EastEnders 12th June 2023-n

  • last year


00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 (birds chirping)
00:05 the (birds chirping)
00:10 (upbeat music)
00:12 - You can head off.
00:37 - I'll stay till she wakes up.
00:40 - The MRI scan came out fine.
00:42 There's no permanent damage,
00:43 just a few weeks for the ribs to heal.
00:46 - So why can't she remember anything?
00:47 - Well, the doctor said it was perfectly fine.
00:49 It's a concussion.
00:50 The brain's way of protecting itself.
00:52 - From what?
00:53 - She's in good hands, son.
00:56 Go.
00:58 - Yes.
01:05 - He made it.
01:06 - Yeah, we'll decide where to put him now.
01:07 - Well, make up your mind,
01:08 you can tell Linda, no good rocking the boat.
01:10 Now you're both able to be in the same room.
01:12 - Sounds like a plan.
01:12 You know, he's been my right-hand man for 15 years.
01:14 - The locals will love him.
01:16 - Who's that?
01:17 - I got Tyson a new pair of sunnies.
01:19 He looks gorgeous.
01:20 - Unlike grumpy drawers there.
01:22 - Yeah, don't hold back, Elaine.
01:24 - Bit harsh, he's tender.
01:26 - Just turning it like it is.
01:28 - Bacon Betty special, love?
01:29 - Oh, someone's clearly had a good night.
01:30 Where'd you go, Peggy's?
01:31 - She went out with the girls in Marbella.
01:35 - Out, out.
01:37 - FaceTime they took her with.
01:39 It was messy.
01:40 - Tequila?
01:41 - Do not say that word.
01:42 - So you were drinking alone in your bedroom?
01:46 - Darling, when I was your age,
01:47 I had fellows queuing up down the street
01:49 to take me out seven nights a week.
01:51 - Oh, I knew the original Snow White.
01:54 - Still looks a bit desperate, that's all.
01:57 - Desperate times call for desperate measures.
01:59 - Well, we do everything else online.
02:02 Might as well go out with your mates.
02:03 - I think it's a brilliant idea.
02:05 - A duvet party.
02:06 - Anna, keep that little gem to yourself
02:08 'cause it's bad for business.
02:09 - It was a good night.
02:12 - Till Gemma copped off, she left her phone on the table.
02:14 - No.
02:15 - And then some random picked me up.
02:16 He's so wasted, I can only see his dimple.
02:19 Think it was his chin.
02:19 - No, I said I felt that.
02:22 Let's chat, more work, come on.
02:24 - Listen to your dad, chop, chop.
02:25 Get going, come on.
02:26 - There is no point to me making an effort
02:33 with your fiance if you're just creating tension
02:35 with his girls.
02:36 Unless you wanna be known as their wicked stepmother.
02:39 - All right, darling, go make yourself look presentable
02:46 and I will show you how to get over that hangover.
02:49 - No one can see me like this.
02:50 - Yeah, not my punters neither.
02:52 We got an hour to get you ready.
02:53 Come on, off you go.
02:54 Look, I'll take you out, my treat.
02:57 (soft music)
03:00 (phone buzzing)
03:09 - 27th, Reverend Mills is gonna do the service.
03:20 - And then what, a wake afterwards?
03:22 - No, Lola wanted a barbecue in the square.
03:25 She was always more of the party girl, wasn't she?
03:27 - Well, if you want any help, you just let me know.
03:30 - How's Lexi?
03:32 - She sleeping all right?
03:36 - She seems to be.
03:38 Jay checked in on you last night
03:39 and she was cuddling one of Lola's hoodies.
03:41 - That poor girl.
03:44 She must feel so lost.
03:46 - Trying to persuade her to move in with us.
03:49 - Well, it's gonna take time, love.
03:51 I mean, in her little head, she's where her mum is.
03:54 - She seems so far away.
03:56 - Ben, she loves you.
03:58 Don't matter where she is, nothing is gonna change that.
04:01 - Love you, mum. - You too.
04:06 Take care.
04:08 I must sound like a walking cliche.
04:18 - If you didn't help, he wouldn't come round, would he?
04:21 - I just wish I could carry some of the pain for him.
04:25 - From where I'm sitting, I'd say you are.
04:28 - She wasn't much more than a baby herself, was she?
04:32 - Come here, come here.
04:33 - Oh, don't, you're gonna start me off again.
04:39 Oh, no, he's gonna need a permit for the barbecue.
