Emmerdale 7th June 2023

  • l’année dernière
Emmerdale 7th June 2023


00:00 *Musique*
00:29 *Bruit de porte*
00:31 *Bruit de porte*
00:33 *Bruit de porte*
00:35 *Bruit de porte*
00:37 *Bruit de porte*
00:39 Oh hi !
00:41 My little man !
00:43 Now you my boy are just in time to see your dad make one of his last ever farm deliveries.
00:47 Hi.
00:49 Hi.
00:51 How come you kept looking over there ?
00:53 Did you tell Travity ?
00:55 About Ruben being ok ?
00:57 No about me you know trying to...
01:01 No.
01:03 No. Because there's nothing to tell.
01:05 Ok.
01:07 Yeah good so we can just like forget about it.
01:09 You know the um...
01:11 Kiss.
01:13 What kiss ?
01:15 Yeah.
01:17 Yeah exactly.
01:19 Cool you don't need to look so worried.
01:21 It meant nothing.
01:23 Oh yeah nothing just like a...
01:25 You know like a mad...
01:27 In the moment thing.
01:29 Yeah.
01:31 Yeah we were over the moon about this guy and...
01:33 Feelings got mixed up.
01:35 Totally forgotten about.
01:37 Like I said. What kiss ?
01:39 What kiss ?
01:45 Are you mad ?
01:47 Depends who you talk to.
01:49 You're on that forum having a go at Myra.
01:51 Again.
01:53 No I'm not.
01:55 Stop lying. I can see you're on the site.
01:57 Yeah to tell them to lay off her.
01:59 That I might have been wrong.
02:01 The police are right to call it an accident.
02:03 You're right in all that. Telling them Myra's not to blame.
02:07 I will do yeah.
02:09 Finally.
02:11 What made you see the light ?
02:13 I told your dad I'd stop stirring it up.
02:15 And clearly he don't believe me.
02:17 So this proves I mean it.
02:19 Plus it is getting a little too heated on here.
02:21 Even for you ?
02:23 Must be bad.
02:25 Well let me unfan their flames.
02:27 Settle things down a bit.
02:29 Oh hey.
02:31 Thanks for the review. You made me sound like a gourmet chef.
02:33 With a big heart. Comes through in your pizzas.
02:35 Yeah thanks.
02:37 Alright weirdo.
02:39 What was that ?
02:41 What ?
02:43 Well you pretty much said to her that you could taste a big heart and then you thanked her for it.
02:45 I mean what was all this fawning for ?
02:47 Well the least I could do after she gave us our tea for free.
02:49 She wrote it off as wastage.
02:51 It wasn't.
02:53 Why's she done that ?
02:55 Because she's nice.
02:57 And the lackey bill was a bit more than I thought it was gonna be.
02:59 Cleaved me account out. Couldn't cover the pizzas.
03:01 Well I only ordered it because you said it were no big deal.
03:03 Well it isn't. We always make ends meet don't we ?
03:05 I best get off.
03:07 Before Cain docks me hours.
03:09 Mac ! Mac !
03:11 Hello mate.
03:13 How you doing ?
03:15 You okay ?
03:17 Excuse me.
03:19 I might just run off like that.
03:21 Mac do you wanna hang out until I go to my mate David ?
03:23 Oh mate I'd love to but...
03:25 But mum's still angry.
03:27 Oh she'll get over it.
03:29 I hope so.
03:31 Mate.
03:33 But I really messed up.
03:35 I forgive you.
03:37 Thanks mate but it's your mum that I need to make it up to.
03:39 Mum can I hang with Mac for a bit ?
03:41 He's busy.
03:43 Well I'm not actually.
03:45 I've got farm deliveries.
03:47 You don't have to stay.
03:49 In fact I'm leaving you on your own.
03:51 Great.
03:53 Great.
03:55 Will you stop judging me ?
03:57 I'm worried for you.
03:59 Well don't be.
04:01 I've told you it meant nothing to Mackenzie.
04:03 To Mackenzie ?
04:05 It seemed to mean something to you.
04:07 Yeah so what if it did in the moment ?
04:09 I mean it's been a crazy few days.
04:11 Well a few months really.
