00:00 Hey guys
00:02 So it is the day after Christmas for those of you who celebrate I hope you had a great holiday
00:07 This is the last day of conspiracy Christmas today. I am NOT feeling too good
00:12 I think I got something from family members over the holidays, but I feel like utter crap
00:17 But I was like, you know what I can still do this
00:19 I can still throw in a hat and do a video for you guys all the conspiracy theories
00:23 I've done this month have been really intense and kind of terrifying
00:27 I was like since we've been a little dark this month. We should end with something a little more fun
00:32 So today I am going to be doing one of my most requested videos and that is for the Simpsons predicting stuff
00:37 And I'm sorry for how nasally I probably sound now if you didn't know the Simpsons have predicted a ton of things
00:44 Including Trump's presidency down to where he was when he announced it the escalator
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01:12 Well, don't get too excited because they actually didn't it's really funny
01:16 There are so many memes on the internet about the Simpsons predicting Donald Trump's presidency and I get sent them all of the time
01:22 But what people should probably know is that episode of the Simpsons where they predicted him
01:27 Coming down the escalator and running for president that episode actually came out after Donald Trump had already run for president
01:34 But they have predicted quite a few other things. I went through and I picked the ones I thought were most interesting
01:39 Let's go through some of the predictions that the Simpsons have made
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01:46 Lady Gaga's Super Bowl performance in one of their episodes they showed Lady Gaga doing a performance
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02:01 In the episode they have the Lady Gaga character flying around the stage on like a zip line or a harness system and
02:08 Lady Gaga ended up doing the same thing.
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02:25 And who's to say that Lady Gaga didn't get inspiration from them
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02:32 Giant mutated tomatoes. In the episode Homer poisons his crops with
02:37 Tobacco and they end up being mutated
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02:49 Now this actually happened but not from tobacco in Japan near a nuclear plant all these crazy vegetables started growing in the area
02:57 Just huge and deformed. Is this a coincidence or is it a prediction? I'd love to know your thoughts
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03:05 Before smart watches came around the Simpsons had a smart watch in one of their episodes where someone was able to talk to their watch
03:12 The world's attention is focusing on smart watches
03:15 I think this is our time to shine. Now is this a prediction or is this kind of like predicting
03:21 Technology based on where it's going. I don't know. I'd love to know your thoughts again
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03:28 Siegfried and Roy tiger attack. This one is pretty damn interesting
03:33 Okay, so back in 1993 the Simpsons kind of spoofed on Siegfried and Roy who are these magicians that worked with animals and they did
03:40 You know shows all over the world and in one of the episodes they get mauled by one of the Tigers that they're working with
03:46 What's crazy is that in 2003 this actually happened to them. Roy Horne near death
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04:00 Roy was actually brutally attacked in his neck by one of his Tigers, which he never thought could happen
04:05 He thought he had great control of his Tigers. So that's a pretty specific
04:08 prediction and very very interesting
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04:14 Europe trying to get rid of Greece. As many of you know in 2015 Greece suffered in
04:19 economic collapse, really bad financial issues. In 2013
04:24 There was an episode called politically inept and in the episode Homer Simpson is being interviewed on TV
04:30 And the bottom ticker says Europe puts Greece on eBay. So did they predict that Europe would try to get rid of Greece?
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04:39 The horse meat scandal. In 1994 there was an episode of the Simpsons where there was
04:45 Scandal going on in their school. The cafeteria was using
04:49 Horse meat as an ingredient in their food and people like to say that
04:53 Burger King ended up selling horse meat. Burger King actually just dropped a supplier that was connected to horse meat
05:00 Weirdly enough. They pointed the blame at Silvercrest a processing company in Ireland that has also come under fire for providing major UK
05:08 Supermarkets with horse meat. So we're not sure if there were traces of horse meat in their food
05:12 I don't know about that one, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's other
05:15 Establishments out there where we're eating like fucking horse meat
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05:23 Numéro 7 rigged voting machine. In a 2008 episode they made a joke about
05:27 Voting machines not working correctly. In the episode Homer goes to choose Obama as his choice for president and it switches it over to
05:36 John McCain.
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05:53 Now this actually did happen. In 2012 actually there was a voting machine that would change people's votes to Romney actually
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06:07 Kind of blows my mind because it makes me just question our whole voting system, but that machine was removed
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06:15 Disney taking over 21 Century Fox. In 1998 there was an episode of The Simpsons called "When you dish upon a star" and in that episode
06:22 There is a sign outside of a building that says 20th Century Fox a division of Walt Disney Company
06:28 Now this is really interesting because very recently Disney did buy 21st Century Fox. It was a deal for
06:34 52.4 billion dollars. So did they predict that one? That one's pretty interesting
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06:43 Three-eyed fish. In an episode in 1990 Bart actually catches a three-eyed fish in a river and the fish in the episode was
06:50 Mutated because of the nuclear power plant nearby and pollutants and contaminants in the water
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07:12 And what's crazy is that in 2011 there was a fish, a three-eyed fish exactly like the one in the episode
07:18 Found in a river in Argentina that was close to a nuclear plant
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07:25 In the year 2000 there was an episode of The Simpsons that was kind of futuristic it's called "Bart to the future"
07:31 In the episode Lisa ends up being very very similar looking to Hillary Clinton and in the episode Lisa as
07:38 President comes up to the stand and says that we are dealing with a deficit left by President Trump and that he left the country in
07:44 Financial bankruptcy. As you know we've inherited quite a budget crunch from President Trump. How bad is it Secretary Van Houten?
07:52 We're broke. The country is broke. It's really interesting that they predicted that Trump would be
07:58 President. Now this isn't as cool as people think it is because back then when this episode was made
08:03 Trump actually did run for president as a third-party candidate, but he ended his campaign in February of 2000
08:09 But they were kind of mocking it off that
08:11 I don't know if they knew or would know that Trump would actually become president one day
08:16 I think it was all kind of a joke, but that's the world we live in these days when jokes become reality
08:21 So I don't know what I think about all this
08:24 I think the Simpsons are very creative and there are so many things that they've predicted that haven't come true and the Simpsons have been
08:30 On forever so many episodes so much information so many futuristic things predictions
08:35 I think most of these things are just due to the fact that the Simpsons have been on for so long like they're
08:41 Guaranteed to get some things right and that's my issue with anyone who makes predictions honestly
08:46 I find it super interesting
08:47 I always love to learn about people like Baba Vanga and Nostradamus and stuff part of the reality of that is that
08:53 They they only get a very small percentage of their predictions, right?
08:57 I'm not saying I don't believe in psychics because I think some people definitely have it a sense
09:01 There are so many things that the Simpsons have predicted that haven't come true
09:04 That it's kind of hard to say they're predicting the future
09:06 But there's a lot of people out there that think maybe the writers are working with a psychic or the producers a time traveler
09:13 I mean who really knows any of those things are possible or they have some type of inside information ahead of time
09:18 But some of these things were just bizarre
09:20 Quintessence that you couldn't have possibly had any future knowledge of but they're not the only show that has predicted stuff
09:26 In fact South Park has predicted things. There are other cartoon series that predicted things movies
09:31 There's so many examples of our content predicting things in the future
09:35 And I think that's because as humans we like to guess what's gonna come and some of it actually comes true
09:40 Especially the most creative minds which the people that work on The Simpsons are super super creative
09:44 So I think a lot of this is just bizarre coincidences that came true in my opinion
09:49 But I'd love to know what you guys think. I'd love to know your thoughts. So leave me a comment below
09:53 That's it for me today guys. I hope you're having a great day
09:56 Hopefully I feel better by Thursday and I will see you guys next time
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