Not Rated | 26min | Adventure, Western, TV Series | Episode aired 30 September 1955
A young ranch hand nearly falls in with bad companions until Ricky is blinded from a fall sustained when fleeing the two men and needs his assistance.
Director: George Archainbaud
Writers: Eric Freiwald, Robert Schaefer
Stars: Champion, Barry Curtis, Jim Bannon
A young ranch hand nearly falls in with bad companions until Ricky is blinded from a fall sustained when fleeing the two men and needs his assistance.
Director: George Archainbaud
Writers: Eric Freiwald, Robert Schaefer
Stars: Champion, Barry Curtis, Jim Bannon
Short filmTranscript
00:00Champion the Wonder Horse, Champion the Wonder Horse.
00:11Like a streak of lightning flashing across the sky.
00:14Like a swiftest arrow whizzing from a bow.
00:18Like a mighty cannon ball he seems to fly.
00:22You'll hear about him everywhere you go.
00:25The time will come when everyone will know the name of Champion the Wonder Horse.
00:55Woof, woof, woof, woof.
00:59You won, Russell.
01:03There's the wild herd.
01:10And there's Champion.
01:20Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof.
01:31Rubble's feeling extra good.
01:33Because he beat me up the hill.
01:35Hey, what's the matter Champ? Did I forget you care?
01:41Won't be getting any more for a while.
01:43Uncle Sandy's going away on business for a sec.
01:45Me and Rubble will be staying at Colonel Fenton's.
01:48That's what we came out here for.
01:50To say goodbye.
01:52Hey, that's no way to act.
01:54You can ride me back to the ranch.
01:57Woof, woof.
02:00Come on, Champ. Let's show Rubble how a real race is read.
02:25Hi, Rubble. Where's that nephew of mine?
02:35Rubble, taking shortcuts isn't a very fair way of winning a race.
02:40I call it cheating.
02:42Don't be too hard on him, Ricky.
02:44Plenty of humans take shortcuts that aren't fair.
02:46But you always told me that honesty is the best policy.
02:50It certainly is.
02:51I hope you'll always remember it too, Ricky.
02:54Well, come on. Let's get started.
02:55Sure, Uncle Sandy.
02:58Go on, Champ. I'll see you in a couple of days.
03:06Well, it looks like Champ doesn't want to leave you, Ricky.
03:09Come on, Champ. I'll be back.
03:38Looks like your wet nursing job's about to start, kid.
03:41Lay off.
03:46Well, I thought you two would never get here.
03:50How are you, Ricky?
03:51Fine, thank you, Colonel.
03:52I'll have my grandson show you where you're going to bust.
03:55Oh, George!
03:56Better hop to it, kid. Grandpappy's calling.
04:00Yeah, jump through the loop.
04:01You'll probably be docked another five dollars.
04:10I'll ride into town with you and bring the rig back, Sandy.
04:13Thanks, Colonel.
04:14Hiya, Josh.
04:17Take Ricky over to the bunkhouse and show him where he beds down.
04:20Come on, kid.
04:24You stay out of trouble now, Ricky.
04:26I will, Uncle Sandy. Come on.
04:30What am I going to do with Josh, Sandy?
04:32He's been like that for weeks.
04:34Raising a boy's a tough job.
04:36I've done my best ever since his folks died.
04:38And until a few weeks passed, I thought I was on the right track.
04:41But now, nothing I do seems right.
04:44He resents everything I say.
04:46Well, he's at the years between, Colonel.
04:48He's not a boy any longer, yet he's not quite a man.
04:50He's kind of a crossroad.
04:53Yeah, I reckon you're right, Sandy.
04:56But what's got me worried is which trail he's going to take.
05:00Oh, he'll take the right one.
05:02You've just got to give him a little room to spread his wings.
05:05He's stubborn, like his grandpa.
05:11This is going to be swell.
05:13You get to sleep in the bunkhouse all the time?
05:15Yeah, I have to.
05:17The old man wants me to learn the cattle business the hard way.
05:20He even docks my pay when I make a mistake.
05:22You mean the Colonel?
05:25One of the wranglers can teach me a lot.
05:27And losing my pay will teach me even more.
05:29Well, you should be real proud of him.
05:31He's got about the richest bread in the valley.
05:33As far as I'm concerned, he can keep it.
05:35San Francisco sounds better to me.
05:37You going there?
05:39I might.
05:41It seems to me your grandpa's kind of dependent on you here at the ranch.
05:44Nobody depends on me, kid.
05:46I just take orders, do what I'm told.
05:49Oh, you wouldn't understand.
05:50You're just a kid.
05:57Want to help me mend some fence?
06:08That's a good looking animal.