04:42 The council are a nightmare.
04:43 - Well, maybe honey can sort it.
04:45 - He's my son and my granddaughter has just lost her mum.
04:49 I can't sit by and do nothing.
04:51 - Kev, Kev, you have got to learn to share the load.
04:54 Let me at least call the council
04:56 and sort out a permit, all right?
04:57 - Okay, I've got a delivery at the ale, but where's my bag?
05:01 - It's upstairs. - All right.
05:03 - Take it easy, don't worry, I'll get it.
05:06 - To the plate, now, are you doing it?
05:12 Hey, don't you dare come here.
05:14 - Oh, not a very nice way to welcome your wife.
05:18 - Rocky!
05:21 - Yeah, I think they do an afternoon permit,
05:24 that should be enough.
05:26 Who was that?
05:26 - It was just a hunter for the car, though,
05:29 so I'm gonna get the salt.
05:31 - Right. - All right.
05:32 Yeah, I'll pop over to the floor centre in a bit,
05:39 check out what's in the place.
05:39 - My dad's gonna come back lunchtime
05:41 to collect some stuff for us, so.
05:43 - All right, I'll catch you, man.
05:43 - All right, man, thank you.
05:45 - Benny, how's your mum?
05:49 - Yeah, she's good.
05:52 - That's great.
05:52 She remembered anything else since last week?
05:56 - No, no, but the scans are all clear.
05:59 - Right.
06:00 So she's coming home?
06:02 - Three more days, I think.
06:05 Eve, did she talk to you last week?
06:10 - What do you mean?
06:11 - Do you know if she had any of the accidents recently?
06:14 - No, not that I know of.
06:15 - I just know she's been travelling, that's all.
06:18 - No, she's been through a lot this last couple of years.
06:21 You know, Jax, Kira, Dad, Ashley even.
06:24 I mean, there's only so much one person can say.
06:26 We've all got a breaking point.
06:27 - Do you think that's what happened?
06:29 She got distracted?
06:30 - Maybe.
06:31 Why don't you get someone to cover the shop,
06:35 just for a couple of weeks?
06:36 - Well, Dad will be up.
06:37 - Oh.
06:37 Keep your eye on her, don't leave her on her own.
06:41 - Yeah.
06:49 (thunder rumbling)
06:52 (phone chimes)
06:56 (Jax sniffles)
07:18 (Jax sighs)
07:21 - I was just putting it on silent.
07:24 I didn't want to disturb you.
07:26 You okay?
07:28 - I had a dream.
07:31 I was falling.
07:34 - You remembered?
07:37 That's your brain playing tricks.
07:44 You need to let it go, stop...
07:48 fretting about it.
07:49 Everything's gonna be fine.
07:51 I'm not gonna let you out of my sight.
07:57 - Anything for me?
08:03 - Hope it's a lottery check.
08:04 - Ah, I bet you say that to all the girls, eh?
08:07 - Pretty much.
08:08 I'll be right one day.
08:10 Hopefully it'll be mine.
08:12 All right, see you later.
08:15 (traffic rumbling)
08:18 - Howie.
08:20 Howie!
08:21 You, uh...
08:22 You only sent about half a feet per unit
08:24 on your travels, have you?
08:26 - I think so.
08:26 - Sorry.
08:27 We're talking Martin Dresser's land,
08:29 low top, short skirts, stilettos.
08:31 - Martin Dresser's land?
08:33 - Yeah, right.
08:36 I'll be a crack on, Rocky.
08:37 Targets.
08:38 What are you doing here?
08:41 - I thought we sorted all this out.
08:43 - You just turned up to give me more egg.
08:44 - Nice to see you too.
08:46 Thought I'd pop over, see my tiger one last time.
08:50 - One last time, good.
08:51 You're going away.
08:52 Please tell me it involves two planes and a rickshaw.
08:55 - My old life's one big olity.
08:58 Now we're finally divorced.
09:01 - Listen, darlings, you're gonna have fellas
09:07 chasing you around here before you can say Jack Robinson.
09:10 - I don't need a man, Elaine.
09:11 I'm my own woman.
09:12 - I've not been that impressed.
09:14 - Well, this is a bad idea.
09:15 I've just got my appetite back.
09:19 - Oh, yes, ladies.
09:20 - Hello, darling, we'll sit here.
09:22 Stonking hangover.
09:25 - You should know better.
09:28 - I do, three burgers, three bloody Mary's, best cure.
