• l’année dernière


00:00:00 Madame la ministre, Madame le Secrétaire d'Etat, Mesdames et Messieurs, chers consoeurs
00:00:26 et chers confrères, dans une instruction générale relative à l'organisation du
00:00:31 travail gouvernemental et signée le 4 juin 1998, le chef de l'Etat Paul Biya écrivait
00:00:41 ce qui suit.
00:00:42 « Je considère la communication comme une composante essentielle du travail gouvernemental.
00:00:46 Il ne suffit pas en effet de bien faire, il faut aussi et surtout faire savoir ce que
00:00:54 l'on fait. »
00:00:56 En application de cette très haute instruction, le gouvernement veut faire savoir au travers
00:01:02 du présent point de presse ce que fait depuis 2014 le programme de développement baptisé
00:01:09 C2D Capital Régional, exécuté comme vous le savez et on vient de le dire sous la tutelle
00:01:16 du ministère de l'Habitat et du Développement Urbain et dont les financements de source
00:01:22 officiel s'élèvent à ce jour à plus de 150 milliards de francs CFA.
00:01:28 La ministre Célestine Kecha Kourtes fait le point de la conduite de cette initiative
00:01:34 afin d'éclairer la presse et l'opinion publique quant à ses résultats et ses attendus,
00:01:40 mais aussi à propos de la passation des marchés et du bien fondé de ce qu'on appelle la
00:01:45 technologie à béton compacté au rouleau BCR, mobilisée depuis 2017 dans les travaux
00:01:52 routiers de Bafoussan, Berthois et Garrois.
00:01:55 Pour modérer ce point de presse, je suis en compagnie de George Kélon, éditorialiste
00:02:01 et directeur adjoint des rédactions à la CRTV Radio au Poste National.
00:02:06 Hello George.
00:02:07 Hi Romuert, Trice, hello ladies and gentlemen.
00:02:11 The urban investment program being carried out in some regional capitals in Cameroon
00:02:16 with funds from the French debt relief and development contract, CEDEU-DEI, is our topic
00:02:21 of discussion.
00:02:22 And with us on the set to shed light on how well the CEDEU-DEI program for regional capitals
00:02:29 has so far been implemented, as well as the benefits of the rouleau compacted concrete
00:02:34 technology being used for the rehabilitation of urban roads, is the Minister of Housing
00:02:40 and Urban Development, who is the supervisory authority.
00:02:45 Minister Celestine Kecha Koutes will be taking a few questions from some of the journalists
00:02:49 here present, and that will be after her preliminary statement.
00:02:54 Madam Minister, the floor is yours.
00:02:58 Thank you very much.
00:03:00 For you people, specialists of media, to support us, to highlight what has been done
00:03:07 through this wonderful CEDEU-DEI program.
00:03:10 Mr. le représentant du ministre de la communication, Mr. le représentant de l'ambassadeur de France
00:03:19 au Cameroun, mesdames et messieurs les directeurs généraux, madame la coordonnatrice de STAD2,
00:03:30 mesdames et messieurs les maires, mesdames et messieurs les journalistes et autres professionnels
00:03:37 de la communication, messieurs les modérateurs, chers collaborateurs, mesdames et messieurs.
00:03:46 Madame la secrétaire d'état et moi-même sommes heureuses de vous accueillir à ce
00:03:53 point de presse qui vise à apporter des clarifications sur l'utilisation de la technologie du béton
00:04:02 compacté au rouleau, BCR, dans l'exécution du projet du volet urbain du contrat de désendettement
00:04:12 et de développement CEDEU-DEI Capital Régional au Cameroun.
00:04:17 Le programme CEDEU-DEI qui constitue pour le Cameroun le plus important programme d'annulation
00:04:24 et de reconversion de sa dette extérieure a connu, il faut le dire, trois phases, 2006,
00:04:33 2011 et 2016, incluant des interventions et des investissements dans de multiples secteurs
00:04:41 tels que l'agriculture, la santé, l'éducation, la justice et police, drainage, etc.
00:04:50 Et notamment le développement urbain qui après avoir visé les villes de Douala et
00:04:58 Oundé a été étendu au capital de région sous le titre CEDEU-DEI Capital Urban Régional
00:05:08 avait pour principal objectif l'amélioration durable de l'accès des populations urbaines
00:05:14 aux services de base dans les villes de Bafoussan, Berthois et Garoua.
00:05:21 CDEU-DEI 2011 Capital Régional 1.
00:05:27 Puis Bamenda, Maroua, appelé CEDEU-DEI 2016 Capital Régional 2.
00:05:37 Quels sont les acquis de CEDEU-DEI Capital Régional ?
00:05:42 Mesdames et Messieurs, grâce à un financement de 81 milliards de francs CFA, le projet CEDEU-DEI
00:05:49 Capital Régional 1 a transformé considérablement la physionomie des villes de Bafoussan, Berthois
00:05:57 et Garoua.
00:05:58 La mobilité urbaine s'est accrue à la faveur de la réhabilitation d'une soixantaine de
00:06:04 kilomètres de voiries, soit 20 kilomètres à Bafoussan, 18 et demi à Berthois, 19,73
00:06:14 kilomètres à Garoua.
00:06:15 Les voiries réalisées à l'aide des technologies durables utilisées, telles que le béton
00:06:23 compacté au rouleau et pavé à effet tridimensionnel, contribuent à changer, il faut le dire, l'image
00:06:32 de ces trois villes.
00:06:33 Ce projet, au-delà de la mobilité urbaine, vise également, il faut le relever, la relance
00:06:40 économique locale.
00:06:41 Concernant les équipements marchands, la stratégie apportée par le programme est de
00:06:48 doter ces villes d'équipements marchands, qui, bien exploités, permettront, au-delà
00:06:54 de l'amélioration du cadre de travail de nos commerçants, d'accroître les recettes
00:06:59 propres des collectivités locales et ainsi renforcer leur capacité de délivrance des
00:07:06 services de base identique à l'ère de la pratique de la décentralisation dans notre
00:07:12 pays.
