Riders of the Sage (1939)
Passed | 57min | Western | 1 August 1939 (USA)
In an effort to get Jim Martin to sell his ranch, the Halsey brothers have kidnapped his son Tom. When Bob Burke goes after him alone, he gets help from the gang known as the Riders of the Sage.
Director: Harry S. Webb
Writers: Forrest Sheldon (story), Carl Krusada (screenplay)
Stars: Bob Steele, Claire Rochelle, Ralph Hoopes
Passed | 57min | Western | 1 August 1939 (USA)
In an effort to get Jim Martin to sell his ranch, the Halsey brothers have kidnapped his son Tom. When Bob Burke goes after him alone, he gets help from the gang known as the Riders of the Sage.
Director: Harry S. Webb
Writers: Forrest Sheldon (story), Carl Krusada (screenplay)
Stars: Bob Steele, Claire Rochelle, Ralph Hoopes
Short filmTranscript
01:30Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
02:00Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
02:27Way down upon the casa de Lore
02:28♪ Down a bawdy river, far, far away
02:38♪ There's where my heart is turning ever
02:44♪ There's where the old folks stay
02:50♪ Lonely world, and sad and eerie
02:56♪ Everywhere I roam
03:02♪ Oh, dark is how my heart
03:06♪ Grows weary, far from folks at home
03:19♪ Down a bawdy river, far, far away
03:25♪ There's where my heart is turning ever
03:31♪ There's where the old folks stay
03:37♪ Lonely world, and sad and eerie
03:43♪ Down a bawdy river, far, far away
03:49♪ There's where my heart is turning ever
03:55♪ Lonely world, and sad and eerie
04:01♪ There's where my heart is turning ever
04:08What's this all about?
04:10You better come along with me.
04:37Put him up!
04:53Well, where's Steve Reynolds?
04:58He wasn't in there.
04:59But this fellow was.
05:00And he says he don't know him.
05:02If you don't know Steve, what were you doing in his cabin?
05:05Well, I was riding by here when I spotted this cabin,
05:08and there was no one home, so I borrowed it to pick some grub.
05:11Who are you?
05:12My name is Bob Burke.
05:14I heard they were paying top wages down here,
05:16so I hit the trail looking for a job.
05:18We've got no use for strangers in Apache Basin,
05:21and I'm warning you now to leave.
05:23Supposing I don't leave?
05:26The next time I see you, this gun will do the talking.
05:28Now get going.
05:43Come on, Hank.
05:44We're due at Martin's.
06:13Let's go.
06:43Let's go.
07:04Let's go.
07:23Hello, Grandpa.
07:24Did you find Dad?
07:25No, buddy.
07:26But I saw Steve Reynolds early this morning in his cabin.
07:30He was just starting out for the sheriff.
07:32He said he saw your dad four days ago riding our fence on the north,
07:36and a bunch of Halsey's men took him away.
07:38Did they hurt him?
07:40Steve said they didn't harm him any.
07:42They made him ride along with them.
07:44Now don't you worry, buddy.
07:45Everything is going to be all right.
08:05Well, Martin?
08:06I've come for your answer.
08:08The answer is no.
08:12Well, that's just too bad for you.
08:17Where's my son, Tom?
08:19How should I know?
08:21He was last seen when your men picked him up.
08:24Maybe so.
08:28I think you're using him to scare me into signing my land grant over to you.
08:33You're a pretty good guesser.
08:35And I got the money right in my pocket to pay for it.
08:40This land is my home, and I'm going to fight for it.
08:44Listen, Martin.
08:46I'm going to get Apache Basin Exclusive to run my sheep in,
08:49and nothing's going to stop me.
08:55I'll give you one last chance to settle this in a peaceable way.
08:59I'll make you a proposition.
09:01You sign the land over to us, and there won't be any more trouble.
09:05When I see my son, I'll talk business.
09:08Your son's too ornery.
09:09He's liable to talk you out of it.
09:11You sign first, and I'll produce him afterwards.
09:16How do I know he isn't dead?
09:21You'll have to trust me.
09:22Trust you?
09:23Why, you!
09:24Grab him, Hank.
09:44Drop the hardware.
09:49This means you're finished, mister.
09:52Maybe not.
09:53You're not the boss of Apache Basin yet.
09:59Now you had better start riding.