09:31 - No pickle or cheese.
09:34 Maybe hold the burger and the Mary bird.
09:37 - No pickle, no cheese, no burger, so a toasted bun.
09:40 - That's it, kick her girl while she's down.
09:42 - Listen, darling, if she wants toasted buns,
09:45 then we'll all have 'em, thank you.
09:47 (laughing)
09:48 - Finders keepers.
09:50 - Hey, Zack, Zack, need to get my hands on some buns.
09:52 - Oh, lucky he doesn't want some sausages.
09:55 - No, I ain't a sausage man.
09:57 - Come on, son, I'll get you two dozen.
09:59 - Oh, someone's perked up.
10:02 - Maybe the local attractions ain't so bad after all.
10:05 - And this is where we can work together.
10:07 Now listen, you're both so gorgeous.
10:10 Sometimes it's a struggle for your dad, I think.
10:13 - Remember Marcos?
10:15 He said I had fat toes.
10:16 Dad got his boxing gloves, took him outside.
10:19 - Punched the head off Father Christmas.
10:21 - Christmas debt.
10:22 Told him if he ever mocked me again, he'd be next.
10:24 - I'd ever seen a man run so fast, there was a cloud of dust.
10:27 - Darlings, leave your dad to me.
10:30 We'll find a man that's worthy of you,
10:31 then I will persuade your dad.
10:33 He is Mr. Perfect.
10:35 Hey, Zack told me to bring these out,
10:38 he said they're on the house.
10:40 - We're speeding.
10:41 - I hope we're not always this quick.
10:42 - However brings a smile, super hot.
10:44 - Just like I like my men.
10:46 Don't ever change, Freddie.
10:48 See you later.
10:49 - See you.
10:50 - So, this is it.
10:56 We're actually divorced.
10:57 - What did you expect?
10:59 A golden scroll delivered by an herald of angels.
11:02 - The court, they were supposed to send us both copies.
11:06 - Well, so take it up with them.
11:08 Good luck to getting through.
11:09 - Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh.
11:11 I will take a copy of this, and then you can go, for good.
11:15 - Things with Kathy didn't sound too good earlier on.
11:21 Bit rocky, rocky.
11:23 - You were listening at the door.
11:28 Family members just died, young.
11:31 Cancer.
11:34 - Terrible.
11:37 - I do hope this don't mean the big day's canceled.
11:40 - Oh, yeah, don't worry.
11:43 It won't.
11:44 Can't wait.
11:45 - So when is it?
11:47 Not that I'm expecting an actual invite to the wedding,
11:49 but I do love a good party.
11:52 - Yeah, well, that's over my dead body.
11:54 - No good to Granny Bill then.
11:57 - Yeah.
11:58 Get out of here, now.
12:01 - Still so strong.
12:04 - Yeah, yeah, whatever.
12:07 Go on.
12:08 Clear off.
12:11 - I'm going anyway.
12:12 Jasper says hello.
12:18 - Uh, no, no, no, wait.
12:24 No, come back, come back, come back.
12:35 - Hey, please, son, I've been sniffing around.
12:37 All the endless whispering.
12:42 - I thought you were sleeping.
12:46 We were just discussing last week.
12:49 - I know you were discussing Mum.
12:50 - No.
12:51 - I know she's not well.
12:53 - I've told you, the scan was good.
12:56 It's just a few broken ribs, and they'll heal in no time.
12:59 She's okay, son.
13:00 - She's not, though, is she?
13:03 She hasn't been right for weeks.
13:05 She called the police on you last week.
13:06 - She what?
13:09 - Yeah.
13:10 Yeah, Ravi, it was Mum.
13:13 She called the police on our husband.
13:14 Now, is that normal behavior?
13:19 - No.
13:22 - Doesn't make sense.
13:25 The tears, the arguments.
13:29 - We've spoken about this.
13:30 - I guess even Mum has her breaking point
13:32 where she just can't take it anymore.
13:34 (dog barking)
13:36 - What if she did this on purpose?
13:41 - What?
13:45 - Try to kill herself.
13:50 - Is it tomorrow?
13:54 - Yeah, it's just a formality thing,
13:55 but I think Freddie will be relieved to know
13:57 that it actually is ADHD.
13:59 - Right, where's the appointment?
14:01 Is it at the hospital?
14:02 - Yeah, Mum's taking him.
14:04 (indistinct chatter)
14:06 - You've got to stop that.
14:08 - Right.
