As it Was... in Noah's day so will the coming of the Son of Man

  • 3 years ago
In Genesis 6 we read what the world was like just before the flood; the thoughts of humankind were not toward God, but toward themselves, and violence filled the earth. One particular thing though set God toward a path of flooding the earth and wiping out all but a few souls. This line that was crossed was the interbreeding of human and fallen angels. It produced a race called the Nephilim; giants that filled the earth will violence. The fallen and the Nephilim spread their ways, including design, architecture, medicine, science, astronomy, cosmetics just to name a few. In place of God, mankind adopted all of these things - chief of which was mingling human DNA with that of the "Sons of God."

We are in such a place today as we trust our science, reason and wits instead of God. We push the boundaries of medicine and science without knowing the consequences of the changes we make. We are combining human DNA with animal DNA, all in the name of medical progress. We are very close (if not already) to accepting a great deception where once again, supernatural DNA will mix with human. We are very, very close.
