• 2 years ago
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00:00 But we could do it in four. What do you say, Ljubica?
00:04 I think it's a great idea. We can always go out.
00:08 Great, then we have a deal.
00:10 You want to tell me that you were surprised by the lady's reaction? You're not a little girl, Ljubica.
00:15 I know, I mean, I expected her to be hysterical, but I really didn't think she would tear me to pieces.
00:21 We all know she's a serious player. And now she had to perform heavy artillery.
00:26 That's without a joke.
00:28 I feel a little sorry for her.
00:32 You even decided to live with her.
00:36 You see, you even fell for her emotional price.
00:39 Wait.
00:40 Sreduje Radakovic, with whom I have the honor.
00:44 Nina Nikolic. Are you an acquaintance or business partner?
00:49 Well, you could say that, business partner.
00:54 Sreduje.
01:02 Come on, we're going to be late.
01:04 Wait, where are we going to be late? You said we had a timing.
01:07 You'll see.
01:08 I'll see now. Where are we going?
01:09 I made an appointment with the boss.
01:11 With whom?
01:13 Boss, I agree.
01:15 Wait, I'll call you back. I'll call you back.
01:17 Please, I'm so bored with this appointment. Don't do this.
01:20 You know, the woman should be on the honeymoon.
01:22 You must be interested in how I made the decision on the honeymoon.
01:28 Easy, easy.
01:30 Don't rush.
01:32 Why are you in a hurry?
01:35 Don't think that we're forcing you,
01:39 that you're making a decision right away.
01:42 We're not doing that, are we, darling?
01:44 Okay.
01:45 Good try.
01:48 So, I thought about everything.
01:53 And...
01:57 I got the impression that my package of services was rejected.
02:02 The one you made a commitment to,
02:05 when this TV was in the closet.
02:10 But, the money was returned to you.
02:15 And, I hope you noticed that I only took the initiative to pay the interest.
02:21 That's right, we noticed.
02:23 So, I believe that my debt has been paid,
02:29 and the cooperation stops here.
02:30 No, no, no, my friend.
02:32 The cooperation stops when we say so.
02:36 Do you understand?
02:38 Let's see who's going to be the first.
02:40 He will.
02:41 Why? Come on.
02:42 No, you called.
02:44 Okay, I will.
02:46 I mean, who's going to be the first?
02:48 Give him a nice one, who's going to be the second?
02:49 Give him a nice one.
02:50 Give him a nice one.
02:51 Give me a nice one.
02:52 Don't cut it.
02:55 Don't cut it.
02:59 You're left with your head on your shoulders,
03:02 thanks to us.
03:04 You have a lot of money on your side.
03:06 That's right.
03:07 And I appreciate that deeply.
03:10 Well, you see, I think you don't appreciate it.
03:13 Because, as I told you, you're breaking up our friendship
03:17 just like someone who can't appreciate enough what's been done for him.
03:22 On the contrary, he thinks I was more than correct.
03:26 Don't make me repeat the moves of the one you'll never like.
03:31 My methods are familiar to you.
03:33 So, you see, think about what you should do.
03:36 No.
03:38 Life goes on, someone thinks it's bad.
03:45 Life goes on, someone knows how to live better.
03:49 When life makes you live, who survives will talk.
03:56 Some days pass, someone creates victories.
04:02 Someone returns to himself, does it differently.
04:06 Someone is mad at everything, thinks it's better.
04:10 And we all need love.
04:14 From tomorrow to the day after, joy and sorrow
04:19 are always something that can be.
04:23 I love you, I don't love you, we're all playing.
04:27 And now I'm hiding my tears so that my soul doesn't hurt.
04:31 But from tomorrow to the day after, you're there, yeah.
04:36 If you think it's gonna be like that,
04:40 you'll hurt someone, forgive someone else.
04:44 You'll get it right when death comes.
04:51 Some days pass, someone creates victories.
04:57 Someone returns to himself, does it differently.
05:02 Someone is mad at everything, thinks it's better.
05:06 And we all need love.
05:10 From tomorrow to the day after, joy and sorrow
05:15 are always something that can be.
05:19 I love you, I don't love you, we're all playing.
05:23 And now I'm hiding my tears so that my soul doesn't hurt.
05:28 But from tomorrow to the day after, you're there, yeah.
