Senedd Best Bits

  • last year
The Senedd has major impacts over the lives of everyone across Wales, and although politics can definitely be a tad boring sometimes, there’s always a laugh or two, and definitely the odd screaming match. We take a look at all the highlights from the Senedd, starting with interim Plaid leader Llyr Griffiths making it very clear he is an interim leader.


00:00 We're all aware of your intention to step down from your role before the next
00:04 Senate election, ordinarily as a party leader I'd be hoping to outlast you in
00:08 these sessions but given the temporary nature of my role clearly that is
00:13 unlikely to happen but if it did it's either gone horribly wrong for you or
00:17 it's gone horribly wrong for me.
00:19 First of all of course I welcome
00:21 Llyr Gruffydd to his new responsibilities I'm perfectly willing
00:26 to offer some mutual aid on the avoidance of disasters front.
00:31 Natasha Ashgar has always been an outspoken member of the Senate and her
00:34 political aspirations clearly surpass her current role as an MS as she put
00:39 herself forward for the Mayor of London something the First Minister Mark
00:42 Drakeford just definitely couldn't let slide without a quick jive.
00:46 So First Minister do you agree that now is the time for the Welsh Government to be taking a
00:50 much more robust approach on this issue so we can truly help families all across Wales?
00:54 The Minister has published the guidance it is statutory guidance it is a great
00:58 deal stronger than any guidance to be found across the border or indeed in
01:03 London to take a random example and reminded of by the Trevenists.
01:09 Politicians always have plenty to say but every now and then some can get
01:13 their point across in just a few words.
01:15 When will you put your ego aside and
01:17 eventually admit to a mistake and do a u-turn if and when required on this 20 miles per hour?
01:22 It is not a blanket policy.
01:26 Wow, is that the answer? Okay, fine. If that's the response I am kind of shocked I'm not going to lie but not surprised.
01:36 Welsh language targets have been a massive talking point in recent years
01:39 with the Welsh Government looking to have a million Welsh speakers in Wales
01:42 by 2050 but there has been some confusion on what exactly constitutes a
01:47 Welsh speaker.
01:48 Is it someone who knows a few words or is it someone who could
01:51 recite the Mabinogion and therefore can I get some clarity on exactly what set
01:56 of figures your successor or maybe even you still in post in 2050 will be using?
02:03 I reject the kind of divisive politics which are behind the question of who can recite the Mabinogion and who can't.
02:09 Mark Drakeford our First Minister has always been seen as a relatively calm
02:13 figure but he's living proof that even the most level-headed of public figures
02:17 can lose their cool every now and then and he certainly didn't hold back on
02:21 Andrew R.T. Davis when he had the chance.
02:23 It's absolutely shocking to me that you think that you can turn up here this afternoon with a mess that your party has made
02:33 to the budgets of this country, to the reputation of this country around the world,
02:39 that you promise those people that there will be more to come and you think you turn up here this afternoon
02:46 and claim some sort of moral high ground. What sort of world do you belong in?
02:52 So as the Senate takes its summer recess we'll take a few week break from all the politics
02:57 and wait to see what September has to offer us with plenty more highs and lows certainly to come.
03:02 James Beach Watkins, Local TV.