06:10Sure is.
06:13He must have followed me over here.
06:19Let's go.
06:37Told you to go on back to the herd, champ.
06:39Guess you wanted to see where I was going.
06:44Is this your horse, kid?
06:45Well, not exactly.
06:47Nobody owns champ.
06:48He's a mustang.
06:49Leads a wild herd in the valley.
06:51Ricky here's the only one he'll let in his back.
06:53This kid?
06:54There never was a horse I couldn't ride.
06:56I wouldn't try it, mister.
06:57Josh is telling the truth.
07:01Well, watch this.
07:13Go on, champ!
07:14Go on!
07:21That horse is a killer.
07:22He is naughty, just like freedom.
07:24I tried to tell you.
07:25Thought you said there wasn't a horse living you couldn't ride, Bart.
07:28Maybe that's not true.
07:29Along with some of your other talk.
07:31I can do anything I said I could do.
07:33Including breaking that mustang.
07:35I'll show you.
07:43Do anything about our deal last night, kid?
07:45Hold it down.
07:46Ricky's inside.
07:47He might hear something.
07:48Sure, kid.
07:50You know, a deal like this won't wait forever.
07:52We can get a real buy on that Frisco gambling house if we act now.
07:56I know you told me.
07:57Your own business.
07:58Easy life, kid.
07:59And you've given the orders.
08:01Simple as turning the dial on the old man's safe.
08:04And robbing it.
08:06The money's gonna be yours someday anyhow, kid.
08:08What's the difference if you get it a little early?
08:10Being frank, I ain't gonna wait much longer.
08:16Opportunity knocks only once, kid.
08:18Remember that.
08:35What did he mean by that?
08:38Never mind.
08:39Come on, we got a lot of work to do before lunch.
08:53There they are, Frank.
08:58There's that mustang.
09:09You sure you can whistle like that, kid?
09:11Sure tries.
09:16Keep it up.
09:17He's coming this way.
09:22Stay here and keep calling him.
09:38Keep it up, kid.
10:09Let's take him to Old Corral.
10:10We'll show Josh he can re-road.
10:20Have some apples, boys.
10:22Our plan don't have blueberries, but I'm fresh out.
10:24Oh, I know where there's a whole pile of them.
10:26I'll get it.
10:27I'll get it.
10:28I'll get it.
10:29I'll get it.
10:30I'll get it.
10:31I'll get it.
10:32I'll get it.
10:33I'll get it.
10:34I'll get it.
10:35I'll get it.
10:36I'll get it.
10:37Oh, I know where there's a whole patch of wild berries.
10:39I'll get some for you tomorrow.
10:41That be right nice of you, son.
10:45How'd everything go this morning, Josh?
10:47Same as usual.
10:49No change.
10:51Looks like we're going to have a good year.
10:55I want to go to San Francisco, Colonel.
10:57If you lend me the money, I'll pay you back.
10:59Can't we talk about that some other time?
11:01I want to talk about it now.
11:03I'm not trying to hold you back, Josh,
11:05but you're not old enough to go out on your own
11:07to make a trip like that.
11:09All I'm old enough to do is take orders, is that it?
11:11Josh, do this.
11:13Josh, don't do that.
11:15I can't decide anything by myself.
11:18But you're still a boy, Josh.
11:20You've got to learn to take orders before you start giving them.
11:23When you understand that, then you'll be a man.
11:26I was in San Francisco once, Josh.
11:28With Uncle Sandy.
11:30It's lots nicer here.
11:31Stay out of this.
11:32Josh, don't you talk to our guests that way.
11:35No sense trying to explain how I feel.
11:37I know how you feel, son.
11:38I felt the same way when I was your age.
11:41But you've got to learn your business first.
11:43Become a good rancher.
11:44Then you've got plenty of years to see the country.
11:47I want to see it now,
11:48not when I'm falling apart with old age.
11:55But I...
11:56I need you here, Josh.
11:58Don't that mean nothing?
12:01You don't need me.
12:02You don't need anybody.
12:11He didn't mean what he said, girl.
12:14I'm only trying to do what's best for him.
12:17But somehow I...
12:19I just can't figure it.
12:22Maybe I'm making a mistake.
12:25Everything will turn out all right, sir.
12:27I sure hope you're right, boy.
12:40What's the matter, boy?
12:58Rebel, get the colonel, quick!
13:08Stop it! Leave him alone!
13:17I'll show this Mustang to his boss.
13:33Run, Jeff! Run!
13:39I'll break your neck!
13:40Leave that boy alone!
13:45You see what that kid did?
13:47I saw enough to know that I don't want you working for me.
13:49Now you pack your gear and get out of here, both of you.
13:52We didn't break no laws.