05:32 If you think it's gonna be like that,
05:36 you'll hurt someone, forgive someone else.
05:40 You'll get it right when death comes.
05:47 "The Truth"
05:50 I'm interested in...
05:58 I know. You're interested in whether this will be known.
06:01 Yes.
06:03 Well, it's always best to speak the truth.
06:05 I disagree.
06:07 Why are you interfering now?
06:09 You see, the woman is talking. Let her go.
06:11 All right, I know.
06:14 Because I think the truth would be lost. Believe me.
06:18 In that case, good luck.
06:23 I don't understand.
06:27 Well, that means I can't see the clearest here,
06:31 but you have a 50-50 chance of never finding out about this.
06:37 What do you mean, 50-50 chances? How is that possible?
06:40 Well, that's right.
06:42 Oh, yeah.
06:44 And you?
06:46 Excuse me?
06:47 You're asking the woman, and you...
06:49 I see you're suspicious of these things.
06:53 I don't know. I wouldn't do...
06:56 Don't try to persuade me.
06:58 Don't persuade the woman.
06:59 I won't.
07:01 Maybe I'm not...
07:02 Open to this.
07:05 No problem. I'll try if it works, if it doesn't.
07:09 Well, Todorovic, cut it out.
07:14 Why are you looking at me? Cut it out, woman.
07:16 You need to concentrate.
07:17 Oh, sorry.
07:18 You need to concentrate.
07:21 There.
07:22 There.
07:37 Son, say something so you can see that your mother is in a state of heart attack.
07:42 Don't beat me, Dušan.
07:44 Why are you interrupting? Let her talk.
07:49 I've decided not to move.
07:54 For now.
07:55 Yes, yes, yes. For now.
07:57 But you'll see. I promise you.
08:00 That's a very good decision. Isn't that right, Dušan?
08:04 That's right, Virča.
08:05 Yes. I'm just wondering...
08:08 What influenced you to change your mind when I know you want to leave so much?
08:17 Well...
08:20 Let's say that...
08:22 Right now is not the best time.
08:25 Maybe it's better to wait a little longer.
08:29 And...
08:30 I know I work for Barbara in the club, but I wouldn't like to have the feeling that...
08:37 I'm financially insufficient in our life together.
08:40 That's right. That's what I'm talking about.
08:43 I wouldn't like to be a burden to someone.
08:46 That's right.
08:47 And on the other hand, it's Barbara's boy, so it's stupid to keep a secret.
08:50 Yes, you made the right decision.
08:54 It's such a mature decision. Isn't that right, Dušan?
08:58 You've made me so happy.
09:00 I mean, not only because you want to stay, but...
09:03 Because I just realized how mature you are.
09:07 So young, and so...
09:10 Smart, analytical. Isn't that right, Dušan?
09:15 Mirjana, if you ask me again if I'm mature, I'm moving out.
09:21 And Mirjana, just so you know, this has nothing to do with your tears and your heart.
09:27 I mean, just so you know, for the future, this tactic doesn't work.
09:31 Tactics, tactics, but what?
09:33 You two are the same.
09:36 Well, yes, we are. We are the same because we know you, Mirjana.
09:42 Come, let dad kiss you.
09:46 I'm glad. You'll stay with your mature kids for a while, right?
09:52 Well, the five-year-olds.
09:55 Okay, I just wanted to tell you that.
09:59 And Mirjana, since you've made your wish unplanned,
10:06 we have a mandate.
10:09 What?
10:13 Croquettes with cheese and hot sauce.
10:16 Oh my God, I'm making my heart beat a little.
10:22 Mirjana, who doesn't know you?
10:26 You're not a ronzal, are you? Croquette tears.
10:30 You're annoying me, making croquettes.
10:33 Come on, come on.
10:36 Ato Dorović, you're not very honest either.
10:48 It's like you have two faces. One is yours, and the other is for the audience.
10:54 You mean I'm a hypocrite?
10:56 No, this is much more serious and essential.
11:01 It's like you're one person, and you're someone else.
11:09 I don't know, this isn't very clear, but...
11:15 You have two faces.
11:18 And I see that you'll have to decide which one you are.
11:24 You know, if you don't start to present yourself as who you are,
11:31 things won't get any better.