00:07:13 Ces projets contribuent à éviter les installations anarchiques des commerçants.
00:07:17 C'est dans cette optique que le marché A, le marché Casablanca et la salle polyvalente
00:07:23 de la communauté urbaine de Bafoussan ont été reconstruits.
00:07:27 Il en est d'ailleurs de même du marché historique, marché Mokolo, marché central
00:07:33 de Berthois ainsi que le centre commercial de l'ancienne gare routière de la même
00:07:38 ville qui présente désormais fière allure.
00:07:41 Alors qu'à Garoua, un vent de modernisation dont s'en vantait le maire de ville, Péassonname,
00:07:49 a soufflé dans la ville ainsi que sur les marchés yélois, Béyac et le marché bétail
00:07:56 et poisson.
00:07:57 En complément, les volets voiries et équipements marchands, les villes Bafoussan, Berthois
00:08:05 et Garoua ont gagné en termes d'attractivité grâce à la construction et à la réhabilitation
00:08:11 des jardins publics, parcs, restaurants et parcours santé.
00:08:15 Nous pouvons citer le parc Saint-Béloco à Berthois, le parc Boisé d'une superficie
00:08:22 de 182 000 m2 à Garoua ou encore le parc de loisirs Paul-Billat en face de l'hôtel
00:08:31 de ville de Bafoussan.
00:08:32 Mesdames et Messieurs, les actions menées dans le cadre de C2D Capital Régional 1 ont
00:08:40 contribué à l'amélioration du niveau de service offert aux populations.
00:08:44 A cet effet, nous pouvons mentionner l'implantation de 300 lampadaires dans les points d'insécurité
00:08:52 des villes bénéficiaires, l'amélioration de 45 latrines et l'équipement de 835 tables
00:09:00 bancs dans des écoles.
00:09:01 D'autres infrastructures ont été réalisées, à savoir 4 terrains multisports, 4 passerelles
00:09:09 piétonnes, 4 plateformes pour bacs à ordures.
00:09:13 Le choix des kiosques à eau marque également la volonté de démocratiser l'accès à l'eau
00:09:19 potable, notamment pour les populations des quartiers précaires.
00:09:24 De nombreux kiosques à eau ont été ainsi construits dans ces villes bénéficiaires.
00:09:29 Le dispositif choisi étant l'installation des réserves d'eau au-dessus d'un espace
00:09:36 servant de boutique.
00:09:38 Aussi, vous pouvez distribuer l'eau, vendre du riz, vendre de l'huile, vendre les produits
00:09:44 de première nécessité aux populations de ces quartiers bénéficiaires.
00:09:49 Mesdames et Messieurs,
00:09:52 Les collectivités territoriales décentralisées ont connu depuis quelques années, grâce
00:09:57 au Président de la République, son Excellence M. Paul Billat, un processus de réforme économique,
00:10:04 politique et sociale, notamment avec la promulgation d'un Code Général des CTD.
00:10:11 Dans cette dynamique globale de rapprochement avec les citoyens et de modernisation administrative,
00:10:18 le programme CTD Capitale Régional contribue à la réalisation de plusieurs réformes.
00:10:24 Leurs actions réalisées à ce jour portent sur la signature et la mise en œuvre des
00:10:30 contrats de ville, qui comportent des clauses de performance à l'effet d'inciter les
00:10:35 villes à mieux respecter leurs engagements en matière d'entretien et d'équipement
00:10:43 et de recrutement du personnel qualifié.
00:10:46 L'accompagnement des communautés urbaines dans le recrutement des personnels techniques
00:10:53 pour renforcer leurs capacités.
00:10:55 C'est dans cette optique que le personnel des cellules de projets ont été recrutés
00:11:00 dans les communautés urbaines, ou par elles, à l'effet de capitaliser l'expérience
00:11:06 acquise dans ce beau programme.
00:11:08 Le recrutement d'un point focal cadre technique chargé de les représenter au sein de la
00:11:15 région, et de la maîtrise ouvrage local.
00:11:17 La traduction du diagnostic institutionnel en plan d'action, entre autres l'accompagnement
00:11:24 dans les réformes institutionnelles.
00:11:26 L'identification des projets a été conduite, il faut le dire, par les comités locaux de
00:11:32 concertation, les comités de pilotage locaux et les conseils municipaux.
00:11:37 Les engagements des parties ont été matérialisés dans des accords de rétrocession et de contrat
00:11:44 de ville qui précise la répartition de la maîtrise d'ouvrage du programme d'investissement
00:11:49 prioritaire.
00:11:50 Une maîtrise d'ouvrage bicéphale comme appui à la décentralisation pour accompagner
00:11:56 les maires.
00:11:57 Il a été convenu également que la maîtrise d'ouvrage des projets allait être bicéphale
00:12:03 avec une cellule centrale de maîtrise d'ouvrage constituée au sein du Mindu, et des cellules
00:12:08 de maîtrise d'ouvrage local rattachées aux communautés urbaines.
00:12:12 L'allotissement proposé des projets se fonde donc sur un découpage qui respecte les seuils
00:12:21 d'appels d'offres locaux et centraux.
00:12:23 Donc le programme CD2 ne parle pas uniquement de la voirie, mais d'un ensemble, y compris
00:12:30 la réforme qui accompagne donc les communautés urbaines et les édiles des villes dans la
00:12:36 maîtrise des projets à mettre en œuvre en ces temps de décentralisation.
00:12:40 Ce programme CD2 urbain s'exécute, il faut le relever, en collaboration étroite avec
00:12:48 l'AFD ainsi qu'avec l'ensemble des ministères impliqués dans le développement urbain,
00:12:55 le MINEPACT, le MINCAF, le MINEPDEB et la gestion des collectivités locales, le MINDEVELT,
00:13:02 le MINFI, à travers son comité de pilotage.
