
16:56 Yeah, of course not.
16:58 I'd love to, if you're sure I'm not intruding.
17:01 You'll need a plate and cutlery.
17:03 On the way.
17:05 I'd feel bad leaving him out.
17:07 You're not mad at me, are you?
17:08 Of course I'm not, you big softy.
17:10 Just please do not talk about plans.
17:13 I've been reading up on Hyper J3 Cubs.
17:17 Here's a fun fact.
17:19 Maverick.
17:20 I'm sorry that I brought Mina's name up earlier.
17:26 It was uncalled for.
17:27 Yeah, it was.
17:27 I know.
17:28 I lashed out.
17:29 I just can't bear the thought of giving my dad another inch.
17:32 Naomi is already forging a relationship with Victor.
17:35 Charles, if you keep trying to block her,
17:38 you'll drive her away.
17:39 What about my mom?
17:40 If I let him get close, he'll wear her down again.
17:42 I need to protect her too.
17:44 I get it.
17:45 OK?
17:46 You're stuck between a rock and a hard place.
17:47 But what you're doing now, how's that working out for you?
17:50 You're asking me to trust him when I already
17:52 know how this is going to end.
17:53 You can't stop Naomi's relationship with Victor,
18:01 or Claudette's for that matter.
18:03 At least if you keep them close, you can keep a watchful eye.
18:07 Thank you for the takeaway.
18:14 Shame it wasn't lunch at the Wolpert,
18:15 but we'll do that another time.
18:17 Not if Caleb's there, we won't.
18:19 Wouldn't have gone today if I'd have known.
18:21 I'm not having him dictate where you can and can't go.
18:24 Stuttering around like his cock at village.
18:26 He should be apologizing to you.
18:28 I want him to look you in the eye,
18:29 say sorry like he means it.
18:31 Which he won't.
18:33 He will if I make him.
18:35 Getting yourself wound up won't help.
18:38 I'll deal with this in my own good time.
18:40 While he's still swanning around upsetting Gabby?
18:42 I mean it, Will.
18:44 You need to let it lie.
18:45 I won't keep you.
18:49 I just need a word with Leila.
18:50 She doesn't want to see you, so I'll just do one.
18:51 I'm not here to make excuses.
18:52 I'm here to explain.
18:53 She's not interested, I've just said.
18:56 Just let him say what he's got to say.
18:59 Leila, do not let him justify this.
19:01 I won't.
19:03 Right, well, I'll give you some space and wait outside.
19:07 Nice flowers.
19:16 Yeah, while they're going in the bin.
19:18 Just hear me out first, yeah?
19:20 I shouldn't have slept with Charity.
19:22 You're stupid.
19:24 I'm not even into her like that.
19:26 So you sleep with women that you're not that into now?
19:29 Thought that was your son's job.
19:32 You told me to shove it yesterday,
19:33 not for the first time.
19:35 I guess I don't deal well with rejection.
19:39 Well, OK, that's your excuse, because that is pathetic.
19:43 It's not just you that I've lost.
19:45 It's my family as well.
19:47 And I know, yeah, it's my own doing,
19:48 but it doesn't make it hurt any less.
19:51 Charity meant nothing.
19:55 It's just two rejects seeking solace.
19:57 That's all it was.
20:00 Go on, lie to you.
20:01 You know where you're at.
20:07 I liked you, Caleb.
20:09 I was going to let you make amends, but not after this.
20:14 I messed up.
20:15 I know I did.
20:17 I'm my own worst enemy.
20:18 You got a lot of them baying for your blood.
20:22 In future, leave me alone.
20:25 Because you're a liar, and I am done.
20:28 I cannot believe that you kicked off like that.
20:39 Do you know how humiliating that was?
20:41 Charity's the one that should be humiliated,
20:42 sleeping with that lying piece of scum.
20:44 Why do you care about who she slept with?
20:47 I thought me and Reuben were the only things that
20:48 mattered to you.
20:49 I'm sorry.
20:50 OK, it's an ego thing.
20:53 It didn't mean anything.
20:54 Yeah, of course it does.
20:55 It means that you've still got feelings for her.
20:57 Well, we only split a couple of weeks ago.
20:59 I can't just turn them off.
21:01 Oh, great.
21:01 Right, so you're still in love with her then?
21:03 No, I'm saying it takes time to adjust.
21:06 Look, Chloe, I am trying my best to focus on you, me, and Reuben.
21:13 But Charity and I were married.
21:15 I won't be made to feel second best, all right?
21:16 And the way you acted, that's how it made me feel.
21:23 Sorry.
21:26 Look, I need to know where I stand with you.
21:29 OK?
21:29 If you want to be with me, then you need to prove it.
21:32 Make a choice.
21:33 Truthfully, be honest with me and with yourself.
21:35 Do you want to be with me, or do you want to be with Charity?
21:39 I need your answer by tomorrow.
21:41 Two lonely neighbours' lives are changed forever
21:52 after an ill-fated encounter streamed
21:53 a brand new significant other now on ITVX.
21:57 John decides to return home after growing frustrated,
21:59 but he faces many questions.
22:01 The feeb his wife, Anna, can do continues tonight here at 9.
22:04 "Coronation Street" is here next.
22:13 (upbeat music)
22:16 (upbeat music)