500 gram (2 - 3 ekor) Cumi
2-5buah Tahu
1-2butir Telur
2-3batang Daun bawang
1/2sdt Garam
1sdt Kaldu bubuk
1/2sdt Merica
Minyak, untuk menumis - secukupnya
1bungkus Racik Bumbu Spesial Opor Ayam
2cm Lengkuas, memarkan
1batang Serai, memarkan
2lembar Daun salam
2lembar Daun jeruk, buang tulang daunnya
500ml Air
100ml Santan kental
Tusuk sate / tusuk gigi - secukupnya
Cara membuat:
•Bersihkan bagian dalam perut cumi, kulit, dan bagian kepalanya.
•Dalam wadah, campur semua bahan isian dan aduk hingga rata.
•Ambil 1 ekor cumi. Isi rongga perutnya dengan bahan isian secukupnya. Ulangi langkah ini hingga semua cumi terisi.
•Panaskan minyak. Tumis Racik Bumbu Spesial Opor Ayam bersama lengkuas, serai, daun salam, daun jeruk hingga harum.
•Masukkan air dan santan. Aduk rata. Didihkan
•Masukkan cumi sambil terus disiram-siramkan dengan kuahnya sampai cumi terlihat menggembung dan padat ketika ditekan.
•Angkat dan sajikan dengan bawang goreng
Materials needed
500 grams (2 - 3 tails) Squid
2-5 pieces of Tofu
1-2 eggs
2-3 stalks of green onions
1/2 tsp Salt
1 tsp Broth powder
1/2 tsp Pepper
Oil, for sautéing - to taste
1 pack of Chicken Opor Special Seasoning Mix
2cm Galangal, bruised
1 stalk of Lemongrass, bruised
2 bay leaves
2 pieces of lime leaves, remove the bone leaves
500ml Water
100ml thick coconut milk
Skewers / toothpicks - to taste
How to make:
•Clean the inside of the squid stomach, skin, and the head.
In a bowl, mix all the filling ingredients and stir until smooth.
Take 1 squid. Fill the stomach cavity with sufficient stuffing ingredients. Repeat this step until all the squid is filled.
•Heat the oil. Sauté the Opor Chicken Special Seasoning Mix with galangal, lemongrass, bay leaves, lime leaves until fragrant.
Add water and coconut milk. Stir well. Bring to a boil
Enter the squid while continuing to sprinkle it with the broth until the squid looks bloated and solid when pressed.
Remove and serve with fried onions
500 gram (2 - 3 ekor) Cumi
2-5buah Tahu
1-2butir Telur
2-3batang Daun bawang
1/2sdt Garam
1sdt Kaldu bubuk
1/2sdt Merica
Minyak, untuk menumis - secukupnya
1bungkus Racik Bumbu Spesial Opor Ayam
2cm Lengkuas, memarkan
1batang Serai, memarkan
2lembar Daun salam
2lembar Daun jeruk, buang tulang daunnya
500ml Air
100ml Santan kental
Tusuk sate / tusuk gigi - secukupnya
Cara membuat:
•Bersihkan bagian dalam perut cumi, kulit, dan bagian kepalanya.
•Dalam wadah, campur semua bahan isian dan aduk hingga rata.
•Ambil 1 ekor cumi. Isi rongga perutnya dengan bahan isian secukupnya. Ulangi langkah ini hingga semua cumi terisi.
•Panaskan minyak. Tumis Racik Bumbu Spesial Opor Ayam bersama lengkuas, serai, daun salam, daun jeruk hingga harum.
•Masukkan air dan santan. Aduk rata. Didihkan
•Masukkan cumi sambil terus disiram-siramkan dengan kuahnya sampai cumi terlihat menggembung dan padat ketika ditekan.
•Angkat dan sajikan dengan bawang goreng
Materials needed
500 grams (2 - 3 tails) Squid
2-5 pieces of Tofu
1-2 eggs
2-3 stalks of green onions
1/2 tsp Salt
1 tsp Broth powder
1/2 tsp Pepper
Oil, for sautéing - to taste
1 pack of Chicken Opor Special Seasoning Mix
2cm Galangal, bruised
1 stalk of Lemongrass, bruised
2 bay leaves
2 pieces of lime leaves, remove the bone leaves
500ml Water
100ml thick coconut milk
Skewers / toothpicks - to taste
How to make:
•Clean the inside of the squid stomach, skin, and the head.
In a bowl, mix all the filling ingredients and stir until smooth.
Take 1 squid. Fill the stomach cavity with sufficient stuffing ingredients. Repeat this step until all the squid is filled.
•Heat the oil. Sauté the Opor Chicken Special Seasoning Mix with galangal, lemongrass, bay leaves, lime leaves until fragrant.
Add water and coconut milk. Stir well. Bring to a boil
Enter the squid while continuing to sprinkle it with the broth until the squid looks bloated and solid when pressed.
Remove and serve with fried onions