14:10 If it was cut,
14:10 and you thought Phil had pushed her down the stairs,
14:13 you'd do the same, wouldn't you?
14:16 - Anyone I know?
14:17 - Oh, no.
14:19 You and Phil?
14:20 - Oh, yes, please.
14:20 - No, it's just an old mate of mine that called.
14:22 - All right, down the stairs, you say?
14:24 Do you know, every day, every single day,
14:27 I regret not doing more for my son?
14:29 And I'm not trusting my gut.
14:32 - Yeah, well, if you ain't got proof.
14:33 - Oh, there was plenty of signs, baby, plenty of signs.
14:36 It's just that I kept convincing myself I was overreacting.
14:39 You know what I mean?
14:40 But it never happened to me again.
14:43 Once I see him and know him,
14:46 guess what happened.
14:49 - Great.
14:52 Why don't you just tell her all that, Andres?
14:54 - I love her.
14:56 And she needs me.
15:01 - But did we listen?
15:02 Did we actually listen?
15:04 I walked out.
15:04 - She told you to go and we talked it through.
15:06 - I walked out when she was in so much pain
15:09 that her life felt pointless
15:10 that she threw herself down the stairs, Dad.
15:12 - No, no, no, no, you've got it all wrong.
15:13 - She tried to end it all and we let it happen.
15:15 - How can you say such things?
15:17 Do you know the shame that this would bring on your mum?
15:20 Now, I am telling you, she fell.
15:22 (dog barking)
15:25 - Just leave him.
15:34 Your mother's expecting me back.
15:37 I haven't got time for this nonsense.
15:39 - She wasn't happy, Dad.
15:40 Ignore her all you want.
15:43 - But she wasn't happy.
15:52 - I know.
15:53 - You all right, Mitch?
15:58 Mitch, you all right?
16:01 - Hey, yeah, sorry, sorry, babe, sorry.
16:03 - You don't have a penny for them folks.
16:04 Well, actually, it's probably a quid, that.
16:06 - No, no, no, you don't want to know what's going on in here.
16:08 It's a bit dark and dingy, you know?
16:09 - Why, is Mum switching the lights off again?
16:10 (laughing)
16:12 - Nah, just a bit worried about a friend of mine.
16:15 - Oh, well, can't you talk to her?
16:18 - I wish it was that easy.
16:20 - Can be.
16:22 - You know, I wish I lived in your world, darling.
16:26 - Mitch, you do.
16:28 Mate, you lucky, eh?
16:30 See you later.
16:31 Hello, sweetness.
16:34 - Hi.
16:35 - Don't you ever sit still?
16:36 - I hate to sit still.
16:38 Far too much energy.
16:39 - I've been searching all over for you.
16:42 A little boy set me straight.
16:44 Smelt fishy.
16:45 - Bobby.
16:46 - You busy?
16:47 - Well, it depends who's asking, why?
16:50 - I am.
16:52 I need you.
16:53 I want yourself looking hot and get to the Vic Bathory.
16:57 - You and me?
17:00 - It's your lucky day, darling.
17:01 Now flash me that smile.
17:03 Yeah, now I'm counting for taste.
17:07 Now listen, don't you dare let me down.
17:10 - You want anything?
17:13 - No, darling, I've got everything I need, thank you.
17:16 (laughing)
17:18 (chattering)
17:20 - Hey.
17:26 How are you doing?
17:28 - Yeah, a bit sore.
17:30 He's just on his way back.
17:31 - Glad to see you.
17:33 Have you remembered anything more?
17:36 - Oh, Eve.
17:37 - It's okay, we both know what he's capable of.
17:40 - Look, he doesn't know anything.
17:42 The affair, me leaving.
17:44 - Can you be 100% sure?
17:47 - Yeah.
17:48 - Right.
17:49 So if he does know, how likely is it
17:52 that he pushed you, given his history?
17:54 - Highly likely.
17:57 - Yeah.
17:58 And if he doesn't know, how long till Ravi blabs?
18:03 - I've already told you.
18:04 He thinks it's a surprise trip for Nish.
18:06 - Why do you think he'd believe that?
18:09 Zicky, you need to try and stay in here
18:11 for as long as you can.
18:12 You are not safe at that house.
18:13 I will not let him hurt you.
18:15 (door opens)
18:17 (Eve laughs)
18:20 - Perfect timing in my absence.
18:21 Bit of a wasted trip though, I'm afraid.
18:25 I've spoken to the doctor.
