How to Curl Your Hair in 5 Minutes - Hair tutorial

  • last year
00:00 Stephanie here. I'm gonna press my start timer on five minutes. So here we go.
00:04 This is my second time ever using a wand and this is my first time ever
00:09 videotaping myself while doing my hair. So this should be pretty entertaining. I
00:15 started out by spraying some Rival Heat Shield and I'm going to go ahead and I'm
00:20 just gonna take about a one to one and a half inch chunk back here and I'm just
00:24 gonna wrap it around. Now mind you this is my second time using a wand so
00:28 forgive me if I don't look professional but I feel like I might be a
00:32 professional because I have watched so many Lounge videos that I think I know
00:36 what I'm doing I hope. So I hope you can find a little bit of humor in this.
00:42 Today I am going for something that is super relaxed and it's a Sunday so not
00:53 doing a whole lot, not going out or anything like that. So I'm going for
00:59 something that's super relaxed but also super cute. That is the one thing that I
01:05 have found that I really love is that you can use one of these wands, you can
01:10 get any look that you want depending on how you do it, but what I'm doing is I'm
01:14 starting about three to four inches from the crown of my head and I'm not holding
01:20 it on there very long because I'm going for a relaxed curl. I don't want anything
01:26 really tight. Now I do have to tell you I started the only thing that I use, the
01:32 only product I use on my hair is the Rival Shield. Occasionally I will use the
01:38 sea salt spray. It kind of depends on the weather. One thing, my hair doesn't get
01:45 super oily so I don't have really anything to worry about. I have used the
01:52 gloss on it and it gives my hair a real nice shine, but for the sake of trying to
02:00 do this in less than five minutes I'm not going to give you the full "let's go
02:07 for a night on the town" because that's not the look I'm going for today. Today
02:12 I'm going for relaxed curls. I am... I want to let you all know I go and I get
02:22 highlights pretty regularly and my highlights tend to get very brassy very
02:28 quickly and so I have started using the cool toning shampoo and conditioner and
02:38 I am about three to four weeks into my highlights and as you can see they're
02:43 not super brassy. I am actually I'm really loving it. I am digging the look. I
02:53 think what I might do with summer coming up is actually go and have my
02:58 hairdresser do more highlights, do some thicker, chunkier, fun, summery feeling
03:02 highlights. Let you know I have approximately two minutes left so I am
03:10 about three quarters of the way done and I'm just going for something relaxed and
03:19 I'm doing about between one and two inch portions back here and I'm holding them
03:26 once I get wrapped around I'm holding them for about one, two, three, four, five
03:30 seconds releasing. I have a ton of hair so I'm using the 25 millimeter luster
03:39 wand today and one thing that I really love about this one is the end because
03:46 you can see I am not very good with my fingers. I'm a little bit clumsy so that
03:52 was for me the big selling point was okay there's an end on that one. I like
03:58 the undo. I'm sure it works fantastic but it's terrifying for me guys so the last
04:04 thing I'm going to do is I'm just going to take my bangs here and I'm just going
04:07 to do a quick little curl towards the end and I'm actually doing this one a
04:12 little bit different. I'm holding the wand a little bit different just so that
04:15 way I have something there because what I want my bangs to do is I kind of want
04:18 them to go underneath. So here we are really relaxed, kind of bigger looking
04:28 curls because I do have so much hair and there it is. For the sake of
04:35 humor purposes I'm going to show you I set it at five minutes I have 26 seconds
04:41 left so five minutes looking like a mom on a Sunday and I have beautiful hair.
04:49 Good luck guys!