04:13 And Mackenzie's been brilliant.
04:15 I just... I needed a connection.
04:17 And he just happened to be there ?
04:19 No more than that.
04:21 You've never been into Mackenzie ? You've told us that a million times.
04:23 No I've never said that.
04:25 I mean I slept with him didn't I ? I must have fancied him then.
04:27 A one night stand is a bit different when he's some random in the pub.
04:29 He's Ruben's dad.
04:31 Oh wow yeah thanks for the heads up.
04:33 And he's still completely smitten with Charity.
04:35 Yeah I know.
04:37 But that didn't stop you from trying it on with him Chloe.
04:39 He rejected me okay ?
04:41 Okay.
04:43 Well then you know this isn't going anywhere.
04:45 That you and him are just co-parents.
04:47 Nothing else.
04:49 And if you are holding out for something else.
04:51 Babe it's not gonna happen.
04:53 Don't make things messier than they already are.
04:55 Like for Ruben's sake.
04:57 I've had pizzas yesterday.
05:01 I already told your dad there's no need.
05:03 Take it.
05:05 If I put that through now Gabby will want to know why.
05:07 You'll get me into trouble.
05:09 I really don't want people stealing our line for us.
05:11 Even if we are a charity case.
05:13 You're not a charity case.
05:15 Take it.
05:17 We're not getting a surprise hen do tattoo.
05:19 No not even in a secret place.
05:21 Look I've gotta go.
05:23 Yeah okay bye.
05:25 She's still panicking about tomorrow.
05:27 Yeah she thinks a few middle aged women in a pub.
05:29 Isn't rock and roll enough for Gabby.
05:31 Still I'm quite partial to a tattoo.
05:33 I'm happy for you.
05:35 I'm not.
05:37 Hey you coming tomorrow?
05:39 No I'm not invited.
05:41 And I don't want to be.
05:43 Gabby's got me stressed out about our online stuff.
05:45 I'm a chef not a PR guru.
05:47 I don't know what I was thinking telling her I could handle it.
05:49 What do I know about social media?
05:51 You're on it aren't you?
05:53 Well yeah but I'm a lurker.
05:55 I'm not a poster.
05:57 I am.
05:59 A poster not a lurker.
06:01 I seem to have scored some new male clients for the salon.
06:03 I can help you but there'll be a fee.
06:05 We don't really have the budget.
06:07 Well your digital channel's a rubbish Joe.
06:09 I mean there's zero presence, zero engagement
06:11 which equals zero new customers.
06:13 Why don't I show you what I can do
06:15 and then you'll find a budget because you'll have no choice.
06:17 It's my birthday in a week.
06:19 I know mate.
06:21 Have you got anything big planned?
06:23 What do you want to do?
06:25 Well it probably
06:27 depends on what your mum thinks is best.
06:29 Go to space!
06:31 Yeah man we could be space cadets.
06:33 Space cadets!
06:35 So can I?
06:43 Can I come to his birthday?
06:45 I don't know.
06:47 I mean he misses you.
06:49 Yeah I miss him.
06:51 I would like to see him more not just on his birthday.
06:55 And I know that's really unfair of me to ask but
06:57 I mean this can't be fair on the little guy can it?
07:01 I heard Reuben got the all clear yesterday.
07:03 Yeah.
07:07 I'm happy for him.
07:09 For Chloe and
07:11 for you.
07:13 Thank you.
07:15 Come on babe
07:17 we're gonna go to Davies now.
07:19 Listen I'll let you know about his birthday yeah?
07:21 And if there's space
07:23 for you in his life.
07:25 Come on.
07:27 I've been looking forward to this all morning.
07:29 Beauties for my beauty?
07:31 Too icky.
07:33 I thought it was better than flowers for my flower.
07:35 Yeah anything's better than that.
07:37 Have I ruined them for you?
07:39 No.
07:41 I'll go put them in a vase.
07:43 No do it in a bit.
07:45 Alright.
07:47 Yeah I just need to.
07:49 Can we sit?
07:57 Yeah but it
07:59 it might not be after.
08:01 Okay so
08:05 you know last week when you learnt about
08:07 Jeva.