10:24Bob Perkins.
10:25I never was so glad to see anybody in my life.
10:28Hi again.
10:29Hello, buddy.
10:30Hello, Bob.
10:31Gee, I'm sure glad to see you.
10:33Well, I got your letter saying Tom was missing.
10:35I hit the trail as fast as I could.
10:36Well, it was mighty fine of you to come over and help us out.
10:39What do you think happened to him?
10:41Well, I think the Halsey's know.
10:44I stopped at a cabin on the way here.
10:46Halsey came there looking for a fellow named Steve Reynolds.
10:48Yeah, Steve's a neighbor common.
10:50He went to get the law.
10:51But I don't think he'll get through, because Halsey's men cover all the passes.
10:57I'll get through.
10:58You better wait a while.
10:59You need resting up.
11:00I'll rest when I get back.
11:02Buddy, I want you to take good care of your granddad when I'm gone.
11:07Sure will.
12:38Come in.
12:41Are you Steve Reynolds?
12:43I am.
12:44Well, my name's Burke.
12:45I've been looking for you.
12:46Oh, you have, eh?
12:48Not so fast, Reynolds.
12:49I'm a friend of yours.
12:54Say, what happened to your arm?
12:56I've been plugged.
12:57And there ain't any sore bones around here for miles.
13:00Maybe you can give me a lift getting that slug out.
13:02I'd be glad to.
13:03I've got a screwdriver and a pair of pliers in the cupboard.
13:06Well, I've got a jackknife.
13:09We ought to be able to do a first-class surgical job.
13:12With those tools, I can cut your arm off.
13:37Oh, give me a home where the buffaloes roam
13:57And the deer and the antelope play
14:06Where seldom is heard a discouraging word
14:15And the skies are not cloudy all day
14:25Home, home on the range
14:33Where the deer and the antelope play
14:43Where seldom is heard
14:55In this other arm they brought in, got the drop on me and ordered me out of the basin.
14:59That was the horses, all right.
15:02In a week, you'll be as good as new.
15:05I'll drop in every day to see how you're getting along.
15:07Which way are you headed for now?
15:09I'm going to the county seat and see the law.
15:11Well, forget it.
15:13What do you mean?
15:14The sheriff and the deputies are all right.
15:17But in the basin, the horses are the law.
15:21You mean the sheriff is powerless to do anything?
15:25Well, then it's a handful of cowmen against Halsey and his gang.
15:28That is the story.
15:54You can sure count me in with you.
16:07Oh, boy, I'm all healed and worthy.
16:10You take it easy.
16:11It'll be a week before you can hit the warpath again.
16:18How do you expect a guy to stay in his cabin for a whole week?
16:22Doctor's orders.
16:26Steve, my very good friend.
16:29I hear you've been wounded.
16:31I sure have.
16:33But who told you?
16:35Oh, I have a certain way of finding out things.
16:39I thought maybe you'd need a doctor.
16:41I had one.
16:42He ain't a professional, but better than most of them.
16:46Meet Mr. Burke.
16:54My name's Pope Powers.
16:56Glad to know you.
16:58So you're a friend of the Martins.
17:00Who told you?
17:02There's very few things that happen that I don't find out.
17:07Well, Steve, seeing that you don't need me, I think I'll be rolling along.
17:11Pleasure to have met you, Burke.
17:13Thanks, same here.
17:15You know, I have a feeling that we're going to know each other a whole lot better.
17:19Very soon.
17:21So long.
17:35Curious critter, ain't he?
17:38Sure is.
17:39Certainly doesn't seem to belong in a tough place like this basin.
17:42Who is he?
17:43He is the most feared man in this territory.
17:46What do you mean?
17:48When it comes to shooting, he's grease lightning.
17:51And he's supposed to head the most dangerous bunch of men in seven states.
17:56Does he trail with all of these?
17:58Oh, no.
18:00Pope Powers does his shooting in the open.
18:03He is one of the squarest fellas I ever came across.
18:07Sort of a Robin Hood, eh?
18:09Well, yes, sort of.
18:11That's him.
18:13How does he stand with Halsey?
18:15Oh, nobody seems to know.
18:17But everybody figures Halsey would give his right eye to see him hanging to a tree.
18:23Yeah? How come?
18:25First, as long as Poe is operating in the basin, Halsey can't have his own way.
