The Great Reset - The WEF's plan to solve world challenges without God.

  • 2 years ago
All the lyrics from this song (with a couple of words added for rhymes sake) have be drawn from the World Economic Forum's agenda diagram. This is. not theory people! As our world suffers Biblical type events, Klaus Schwab and a massive group of leaders and corporations have a plan to (humanly) solve those challenges. It sounds just like the structure that the Bible speaks of just before the revelation of the antichirst (or better translated.. the in place of Christ). When our hearts become proud and we believe that every problem can be solved by science, medicine, our ingenuity and our just "coming together", we are effectively doing the same exact thing that societies have done forever... remove God, his standards and His method of solving challenges... a lifelong communion with Him. Our world is running after the spirit of the "in place of Christ" headlong while the Bible's prophetic view point is being poised as conspiracy theory and irrelevant. Well, we are going to get what we are begging for and at first it will seem like the answer to everything... a great system, a confident leader, solution after solution, even miracles - says the Bible - but when that leader takes his place in the rebuilt (third) Jewish temple (yes the plans are in place now) and proclaims that he is God... we will get what we are begging for.
