1994 Love Mystery

  • last year
1994 Love Mystery (originally called “Is Love a Mystery to You?”) by Mark Fielding Darden. Edited and recorded at Mountain Road NC studio in 2023. All music, video, lyrics MFD. I changed the word “residue” to IOU on Christmas Eve 2022, and it now makes much more sense. I also changed the chorus from a Christian perspective to a humanities point of view.

This song co-wrote itself. So did the video. It was almost like audible voices were telling me what to do next. No kidding.

Beautiful reggae tune. Makes you think. The first shall be last is not just a clever saying from the Bible. If you could make convicts help people, and if they could see that they were doing good, it would change many, many lives. But you can’t make them do that. It has to come from each heart. It cannot be an institutionalized thing.

But YOU can do it. Are you feeling worthless? Are you feeling like life doesn’t matter? May I suggest what you might do?

Get off your ass and go help someone who really has it bad… and stop your pansy-ass whining. Your perspective will change very quickly… and you will begin to feel something grow inside you. That thing is called Love.

Nothing solves your problems better than helping someone else solve their problems.