18:31Second, Poe is in love with Halsey's wildcat sister, Mona.
18:39Then I suppose after Halsey cleans out the ranchers in this basin, he'll go gunning for Mr. Poe Powers.
18:45That seems to be the way the cards are stacked.
18:49Well, I better be drifting.
18:51How about we can get him a fresh start in the morning?
18:59You say the stranger spent the night at Steve's place?
19:03There was a light in the cabin and the fella's horse outside unsaddled.
19:08I got a hunch he's going to give us plenty of trouble.
19:11You should have plugged him when we first seen him.
19:13Oh, shut up. Plugging guys.
19:15Well, what do you want me to do?
19:17I don't want you to get too rough with this guy unless...
19:19Unless what?
19:23This is men's talking, Mona.
19:25Well, go right ahead. Your little sister's listening.
19:28Maybe I can help out with a bit of advice now and then.
19:31That's what I was saying.
19:33I don't want you to get too rough with this Bob Burke unless you have to.
19:36Maybe you better talk to me about him.
19:39What do you know about him?
19:40Plenty. Poe told me that...
19:43Have you been seeing Poe Power again?
19:45Easy if you know what's good for you.
19:47What do you mean?
19:48If I was a man, I'd slap you down this minute.
19:50And I will if you say another word against Poe.
19:52Mona, I don't want you to ever mention Poe Powers' name in this house again.
19:57Oh, yes?
19:58Well, there are plenty of places where I can talk about whom I please.
20:14We're going to have to keep our eyes open.
20:16I sure will.
20:18I've got a score to settle with that hombre.
20:20Me too.
20:21But no fancy work on those trigger fingers.
20:25Oh, all right.
20:37Don't forget what I told you.
20:38You take it easy with that arm.
20:39All right, Mr. Sawbones.
20:41And if you see the markings, give my best to them.
20:58Come on.
21:28Come on.
21:54What's the idea?
21:55Where are you heading for?
21:57That's my business.
21:58We happen to know you're heading for Martin's Ranch.
22:02If you know so much, why ask me?
22:04You've been told to clear out of this here basin, haven't you?
22:08Seems to me I did hear something like that.
22:11Well, are you going to get?
22:16No, I happen to like Apache Basin.
22:19So I've made up my mind to settle here.
22:21You'd better change your mind.
22:24I'll think it over.
22:36I don't know what your game is, but I'm warning you.
22:39From now on, stay out of my way.
22:41Mister, you're biting off a big chunk of trouble.
22:45I was raised on trouble.
22:47Now get and keep going.
23:23Nice work, cowboy.
23:25Put them up.
23:27Probably good enough for my brother Hank, but not good enough for me.
23:31Maybe I ought to apologize for my two stupid brothers letting you get by with it.
23:35But somebody in my family's got to be smart.
23:43I take it you're Mona Halsey.
23:45You guessed it right, stranger.
23:48My name's Bob Burke.
23:50What do you intend to do with me?
23:52Take you to my brother's ranch. He'll do the rest.
23:54And that'll be a plenty.
23:56Just so long as they don't put me to herding sheep.
23:59He'll have you doing worse than that before he's through.
24:02As long as you're going to be around, I guess I could put up with anything.
24:06That's enough talk. Get going.
24:10Don't shoot, Martin.
24:13I'm sorry, miss.
24:16I'm sorry, miss, but the girls with guns always did make me nervous.
24:20Why, you...
24:37Put up your gun, my friend.
24:40Well, that's a nice picture I see.
24:43I come to visit my lady love, and I find her in the arms of another.
24:47It's certainly not because I want to be.
24:49Well, if I thought you wanted to be, either you nor he would be alive now.
24:54You know, I like you, Bob Burke,
24:56since I see you can be stern with men and gentle with women.
25:02You nearly broke my wrist.
25:04I'm sorry. Have I hurt you, miss?
25:06I'm sorry. Have I hurt you, miss?
25:07Oh, pay no attention to it.
25:09Why, women often love to be hurt.
25:11Well, I like that.
25:13What are we going to do with this cowboy?
25:15Turn him loose.
25:18You're on your way to the Martin ranch, aren't you?
25:21Seems like everybody in this basin knows where I'm going every time I show myself.
25:26I want to have a little talk with you.
