EastEnders 3rd June 2023-n

  • last year


00:28 Come on, kids, get a rigging on.
00:29 What are you doing?
00:37 You're supposed to be taking Raymond to--
00:40 My alarm didn't go off.
00:41 Why didn't you wake me up?
00:42 Oh, no, because I ain't got enough to worry about, have I?
00:44 [SIGHS]
00:45 Why are you down here?
00:48 Didn't you hear him last night, rowing again?
00:51 No, we weren't.
00:51 No, no, no, no.
00:53 I just booted him out, that's all.
00:54 You think I'd be used to snoring by now.
00:57 And it's Kim's sentencing today, so--
00:59 Hey, is she going to go to prison?
01:01 No, of course not.
01:03 She's going to be the next big thing, apparently.
01:06 Community service chic, all high-vis jackets,
01:09 and them litter-picking stick-- yeah, she's going to be fine.
01:13 Tell her good luck, yeah?
01:14 Yeah.
01:15 Listen, it's bad enough I'm going to be late.
01:16 Eat your breakfast. Go on, let's go.
01:18 [SIGHS]
01:19 [SIGHS]
01:20 [SIGHS]
01:20 [SIGHS]
01:21 [SIGHS]
01:22 [SIGHS]
01:23 [SIGHS]
01:24 Look, I'm sorry.
01:25 I went for kicking off last night.
01:28 I know you're being pulled left, right, and center.
01:30 All I want to do is help.
01:32 Raymond!
01:34 Looks like I'm taking you to school today.
01:36 Right, you ready?
01:44 Mm-hmm.
01:45 Where's Gina?
01:47 Just putting her face on.
01:48 We're only going to cash and carry.
01:50 Standards, Dad.
01:52 Right, let's go.
01:54 Hold your horses.
01:55 I've decided we all need something
01:57 we can look forward to.
01:59 Holiday brochures.
02:00 I'm getting.
02:01 My tan could do with topping up.
02:04 Obviously, I want all three of you to be my bridesmaids.
02:08 I can just picture it-- gorgeous dresses, little Annie
02:11 scattering rose petals, Ollie in a tux,
02:14 and Tyson with one of them little ring pouches
02:16 attached to his collar.
02:17 What do you reckon?
02:18 Oh, sounds perfect.
02:20 Right, girls?
02:20 It's not really our style, though.
02:22 Is it, sis?
02:23 I'm not putting you in meringues if that's
02:25 what you're worried about.
02:25 No, I'm going to put the kettle on,
02:26 and you can have a flip through.
02:28 We really do need to get to the cash and carry.
02:31 Darling, I think your father can manage on his own.
02:34 Now, glam's hot.
02:35 Matching is not, apparently.
02:38 You can put your own take on it.
02:39 Oh, yeah.
02:41 Don't push it, though.
02:42 They've got a lot to get their heads around right now.
02:44 Well, that went well.
02:51 Absolutely, I'll get that.
02:53 Mr. Jones, I get that.
02:54 It's just that Kim is in a really bad place at the minute.
02:58 And if you could just give the judge a heads up.
03:01 There you go.
03:04 That's 180, please, mate.
03:05 Oh, someone's in the doghouse.
03:08 Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
03:10 it's birthday.
03:12 She'll be in 27 today.
03:16 Very good, that.
03:17 Yeah, well, I'll just have to do my best to get her there nice
03:19 and calm, yeah?
03:21 OK, bye-bye.
03:22 Billy, how you doing?
03:24 Yeah, you know, getting there.
03:26 Yeah, well, you still all right to pop
03:28 into the salon this afternoon?
03:30 Yeah, what's it all about?
03:32 Well, you know, we just want to do something
03:33 to mark no mistake.
03:35 Sorry, I've got Kim's sentencing, so see you at 2.
03:38 Yeah.
03:39 All right.
03:39 Yeah, you know, this group family conference
03:45 might not be as scary as we thought.
03:46 No, join in, you two, mate.
03:48 I watched this video, and really all they want to see
03:50 is that Lily is capable of looking after a baby.
03:52 What, at 13 years old?
03:54 She's got us, hasn't she?
03:56 That's 220, please, mate.
03:58 Cash or card?
03:59 I hope Jack doesn't try and put a spanner in the works.
04:02 You really think he would?
04:03 Put anything past him.
