5 Minute Beach Curls for Long Hair

  • last year
00:00 Hi guys, my name is Amber. I'm from Portland, Oregon and today I'm going to be doing the
00:04 5-minute Lounge Hair Challenge. I'm going to be using my cute little Rose Gold
00:09 Lounge Lustre 32mm to be doing this. It's a bigger barrel but that's okay
00:16 because as you can tell I got a lot of hair. So I'm going to start my watch and let's go.
00:22 So typically if I had a little bit more than five minutes I would do smaller
00:35 sections because right now I'm going to do them a little bit bigger but that's
00:39 okay because it's still going to turn out adorable. I leave it in for about six
00:43 seconds because it's super duper hot right now and there we go. Grab another section.
00:58 A lot of people like to clip their hair into sections and you'll see in a little
01:06 bit why I think that makes it a little bit harder when I get down to the bottom.
01:10 I think it's easier just to leave all my hair down so I can see what I'm doing
01:14 with it and like find the pieces as I go that aren't gonna work or I have to
01:23 re-curl or mess around with again. And don't leave it in too long because you want a
01:34 nice loose curl. At least that's what I'm going for in this. My hair does not suit
01:39 super tight Suzy Q style curls but to each his own. If you like that look, pull
01:49 it on a little bit longer, pull it a little bit tighter. I have mine quite
01:53 loose and as you can see at the bottom I like to kind of leave it out and take a
02:01 little bit because I like the beachy vibe of it. I like it to be a little
02:07 loose, bouncy, subtle and I like to give it length because all the other curling
02:14 irons I use, it was like I have long hair and I like to keep my long hair and it
02:21 would just basically scrunch my hair up like a ball and it would look so short.
02:27 I'm like where'd all my hair go? So I love L'Ange because I get to keep my
02:32 length. See I love it, I just love it. And so right now you're gonna see why I like
02:39 to keep it not up because what I do is I can just grab the sections that I
02:47 already did and I will just throw them back there. Forget about them, they're already
02:55 done. And then go ahead and grab the rest that I haven't done yet, curl those babies
03:06 up, throw them back. I would say though that clipping your hair into different
03:14 sections and doing it in different sections is definitely going to give
03:17 your hair a little more depth, a little more volume but you know me personally
03:24 I'm not too concerned about that because I like, like I said a hundred times, a
03:30 subtle vibe to it. And it's like so amazing because you know most of our
03:38 curling irons or even doing our hair takes us like a century. Like it would
03:43 take me, I'm not even joking you, like 45 minutes to an hour before and now it's
03:51 not even like cut in half. My time is literally like 10-15 minutes to do my
03:56 hair. Right now it's gonna be 5 and I can still head out the door and wear my
04:00 hair and it's just gonna look amazing. And it gives me more time for my makeup,
04:05 more time for a cute outfit. And I hear all these moms like saying buns for days
04:13 or throwing on their baseball cap and you know it's cute, we love that but you
04:18 know sometimes you just want to do a little more. You go get your hair done
04:22 all the time, you know show it off, don't hide it away. L'Ange is gonna save your
04:27 life for that reason. I'm not even kidding you. If I can do my hair, all that
04:34 hair in five minutes, anybody is gonna be able to do their hair in five minutes.
04:43 L'Ange, you are freaking godsend. I love you. You are part of my everyday life now
04:51 and I will never ever go back to anything else. And I don't know if I
04:55 mentioned, I didn't use any products on my hair today even though L'Ange has
05:00 amazing products because I wanted you guys to see just how it does without
05:04 anything there to hold it. See? No products, no nothing, all in five minutes.
05:13 Look at that nice little wave. Oh L'Ange, I love you. Thank you. Five minutes and done.