11:36 But I see that there are people here who know your true self.
11:44 You're honest with them, and you get that back.
11:50 There are a lot of obstacles and secrets here.
11:57 Come in.
12:06 What's up?
12:09 Nothing.
12:11 What do you mean, nothing?
12:13 You look like you've been given 40 days.
12:19 And a special visit.
12:23 There's nothing going on with them, what kind of a guy are you?
12:28 I'm not a guy.
12:32 There's nothing going on with them, what kind of a guy are you?
12:38 He visited me on Wednesday.
12:41 Wednesday?
12:44 What for?
12:46 He doesn't seem to need a reason.
12:50 Wait, so you paid a debt to him and his brother,
12:54 and you even paid him in the name of a debt as far as I remember.
13:02 It seems to me that we are more naive and honest than we seem.
13:08 Now, now I'm going to kill him, I don't know what you're thinking.
13:13 He's got problems.
13:15 Look, Vojkan, ETV paid all the debts to everyone on the list.
13:21 I don't know what that man wants from you.
13:25 I think he wants my blood.
13:31 If I can define it that way.
13:34 But Vojko, don't worry.
13:38 Don't worry, you can't do that to him.
13:40 You and I both went, and so did Sredo and his brother.
13:44 Unfortunately, yes.
13:46 Are we...
13:47 Not us, me.
13:50 Are we aware of the risk of a business deal?
13:55 Are we?
13:56 We are, but...
13:57 I'm telling you, there is no but, but there is no.
14:01 It's just a magic circle of...
14:04 You can't leave.
14:06 We have a legal basis.
14:08 What legal basis, man?
14:11 What legal basis is there?
14:13 Grandma Dinar gave her about ten dinars to leave.
14:16 Wait, wait, wait.
14:18 I personally made that deal.
14:20 I checked everything, there's no way...
14:22 Yes, Radomir, you made it all up nicely, legally, according to the law.
14:29 But that doesn't matter here, man.
14:32 What do you mean, it doesn't matter?
14:34 That's it!
14:36 Because it's a criminal business, and criminals are people outside the law.
14:41 Do you understand? Is that so? Well, that's how it is.
14:43 Okay, wait, calm down.
14:45 Calm down a little.
14:47 Explain to me what happened.
14:49 Well...
14:56 I didn't tell you everything I told you about that deal with Sredej.
15:03 Is there anything else?
15:16 I would tell you a little more specifically.
15:20 There's an explanation.
15:22 Well, look.
15:25 A change will happen that you expect.
15:28 But it won't be easy at all.
15:30 How? What do you see?
15:34 Well, I don't know, this is totally unclear, I don't know how to explain it.
15:39 I see you as if you are...
15:41 ...fatefully connected to someone from the past.
15:45 But...
15:48 Look, that person is somewhere far away.
15:50 He's on a journey.
15:52 No, no, no, no, this is not a journey, this is...
15:56 I don't know how to explain it.
15:59 This is like some...
16:02 ...absence.
16:05 And that person you care about a lot...
16:10 ...is coming back.
16:12 Where?
16:14 Into his life.
16:16 And it won't be easy at all.
16:21 There will be a lot of turbulence, some...
16:24 ...uncertainty, even very serious and...
16:28 ...risky events.
16:31 Excuse me, but love?
16:34 I mean, about love, what will happen at that time?
16:38 Well...
16:40 As far as love is concerned, everything is clear here.
16:42 The person you love loves you.
16:45 Although sometimes it seems to you that it's not quite so.
16:50 Sorry, sorry.
17:00 Now she's entering a transcendental state, where we pay and run.
17:07 Give me the money.
17:09 Do you have any money? - I don't, bro.
17:11 How much do you have?
17:15 For both of us? - I don't have any, bro.
17:18 Come on. - If you leave me a little, I'll run, bro.
17:23 Take it.
17:25 Are you crazy?
17:31 I thought I'd take it for a beer.
17:33 It's a small gift. - A gift?
17:36 Give it to me.
17:38 [Music]
17:41 [Music]
17:44 [Music]
17:46 [Music]
18:11 [Music]
18:13 Wait, wait. - You grabbed me.
18:17 Calm down.
18:19 I hit you. - Wait.
18:21 Wait, wait.
18:23 Calm down.
18:25 Stop it!
