2008 Under Holy Water

  • 2 months ago
Under Holy Water
by Mark Fielding Darden
Written 2008, Oxford NC

Obviously written post-divorce and after I’d read the confessions she’d left behind by accident. Tough time for both of us. I was just beginning to understand what happened to our marriage, but it was too late by then to do anything about it. She was gone.

At that time, Chris and Kristin were working through all kinds of new songs with me (and divorces of their own). Chris played bass, but I’m pretty sure I played everything else, including the piano and string parts. I actually surprised myself.

Now, fourteen years later, I am putting a video to this song. Beth has moved back to Clayton, Kristin is with a long-term fiancé not far away, and Chris has disappeared somewhere in Raleigh. I’m living alone and I have a very painful back issue… and cancer.

I’m hoping to get as many of these great, unpublished songs online as possible before the shit hits the fan.

Mark Darden: guitars, song, vocal, video, percussion, piano, strings
Chris Kisgen: bass
Kristin Kanady: lovely harmonies as always
God: still in charge

Recorded at Blue Creek Valley Farm Studio in Oxford NC in 2008
Copyright 1/28/2023
PAu 4-168-584
00:00Little did I know, how hard it would be to love me
00:26You gave it all you could, and now you are free
00:33And I'm under holy water, cold cold water
00:42I'm under holy water, going down
00:49You talked yourself out of loving me, from the day you said I do
00:58You found a way to justify, what you didn't want to do
01:06And I'm under holy water, cold cold water
01:15I'm under holy water, going down
01:24You're a thousand feet under, and you know you won't be found
01:32And you can't even hear thunder, when the bubbles float straight down
01:40You're under holy water, cold cold water
01:48I'm under holy water, going down
02:09Someday you will answer, for loving me in vain
02:30Someday I will answer, for the sin that's in this man
02:39But until then
02:41You're under holy water, cold cold water
02:49Under holy water, going down
02:58Under holy water, cold cold water
03:05Yes we are, under holy water, going down
03:15But I'm a thousand feet under, and I know I won't be found
03:23And I can't even hear thunder, when the bubbles float straight down
03:30And I'm under holy water, cold cold water
03:38I'm under holy water, going down
03:45The water has a way of healing, it knows just where to go
04:05Then we'll jump back in the river, and we'll let the water flow
04:12Holy water, yeah
04:16Holy water, yeah
04:25Holy water
04:34Holy water