00:13:06 Ces derniers sont aussi associés en fonction des sujets dans les différents comités de
00:13:12 pilotage locaux et centraux pour faciliter les initiatives du programme dépendant de
00:13:18 leurs compétences.
00:13:19 Les projets identifiés et étudiés s'évaluent bien au-delà de l'enveloppe financière
00:13:26 disponible permettant d'avoir des projets matures, prêts à être mis en œuvre.
00:13:34 Cet ambitieux programme contribue aussi à la mise en œuvre des ODD, des objectifs de
00:13:40 développement durable en rendant nos villes plus résilientes, en améliorant durablement
00:13:46 l'image de celles-ci et en renforçant les capacités de maîtrise d'ouvrage des mers
00:13:52 désormais acteurs de premier plan du développement de notre pays.
00:13:57 Nous restons convaincus qu'avec les efforts conjugués de tous, gouvernement, population,
00:14:04 partenaires financiers et techniques au développement, nous réussirons notre pari d'inscrire le
00:14:10 Cameroun dans la perspective d'une émergence 2035 voulue par le chef de l'État, son Excellence
00:14:18 M.
00:14:19 Paul Billard.
00:14:20 Mesdames et Messieurs, permettez-moi, au nom du gouvernement de la République, d'exprimer
00:14:28 toute notre reconnaissance à la France, partenaire historique du Cameroun qui, à travers l'Agence
00:14:37 française du développement, reste jusque-là le principal partenaire technique et financier
00:14:43 impliqué dans ce beau programme C2D Capital Régional.
00:14:48 Face à l'exécution satisfaisante de ce programme, d'ailleurs il faut le relever,
00:14:56 et les excellents résultats visibles dans les villes bénéficiaires, d'autres villes
00:15:01 camerounaises présentant les mêmes difficultés que celles concernées par le programme Capital
00:15:06 Régional 1 vont rejoindre la caravane à la faveur du programme C2D Urban Capital Régional
00:15:14 2.
00:15:15 C'est le cas des villes de Marois et de Bamenda.
00:15:18 La signature le 4 février 2022 de la convection d'affectation du troisième C2D d'un montant
00:15:26 de 59,04 milliards de francs CFA pour le financement de ce programme dans les villes de Marois
00:15:35 et de Bamenda est ici à saluer et à remercier.
00:15:39 Aussi, il est envisagé l'extension du programme Capital Régional à d'autres villes, dont
00:15:48 celle de Gaoundéré, dont l'état des infrastructures est particulièrement préoccupante.
00:15:53 Ladies and gentlemen, as said, this C2D programme aims to grant a new facelift of the pre-Cities
00:16:05 in terms of urban mobility and also to boost local economic activities.
00:16:14 With regard to the economic aspect, the strategy adopted by the programme is to provide this
00:16:21 city with commercial facilities which, when properly managed, will go a long way to improve
00:16:30 the working environment of traders, increase local authorities' own revenues and thus
00:16:38 strengthen its capacity to deliver similar basic services.
00:16:44 The project aims to avoid the uncontrolled settlement of traders.
00:16:50 It is in this line that Market A, Casablanca Market and the multipurpose hall of Bafousam
00:16:59 City Council has been rebuilt.
00:17:03 The same goes with historic Mokolo Market, the central market in Betwa, as well as the
00:17:10 commercial centre of the old bus station of the same cities which have been through-hulled
00:17:20 renovated, whereas in Gawa, Yellwa, Bayak, details and fish markets have also been modernised.
00:17:36 Ladies and gentlemen, in addition to road and commercial equipment companies, the city
00:17:44 of Bafousam, Betwa and Gawa gained in terms of attractiveness thanks to the construction
00:17:53 of public gardens, parks, restaurants and fishnet parks.
00:18:00 We can name the Sembeleko Park in Betwa, the Wood Park in Gawa, with an area of more than
00:18:08 192,000 square metres, or the leisure park Paul Bia opposite the Bafousam City Hall.
00:18:21 Ladies and gentlemen, action carried out as part of C2D, Regional Capital One, contributed
00:18:30 in improving the level of services provided to our population.
00:18:36 In this regard, we can mention also the installation of 300 street lads in unsecure spots, the
00:18:45 building of 45 toilets and the equipment of schools with more than 835 benches.
00:18:55 Other infrastructures have been achieved, namely for multipurpose fields, four pedestrian
00:19:04 food bridges and four platforms for waste containers.
00:19:10 The choice of water kiosks aimed to democratise access to safe drinking water to our population,
00:19:18 especially for the poor neighbourhoods.
00:19:22 Several water kiosks have been therefore built in these cities.
00:19:29 The device chosen is to install water reserves on top of commercial space so that the people
00:19:36 distributing water can also sell basic consumption products.
00:19:44 Ladies and gentlemen, despite these success stories, despite this wonderful result, which
00:19:52 puts AFD and France to extend to other cities and other activities, some compatriots are
00:20:02 trying to destroy the image of our country, as well as the image of our partners and,
00:20:11 of course, my humble image.
00:20:15 Yes, ladies and gentlemen, despite these successes, the positive transformation of these cities
00:20:22 thanks to the CD2 urban capital, there are compatriots who do not keep their language
00:20:30 in check and who do everything to destroy the image of our country and want to veil the
00:20:37 splinter of this project dear to the President of the Republic, Head of State, His Excellency
00:20:43 Mr Paul Biya, destroy the image of this beautiful cooperation project which is part of the ODD17,
00:20:53 one of the pillars of sustainable development 2030.
00:20:56 Therefore, the improvements to the living conditions of the population wanted by this project
00:21:04 are thus put in difficulty.
00:21:08 Yes, Cameroonians who, after all, are targeted by this important government campaign against
00:21:18 hateful remarks.
00:21:20 Some critics, displaced, are concerned with the market, the choice of technology
00:21:28 of the BCR and also the tax on my humble person.