25:28Certainly. I'd be glad to.
25:30You see, my dear, our appointment will have to wait.
25:33I've got a lot of important things to talk over with our friend Bob.
25:37So he's more important than I am, huh?
25:40There's a little cabin nearby where we can talk in private.
26:16You're curious as to why I wanted to talk with you.
26:19Yes, I am.
26:23I've had you closely watched since you came here.
26:26It might save your life.
26:29You're trying to help a friend.
26:32You mean Tom Martin?
26:35He's the best friend I ever had.
26:38That is, if he's still alive.
26:40Don't worry. He is.
26:43You mean that?
26:44I do.
26:46Where is he?
26:49If I should tell you where he is, would you go to his rescue?
26:52Even though it meant your own death?
26:55Of course.
26:56Right. You're the man for me.
27:01If I tell you where Tom is, it'll be up to you to set him free.
27:06He's hidden in the Halsey ranch house.
27:09I don't know where.
27:12I'll find him.
27:14I want you to do something for me.
27:17The Halseys hate me and want to get rid of me.
27:20Looks like we're in the same boat.
27:22That's right.
27:24If you should learn when and how the Halseys decide to do away with me,
27:30let me know.
27:31Of course I will.
27:33And if any danger threatens you or the Martins,
27:36I'll protect you.
27:40I'm happy to have found a new friend.
28:00Hello, buddy.
28:10Hello, Bob.
28:11Where's your granddad?
28:13Here he comes now.
28:16Bob, I'm glad you're back.
28:18Oh, my.
28:19I've got some news for you, Jim.
28:21That's good news.
28:22It is. Tom's alive.
28:24Thank heaven.
28:25Luke Halsey's got him in his ranch house.
28:27And I'm gonna get him out if it's the last thing I do.
28:29Well, you'd be taking your life in your own hands.
28:32No, Bob.
28:33I'd rather sign my land over to Halsey and take a chance on him sending Tom back to me.
28:37What assurance would you have Halsey would do that?
28:41You're right.
28:42I haven't any.
28:43That's why I'm going after him.
28:51How are you, folks?
28:53I thought I told you to stay home and in bed for a week.
28:56Now you know I couldn't do that.
28:59If I'd stayed in my cabin a whole week, I'd dry up and blow away.
29:04You better be careful of that arm.
29:06You're liable to lose it.
29:08Get me a wooden arm.
29:10Then I can take it off and bounce Halsey on the bean with it any time.
29:16Anyhow, I've brought old Betsy along.
29:21And if Halsey and his gang try any shenanigans around here,
29:24they'll find a couple of old campaigners are waiting to show them what's what.
29:31The next time you see me, Tom will be along.
29:39You better send Buddy over to his Aunt Molly's until this trouble blows over.
29:42Aw, gee, I don't want to go.
29:44I'll miss the fighting.
30:01Where's he heading for?
30:04He's going to bring Tom back.
30:07Well, if anybody can do it, he can.
30:17All day on the prairies in the saddle I ride
30:30Not even a dog bores to trot by my side
30:36My fire I must kindle with chips gathered round
30:42And boil my own coffee without being drowned
30:48I wash in a pool and I wipe on a sack
30:54I carry my wardrobe all on my back
31:00For want of another I cook in a pot
31:07And sleep on the cloud for want of a cot
31:13My ceiling is the sky, my floor is the grass
31:19My music is the lowing of the heartless sleepers
31:33It's awfully sweet of you to come up here and visit me, Mona.
31:36Everything is so calm, peaceful.
31:40Yes, I feel that way too.
31:46I must be going home.
31:48Luke will bore me out for being so late.
31:53How long is it going to be before you tell Luke where he gets off?
31:57It's going to be very soon.
32:00I hope so.
33:30Did you get him?
33:51We did and then we didn't.
33:53What do you mean?
33:55He got away.
34:01Got away.
34:09You don't mean to tell me the two of you couldn't handle him.
34:16Then why didn't you run him out or bring him back here?
34:19Why Luke?
34:20Because your brothers got cold feet.
34:23I watched them handling a stranger.
34:25They were as clumsy as a couple of goats.
34:27I noticed you didn't do any better yourself.
34:30How come?
34:31Well, after he got through with Sam, I sneaked around and got him cornered.
34:36He was too fast for me too.