18:27 Told her what a lovely support network you have.
18:32 Your husband, kids, even Eve.
18:35 They've agreed to discharge you.
18:38 You're well enough to come home.
18:40 - When?
18:40 - Today.
18:41 We can give you a lift.
18:44 - No, I-
18:45 - I insist.
18:46 - I'm glad you're perked up,
18:52 'cause our local attraction will be popping in here
18:55 any minute.
18:56 (Eve laughs)
18:59 - Ah, Linda.
19:03 - Ah, you're making me nervous.
19:05 - Darling, we got someone special
19:08 that we want to introduce you to.
19:11 - Hey.
19:11 - What is that?
19:16 - The Knights have arrived!
19:17 (all cheer)
19:20 - That's a statement!
19:21 - He's been in every bar I've ever owned.
19:23 - I mean, you need a few at home, yeah?
19:24 - Well, I'm glad someone is.
19:25 Don't you think we should have discussed this first?
19:27 - That is exactly why we didn't.
19:29 - Well, where's it gonna go, for a start?
19:31 I mean, my decor is cozy.
19:34 - I promised not to touch any of your decor,
19:35 but I just thought we could add a few
19:37 small minor additions, you know?
19:39 - Add a little bit more characters to the place.
19:42 And a telly, but I'd have darkened it.
19:44 - Why, so he's got something to watch?
19:46 He is...
19:47 creepy.
19:49 - Stories he could tell?
19:50 - Oh, I bet he's seen it all.
19:52 - The good, the bad, and the unspeakable.
19:54 - I remember that night.
19:55 (Eve laughs)
19:58 - His eyes follow you everywhere.
20:00 - Hey, hello, son.
20:05 - What's happening?
20:06 - You good?
20:07 - Um...
20:09 Have you ever been hit on by an older woman?
20:11 - Come on, how old are we talking?
20:13 - Nanny Jean, kind of.
20:14 (Zach laughs)
20:15 - Ah, bruv!
20:16 - Serve it, serve it.
20:17 Let her down gently.
20:18 - Hey, Gina, can I get a bottle of beer, please?
20:21 You're looking a bit more...
20:26 - Gorgeous?
20:27 'Cause what else would you say, Zach?
20:29 - I've been around enough women in my life
20:31 to know how to choose my words carefully.
20:34 - Bit of a ladies' man?
20:35 - No, not anymore.
20:39 - Glad to hear it.
20:40 Ready to settle, eh?
20:42 - Whitney.
20:45 Her name is Whitney, and she is a little firecracker.
20:50 - Shame.
20:51 I'm far more explosive.
20:54 - Oh, did you get that permit sorted?
21:02 Oh, Rocky, you had one job.
21:06 What's the point in me sharing the load?
21:08 - I'm sorry, I just, you know,
21:10 I've just been a bit distracted.
21:11 - Oh, what, down the bookers with that George bloke?
21:14 Do you know what, if you want something done--
21:15 - No, no, no, no, no.
21:17 Look, I think you're gonna like this.
21:20 I am finally a free man.
21:26 Which means whenever you wanna set a date,
21:32 we can finally do that.
21:34 - Oh, let's do it as soon as we can, eh?
21:36 Sometime next month?
21:38 - July, sounds perfect.
21:40 - Oh.
21:40 - Yeah.
21:42 You have no idea how much I miss that beautiful smile.
21:45 - Oh.
21:46 - No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
21:47 First things first, need to sort out that permit.
21:50 - Oh, you're a good man.
21:52 (kissing)
21:53 (laughing)
22:06 - Jo, you cannot drop a bombshell like that
22:08 and just walk off.
22:10 We need to talk about my boy.
22:13 - We need a plan, okay?
22:22 - So, if you get fed up of a house full of men,
22:26 then just give me a call any time.
22:29 - Thanks, Eve.
22:30 Right, let's get you inside, slowly.
22:34 - Oh, Suki, it's good to see you home.
22:38 - Yeah, you were definitely missed at the shop.
22:40 Really likes your charm, you know?
22:42 I can get Finlay to fix some dinner for you.
22:44 - No, thank you.
22:45 All my wife needs now is her family
22:47 and some peace and quiet.
22:48 - It's a lovely thought, though, thanks, Mitch.
22:51 - No visitors for the next few days, at least.
22:53 - Trust you got me, eh?
23:03 (dog barking)
23:05 - Come on, girl, let's get in.
23:09 I'm starving, I'm starving.