00:21:35 Ladies and gentlemen, concerning the procedure of passing the markets, in general, the attribution
00:21:46 of the markets is done in accordance with the Cameroonian Code of Public Markets and,
00:21:52 of course, the manual of procedures of the program which defines the steps according to
00:21:57 the thresholds of my time.
00:21:59 The markets of the cities of Bafoussam, Berthouin and Gawa have followed the steps that I wish
00:22:08 to share with you.
00:22:09 The authorization of grid to grid of the MINMAP was given on December 22, 2017.
00:22:19 The pre-qualification of companies after the pre-qualification agreement on September 27,
00:22:28 2017.
00:22:29 The consultation of pre-qualified companies.
00:22:32 The attribution and the signature of the markets of the three blocks in July and September
00:22:40 2018.
00:22:41 In total, the attribution companies of the C2D contracts have been held at the end of
00:22:52 a competition with the participation of nearly 15 companies.
00:22:58 The negotiations that took place were carried out in accordance with the directive of passing
00:23:04 the markets of the AFD and the Code of Cameroonian Public Markets.
00:23:09 And ladies and gentlemen, it was therefore several years, or even five months before
00:23:16 my nomination in January 2019, to the post of Minister of Housing and Urban Development
00:23:24 in favor of the very high confidence in me made by the President of the Republic, His
00:23:31 Excellency Mr. Paul Billet.
00:23:34 In the context of the results previously stated, I think that the choice made in this
00:23:45 period was a relevant choice, given the results obtained on the ground.
00:23:52 Yes, cooperation projects, France-Cameroon, all procedures have been respected.
00:24:05 We have obtained the non-objection of the French Development Agency before the implementation
00:24:14 of these programs in all the beneficiary cities.
00:24:17 In the context of the audit on the progress of the procedure of passing the markets,
00:24:26 it is important to say that the final report of the technical audit carried out for the
00:24:32 period of 2018 and 2019 by the group 2AC, associated with the Cabinet, Thomas Mouende,
00:24:43 summarizes the progress of the procedure of passing the markets, infrastructures and
00:24:49 railways and drainage.
00:24:51 This report does not make any reservation that entangles this procedure, despite the
00:24:59 relevant changes brought to the initial load list.
00:25:03 As for the audit on the work, the auditors have made mention, in general observation,
00:25:12 of many modifications to the initial market, from the detailed projects, of the masterpieces
00:25:19 of work.
00:25:20 These have been brought in the consistency of the work, they have however been approved
00:25:27 by all parties involved and have made the object of future and service orders consistent
00:25:34 and coherent.
00:25:36 No reservation has been made by the auditors on the execution of the works to date.
00:25:42 All these projects have been received definitively, the works are behaving very well and the return
00:25:50 of the land is a total satisfaction for the beneficiaries who experience, it must be said,
00:25:57 a feeling of pride and recognition of the place of this cooperation France-Cameroon
00:26:05 and the President of the Republic who has driven this project.
00:26:09 In terms of the choice of the BCR concrete technique, the technical choices for the construction
00:26:20 of the roads have been made since the feasibility studies carried out between 2013 and 2014
00:26:27 by the Swiss Urba Plan Cabinet and validated during the studies of the summary and preliminary
00:26:35 detailed projects carried out between 2017 and 2018 by three different study offices,
00:26:42 namely EGIS for Bafoussam, ETA BTP for Berthoye, BVI International for Garoua.
00:26:51 From these studies, it was found that the BCR roads are dimensioned to last at least
00:26:59 30 years without heavy maintenance, which can accommodate a heavy and important traffic.
00:27:07 However, the paved solution has been recommended for compressible areas and is likely to
00:27:14 rise again.
00:27:15 Contrary to what some birds of bad omen, war entrepreneurs, aimed at the government
00:27:23 against hateful words, it has never been a question of BCR experimentation, but of
00:27:32 the implementation in Cameroon of a technology perfectly adapted to the capacity of maintenance
00:27:40 of the CTD in full practice of decentralization and perfectly mastered and used elsewhere,
00:27:48 especially in Canada, where the climate conditions we know are very penalizing for
00:27:54 the maintenance of the quality of the roads, of circulation, but also in the United States,
00:28:01 in Benelux, in Germany, in Poland and in the countries of the East, in China and more
00:28:09 and more in Africa.
00:28:11 Ladies and gentlemen, the BCR, the used technique, TCC, the compound road technique, remains
00:28:27 a little-known technique.
00:28:29 The extent of the work of Voiry has carried out and the expectations of the population
00:28:35 do not allow technological tests to uncertain results.
00:28:41 However, the promoter representing a stabilizing product of soil presented it to us, indicated
00:28:51 for a road or better a road body stabilized with its innovative product, named Agrebin.
00:28:59 Product, I repeat, not yet approved by the competent administration, namely the Ministry
00:29:06 of Public Works in Cameroon, in accordance with the decree 2016/PM of April 26, 2016.
00:29:14 Indeed, this is a stabilization of the road body in place to improve its size, as is
00:29:24 the case with several other types of stabilizers, cement, hot, bituminous products, resins
00:29:33 or any other glue.
00:29:34 In addition, the most widespread being, we all know, cement.
00:29:39 The stabilization consists in introducing a link to agglomerate the particles of the
00:29:47 treated soil.
00:29:48 There is a multitude of stabilizing products of soil.
00:29:53 Several of them have been tested in Cameroon.
00:29:56 Unfortunately, it is established that the stabilized soil roads are extremely sensitive
00:30:04 to the defects of acidification, impermeability and heavy loads and their life span is quite
00:30:11 low, less than 5 to 10 years.
00:30:14 The capacity of the treated soils is well improved, but this is only
00:30:21 weakly durable.
00:30:22 In the absence of consequent coating above, this technique remains particularly intended
00:30:30 to seasonal maintenance of agricultural tracks.
