• 4 years ago
It is ideal for people who wants to be alone in the nature with its snow covered high mountains for the half of the year; forests covering its one third lands; plateaus appropriate for camping, caravans,horseback riding, photography and hunting and such touristic activities; rich thermal springs and mineral springs, cultural values of centuries mingle with the tenderness and traditional hospitality of the citizens.

The existence of an uninterrupted settlement in Çankırı since the Neolithic Age (7000-5000 BC) is known.

Çankırı lived Hittite, Phrygian, Kimmer, Persian, Alexander the Great, Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk, Danişment, Candaroğlu and Ottoman periods respectively. The city, which was called Germanikopolis and Gangra in the Byzantine Period and later Kengri, was named Çankırı in the Republican Period.

-- Siyah-beyaz ve renklendirilmiş yüksek çözünürlüklü eski Çankırı fotoğrafları ile şehrin tarihinde kısa bir yolculuğa çıkacaksınız. 1920'li yıllardan 1970'li yıllara en nostaljik görüntüler.--

--Eski zamanların en geniş tarih ve nostalji arşivi için kanalımızı takip edebilirsiniz.--