08:09 I tried to tell you about my mental health but we didn't
08:11 get that far. I'm sorry I should never have
08:13 ran out on you. I'm not looking for an apology.
08:15 But
08:17 if we want to make a proper cut of this
08:19 you need to hear me out.
08:21 Okay well I'm sure.
08:23 Tom don't interrupt
08:25 just don't ask questions
08:27 now just listen to me.
08:29 Please.
08:31 So when I got out of Young Offenders
08:35 I struggled.
08:37 I started hearing
08:41 voices and
08:43 seeing things that other people couldn't.
08:45 You had a breakdown?
08:47 Well
08:49 it's not surprising.
08:51 Tom please.
08:53 I'm one off.
08:55 I have schizophrenia
08:57 but I'm in recovery.
08:59 I'm in counselling and I haven't relapsed
09:01 for over a year.
09:03 But I need you to know
09:05 I have been sectioned
09:09 and hospitalised
09:11 more than once.
09:13 Do you have any questions?
09:17 Have you got anything that you want to ask me?
09:19 Can I?
09:21 Is it alright if I make us a brew first?
09:23 Feels like we could
09:25 use a copper.
09:27 Hey Nicola
09:31 I read your post.
09:33 It's about time you started calming down because I was all set
09:35 to go to the police to stop you and your minions.
09:37 Now they're coming after me.
09:39 Eh?
09:41 Coward Nicola. Hypocrite.
09:43 Do you hate Angelica?
09:45 Why are you turning your back on her?
09:47 I bet you caused a crash yourself.
09:49 Oh God.
09:51 Nicola stop it.
09:53 What is it Nicola?
09:55 Are you alright?
09:57 It'll pass in a minute.
09:59 I just need to calm.
10:01 Should I go and get Jimmy or Liam?
10:03 No worry.
10:05 It's just a mini panic attack.
10:07 Just a panic attack?
10:09 God of all people.
10:11 I know my face is the last one you want to see
10:13 but look I am all you've got right now
10:15 so come on at least sit down for me.
10:17 Not here. Anyone can come in and go up.
10:19 Well let me get you on then.
10:21 My kids can't see me like this.
10:23 Give me some of her out of sight
10:25 until it passes.
10:27 Yeah but it's not passing it's getting worse.
10:29 Help me it'll get out of my way.
10:31 Alright, alright. Just give me a minute.
10:33 Nicola.
10:35 [Musique]
10:37 [Musique]
10:39 [Musique]
10:41 [Musique]
10:43 [Musique]
10:45 [Musique]
10:47 [Musique]
10:49 [Musique]
10:51 Don't stare.
10:53 Just sit.
10:55 [Musique]
10:57 [Musique]
10:59 [Musique]
11:01 [Musique]
11:03 -Talk.
11:06 -Talk about what?
11:09 -Farm stuff, or something less boring.
11:14 -Well, there won't be "farm stuff" to talk about for much longer.
11:19 Kim's raring to rip up all of my land.
11:24 Well, her land by next week.
11:28 -Selling to Kim, that's got to hurt.
11:32 -Oh, you seem better.
11:35 -Cos I'm not clutching my chest or breathing like a sex pest.
11:39 The powers of observation are as good as your driving.
11:43 -Which is about as good as yours, according to the police.
11:46 -No, Nicola, you're really good at sticking the knife in.
11:50 -With everyone else but yourself.
11:52 Oh, God, I'm sorry. Look, just calm down.
11:55 Just don't listen to me.
11:58 -I'm just as much to blame as you are.
12:01 -I'm just as much to blame?
12:04 No. More.
12:07 You're right. The trial's right.
12:12 Jimmy and Angel's right. Everyone's right.
12:15 I almost killed my own daughter.
12:19 -This should help, right?
12:24 -I'm not asking for your help. I don't need it.
12:28 -I'm sorry. I just...
12:31 What you must have gone through are going through.
12:35 Are you still? -Yeah.
12:38 I mean, not right now, but...
12:41 Schizophrenia is for life.
12:44 I'm controlling my symptoms at the minute, but...
12:47 It might not always happen.
12:51 -I, uh...
12:53 Thank you for telling me.