18:27 Wait.
18:29 What's wrong with you?
18:31 I'm alive.
18:38 [Music]
18:40 Why do I have to hang out with fat guys and that girl?
19:05 Who cares?
19:07 You know I hung out with your friends.
19:10 I don't count Petra, who became a family.
19:13 I count your horde of fat guys.
19:16 It's not a horde, it's a gang. - It wasn't always a gang.
19:19 You know I'm a man of broad mind.
19:22 I've always been nice to them.
19:25 They were always in my way.
19:27 Especially...
19:29 Forget his name. Thank God he's gone.
19:32 I have to notice that you're talking to me.
19:35 It's not nice.
19:37 If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't look like this.
19:40 I always took it into account. - Whatever, honey.
19:43 I've always been nice to him.
19:46 So you can be nice to Alex at least once a night.
19:49 Why did you have to call his girl?
19:52 I didn't call her.
19:54 I called Alex to go out for a beer.
19:57 But it just happened.
20:00 It's so annoying.
20:04 I'm so nervous since this morning.
20:07 That cook didn't call me again.
20:09 Where can I find a new one?
20:11 Your sweet one is top.
20:13 But you know how Voja is.
20:15 She wouldn't be so easy to get along with.
20:17 I wish I could find someone who's half as sweet as her.
20:21 I'm so nervous. I'm in such a mess.
20:24 I'm not in the mood for hanging out.
20:26 Please, honey.
20:28 Just for tonight.
20:30 Please.
20:32 What you're doing is emotional abuse.
20:35 But OK.
20:37 I just don't want to sit with him for long.
20:39 Just be nice.
20:41 And... - OK, I'm not nice.
20:43 You are. - Why?
20:45 Here they are. Alex!
20:47 Sit down.
20:52 Thank you.
20:54 Hi, Barbara.
21:00 You have a nice name.
21:02 I didn't know that your restaurant is so nice.
21:06 It looks like a world-class one.
21:08 Thank you. It's nothing special.
21:11 But you're modest.
21:14 Thank you for inviting me.
21:16 No problem. Thank you for coming.
21:19 Thank you, Alex.
21:21 Do you want to drink something? - Yes.
21:23 Cheers.
21:25 I'm so old.
21:29 What's your name?
21:31 Oduša. What would you like to drink?
21:33 Anything.
21:35 What do you drink? - Rakija.
21:37 Give me some. - Drink.
21:39 What would you like? - Beer.
21:41 OK. - I don't want anything else.
21:57 My wife.
21:59 I'm telling you.
22:01 A real movie.
22:03 OK, Miro.
22:05 You're stressed for no reason.
22:07 What do you mean?
22:09 All of a sudden?
22:11 I'm not ready for all of this.
22:13 There's a story about her.
22:15 I'm so upset.
22:17 OK, it's important that everything is OK.
22:19 OK, OK.
22:21 But behind my back
22:23 I'm covered in a hundred dead sweat.
22:25 I saw her packing her bags.
22:27 Did she tell you anything else?
22:29 I mean,
22:31 was I right that Voja has nothing to do with it?
22:33 You were.
22:35 I made a mistake.
22:37 OK.
22:39 How could you know?
22:41 We both know that Voja is not a saint.
22:43 Saint?
22:45 I won't even comment on that.
22:47 OK.
22:49 It's important that everything is OK.
22:51 Everything is OK.
22:53 And we're going to a new movie.
22:55 Right?
22:57 I'm heartbroken.
22:59 I thought
23:01 I was going to lose her.
23:03 Miro.
23:05 I know how much she loves you.
23:07 Even when she's dead.
23:09 You can never lose Petra.
23:11 You know that, right?
23:13 My heart.
23:15 What would I do without her?
23:17 The first information in the day before you.
23:19 The show is on tomorrow at 7.55.
23:21 Enjoy the first one.
23:23 The first information in the day before you.
23:25 The show is on tomorrow at 7.55.
23:27 Enjoy the first one.
23:29 The first information in the day before you.
23:31 The show is on tomorrow at 7.55.
23:33 Enjoy the first one.
23:35 The first information in the day before you.
23:37 And then, out of nowhere,
23:39 Stefan was forced to sit in Voja's lap.
23:41 Now imagine that.