00:30:34 The reproach according to which BCR technology does not respect certain clauses, including
00:30:43 the treatment of soils with innovative products of stabilization or stabilization, unfortunately
00:30:51 denotes the ignorance of the construction provisions of a road by those who claim it.
00:30:57 To illustrate, you make a comparison between the roof of a house and its foundation.
00:31:05 Both are certainly essential, but dissociable in the construction techniques.
00:31:11 Ladies and gentlemen, so in addition to the previous explanation, I would simply say
00:31:19 that the BCR is a coating placed on a groundwork made up of the soil in place amended, treated
00:31:28 or untreated and according to the mechanical properties sought.
00:31:32 In the framework of the CED program, some soils in place have been treated with cement
00:31:40 before coating BCR.
00:31:42 Studies have shown that the cost of implementing BCR is practically the same as that of concrete
00:31:51 bituminous and sometimes much cheaper.
00:31:54 As an indicator, despite the variation in cost of oil products, a main feature of concrete
00:32:02 bituminous, according to our statistics of recent projects carried out in Bafoussame,
00:32:08 the square meter of the BBR is 15,000 francs CFA for 5 cm in thickness on average, against
00:32:18 16,500 francs CFA, the square meter of the BCR for a thickness of 15 cm on average.
00:32:29 However, the cost of BCR maintenance is significantly lower than that of the BB and the life span
00:32:41 of the groundwork is thus greatly extended.
00:32:45 In addition, the BCR inputs are mainly produced locally, sand, cement, gravel with a local
00:32:56 quality and a capacity of maintenance by the mayors or duplication by the mayors.
00:33:02 Another complaint, why was it not possible to use the aggravation product in the treatment
00:33:14 of the soil?
00:33:15 Indeed, the decree 2016/0848-PM of April 20, 2016, sets the conditions for the use of
00:33:28 innovative products in the construction, rehabilitation and road maintenance.
00:33:33 The delivery of the aggravation is subordinated to the satisfactory conclusions of the certification
00:33:39 of conformity of the product and test boards followed by the National Laboratory of Civil
00:33:47 Genes LaboGenie.
00:33:48 The aggravation product, whose promoter is known in social networks, having not yet
00:33:58 followed the legal procedure, therefore not being on date aggravated, can not be used
00:34:06 in road projects in Cameroon.
00:34:10 Ladies and gentlemen, a complaint was filed against Sir Conrad Bebendi.
00:34:18 On January 28, 2023, I was told that a publication in social networks, which
00:34:28 had become viral, released a complaint of denunciation to the Attorney General near
00:34:36 the TCS Criminal Court, which imputes me, without any investigation, no evidence, no
00:34:44 technical audit, a detournement of the sum of 5,619,266,173 francs, a clear amount, which
00:34:57 varies unfortunately from 5 million to 99 billion, an unbound detournement, which was
00:35:04 wisely organized, linked to the inflation on the construction and rehabilitation works
00:35:11 of the infrastructure of Voirie and the city of Berthois within the framework of the C2D
00:35:17 Regional Capital Program.
00:35:18 Thus, such unacceptable allegations, however, in my honor, in my consideration, in my credit,
00:35:33 whose objective is to tarnish my image and my reputation, even though, I repeat, no
00:35:40 evidence could be brought to account, violate the provisions of Article 305 of the Penal
00:35:49 Code and make Sir Bebendi guilty of defamation.
00:35:53 By making a false denunciation to an authority, likely to lead to penal sanctions, either
00:36:02 disciplinary, I am also named to violate the provisions of Article 304 of the Penal Code
00:36:10 and am made guilty of false denunciation.
00:36:14 Moreover, to have outraged a member of the government without being able to bring evidence
00:36:21 of his defamatory allegations, this gentleman violated the provisions of Article 154 1B
00:36:30 D of the Penal Code and thus became guilty of outraging a civil servant.
00:36:42 By claiming to be a mandatee of a so-called innovative product of a foreign brand, without
00:36:49 a company legally installed in Cameroon, without justifying a procurement delivered by the
00:36:56 government without its certification, this gentleman violated the provisions of Article
00:37:03 2019 of the Penal Code and became guilty of defamation of title and denomination.
00:37:11 Also, to establish my honor, to defend this beautiful program that has contributed to improving
00:37:23 our cities, which has contributed to the modernization of the beneficiary cities, I have
00:37:30 intended to preserve the image of this program, my dignity.
00:37:36 This program cited as an example by the other PTF, also, I filed a complaint on February
00:37:46 23, 2023 against Sior Bebenji for defamation, false denunciation, outrage to civil servant
00:37:55 and usurpation of title and denomination.
00:37:58 Mr. Moderators, dear journalists, dear friends of the media, I remain at your service for
00:38:08 more clarification on the execution of this beautiful program of regional capital in our
00:38:16 country, which extends to Marois, Bamenda today, and which will continue on other activities
00:38:26 such as urban sports activities and of course Ngaoundere, which needs it.
00:38:32 I thank you for your kind attention.
00:38:34 Thank you, Madam Minister, we will, after hearing you, try to see and now show the
00:38:43 realizations of this program, this regional capital, a little to satisfy the curiosity
00:38:51 which is in the essence of journalism, but also the need to verify the facts, like
00:38:58 those you presented in your opening speech, the journalists here present being also
00:39:04 led by doubt.
00:39:05 So I'm going to ask you to look at the side of the screen a document in five minutes on
00:39:12 the implementation of the C2D regional capital and we meet again for exchanges with the
00:39:18 press.
00:39:19 The Regional Capital Programs 1 and 2 target the construction activities to rehabilitate
00:39:33 the villages, drainage, merchant equipment, urban services and improving the living
00:39:39 conditions of the populations in the cities of Berthois, Bafoussame and Garoua for Capital
00:39:44 Regional 1 and Marois and Bamenda for Capital Regional 2.
00:39:49 At this stage, the Capital Regional 1 program is in the completion phase.