12:56 -What can I do?
12:58 -Be honest. With yourself. With me.
13:01 Because if this is too much, then...
13:04 I understand. And I don't blame you.
13:07 So, if you want to stop this, and you want to stop us, then...
13:11 I would rather you just do it now than further on down the line when it's just harder.
13:16 Because it is a lot. I am a lot.
13:20 -You're still Belle.
13:22 -And I'm not apologizing. I am proud of who I am.
13:26 -Thank you for trusting me. This doesn't change anything.
13:32 -You can't be sure. We've barely scratched the surface.
13:34 -I'm sure.
13:36 Are you still open to questions?
13:38 Because I want to know everything you're up for telling me.
13:43 -Fire away.
13:45 -Good news. You got a lead on a job?
13:48 -No. No.
13:50 -But Charity's softening.
13:52 -Yeah, you two did look pretty cozy together.
13:54 But, just to remind you, I was still about to be unemployed.
13:57 -I won't be far behind you.
13:59 -Nah, there's always motors that need fixing.
14:01 -There's always food that needs farming.
14:03 Don't see you drowning in offers.
14:05 -We'll figure it out, mate.
14:09 -Mate, I don't want to drag you down from them happy clouds, but we've got kids to support.
14:12 -I get that.
14:14 This is just my first look in with Charity since things went to pot.
14:17 She's even considering letting me back into Moses' life.
14:21 And if that happens...
14:23 -Well, there's hope.
14:24 -Yeah.
14:25 Oh, I've got to go.
14:28 Sorry.
14:30 -I keep hearing it shattering.
14:32 The window right next to Angel.
14:35 I knew even then it was down to me.
14:40 But I convinced myself it was all you, so I wouldn't have to face what I did to my girl.
14:46 I was just so full of...
14:48 sheer selfishness.
14:50 -Selfishness? How?
14:52 -I was just as exhausted as you, and you wound up cos Jimmy was doing my head in.
14:58 But I still got in the car with my kid.
15:02 He made her sit in the back so she wouldn't disturb my precious council papers.
15:06 I was rushing to get her to the dentist, so I didn't look that second time.
15:14 I didn't have a millisecond to check again.
15:17 Because if I had...
15:21 I might have seen you.
15:24 I'm sorry.
15:28 -You were just trying to keep the plates spinning.
15:35 It's not selfish.
15:37 -It's what we do.
15:39 -But they all cracked.
15:41 -They do what you do every day.
15:44 What mums and dads do everywhere, we keep on trying, and sometimes, Nicole, we fail.
15:49 -I could have lost her.
15:52 -Don't torture yourself on what might have been.
15:56 I've been there. It doesn't help.
15:59 Angelica is going to recover in all the most important ways.
16:04 And she and the rest of the family...
16:07 need you to keep going.
16:10 To look after yourself.
16:12 -When I get the time.
16:14 -Well, make the time.
16:16 You've got loads now. You've stopped waging war on me.
16:19 -Here.
16:23 -What's this?
16:24 -Look like a bill.
16:25 And there'll be more, cos Jay's dead chuffed with the content I've made here.
16:28 Cute little pizza-making video with me and Victoria.
16:30 I've been peeping in no time.
16:32 And when it does, Jay reckons he's gonna sort the budget out and hire me on the regular.
16:36 It's just casual, but it makes a difference.
16:40 -Thank you. You've got enough on your hands, haven't you?
16:42 With Esther and college and the salon.
16:44 -What, you're really saying we don't need the money?
16:46 Dad, you can't do this on your own.
16:48 And between me and you, we can cover our bills, yeah?
16:50 This job changes things.
16:52 And this is on the house, from management.
16:55 Stay job well done.
16:57 Oh!
16:58 -Can't get enough of yourself, eh? Pizza maestro.
17:02 -Well, I'm the only one, cos no-one's even seen it.
17:05 -Oh! If I'd have been there now, I'd give it a bit of time, love.
17:09 -Yeah, might take a while for people to find it.
17:12 -Sorry I'm late. I didn't want to leave him with Amy.
17:19 I couldn't face her asking all the questions why.
17:21 -Hey there, wee tiny.
17:24 Hi.