04:05 Look, can we-- can we do this another time?
04:08 I think it's great that you've looked into it,
04:09 but Eve is in bed with a bucket and a head full of regrets.
04:12 She went to Soho for pride, and mum's
04:14 had to push all her jobs back because Lily ain't well.
04:16 What can I get you, mate?
04:18 She's not well again?
04:19 She's got a headache and swollen feet.
04:20 Well, we need to get her checked out, then.
04:22 Have you tried to get a doctor's appointment lately?
04:24 She's got a midwife appointment coming up soon.
04:26 We just have to keep a close eye on her.
04:28 Nah.
04:28 [CHATTER]
04:30 Hello.
04:32 Yeah, look, sorry to ask, but can I ask a favor?
04:35 She hasn't remembered then?
04:41 She ain't said anything.
04:43 And I don't think we should mention it, either.
04:46 I promised Lola that--
04:49 I can't say I feel like celebrating.
04:52 I'm going to school.
04:53 Bye.
04:54 Everything is under control.
05:06 What about the flowers?
05:07 Blue flowers?
05:08 Pink?
05:09 OK, all you need to do is just relax and get ready.
05:14 I've been telling her.
05:15 Yada, yada, yada.
05:17 I need to go to the shops.
05:18 No, come on.
05:19 But what are the kids supposed to live on
05:21 for the rest of the week?
05:22 Fresh air and takeaways?
05:23 We'll go first thing tomorrow.
05:24 What, and have Patrick come back to her empty house?
05:26 No, no.
05:27 Kim, stop.
05:28 Please, just stop.
05:31 I know you're worried about court and everything.
05:34 And you think sitting around thinking about it
05:35 is going to help.
05:37 I'm fine.
05:38 I just need to keep busy.
05:39 Can't carry on like this.
05:45 One of us is going to have a nervous breakdown.
05:46 Yeah, well, let's get it sorted then.
05:50 Because I can't afford therapy for both of you.
05:52 Here.
05:53 What?
05:54 I can't-- I can't--
05:55 She's not going to take it from me.
05:56 And she's going to be a gibbering wreck waiting to get
05:59 to the top of that waiting list.
06:01 That'll at least cover her for a few sessions
06:02 to get her started.
06:03 Where am I supposed to say I got it from?
06:04 I don't know.
06:05 Scratch card or a rich aunt.
06:07 I don't know, just get her there.
06:10 Don't know what to say.
06:12 Sure you can afford it?
06:15 What's worth more than your family's health, eh?
06:17 Thanks for this, son.
06:24 I just need to know that there's
06:25 nothing to worry about, you know?
06:26 Yeah.
06:27 Yeah, look, it's--
06:28 where are you going?
06:29 School.
06:30 I feel fine.
06:31 We can't afford for you to take the day off work.
06:32 Oh, I think we'll let Sonia be the judge of that.
06:34 Thank you.
06:35 Martin said you've been having to make some pain.
06:37 So I was going to give you a quick once over, if that's OK.
06:39 Yeah, it's fine.
06:41 Yeah?
06:42 Good.
06:42 So tell me, how's school going?
06:45 Yeah, it's all right.
06:46 Oh, that's good, isn't it?
06:47 Yeah, don't get us started about this new supply teacher.
06:49 What's his name, Mr. Houghton?
06:51 Theo.
06:52 Theo.
06:52 Oh, apparently what this Theo don't know about an ox blood
06:55 lake--
06:56 Ox bones.
06:57 Did you see that?
06:58 That is smart, son, eh?
07:00 You're not going to end up on a fruit and vegetable
07:01 like your old man, are you?
07:03 Have you been feeling sick at all?
07:05 A little bit, why?
07:07 And when was the last time you felt baby move?
07:10 I don't know, about an hour ago.
07:11 Well, there's nothing to worry about, is there?
07:13 It's just blood pressure's a bit high, that's all.
07:15 You're not worried about anything, are you?
07:17 Friends, or--
07:19 We have got this big sit down with the Brannans
07:22 and the social worker tomorrow.
07:24 I mean, Neil, you do say you're not worried about it.
07:26 Yeah, because I'm not.
07:28 All right, well, there's nothing to worry about.
07:30 But I am going to call your midwife, OK?
07:32 How many weeks you got till the summer holidays?
