2021 I'm In a Tizzy Over You

  • last year
Written in 2021 by Mark Fielding Darden

Recorded in Stovall NC about the same time

I can't tell you much about this song without getting in trouble. You'll have to just imagine where it came from. I can say this much, the two redheads look a lot alike, and I loved the real one more than all the millipede legs on all the planets in all the galaxies in all the universes times ten to the billionth power. So there.

Otherwise, it’s a simple little blues song. I decided not to add a lead instrument and just keep it that way.

The pictures for the video came from a kid’s video I found online that was licensed as “Creative Commons,” which means I can use any part of it any way I wish, so long as I credit the source:

SciShow Kids, with Jessie and Squeaks; Fizzy Soda Experiment, found on YouTube in 2023.


Thanks to both redheads for adding to my life !!