23:43 Voja, the man who owns the TV,
23:45 is a bourgeois,
23:47 and she's a cleaner.
23:49 I have to listen to Voja right before I go out.
23:51 And then what?
23:53 Then the angel came.
23:55 My love. TV?
23:57 You barely enjoy it.
23:59 It happens to some people.
24:01 Do you remember
24:03 when Tanja came drunk
24:05 while we were filming that clip?
24:07 That reminds me.
24:09 Tanja? Wait. Tanja Sladjina was drunk?
24:11 Yes, Tanja Sladjina.
24:13 She was about to give up, so she got drunk at Sladjina's buffet.
24:15 I knew she was a bit crazy,
24:17 but I didn't know it was such an incident.
24:19 I don't know where Vojislav finds all these people.
24:21 They sign up.
24:23 His mother tells him there are different fools
24:25 with references. They sign up, finish their degree.
24:27 Like me.
24:29 And the others, they come through the nursing connections.
24:31 That's why we're called
24:33 the Institute for Mother and Child.
24:35 OK, Mom, it's really funny on TV.
24:39 There's no business like show business.
24:41 You know, I'm so sick of show business.
24:43 I need some peace.
24:45 OK, but it's not like that.
24:47 The only thing I've noticed is that there's a lot of work.
24:49 My fatso works non-stop.
24:51 Yes, he's really into it.
24:53 They really got him.
24:55 But I can see
24:57 he's doing it steadily.
24:59 That's because he loves his job.
25:01 Right, honey?
25:03 I love it.
25:09 Do you have anything else to say?
25:11 A joke?
25:13 If you want jokes, I can tell you.
25:15 No, I'll pay first.
25:17 I'll pay.
25:19 I'll pay.
25:21 Listen to the jokes.
25:23 But...
25:27 My name is Djordje.
25:29 What is it now, Mom?
25:31 He's got a problem again?
25:33 No, no, no. Everything's OK.
25:35 It seems we finally have
25:37 some optimistic news.
25:39 Really? Who is it?
25:41 Djordje has spoken to
25:43 a colleague of his who works at a clinic abroad.
25:45 He told him that
25:47 an experimental drug has been
25:49 coming out for months
25:51 to help patients in a coma.
25:53 Did he think
25:55 they'd do something with that information?
25:57 He told him everything,
25:59 including Voj.
26:01 And believe it or not,
26:03 everyone's very open
26:05 about that.
26:07 Even Srna and Damjan?
26:09 Yes.
26:11 My aunt told me.
26:13 Does that mean this patient
26:15 will finally wake up?
26:17 Djordje sent a letter
26:19 to get more information
26:21 about the drug.
26:23 And this colleague told him
26:25 there's a solid number of patients
26:27 who have recovered and are awake from a coma
26:29 after the drug has been introduced.
26:31 Finally,
26:33 we have some good news.
26:35 Oh, Miro...
26:37 I don't know, but
26:39 for the first time,
26:41 I have a feeling that things
26:43 are finally turning in the right direction.
26:45 God willing.
26:47 God willing.
27:01 Come on,
27:03 what's wrong?
27:05 I really don't give a damn about the money.
27:07 What do you mean?
27:09 You're not interested in what Bosna said?
27:11 These are general matters.
27:13 General? I saw you.
27:15 See how you reacted?
27:17 Especially when you started talking about
27:19 who loves who and who doesn't.
27:21 And we all know who we're talking about.
27:23 Come on.
27:25 You love them.
27:27 What do you want from me?
27:29 A few pennies?
27:31 Medium. - Whatever.
27:33 I mean, it's clear to me
27:35 that people are holding on to a straw
27:37 when they're sober.
27:39 And it would be nice
27:41 if everything was like she said, but...
27:43 But you have to admit
27:45 that your attitude
27:47 has changed drastically lately.
27:49 I agree.
27:51 But I have to remind you that she's my brother's wife.
27:53 She's in a coma.
27:55 I'm supposed to be the last one to use it.
27:57 It's not the first time. - No, it's not.
27:59 But what happened
28:01 was different.
28:03 See?
28:05 She's your brother's wife.
28:07 But even though he's not in a coma,
28:09 he can't look her in the eye.
28:11 And neither can she.
28:13 I doubt that something will change
28:15 when he wakes up from a coma.