07:39 Hello.
07:43 What are you doing here?
07:44 Why aren't you at work?
07:45 Decided to take the day off.
07:46 I was late anyways.
07:48 I wanted to say sorry.
07:50 You know, not just about earlier.
07:51 I know I haven't exactly been fair.
07:52 Yeah, Jack, not now.
07:54 I've not exactly got the head space.
07:57 Of course.
07:58 But look, once the day's through, maybe we can sit down.
08:02 You know, talk about ways in which I can help us reset.
08:06 Yeah.
08:08 That'd be good, yeah.
08:10 So how's Kim?
08:15 Stressed.
08:17 Ain't exactly helping all this Lola thing.
08:20 Hm?
08:21 Well, today would have been her birthday.
08:23 So we thought we'd better do something.
08:25 You never said--
08:26 No, I ain't exactly had the chance, have I?
08:29 Anyway, I'd better finish up.
08:31 Vanley's going to be arriving soon.
08:33 You went straight off to the court.
08:34 Maybe I was thinking I should come with her.
08:37 Look, I know I've let you down once today already.
08:39 But I understand if you don't want me there.
08:41 No, no.
08:43 That'd be great.
08:44 Kim, please.
08:45 She's--
08:46 I don't want you to worry about it.
08:48 She's really been struggling.
08:51 What she really needs is therapy.
08:53 But what with the waiting list being so long, I thought I--
08:57 Kim, please.
08:58 There's no need.
09:02 Once upon a time, there was a beautiful prince
09:08 and a fabulous princess.
09:09 Kim.
09:10 What?
09:11 Look, Micah and Pearl, they won't go to bed
09:13 without a story.
09:15 Go to sleep.
09:16 And you will be there to read it to them.
09:20 Kim, you don't seriously think that you're going to--
09:25 Any idea what we're doing here?
09:28 Scooby.
09:30 Hi.
09:31 Hi, everyone.
09:34 Thank you all for coming.
09:35 All right, then.
09:36 Um, tell us what this is all about.
09:41 Got the rest of the term off.
09:42 That's good, isn't it?
09:43 So I can sit at home all day and be bored out of my mind.
09:46 Sonia's asked the midwife to pop by later just
09:48 to make things official.
09:50 I think we're going to have to make up a row with her,
09:52 you know?
09:53 It's only fair I do my share, isn't it?
09:55 She can't be at home all day on her own.
09:58 I ain't a kid.
09:59 I don't need babysitting.
10:00 Well, you need feeding, though, don't you?
10:02 We don't want this baby coming out
10:03 with a taste for cheesy chips and instant noodles.
10:05 Well, is that what you're going to tell him tomorrow, is it?
10:08 That I'm useless and I can't look after myself,
10:10 let alone a baby?
10:11 Yeah, well, we was only having a laugh.
10:16 Lil, come on, sweetheart.
10:20 You can talk to me.
10:21 What's the point?
10:22 It's not going to change anything.
10:24 Well, how do you know unless you say?
10:26 It's meeting tomorrow.
10:27 No one's going to be judging you.
10:28 They've already got me on record for hurting Arthur.
10:31 When you were seven, Lil, you'd done a dusted years ago.
10:36 I know what they want to do.
10:40 Well, first off, I want to just thank you all for coming.
10:43 I know today's not an easy one.
10:48 Well, not that any day is, you know, at the moment.
10:54 [SIGHS]
10:55 It just feels like a really surreal thing to be doing.
11:00 At this time last year, we just went for a quick drink
11:03 after work.
11:04 Mm.
11:05 Lila dragged us off to a bar.
11:07 It was a right dive.
11:08 [GIGGLES]
11:09 She lined up the shots.
11:10 Took her three days to recover, didn't it?
11:12 Yeah.
11:13 All needless to say, this place, it ain't the same without her.
11:16 She was amazing.
11:20 We was all worried, you know, what it was going to be like.
11:23 After-- of course we did.
11:30 But she just seemed to have this inner strength,
11:34 this total faith that everybody would step up, pull together,
11:42 and-- and just muddle through things to make it right.
11:48 And she was right.
11:52 The world keeps turning.
11:55 And we all find something to smile about,
11:59 even when you least think it.
12:03 Maybe especially when you--
12:05 you live.
12:08 [CHUCKLES]
12:10 I still wasn't going to get upset.
