And So it Goes - Like a great play, God's plan continues to unfold

  • 2 years ago
It is fascinating to watch as events in our time line up with Bible prophecy and God's design - even if we don't want them to. The Grand Playwright wrote history out scene by scene and we happen to be alive for the final act. So much is happening so fast that it is hard to keep up.

In this video world events are heating up and world leaders are setting up a plan that they believe is theirs but so ironically they are falling right in line with God's ultimate plan for our planet and for us. When you realize how much of what we see on the evening news is theater - the world that leaders want us to see - and that the changes we see in our world have been planned, it rocks your world view and is a bit chilling. But God is in control.

A key message in the middle of this video points to a statue erected outside the UN this year as part of Mexican Art week. Strikingly close to this prophecy in Revelation 13... "The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion." It isn't coincidence, it might be mockery, but it is too close to be insignificant.

The last portion of the video covers a plan to erect a huge speaking and moving image (statue) in 21 cities in 2021. As of this post in early 2022 I am not aware of any cities that actually paid the 80MM price, but it is eerily similar to this prophecy from Revelation 13... "It [The Beast] ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed."

Even if you are a complete skeptic... it is clear that we are marching toward a finish line. World leaders want things to go their way, but the King in Heaven just laughs... as He turns another page.