13:53That horse is wild.
13:54There's no law letting me know what you did was wrong.
13:56Now I want you off my ranch before sundown.
13:58Now, Jeff!
13:59Both of you, go on!
14:05It's all right now, son.
14:07Looks like we both got our troubles today.
14:10You with a wild horse and me with a wild boy.
14:27Where are you two going?
14:30And the money's going with us one way or another.
14:33What happened?
14:34The old man just fired us.
14:36Thinking time's over, Josh.
14:38Are we gonna get the money or are you?
14:41We gotta know now.
14:44All right, I'll get it.
14:47Well, I have to wait till he leaves the ranch.
14:49That'll be tomorrow afternoon when he goes to town to pick up Ricky's uncle.
14:52We'll meet you in the old abandoned mine in Sundown Canyon.
14:56What time does the old man go to town?
14:58Oh, around 2.30.
14:59Then you'd better show.
15:01I'll be there.
15:02We'll give you till 3.30.
15:04If you're not there by then, we'll be back to get the money ourselves.
15:07Well, I don't want anybody getting hurt.
15:09Nobody'll get hurt.
15:10As long as you show up to me.
15:22Harry's up there.
15:23Come on!
15:27Come on!
15:38I still don't think Josh will go through with it.
15:40Oh, quit worrying.
15:41If he doesn't steal the money, we will.
15:43I mean, it's easier this way.
15:45Lessen the clearance.
15:46Yeah, I guess you're right.
15:48Yeah, I'd like to see the colonel's face when he gets back and finds all that money gone.
15:52Yeah, and Josh along with it.
15:56He heard us.
16:26He won't be telling nobody nothing.
16:56I can't see!
17:12I can't see!
17:19I can't see!
17:23Where are you, boy?
17:53Woof, woof, woof, woof!
18:20Over here!
18:25Good boy, Ribble!
18:27That's my champ!
18:31I'm blind, champ!
18:33I can't see!
18:36Woof, woof, woof, woof!
18:51Champ, we've got to stop Josh!
19:05I'm going to pick up Sandy and be right back.
19:08You take care of things while I'm gone, huh?
19:10Sure, Colonel.
19:20Ricky, what happened?
19:22I fell!
19:23Oh, you hurt bad?
19:25I hit my head!
19:27I can't see!
19:35Stay with her. Do what you can. I'll get the doctor and Sandy.
20:05Woof, woof, woof, woof!
20:24Don't do it, Josh!
20:26Don't do what?
20:27I heard those two men say they were going to take the Colonel's money.
20:31I started to run.
20:34That's when I fell.
20:36If you knew, how come you didn't tell the Colonel?
20:40He trusts you, Josh.
20:43So do I.
20:45I knew you wouldn't go through with it.
20:48The Colonel needs you.
20:51You said so.
20:55You said you never got to make a decision.
20:59Didn't you?
21:04Well, you can make one.
21:15Everything's going to be all right, boy. Ricky's going to be okay.
21:31All right, I guess. But those men, Josh.
21:34They'll be coming back here.
21:36What are you going to do?
21:38Nothing they can do, kid.
21:42Get the safe open, Josh.
21:44I won't do it.
21:45We made a deal, remember?
21:47The deal's off.
21:49I was a fool ever listening to your talk.
21:51You'll be a dead one if you don't do what we say.
21:53I'm giving the orders now.
21:55It took Ricky here to keep me from making one of the biggest mistakes of my life.
21:58Now get out of here!
21:59Not without the money.
22:20I've got no time for games, Josh. Open the safe.
22:22Don't, Josh!
22:29Come on.
23:00I think it would be better for the boy if I saw him alone.
23:03You can do more good going after that runaway cowboy.
23:35What's going on, champ?
23:39Good boy.
23:42All right, get going.
24:00How is he, Doc?
24:02The boy had a bad fall, Sandy.
24:04The blindness is caused by retinal contusion, but...
24:08it's not too serious.
24:10As soon as the retinal swelling goes down, he'll see again fine.
24:13How long will that be?
24:15Oh, four or five days. Weak at the most.
24:17He's resting now.
24:19When he wakes up, I suggest you take him home.
24:26I'll be glad to help you, Sandy.
24:28Thanks, Josh.
24:50I'm all right, Rebel.
24:51Thanks to you and champ.
24:54So are you, aren't you, Josh?
24:56You bet I am, Ricky.
24:57And me and the colonel's going to San Francisco together.
25:00Yes, sir.
25:01For two whole weeks, soon as Roundup's over.
25:04Gee, that's swell.
25:08Want to race again, huh, Rebel?
25:10Okay, but no more shortcuts.
25:12Come on, champ.