12:13 I think what Denise is trying to say
12:16 is that she's missed.
12:18 And I'll always be part of her, yeah?
12:20 Yeah.
12:24 Or a special friend on a special day.
12:35 Happy birthday, Lila.
12:36 Happy birthday.
12:37 Happy birthday, Lila.
12:38 Happy birthday.
12:39 [KISSES]
12:40 Oh.
12:42 [SNIFFLES]
12:43 [KISSES]
12:44 [SIGHS]
12:45 [SIGHS]
12:46 [SIGHS]
12:47 [SIGHS]
12:48 Denzel's mate's cousin, they know this girl.
12:51 Her family were proper skint, so the social services came around,
12:54 raided through all their bank accounts and their personal details.
12:57 Yeah, because they've got time for that, Lil.
13:00 It's Denzel's mate's cousin, whoever it is, talking out of their backside.
13:04 You're just saying that to stop me worrying so I won't make the baby ill.
13:07 No, I'm saying it because it's the truth.
13:09 Do you think I'd honestly lie about something that important?
13:12 You're always downplaying stuff.
13:15 Eve's been sacked by the Panasaurs.
13:18 Mum and Nanny Jean were struggling to make ends meet, as it is.
13:20 Yeah, well, I'm still learning.
13:22 Not when you're sitting here, babysitting me.
13:25 You don't need to worry about that stuff, Lil.
13:28 I told you that.
13:29 If I can't look after my little girl--
13:30 I'm not your little girl.
13:32 I'm this baby's mum.
13:33 That's what I've been trying--
13:34 [SIGHS]
13:36 Do you just think I'm some stupid kid?
13:38 No.
13:39 No, I don't.
13:41 Look, of course you are worried.
13:47 You're so much sharper than I was at your age.
13:50 And I forget that sometimes.
13:53 Listen, Lil, I just want to protect you.
13:56 So, yeah, sometimes I put a positive spin on things.
14:02 How are we going to manage?
14:04 Oh, come on.
14:05 We just will, won't we?
14:07 Yeah, what about when it's older?
14:09 How am I going to get a decent job with no qualifications?
14:12 You'll be going back to school soon.
14:14 With a baby to look after, I'll never catch on.
14:18 Yeah, you will.
14:20 Come here.
14:22 Come on.
14:23 Thank you.
14:30 Any joy?
14:31 No, not yet.
14:34 Hello, darling, can I have a flat white?
14:35 Yeah.
14:36 A well-o and a donut.
14:37 Actually, make it two.
14:39 Things are bad.
14:40 Oh, don't tell me.
14:42 Westminster Abbey's cancelled.
14:43 You're having to make do with St Paul's.
14:45 I'd be lucky if I made Walford Registry Office
14:47 with a couple of witnesses dragged off the street
14:49 the way things are going.
14:51 George ain't getting cold feet, is he?
14:53 No, it's the girls.
14:54 I thought they'd jump at the chance of being bridesmaids.
14:56 Nice dresses, free booze,
14:58 maybe copping off with someone at the end of the night
15:00 if you're luxury.
15:01 I think you've been watching too many rom-coms, Elaine.
15:03 Whoever said weddings bring people together
15:05 obviously never went to one round here.
15:08 I bet your boys are already fighting over
15:10 who's going to walk you down the aisle.
15:12 Well, not all of them.
15:14 Ian, my eldest, well, apart from the e-card for Mother's Day,
15:18 I've known him for over two years now.
15:21 I had no idea.
15:23 Oh, Bobby's like a dog with a bone trying to find him,
15:26 bless him, but I'm not holding my breath.
15:28 If Ian wanted to be found, he would have found him.
15:30 Well, I would have private detectives out and all sorts.
15:33 I wouldn't drag him back kicking and screaming, no.
15:36 Yes, your wedding, you want him here.
15:38 I'm his mum, Elaine. He ain't about what I want, is he?
15:41 He's obviously got his reasons,
15:44 and hopefully, given time, they'll want to come home.
15:48 You really did Lola proud.
15:54 Well, I couldn't have done it without you.
15:57 Thank you.
16:00 So, er, we should get a move on, shall we?
16:03 You want me to book a cab or something?
16:05 Erm... Yeah, two... two sets.
16:08 Ah, nice speech.
