(Adnkronos) - Il segretario generale della Cgil, Maurizio Landini, dopo la manifestazione di oggi all'Arco della Pace, si è recato all'Università Statale di Milano per incontrare gli studenti accampati in tenda da ieri sera, per protestare contro il caro affitti. Landini ha salutato i giovani e, mentre parlava con loro informandosi sul proseguimento della protesta, è stato contestato da quattro giovani appartenenti al collettivo studentesco Cambiare Rotta. I quattro hanno accusato il sindacato rappresentato da Landini di ingannare i propri iscritti e venire a patti con i governi, senza ottenere risultati per studenti e lavoratori, anzi imponendo la pacificazione sociale. Tra le critiche, anche la scelta di consentire alla multinazionale Just Eat, più volte al centro di polemiche, accusata di sfruttamento dei suoi lavoratori, di sponsorizzare il concertone del primo maggio. Landini ha ascoltato le rimostranze dei ragazzi, tentando di dialogare con loro, poi, rendendosi conto che i giovani non intendevano ascoltarlo, ha risposto: "Se volete continuare a fare così, fate pure, io non sono la Meloni e non sono mai stato al governo. Anzi, ho scioperato contro tutti i governi. Siamo pronti a fare tutto ciò che c'è da fare. Dovete imparare ad ascoltare e capire chi sono i vostri interlocutori". Quindi ha aggiunto: “Adesso potete dire che esistete perché avete detto qualcosa al Segretario della Cgil”. Nel frattempo, alcuni degli universitari accampati sono intervenuti in difesa del segretario della Cgil, accusando i coetanei: "Chi vi ha mai visti in università?". E i quattro ragazzi si sono allontanati.
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01:01 Do you realize that... Excuse me. No, no.
01:06 You should learn to listen.
01:12 You should learn to listen.
01:16 I'll give you an example.
01:18 If there are 5 million people who pay 1% of their salary
01:23 to be registered at the CGL every month,
01:25 do you think they do it because we do not represent them,
01:27 they feel they are being sold?
01:29 You can criticize as you want,
01:31 you can criticize as you want, for God's sake,
01:33 but you have to respect...
01:34 Because you have deceived these people
01:35 and with time you have managed to impose social pacification.
01:38 No, we do not pacify.
01:39 Look, you are talking to the one who, in this country,
01:42 alone, has fought against Marchionne and against all governments.
01:45 You are not talking to someone who is passing by.
01:47 So I don't need to explain to you...
01:49 You have made good excuses, they are really funny.
01:51 I don't need to explain to you, I'm saying...
01:53 They are facts that speak.
01:55 They are facts that speak.
01:57 We are opposed to Renzi's Jobs Act.
01:59 We are opposed and he managed to get something.
02:01 He brought all 5 million people to the square.
02:03 Ah, it didn't seem like it.
02:05 It didn't seem like it.
02:07 And when he unblocked the licenses during Covid?
02:09 And when he unblocked the licenses during Covid?
02:11 And when we brought home the block of licenses,
02:13 the only one in Europe, what did we do?
02:15 But we didn't...
02:17 When we were the only union in Europe
02:19 to bring home the block of licenses,
02:21 we did it for no one else.
02:23 And then you immediately removed it?
02:25 This is how you deceive workers?
02:27 No, we didn't deceive anyone.
02:29 I insist.
02:31 Count the facts.
02:33 The CGL is using the interests of the industry,
02:35 the interests of all governments,
02:37 the last cycle of the Meloni,
02:39 you say you are willing to...
02:41 I speak with everyone.
02:43 I speak with everyone and I respect everyone.
02:45 It would be a shame if you wanted to leave
02:47 because you can't stay here and take responsibility.
02:49 No, I don't want to leave.
02:51 I don't want to leave.
02:53 I don't want to leave.
02:55 I don't want to leave.
02:57 I don't want to leave.
02:59 You are students here.
03:01 You can go.
03:03 You are traitors.
03:05 You are traitors.
03:07 You are traitors.
03:09 I'm going to find you.
03:11 I'm going to find you.
03:13 I'm going to expose you.
03:15 I'm going to expose you.
03:17 It's for pleasure.
03:19 It's for pleasure.
03:21 We are students here.
03:23 We have the visa.
03:25 Where are you going?
03:27 Go away.
03:29 We are going to fight.
03:31 We will bring it forward.
03:33 We are students here.
03:35 Go away.
03:37 We are students here.
03:39 Go away.
03:41 We are students here.
03:43 You see?
03:45 You see?
03:47 You see the diversity?
03:49 You see the diversity?
03:51 You see the diversity?
03:53 You see the diversity?
03:55 Now you can say that you exist.
03:57 Now you can say that you exist.
03:59 Now you can say that you exist.
04:01 Now you can say that you exist.
04:03 Because you said something to the TDA secretary.
04:05 Because you said something to the TDA secretary.
04:07 Very good.
04:09 Very good.
04:11 Very good.