Aurora - Entering the eternal dance with Christ

  • 2 years ago
Science explains the Aurora Borealis as "the result of collisions between gaseous particles in the Earth's atmosphere with charged particles released from the sun's atmosphere. Variations in color are due to the type of gas particles that are colliding"... could we be any more blind and hardened? The artistic creation of creation of God made to bring us closer to the One who created it all is reduced to "a collision of gas".

In this video Aurora is first a beautiful display that reflects the beams of Christ's love. As the beams of His love shine on the world, Aurora bears the beams of His love so she can, in turn, shine. She doesn't get her shine from's a reflection of resting helplessly in the arms of the love of the Creator.

Next Aurora is a woman who has allowed herself to be burdened by all the cares of this life and she has become a prisoner of fear. She needs to once again trust Christ with all her hear and her entire life; to lean on Him and abandon to His care. Only then can she be free to learn to bear the beams of His love and return to the dance.