16:13 Oh, I meant it.
16:15 Every word.
16:17 You are not going to prison.
16:19 Jameson told you.
16:21 Yes, Jameson told me that it would be dealt with the magistrates, isn't it?
16:24 Yeah, get stuck on a wrist for nearly killing Denzel.
16:27 Clown.
16:29 You've got to be realistic.
16:31 What, by saying they're going to lock you up and throw away the key?
16:35 Oh, Kim, stop being such a drama queen.
16:38 You're most likely going to get a fine,
16:41 maybe a ban,
16:43 a little bit of community service, you know?
16:45 And what if I don't? What's going to happen to my kids?
16:48 Oh, what, so you think that I wouldn't look after Micah and Pearl?
16:52 Come on, we're family. We're poor together.
16:55 And anyway,
16:57 you are not going to prison.
17:00 I promise you.
17:03 There you go.
17:07 She's looking down on you, you know.
17:12 (Chuckles)
17:14 OK, so, you're going to need a couple of cabs,
17:34 because I'm going to pick up Denzel on the way.
17:38 Pull for every time, don't I?
17:41 What?
17:43 Kim, hold on.
17:45 Jack?
17:48 Where are you going? What the hell was all that about?
17:50 Oh, you tell me.
17:52 I had a text from the bank. Someone's taken £500 out of their joint account.
17:55 Oh, you... What, if you give me the chance to explain...
17:58 Well, maybe you should tell me before you take my money.
18:00 What? Wait, yours?
18:03 It's just as much mine, and I needed it for something important.
18:06 What? What's that supposed to mean?
18:09 Oh, so... we're back to raving now, are we?
18:15 What, you think I did that for some dirty weekend away?
18:19 I needed it for Kim's therapy.
18:22 Don't worry about coming to the call.
18:27 Not if this is your idea of helping.
18:33 Hey, Anna. Found this down the back of the sofa.
18:50 Thought it might have been one of yours.
18:52 I wish. I was as good at finding things as you are.
18:55 - Want a drink? - Yeah, yeah.
18:59 - What do you want? - It's just... just orange juice.
19:02 Oh, just try and let her down gently. I know it ain't your style.
19:06 Look, Elaine, we don't want to be ungrateful.
19:09 Yeah, give these to your gran. They're on loan, but no rush.
19:13 Wouldn't seem right getting married until all my bridesmaids were totally on board.
19:18 You do know she won't be able to stay away from them for more than a few weeks?
19:23 Your mum is full of surprises.
19:27 - Where's Callum? - He's in the loo.
19:30 - It was nice of Denise, wasn't it? - Yeah.
19:34 - Tell her I love her. - She certainly made her mark.
19:45 School.
19:48 Hello?
19:50 Hello, Miss Reynolds.
19:52 Yeah, is Lexi OK?
19:55 Yeah.
19:57 It's going to be OK. Yeah? I don't know.
20:02 Do a statement. Take breaths. You'll be fine.
20:07 Good afternoon, ladies. Right, OK.
20:11 I'm going to speak to the judge and prosecuting counsel. Request that...
20:16 - Denzel. - Denzel be allowed to read his statement first.
20:21 It's not usual procedure, but due to his age and obvious nerves...
20:26 OK, but they're not going to question him, are they?
20:28 Because he's not the one that's on trial.
20:30 Yeah, but neither are you. This is just a formality.
20:33 - Right. - Calling all parties in the case of Kimberly Fox to court number four.
20:38 Kimberly Fox to court four.
20:40 Do you hear that?
20:42 Well, that's your lucky number.
20:44 Come on, be positive, yeah?
20:48 Go on.
20:50 Hi, Kim.
20:54 No, don't say it. Scrub that one out and then put a fine line in there.
21:16 And then put a five there. Look, here.
21:19 - No, but... - Yeah, I know. Here.
21:21 That's not how we learn it. Yeah, and that's wrong anyway cos that cancels out.
21:24 - I might as well just do this on my own. - No, no, no, wait.
21:28 - Flat white, please. - Theo, what are you doing here?
21:33 Meeting your cousin. I could ask you the same thing.
21:36 - We missed you in school today. - Yeah, I wasn't feeling very well.
21:40 Well, glad to see you're keeping on top of things.
21:43 - Sorry, I didn't mean to... - No, no, Martin.