28:17 What if something changes?
28:19 People don't change.
28:21 Take me for example.
28:23 What about you?
28:25 I'd shit myself for the perfect thing in the world.
28:27 That's me.
28:29 Day and night.
28:31 But that's you. You're an extreme case.
28:33 You're a little sick. - Okay, but I'm
28:35 a heartless piece of shit.
28:37 What did you shit yourself with?
28:39 Now? I didn't do anything.
28:41 Okay, then.
28:43 What did you do?
28:45 Well...
28:47 You know,
28:49 the contract with VTV
28:51 that Marko was supposed to sign.
28:53 Okay.
28:55 Well, I signed it
28:57 a little bit.
28:59 Like Marko.
29:01 A little bit?
29:03 Tell me,
29:05 did your grandma throw her head
29:07 in the floor when you were born?
29:09 I don't know. I was just a kid.
29:11 Are you normal?
29:13 I had to. - You're fucking normal.
29:15 I had to, man.
29:17 They dragged me into a corner.
29:19 I signed the papers.
29:21 I didn't even vote.
29:23 That's the situation.
29:25 That's the situation. - That's the situation.
29:27 What?
29:29 This is a perfect break.
29:31 Oh, a man's company.
29:33 But I have to go now.
29:35 Oh, okay.
29:37 Because
29:39 I have some obligations.
29:41 Yeah.
29:43 Bye, see you. - Okay, bye.
29:45 Okay.
29:49 Trust me.
29:51 Do you want a beer?
29:53 You know I could.
29:55 You know, since our last meeting,
30:11 I've been thinking about
30:13 that little Tosic.
30:15 You've really found what you're thinking about.
30:17 No, I'm serious.
30:19 You know, from the very beginning
30:21 I felt like I was missing something.
30:23 But I couldn't figure out what.
30:25 Maybe it has
30:27 something to do with him being a piece of shit.
30:29 You know, that's called intuition.
30:31 It happened to me
30:33 in my job. It was there.
30:35 And when I didn't listen,
30:37 I fucked up.
30:39 That much.
30:41 No, really, I've been trying to remember
30:43 if there's something
30:45 important I didn't tell you,
30:47 but I couldn't figure it out.
30:49 Except
30:53 maybe a contract.
30:55 He categorically refused
30:57 to sign the contract.
30:59 As if he didn't want
31:01 to get involved,
31:03 to leave his signature.
31:05 I don't know what.
31:07 How did he even get to the investigation?
31:11 Don't ask me.
31:13 That man is like he's lost in the ground.
31:15 But I'm
31:17 a detective, so
31:19 I'll find him.
31:21 Oh, yeah.
31:23 The school of love.
31:25 You won't stop until you find him,
31:27 even if he's in the mousetrap.
31:29 I'll pull him out of the trap.
31:31 I can't believe it.
31:33 Hey!
31:35 Where are you from?
31:37 Well,
31:39 sometimes I get hungry,
31:41 and here they have good food.
31:43 Filipe, this is my boss,
31:45 Nina Nikolic,
31:47 the owner of Top TV,
31:49 and recently the owner of VTV.
31:51 And this is my brother,
31:53 Filip Vuković,
31:55 the inspector.
31:57 Brother?
31:59 Father's brother.
32:01 Now it's all much clearer.
32:03 Filip Vuković.
32:05 You won't believe it,
32:07 I've been meeting all the inspectors lately.
32:09 Well, some food.
32:11 Are you with someone?
32:13 No, I was so hungry
32:15 that I just rushed here.
32:17 Well, sit with us.
32:19 You know I could.
32:21 I mean, if it's not a problem.
32:23 Well, that's our job.
32:25 Just come in. - Come in.
32:27 Thank you.
32:29 Would you like to join us for a glass of wine?
32:33 Double whiskey, no ice.
32:37 Cheers.
32:39 Cheers.
32:47 Cheers.
32:49 I was thirsty.
32:55 Why are you laughing?
32:57 It's so sweet how you turn into a girl
32:59 in a second. - You think it's because of the beer?
33:01 I'm telling you, I'm fed up with this quasi-glamour.
33:05 I mean, you know I'm always
33:07 in the spotlight.
33:09 And I'm basically
33:11 a completely ordinary girl.