23:11 - Oh, Mitch! - Yep?
23:12 - What's this?
23:13 - Oh, no, that'd be from the tax man.
23:14 You're working, you can sort me out.
23:15 - No, no, no! - No, you can sort me out!
23:17 - Take it now!
23:18 (laughing)
23:20 - Top work today.
23:34 Gina's got a sass back.
23:37 - Well, if our girls are happy, then we'll be happy.
23:39 - Get a room!
23:43 - Yeah, and you can take him with you.
23:45 - You look rough.
23:48 - A big night, I'd say.
23:50 - Wilder than your wildest dreams, Freddie.
23:52 - Strictly speaking, Gina, that's not possible.
23:55 Thanks.
23:58 - See you talking to the hottie.
24:00 - Waste of time is taken.
24:01 - Well, she can't be all that.
24:02 He's definitely flirting with you.
24:04 I will do some digging.
24:05 - Might be so.
24:08 - It's my little name, darling.
24:09 So, you single?
24:13 - Yeah, lifestyle twist.
24:15 - What, you would turn down a stunner?
24:18 - Look, Elaine, some people like cheese and onion, right?
24:22 But me, I'm salt and vinegar.
24:23 I always have been.
24:24 I don't veer from that.
24:25 No one man, one flavor.
24:27 And I don't judge.
24:28 I get that some guys, they like a variety pack.
24:30 But me, just salt and vinegar, you know?
24:33 - You want some crisps?
24:35 - What I'm trying to say--
24:36 - You're single?
24:37 You've got a thing for salt and vinegar,
24:39 but only salt and vinegar.
24:41 I got you, Freddie.
24:42 - You sure?
24:43 - Yours for the taking.
24:45 - Really?
24:46 - You worked that night charm.
24:48 - Oh, thank you.
24:48 - I made the effort.
24:57 - Welcome.
24:57 - Not so much of a wicked stepmother now, eh?
25:00 - Oh, well done, love.
25:01 Well done.
25:03 - Thank you, darling.
25:04 - Here, Mum.
25:10 - Thanks, Bud.
25:15 - We can watch a film.
25:17 - I'm tired, Papa.
25:20 - We can just chat.
25:23 I know we don't do that often.
25:27 You must miss Kira and Ash.
25:32 You can talk to me, too.
25:35 - Your mother's supposed to be resting, Vinnie.
25:40 Give her some space.
25:43 (Vinnie sniffs)
25:45 - Stop pushing me out.
25:54 I just want to help her and give her a break.
25:56 - What good's that?
25:57 I need her to talk.
25:59 Look, I know you don't want to go there,
26:00 but I think that--
26:01 - I know what you think, and you're wrong.
26:03 I mean, what is it with you, man?
26:05 I spend the weekend clearing up your mess at work,
26:08 finding someone else to lend us the money we need.
26:10 I do not need us at home, too.
26:13 - Just get to the chippy, get some food.
26:15 And sell it for nugget.
26:17 He'll be back soon.
26:18 - If anything happens to her, I will never forgive you.
26:22 (door slams)
26:28 - You know, stalking's an offence.
26:30 - Whoa.
26:31 Oh, all right, I was just doing the neighbourly thing.
26:34 I just brought some milk and stuff so Stacey could--
26:35 - Sorry, but--
26:36 - No, no, no, I will take it in.
26:37 You are clearly--
26:38 - What, incapable of taking, chopping in that?
26:40 - Mate, what is the matter?
26:42 Is your mum okay?
26:43 - I don't know.
26:44 Can't get near her.
26:45 Dad's literally gone now.
26:47 Maybe, maybe you're out of luck.
26:50 (eerie music)
26:53 - Eve.
27:06 - We weren't expecting you.
27:08 - Yeah, Vinnie just gave me the keys.
27:09 I've just brought some things, some food.
27:11 Some milk and stuff.
27:13 - That's really kind.
27:15 Nish, why don't you put the stuff away
27:18 and make us a fresh cup of chai?
27:19 - We were just about to have dinner, had I known.
27:25 - No, no, I won't stay long.
27:27 I'm also getting stopped home.
27:29 Here you go.
27:39 - He's not gonna let me out of his sight.
27:42 What if we've missed our only chance?
27:45 - No.
27:45 You've gotta trust me.
27:50 - Oh yeah, I do.
27:51 - Tell the police.
27:56 They pushed you down the stairs.
27:59 (upbeat music)
28:08 new drama tonight with