00:39:54 The infrastructure of the village, public space and urban services are completely completed.
00:40:03 A total of 56 kilometers of concrete road compacted with rollers has been built in the cities
00:40:10 of Bafoussame, Garoua and Berthois, as well as parks and leisure facilities and equipment
00:40:16 of proximity.
00:40:17 As for Capital Regional 2, the development of the infrastructure of Voiry has finally
00:40:27 started in February 2023 in Marois.
00:40:32 As for Bamenda, the attribution procedure is still in the negotiation phase step by
00:40:38 step.
00:40:39 The BCR is actually a trench.
00:40:44 It is a cement trench that contains a lot of cement, between 280 and 300 kilos of cement,
00:40:51 and which is implemented as any trench, that is to say, by being transported in
00:40:56 trucks, by being spread to the finishers and by being compacted with cylinder 10 and
00:41:04 tire compactors.
00:41:05 We have a very good implementation of the BCR today.
00:41:09 Since, let's say, three sessions before this one, it was going very well.
00:41:13 The fact that the concrete compacted with rollers, as its name suggests, is compacted,
00:41:19 instead of being vibrated, it benefits from a better granular filling.
00:41:24 And so it gets better results at crushing and at friction tests than vibrated concrete.
00:41:32 And that is easily understood because the pebbles are well glued to each other,
00:41:37 under the effect of compacting, while in vibrated concrete, we have a kind of segregation
00:41:41 that always occurs.
00:41:43 Many countries have tried, even among our neighbors, there are many countries, like
00:41:48 the neighbor on the left, in the west, which is doing very big projects at the moment,
00:41:53 with a cement factory that is located in Cameroon.
00:41:55 So there are many countries that have gone there, and especially in North America, in
00:42:01 the United States and Canada, it is very advanced.
00:42:04 An advantage on this type of road is that we are making new generation roads.
00:42:10 It is the first time in Cameroon that a technique called BCR is used, which consists
00:42:19 of using concrete for road construction.
00:42:23 So I really wanted to take advantage of this visit to see the quality of what is done.
00:42:28 It is an innovative project and we have hope and we wish that this type of technique
00:42:38 can be extended in other cities through Cameroon.
00:42:43 Users will compare the two types of roads.
00:42:49 We can assure you that this one will be much longer, much more durable than the other technique
00:42:57 and it will be much easier to maintain.
00:42:59 We want to take this opportunity to salute this population, to say how proud the population
00:43:06 is and that the city will soon benefit from all these installations that are being put
00:43:13 in place.
00:43:14 We are very, very happy.
00:43:15 We are very, very happy.
00:43:16 Everyone, even our women at home, we say goodbye to the dust and the mud, the same thing.
00:43:27 We are like in Europe, we can say that this is news that we have never seen.
00:43:36 Since I have been in Bertoie, we have been on the dust, but the quality of the concrete
00:43:42 that we have been put in is the best.
00:43:44 Since we have built the road, nothing is wasted.
00:43:47 The road is good.
00:43:48 We drive normally.
00:43:50 These works have helped to resolve the infrastructure deficit in the city, to improve the mobility
00:43:57 of the population, especially with the road junctions, and also to promote the economic
00:44:06 development of the city, because with the construction in the markets, the park of
00:44:11 Loisy and all that, we find that these works are very satisfactory.
00:44:16 That was a short documentary on the roller compacted concrete technology that is being
00:44:20 used for the rehabilitation of some urban roads in Cameroon within the framework of
00:44:26 the Saturday program for regional capitals.
00:44:29 After watching the documentary and after having listened to your preliminary statement,
00:44:34 Minister Celestine Kecha Koutes, one gets away with the impression that it has been
00:44:38 a bed of roses.
00:44:39 Does it mean that there have been no challenges so far in the field?
00:44:44 Thank you for this important question.
00:44:46 There were challenges, and the first challenge, I would say, is what we have understood.
00:44:51 That means people were very surprised to see that they are making the road with sand,
00:44:57 cement, and water.
00:45:00 So it was not easy to explain to them that, like phenolene.
00:45:04 When I think of that, I'm thinking when I was young, my mother was cooking with phenolene.
00:45:10 We didn't know that phenolene will end up one day.
00:45:13 And when the new oil came in, people were about afraid, but actually no one talking
00:45:19 about phenolene anymore.
00:45:21 And people were afraid on this type of road.
00:45:26 That was one of the challenges.
00:45:28 And we made sensitizing on the field with our partners, AFD, Ambassador, myself on
00:45:37 the field to explain to them that this is the best way to do our road.
00:45:44 Because with sand, we have sand, we have cement, we have water, we have hand, we have
00:45:50 labor.
00:45:51 And this was one of the challenges.
00:45:53 And you have listened where someone said that we prefer this type of goudron.
00:45:59 But they continue calling goudron, but it's not goudron.
00:46:02 It's Besséa.
00:46:03 The other challenge was our procedure of contract.
00:46:09 It's not the Minju who gave the contract.
00:46:12 It's a huge procedure.
00:46:14 And that procedure with MIMAP, with Commission, with Commission, with Abid, and all the objections,
00:46:22 it was a very huge procedure.
00:46:24 But this was also the way to secure the handing over of the contract to the best company
00:46:33 able to achieve the program.
00:46:35 Actually, all the program in Bafoussin-Bertouin-Garoua are at the end.
00:46:40 And the other challenges was what we call in French, "libération des emprises," the
00:46:48 right of way clearance.
00:46:51 That means people to identify people impacted by the road and to pay the means for them
00:47:01 to quit the place to follow the road.
00:47:04 That was the main challenges.
00:47:06 You must have noticed, we are now entering the phase, let's say, in concrete, to
00:47:12 dig a little into the vocabulary of the theme of this day, which is the phase in concrete,
00:47:19 which consists of the questions of the journalists and answers of Mrs. the Minister.
00:47:24 Obviously, Mrs. the Minister, we see that you are very well surrounded.