21:46 - Lil's dad. - Oh.
21:48 Probably not quite up to your teaching expertise.
21:50 He doesn't even know what an expression is.
21:52 Here, could you have a look?
21:54 Maths isn't really my field, but...
21:56 No, Mr Hawthorne... Sorry, Theo.
21:58 Probably doesn't want to be doing maths in his free time, Lil. Sorry.
22:01 Well, like I said, it's not really my expertise, but...
22:04 Yeah, this looks straightforward enough.
22:07 Start by dividing each side by two,
22:10 which will give you that there.
22:13 The accident left me pretty beat up, yeah.
22:16 But Kim is a good person.
22:22 She would never, ever hurt anyone on purpose.
22:25 No matter how hurt I got,
22:28 it's been way worse for her.
22:31 She has punished herself enough.
22:34 And, look, I know it's not up to me, but...
22:39 I don't want Kim going to prison.
22:42 I want her at home, where she belongs.
22:45 Thank you, Mr Daines.
22:49 - Be seated. - Thank you.
22:51 - Did great, son. - Yeah, well done.
23:04 (SIGHS)
23:06 Why didn't you tell us that you'd remembered?
23:18 You didn't want to celebrate.
23:21 I heard you. Before school.
23:23 It weren't that.
23:25 It wasn't... It was...
23:27 We just thought, you know, Mum not being here now...
23:30 - She wouldn't want us to forget her. - No, of course not.
23:33 How could we ever do that, eh?
23:35 We're idiots, right?
23:37 Your teacher said that you'd made something.
23:41 Wow.
23:48 Isn't this a birthday cake in heaven?
23:54 I think...
23:57 Look, Mummy wouldn't settle for just a Victoria sponge, would she?
24:01 And there'll be Chuck and her and a right old party up here,
24:04 don't you worry about that.
24:06 I'll put it up here, eh?
24:09 Your Honour, on Monday, 3rd April 2023,
24:20 at 8.45 in the evening,
24:22 Miss Fox and Mr Daines left McLunkey's Fast Food restaurant
24:26 London E20 and made their way to Coward's Desserts,
24:30 a short drive away.
24:32 It had been a somewhat emotionally charged evening.
24:35 Miss Fox had not only won the Influencer of the Moment award,
24:39 but a new car.
24:41 The car she was driving when she received a text message
24:44 on her mobile phone.
24:46 Her being somewhat unfamiliar with the controls,
24:49 she looked at the screen, she pulled off...
24:52 - Why are they even doing that? - She swerved to avoid a pedestrian...
24:55 ...losing control and collided with a thankfully empty Indian restaurant.
25:01 - Oi, oi, oi! - Jesus, can you stop it?
25:04 Mr Daines became trapped inside the vehicle,
25:06 having sustained a serious head injury
25:08 for which he would require emergency surgery.
25:11 He was pulled to safety only moments before a 1.5-tonne beam
25:17 fell from the building, crushing the car.
25:20 Look at her!
25:22 - Your Honour, if I could just interject... - Wait, wait. You need to let me out.
25:25 I can't breathe. Your Honour, please!
25:28 - I can't breathe. I can't breathe! - Miss Fox, control yourself.
25:31 - Kim! Kim! - Order! Order!
25:33 Miss Fox, you are in contempt of court.
25:35 - Kim, just calm down. It's all right. - No! No!
25:38 She's not well! She's ill! Will you just look at... Do something!
25:42 Your Honour, Miss Fox has been suffering from panic attacks.
25:45 - You have medical evidence. - We're seeking to obtain a report.
25:48 Then I suggest you do it as quickly as possible.
25:51 I cannot have court disrupted.
25:53 - Take her down. - No!
25:55 Miss Fox will be held until such time as I have medical proof.
25:58 - Kim! - Kim!
26:00 For timeless tunes you haven't heard in ages,
26:10 back-to-back sounds and Radio 1 anthems, this is now on sounds.
26:14 There's no way out? Unlock the mystery of the Maze Runner.
26:18 It's sci-fi thriller action on BBC Three now.
26:21 Here next, getting under the skin,
26:23 your body made perfect with Kate Garraway.
26:26 # Theme music
26:28 # Theme music
26:31 # Theme music
26:34 # Theme music
26:37 # Theme music
26:40 # Theme music
26:43 # Theme music