17:25 -You just chilling, mate?
17:27 -Yeah.
17:28 -Yeah.
17:29 He loves a walk.
17:31 -So...
17:35 Why the urgency to meet here?
17:37 -Well, I just didn't want Amy or anyone really, you know, seeing us together.
17:42 Judging or...
17:44 Interrupting.
17:46 -Interrupting what?
17:48 Are you alright?
17:49 -Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I just...
17:51 I know that this is a mess.
17:56 And I'm about to make things messier, but I had to let you know how I feel.
18:00 It wasn't a mistake.
18:02 -What wasn't?
18:04 -The kiss.
18:06 -What?
18:07 -I can't pretend that I didn't try and kiss you, OK? Because I wanted it to happen.
18:11 Yesterday, it just proved how great we work together as a team.
18:15 You know, the three of us.
18:17 I think...
18:18 I think we should try and be a real family.
18:21 And I think you and me should try and be together.
18:25 Properly.
18:26 I just don't like being manipulated.
18:29 -Right. Well, it sounds to me that Mac was pretty much minding his own business before Moses grabbed him.
18:36 -Could have said no. We could have said that he was busy.
18:38 Instead of acting like we were a family again. Instead of making it feel like we were a family again.
18:43 -It did.
18:45 -Yeah, for a bit, yeah.
18:48 Like, before it all went kaboom.
18:51 It felt so easy being together again.
18:55 -Easy?
18:56 -Yeah.
18:57 Easy and right.
18:59 If I keep letting Mac see Moses, then I'm gonna have to see Mac as well.
19:04 And I don't think I can do that, Chas.
19:06 Because the more I see him like that, the less I hate him.
19:08 And I'm sorry, but I have to keep on hating him.
19:10 -Right. And, er...
19:13 What does Moses need?
19:15 -He needs Mac.
19:17 I'm the one who let Mac be his dad.
19:20 I've already done it to Noah, haven't I?
19:24 Let him get to know him.
19:26 Let him get close to a dad and then just cut ties.
19:29 Watch him grieve over and over.
19:32 And it's damaged him. I know it has.
19:34 I've done it to Moses twice already, 'cause, let's face it, he barely sees Ross as it is.
19:39 Vanessa never.
19:40 I can't keep robbing Moses of a dad just 'cause I'm...
19:43 -Heartbroken.
19:45 Right, so you're willing to see Mac birthdays, Christmases,
19:52 have Moses hang out with him and his little brother, Reuben,
19:56 have him in your life for however long that may be?
20:00 -Yeah.
20:01 -How are you gonna cope with seeing him all the time?
20:06 -I'm gonna have to suck it up.
20:08 'Cause as long as Moses needs Mac in his life,
20:12 he'll be in my life too, won't he?
20:15 -Erm...
20:19 *Bourdonnement*
20:21 -I had no idea that you felt this way.
20:27 -Yeah.
20:28 You and me both, it just kind of crept up on me yesterday, but...
20:33 I wouldn't be saying this if you and Charity were still together, by the way.
20:36 I'm not a homewrecker.
20:38 -No.
20:40 No, that would be mean.
20:42 -But you did it for a good reason.
20:45 You let me stay in your home and not just because of Reuben.
20:48 I think that, you know,
20:50 you care about me a little bit too.
20:53 -Yeah.
20:56 Yeah.
20:57 But I love Charity.
21:01 -I know, but...
21:02 do you not think that that ship's kind of...
21:05 sailed?
21:06 I mean, you love Reuben too,
21:08 and I think that you see me as more than just
21:10 some one-night stand who's had your kid.
21:13 Not now, necessarily, but...
21:14 you know, when you and Charity are unentangled
21:17 and you stop pining after her, then I think that...
21:20 the three of us have a real chance.
21:23 You know, we could be a proper family.
21:27 -Comedy is back in the building.
21:29 Before Alan Carr was big, he was little.
21:32 Watch brand new Changing Ends, streaming now on ITVX.
21:35 And tonight on ITV1, we'll be live with Ant and Dec
21:38 for the next semi-final of Britain's Got Talent at 8.
21:42 Next, it's Coronation Street.
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22:00 Merci.