00:47:28 Do not hesitate to call for help one of the people who are around you at this table
00:47:35 to answer the questions.
00:47:37 Before taking the reactions of the colleagues, I would like to clarify a concern.
00:47:44 For a program called C2D, Regional Capital, we have just listed a few regional capital.
00:47:55 We want to know, and the others, then, they remain on the waiting list.
00:47:59 For how long?
00:48:01 Thank you for this question, which allows me to come back to the descent of Mr. the
00:48:07 French Ambassador, AFD and myself, in the Péléville project which is currently underway
00:48:15 in Gahondéré.
00:48:16 It must be said that the other capitals that have benefited have almost reached a
00:48:22 term.
00:48:23 We are currently planning the space for a beautiful landing of CR1, CR2 and there was
00:48:30 this extension on Marois and Bamenda which are in progress.
00:48:34 I would like to say that we are considering the start very soon of the Boirie de Bamenda,
00:48:43 but the other essential services are currently underway in Bamenda.
00:48:49 And the beautiful implementation of this project, the return to the field, the satisfaction
00:48:55 of the beneficiaries, has led AFD and the French cooperation to make other cities eligible,
00:49:04 including Gahondéré which is under construction.
00:49:07 We were on the ground with Mr. the Ambassador and AFD to better understand the implementation
00:49:17 of a similar project in Gahondéré, in view of the lessons learned from the program of
00:49:24 the resilient cities, PDVIR, on global bank financing.
00:49:28 It's simple, you introduce yourself, you say your name and for which body you work, and
00:49:35 you ask a question that we want clear, precise and brief.
00:49:42 Thank you for the floor.
00:49:45 Your Excellency, during this CED project, we have heard too much about sustainable technology,
00:49:53 innovative technology, but can we know exactly what are the procedures that lead to the delivery
00:50:02 of agreements for the purchase of the construction markets?
00:50:08 Thank you.
00:50:09 Very well, let's talk about the procedure to be agreed.
00:50:14 We are accompanied this morning by technicians, as you have well noted.
00:50:18 I will ask the Abogenie to answer this question.
00:50:23 For the agreement produced in November, it is done as you have so well stated, according
00:50:29 to the 2016 statute, bar 0848 PM, from April 20, 2016.
00:50:34 This statute includes four stages.
00:50:39 The first stage is the certification of conformity of the product delivered by the NORD in the
00:50:44 country of origin before entering Cameroon.
00:50:47 The second stage is the presentation of the product to the Ministry of Public Works.
00:50:52 The third stage is the characterization of the product by the Abogenie at the promoter's
00:50:56 office in order to verify that it matches the specifications of the technical sheet.
00:51:03 And the fourth stage is the creation of a test board with the product to ensure that the
00:51:09 specifications announced by the promoter are met on the ground.
00:51:13 And it is at the end of these four stages that the Ministry of Public Works, since it is
00:51:18 the one in charge of the delivery of the agreement, delivers the agreement to the product.
00:51:24 However, when the product has been delivered, it is subject to the same rules, that is,
00:51:30 in the CSTP, the principles for its implementation are stated, the verification of the performance
00:51:36 of the product.
00:51:38 Thank you.
00:51:39 Next question please.
00:51:41 So I would like to ask you the question, Madam Minister, of why you have chosen the use
00:51:48 of BCR as a technology in the execution of the work for the Bafoussam, Berthoua and Garoua
00:51:55 mills instead of bitumen.
00:51:57 And as a second part, how did this technology actually enter Cameroon?
00:52:02 Thank you, Madam Minister.
00:52:04 Thank you.
00:52:05 How did this technology enter Cameroon?
00:52:08 Why did I choose BCR?
00:52:11 I think that in my presentation I have largely explained it.
00:52:15 And in the film that we saw together, we also observed it.
00:52:21 We have the sand, we have the gravel, we have the cement, we have the water, we have the
00:52:27 man-power.
00:52:28 And the mayors can now, from these inputs, pursue the implementation of this beautiful
00:52:34 program in the different cities that need urban mills.
00:52:39 But how did it enter Cameroon?
00:52:41 We will now pass the floor to a former road worker, Mr Laémo, to answer this question.
00:52:49 You have the floor.
00:52:51 I am a road worker by profession.
00:52:53 I am currently the head of the Ouvrage assistance mission for the Regional Capital Program.
00:52:59 But I have been in Cameroon for 33 years now and I have worked a lot on the road problem
00:53:06 in Cameroon.
00:53:07 First on the city of Douala, then by accompanying the Ministry of Public Works during the 10
00:53:13 years that I spent at the AFD, where I practically served as technical advisor to the ministers
00:53:18 at each time.
00:53:20 And I experienced the sectoral transport program that was associated with the structural adjustment
00:53:27 program, which was one of the tools of structural adjustment, during which every month there
00:53:33 was a meeting of the funders, of all the funders contributing to this sectoral transport
00:53:39 program, to which the AFD participated.
00:53:42 And at each of these meetings I repeated, "But why don't you opt, don't you push
00:53:49 our partners to opt for concrete-concrete roads?
00:53:52 Because we can see everywhere in the world that concrete-concrete roads are durable,
00:53:57 whereas concrete-concrete roads are not durable, much less than concrete-concrete roads,
00:54:03 if they are maintained.
00:54:05 So these are roads that are intended for countries with high tax revenues.
00:54:10 In countries with low tax revenues, it was a mistake to introduce concrete-based products,
00:54:16 because we know how they deteriorate quickly if we don't maintain them.
00:54:20 And even if we maintain them, they have an optimal life expectancy of 15 to 20 years.
00:54:24 So when I left the AFD and then I retired, the World Bank asked me if I would like
00:54:33 to carry out a study that highlights the benefits for the development of Cameroon of the use
00:54:42 of concrete-based roads.
00:54:44 So I carried out this study under the control of the Ministry of Public Works, which approved
00:54:49 this study, which approved the solution.