34:38Yeah, and then Poe Power...
34:40Never mind about Poe Power.
34:41Poe Power, was he interfering?
34:43No, he... well, he just happened along, that's all.
34:47Oh yeah?
34:48Well, we saw everything.
34:49He looked mighty suspicious to us.
34:51That's not true and you know it.
34:52Now stop it.
34:53Let's not have any quarrel.
34:58Mona, you go to your room.
35:00I'll talk to you later about Poe Power.
35:03A lot of good battle, do you?
35:13So Poe Power's buttoning our business, eh?
35:16Sure looks like it.
35:17Why, he and the stranger rode off together like they were brothers.
35:21Poe Power's got to be stopped for good, understand?
35:24You mean that...
35:25Yes, that's just what I mean.
35:43Well, it'll take more than just the two of us to get him.
35:51Figuring that him and that Bob Burke stranger are working together.
35:57But we'll ride down to Martins and settle them.
35:59Then we'll round up our bunch and go after Poe and his gang.
36:03That's what you think.
36:05Reach high and keep him that way.
36:10Drop it.
36:19Drop it.
36:42Take him in there and tie him up.
36:49Come on.
37:20He's tied up.
37:21Tied as a drum.
37:22He sure saved us a lot of trouble.
37:24We didn't even have to go after him.
37:26He won't interfere with us from now on.
37:30We'll launch him right on to Martins.
37:32Let's go.
37:44Where are you?
37:48Where are you?
37:50Where are you?
37:52I'm right here in the storeroom off the hall.
37:54They've got me hogtied and I can't move.
38:05I'm in the same fix.
38:07How's Dad and Buddy?
38:08All right so far.
38:10He hasn't signed the land over to Halsey?
38:15We gotta get out of here, Tom.
38:17Before it's too late.
38:18Yes, but how?
38:26There's someone coming.
38:37All done up like a Christmas package, huh?
38:40I see you found out...
38:42Yes, and I found out a few other things too.
38:45I'm listening.
38:47After they've wiped out the Martins, they're going gunning for powers.
38:50How'd you find that out?
38:51I heard them figuring it out, busted in on them.
38:53The only thing for you to do is to warn Poe and beat your brothers to the Martins' ranch.
38:57No, no, I can't do that.
38:59Why can't you?
39:00Because the guards outside, they'd kill the both of you.
39:02Never mind the guards.
39:03We'll take a chance on them.
39:07Poe's got to be warned.
39:09But they'll kill him.
39:10Sure they will if you don't turn us loose.
39:12I'll ride to Poe's camp.
39:13The guards won't stop me.
39:15Wait a minute.
39:40I guess we're sunk, Bob.
39:42Not yet.
39:43We've got to get out of here, Tom.
40:10I'm loose, Tom.
40:12I'll be with you in a minute.
40:29Get me out of here.
40:31Get me out of here.
40:33Get me out of here.
40:35Get me out of here.
40:37Get me out of here.
40:38Tom, get this loose.
41:08Come out the back way and get word of the sheriff.
41:21I'll hold them off till you make a getaway.
41:38Get me out of here.
42:08It's the Halsey gang.
42:34Get me out of here.
43:05Get me out of here.
43:06Get me out of here.
43:35Get me out of here.
43:36Get me out of here.
43:37Get me out of here.
43:38Get me out of here.
43:39Get me out of here.
43:40Get me out of here.
43:41Get me out of here.
43:42Get me out of here.
43:43Get me out of here.
43:44Get me out of here.
43:45Get me out of here.
43:46Get me out of here.
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43:58Get me out of here.
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44:00Get me out of here.
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44:58Get me out of here.
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45:01Get me out of here.
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45:15Get me out of here.
45:16Get me out of here.
45:17Get me out of here.
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49:24Get me out of here.
49:25Get me out of here.
49:26Get me out of here.
49:27Get me out of here.
49:28Get me out of here.
49:55Come on get.
50:08Good work by.
50:16The ringleader. I figure the rest of my car on the base of my boy around him up
50:21now seems if you didn't need me after all. I don't say you didn't I don't give me
50:27credit for doing this single handed.
50:33I had
50:39a little help.
50:57And whether you know it or not Paul works with us right along I sort of figured that.
51:02Say I've got some unfinished business with one of them going after Tom and body.
51:20One gets.