33:13 Okay, come on.
33:19 Okay, woman, what are you whining about?
33:21 Okay, I guess you had a glass of wine with Nikola,
33:23 not a beer. - No way.
33:25 I'm not going to mess with him, and what do I have to do with it?
33:27 How is he?
33:29 Standard.
33:33 You were here all day? - Yes.
33:35 We had lunch,
33:37 with dessert.
33:39 And then he took me for a walk.
33:41 Nice.
33:43 The whole program.
33:45 I'm glad he's getting better. - Me too.
33:47 I have to tell you,
33:51 I really miss having
33:53 a father in my life.
33:55 A real father.
33:57 Not just a figure.
33:59 I'm okay with all this. - I believe you.
34:01 Because I suppose you were more like him.
34:03 A father.
34:05 Yes.
34:07 You know what's really weird to me?
34:09 When I decided to forget everything,
34:13 and put everything aside,
34:15 and let it go,
34:17 it's like I
34:19 took a serious burden off my shoulders.
34:21 That's logical.
34:25 I mean, anger,
34:27 bitterness, it all destroys the psyche.
34:29 It was a long process, Damjan.
34:31 It took a long time to get it all done.
34:33 What?
34:37 Tell me.
34:41 I'm a father, a man,
34:45 I don't have an identity, I think it's worse.
34:47 Okay. Do you remember
34:51 when you asked me
34:53 what Vojislav thinks of me?
34:55 Vojislav is keeping me in check.
34:57 He's keeping me because of my father.
35:03 Because of him.
35:05 I just wanted to let you know
35:19 that a woman has called,
35:21 and that you're here.
35:23 The one from the kitchen.
35:25 I can't believe it.
35:27 What's wrong, Bobila?
35:29 I'll kick her out!
35:31 Stop, stop.
35:33 What would I say if I told you
35:35 I have the perfect person for you?
35:37 I'd tell you you have 50% of the year.
35:39 That's what I'm talking about.
35:41 I'm sorry.
35:43 My uncle was an inspector,
35:57 now he's a private detective,
35:59 and here I am.
36:01 I'm glad Mia didn't choose that path,
36:03 because I wouldn't have a driver
36:05 who's so close to my partner all these years.
36:07 You know what?
36:09 I'm glad you're here.
36:11 Believe me, Marko is also appreciated.
36:31 Marko is appreciated for what?
36:35 Do you remember that photo
36:37 of your alleged love with some guy?
36:39 I don't remember.
36:41 The photo that was magically sent to me
36:43 was from Barbara's phone.
36:45 I'm almost sure that photo is authentic.
36:47 I think we shouldn't
36:57 postpone the interview for another day.
36:59 I heard what you talked about.
37:03 You're fine.
37:05 You're fine, right?
37:07 Since we're in this together,
37:09 and we're co-owners of this TV,
37:11 I think I should know
37:13 what kind of package of services
37:15 VTV is offering to your business partner.
37:17 I can't believe you're firing me.
37:27 Your only sister.
37:29 Barbara, I'm not firing you.
37:31 It's just that this isn't the best time.
37:33 You're firing me.
37:35 You should have seen
37:37 how Mirjana was crying.
37:39 What? I can cry, too.
37:41 Okay, Barbara, enough.
37:43 Enough, really.
37:45 You're acting like a fool.
37:47 Dušan, give me a lemonade
37:57 so I can go back.
37:59 Why do you want to go back?
38:01 You really got me.
38:03 Did I?
38:05 I'm a bit excited. I have to meet a girl tonight.
38:07 I'm very nervous, too.
38:09 What if they don't like me?
38:11 What will they say about him?
38:29 Are you surprised?
38:31 No.
38:33 How the fuck did I manage
38:35 to fall in love with a man
38:37 who's part of that criminal gang?
38:39 Please, don't look at me like that.
38:43 When you know perfectly well
38:45 there's no contract that hasn't been signed.
38:47 I'm sorry.
38:49 Are you crazy?
39:05 How dare you get involved in something like that?
39:07 I had no other choice.
39:09 I had to do it.
39:11 I would never do it.
39:13 Okay, Bojislav.
39:15 We're partners.
39:17 We'll solve this. Together.
39:19 Oh, Nina,
39:21 I can't believe you care so much about me.