00:54:52 In reality, there were two solutions.
00:54:55 For the majority of the national road network, for urban roads in general, it was
00:55:02 the concrete-compacted road that I recommended for several reasons.
00:55:06 First, because concrete-compacted road is not a technology of the French masons,
00:55:10 but in the manufacture of concrete roads, it is a road technology, so it changes
00:55:15 practically nothing for the companies that are used to building roads in Cameroon.
00:55:20 And then, in addition, it is a technology that, as the Minister has said several times,
00:55:28 uses locally available products.
00:55:31 And then, another advantage of concrete-compacted road is that, first, it costs less to build
00:55:40 than concrete-compacted road, but over 30 years, it costs three times less than concrete-compacted
00:55:46 road.
00:55:47 And as we can hope that these roads will last much longer than 30 years, we can realize
00:55:53 that the cost of global return will be enormous compared to concrete-compacted road.
00:55:57 We have to see that.
00:55:59 But also, on the environmental level, several studies have shown that the fact of using
00:56:04 rigid roads, because concrete-compacted roads are rigid roads, generates a very large
00:56:11 fuel consumption saving for heavy traffic.
00:56:16 And so, in the end, when we add all the environmental advantages in terms of greenhouse gas production,
00:56:24 we realize that the bitumen is clearly losing compared to the greenhouse gases.
00:56:30 And so, because bitumen generates a lot of maintenance work, first, it is a material
00:56:36 that is of extractive origin, so it is a material that brings back to the surface of the earth
00:56:42 products made of carbon, so that generates greenhouse gases.
00:56:49 And so, overall, we have a whole bunch of advantages, but above all, we do not lose the
00:56:55 technicality of our companies, we remain in the same logic.
00:56:58 The only difference is that on one side, we have a concrete-compacted road, and on the
00:57:02 other side, we have a concrete-compacted road.
00:57:05 And the only difference between these two roads is that on one side, we have a tank to
00:57:10 store the lions, and on the other side, we have a silo.
00:57:13 And then, on one side, we have to heat the lion, while on the other side, we use it as
00:57:18 it is.
00:57:19 And in addition to that, bitumen is imported, because you should know that in the Gulf of
00:57:24 Mali, in which we are moving, all the oil does not contain bitumen at all, and all the
00:57:30 bitumen that is imported to Cameroon comes from Venezuela or Middle Eastern countries,
00:57:36 passing through Abidjan, where there is a real up of bitumen distribution throughout
00:57:41 Africa, Western and Central.
00:57:44 So, overall, we had a whole bunch of advantages to use this type of bitumen, this type of
00:57:51 technology.
00:57:52 I will only remind you a little thing in terms of anecdotes.
00:57:55 The Romans, when they built their roads, which everyone heard about, built roads that
00:58:00 were very durable, since they lasted more than 2000 years.
00:58:04 And they had no concern for the profitability of their roads.
00:58:09 Their concern was to avoid having to come back often to maintain the road, and that it
00:58:16 be durable.
00:58:17 And the profitability in relation to commercial traffic, in relation to military traffic, they
00:58:23 did not care.
00:58:24 Overall, for centuries and centuries, for almost 20 centuries, the road that was used
00:58:31 by all their empires, the last empire being the one in the East, was used by the populations.
00:58:39 And so, they did not generate any chance for these populations in terms of maintenance.
00:58:45 So, it is in this logic that we started.
00:58:48 We said that sustainable development cannot be conceived without sustainable infrastructure.
00:58:54 And sustainable infrastructure is certainly not resilient.
00:58:58 It is certainly not with bitumen that we can obtain them.
00:59:02 Thank you for all these details.
00:59:06 Maybe Madame Minister has a last word.
00:59:09 I would like to thank all of you, to have made your time available, to come and listen
00:59:17 on what this wonderful program called by the Head of State, Partnership Programme SDD17,
00:59:28 has brought to our cities, modernizing our cities, changed our lives, changed the lives
00:59:36 of our population, as well as answering to the environment problem.
00:59:43 I would like to thank the moderators, thank the directors-general, all the actors of this
00:59:53 beautiful project, including our friends from the media who came to listen, to discover
01:00:02 this beautiful project, beautiful program, Capital Régional C2D, which has contributed
01:00:10 by the will of the Head of State and the strength of the cooperation prescribed as a pillar
01:00:17 in the ODD17, in the transformation and modernization of our cities.
01:00:25 You have seen it, it is about allowing, in the middle of the decentralization, our mayors
01:00:32 to make their way, to address the issues of commercial balance of our country, but also
01:00:40 to accompany the Head of State to implement a program that also responds to the Paris
01:00:47 Climate Agreement by being a resilient project that protects the environment.
01:00:55 I thank you once again for coming and I pray to all the people of Cameroon to be ambassadors
01:01:03 of this beautiful program which will continue on other activities in the course of instruction,
01:01:09 which will continue in other regional capitals in the course of instruction for the well-being
01:01:16 of the Cameroonian population. I thank you.
01:01:19 Ladies and gentlemen, we do hope you got adequate information about the implementation of the
01:01:25 C2D program for regional capitals and that you now better understand the benefits of
01:01:30 the roller compacted concrete technology that is being used for the construction and rehabilitation
01:01:37 of urban roads in Cameroon.
01:01:39 Roméo Thuysseur, all is well that ends well.
01:01:43 Indeed, all is well that ends well. So here we will remember that the C2D for regional
01:01:48 capitals is both the re-establishment of urban railways, but also the support of the
01:01:54 ediles in the mastery of the work. All this for more resilient and beautiful cities, but
01:02:00 also more exercised mayors in terms of governance of projects in Cameroon. And you have followed
01:02:06 the satisfaction of some of these mayors during this government communication program.
01:02:13 Thank you for your attention.
01:02:16 Transcription par Cedric Seymour - www.cedricseymour.com
01:02:24 *Bruit de tonnerre*