1985 To Us from Them

  • 4 months ago
"In my Father’s house are many mansions. If it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place so that where I am you may be also." Jesus said that and I believe it.

This song was written for my pal, Sam Hobgood, when his father died in 1985. Called "To Us from Them"... meaning his father is singing the song to us. Originally recorded on a little cassette player somewhere in an apartment in Raleigh back in the eighties... At the time, I was drifting in my beliefs about the afterlife.

Sam knew better then and I know better now. The original song was written and recorded without a lot of practice or finesse. It was meant to be something my friend could quickly find solace in, and he did. He and I both are Christians today and believe our parents will be waiting for us in a very special place on the other side. Thank you, Jesus.

The recording on this video is a new recording of the song that I did in June 2024. It differs from the original in that it is cleaner and has a few instrumental breaks, as well as a Reggae feel to it. I also changed two words to match my Christian faith now. Sam sent me a photo of his father, which I used in the video. I’m playing all the instruments and created the video as well.

I love the little smile on Mr. Hobgood’s face, and I can almost see him singing this song to us.

Copyright info:
March 16, 1986
PAu 845-034