2008 I Will Savor You

  • last year
SAVOR: To enjoy and experience as slowly and deeply as possible.

Written and recorded December 2008/ Blue Creek Valley Farm/ Mark Fielding Darden. Effective date of copyright registration is 2023.
Thanks to Chris Kisgen for some great lead parts, bass, and ideas on this song. He added so many, MANY incredible musical ideas to my songs that they are almost his songs at times. He always made every song BIGGER than I started out with. I wish we were still making music together. Chris, if yer out thar… CALL ME !!

On another front, the picture of THE GIRL… I think her name is Uma, and I think she’s Italian, but I really have no clue. I tried to track her down to give her credit for this picture, but there is no contact information anywhere I have looked. Just another face on the internet for now. But, Uma, if that’s your face and name, and you are out there, and you see this someday… contact me and I’ll not only give you credit for the picture, I’ll give you permission to use this song pretty much any way you wish. You are an incredibly animated human being, full of life and hope.

Good for you !!